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SOTO Episode 10: Treachery, skills bar disappears, unable to complete episode?

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On 9/26/2023 at 9:13 PM, monte cristo.1349 said:

YES!  I just tried it 3 times and it happened every time once Peitha arrives - the skills bar disappears and it is impossible to get him below 75% health.  I reported the bug.  Anyone else who has this issue, please report it too.  I tried both watching and skipping the cutscene but the result was the same - skills bar disappears and can't continue the fight below 75%.

By the way, I did not have this issue any time I did the episode before today's update.

Any news about fixing this problem? I would really like to finish this quest 

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1 hour ago, Pinky.1859 said:

Any news about fixing this problem? I would really like to finish this quest 

You can. It's just maybe a little more challenging.

I've just finished it on a Renegade despite the bug. You simply can't see your skills bar . All your skills are still there, so you can still use everything, but you can't see things like your health, or the fact that you've (say) accidentally swapped weapons or legend (I use a gaming mouse, and I'm quite good at hitting the wrong button at the best of times; both happened several times before the fight was over - it took me a while the first time I was in the wrong legend to realise what I'd done).

Crucially, you ALSO can't see that at several points in the fight, you have a special action available. It's blindingly obvious when to use it once you know it may be there - but it's impossible to progress the episode without using it.

(I didn't rely on memory for what skills were where, because I play way too many different classes, and I didn't trust it. I had a screen grab of the bar up on another monitor just in case I got totally confused. Which, in the end, I didn't - except when I swapped legend without realising.)

Edited by Doghouse.1562
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Just happened to me too. I could live without the skill bars, since it was on my easily memorized mech, but no health bar makes it a bit of a bear.

Thanks for the tip as well on the special skill, since it disappeared before I could even see it come up and didn't realize there even was one during the fight. Made it kinda interesting though trying to remember what I'd mapped it to. **Flames, dodge, open options, more flames, dodge again, hope I still have some health left, click keybind list, scroll until I'd found it, dodge**

Sheesh, this needs fixing pronto, Anet.

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I do not remember having issues with my first character running through the story, but to day, my second one did, as described by the OP. I managed to figure it out on my own and managed to finish the fight UI-blind. The worst was when I was supposed to take the portal back to the Wizard's Tower. No way to interact with the portal. I had to log out and then back in, then use the WT Teleportation Scrool. There was fortunately a green swirl within the WT where I could pick up the mission where it stopped.

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I had this happen to me too.  skills/utilites/health all gone.  but i found i could still fight.  you can still press skill/utility keys they still work, you just no longer know if they are off cooldown until you try them.  you don't know your health, but Peitha will try to rez you if you get downed.  the biggest thing that got me was i got to the 75% stage when Cerus gets impenentrable defense buff,  i ended up using wiki and found i had to use special action key.  that worked.  I did get the fight done from the 75% point with no knowledge of skills/utilities availability nor what my health was at any time.

It is possible to still complete the story step.

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Had the same issue and sent a bug report. I could complete anyway, I started spamming the special action key after being stuck at 75% for quite a while. I read here that there is a sound cue, didn't notice that but I have sound on low usually. Quite annoying though.

It doesn't happen to everyone, I asked around in the guild, the majority of people could complete this just the way they were supposed to.

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idk this whole game has so many game braeking bugs, its demotivating to play it. literally every story instantwhen i played it was at some point buged. anet has to improve a lot here. realesing an addon that is nearly unplayable because of that kitten...

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1 hour ago, Tanek.5983 said:

A fix has landed! (I have not yet tested it, but hopefully it works.)


I saw a small patch this morning when I logged in... but came here to see what it was, before wasting more time on the story.  I will give it a go and see.

Where is that post from?  The game notes on the launch screen rarely get updated. 😎

Edited by Tukaram.8256
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13 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Where is that post from?  The game notes on the launch screen rarely get updated. 😎

Between major patches, the updates and fixes get added to the main patch notes thread in this forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/6-game-update-notes/. (In this case, the post from the 26th.)
I keep a watch on the thread after patch day so I get an alert when it has a new post.

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