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Anet Needs to Capitalize on PvP Before it's Too Late. Other Games Being Developed Will Kill This Mode Once Released.


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The biggest red pill we have to accept is that this mode is secondary and not at all the focus for this game. 

Obviously this is Anet and Ncsoft's game and they can do whatever they want, but we've gotten barely anything in the more than decade since release (Other than occasional balance patches).

This game's combat is the one thing keeping this mode alive and we all know it. Like literally if Smite added a dodge bar than this game could finally be put under the ground lol.

Anet needs to capitalize on pvp before it's too late. This game's engine is showing massive chinks in the armor, and the lack of serviceable new pvp modes is making players get bored and fatigued way too soon.

The Riot MMO is only 2-3 years away, and other games that aren't even MMO's could have the combat that serves the pvp niche we've been waiting for. Except they'll be actually giving pvp new content and updates.

All it takes is one game to have the same standard of combat with actual dev support, and this whole mode becomes even more of a ghost town. 

ANET needs to give this mode attention before its too late.

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I just returned to GW2 to try PvP and its possibly the worst PvP experience I've had in an MMO. WoW managed to fix Paladin in a month but GW2's PvP got really worse over the years. Now I'm getting stunned for 5 - 10 seconds, not being able to move from 1 spot and each time I move I get damaged. It's ridiculous. The best PvP was at launch where Power Survival Ranger and Radiant Greatsword Guardian were fun. Now they get knocked out instantly.

Edited by Kera.3982
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You are missing a critical part of the equation man. Every single PvP game out there is already better than GW2 and they boast a player count GW2 could only see in its wet dreams with no risk of dying anytime soon. Do you think I log in to gw2 to play PvP because it is best here? No. I log in to League of Legends, Dota, CS:GO or some other game. Hell... Even fighting games which are an insanely niche genre even when compared to MMO's has more players than GW2 PvP. People dont play MMO's for pvp.

The one of the very few advantageous parts of MMORPG's is the sense of community. What differentiates LoL from GW2 is that they are not a community. A community is born out of 5 people for each game that will last only 30-40 minutes. In GW2 you hop in to play PvP with the faces you know and play while talking to the faces you know. MMO PVP is your good ol' town tavern brawl.

You can do that in other games as well, sure, and they do... Im sorry man. GW2 cant hold player retention in that regard. The same people you play the PVP with each game probably all play one or more of these games mentioned above anyway. GW2 isnt losing players to any other PVP game out there because it was never in the war. They share a playerbase instead. Even rivals in same genre like LOL and DOTA2 doesnt really lose player to each other in significant numbers. Their unique gameplay, culture and "community" hold them together itself. You gotta ask yourself then.

Why are these people here instead of there at this very moment?

Casual experience and community.

Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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15 minutes ago, oujiboardspamname.1932 said:

Bro I went from spending all my game time on gw2 pvp to none of it on gw2 pvp. Anet has already lost this battle and they've long since accepted it. 

Mine as well. Very true. Its very clear that they simply dont care for the PVP/WVW part of this game. They probably cant afford to care as it would require constant attention of devs to keep things competitive which is where dedicated PVP games excel at and where MMO's lose the war. But even if they did back in the day when competitive scene was a thing as a MMO the GW2 wouldnt become as hot as people think it would compared to dedicated PVP games.

Goal of MMO's is to tip their toes in every genre within the same game while hooking the player with various strategies like sunk cost fallacy, sense of community and accomplishment and whatnot so players stay in the game and spend money. If ANET wanted it they could easily implement a fully functionable collectible card game inside gw2. Collectible part of it would play wonderfully as well. You could get some of the cards from boosters purchased from venders, gemstore and some special cards unique to various events like Dragon Stand etc. No other game can do that because you dont go to pizza store and order a kebab. MMO's are advantageous in that sense. They can get away with it but they wont. They cant spare the resources for its constant need of attention for balance and designing. There are others games that do it better like MTG, pointless to compete. Same with PVP. This form of PVP/WVW is what we are going to get and if they die... they die. ANET cant afford/couldnt care less.

Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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They buried this mode, we're already close to the games end cycle they probably just internally agreed this mode is too toxic and stressful for the casual people and it probably makes people quit the game, so it's best not to promote PvP and just throw them a dog bone balance once in a while

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10 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

So... Gigantic.
A game that died a miserable death and probably roughly zero people here played.

🙂🖐️ooo me, I played SMITE
Its ok but Paladins and Rogue Company are the better Hi-Rez games. @gmmg.9210You should treat yourself if you haven't already.

31 minutes ago, magickthief.6492 said:

They may be able to fix the game, but they can't fix the community.

Fix the game and the community will follow, I guarantee you. Lot of talk about casual and competitive players here and which group Arenanet should and shouldn't appeal to, but shouldn't the answer always be both?

Right now they're mixed together in ranked, because there's hardly any purpose to unranked. The competitive crowd will naturally be drawn to ranked because that's where you compete and attempt to climb the competitive ladder, but our genius benefactors decided to make ranked the only mode that offers any kind of substantive reward, meaning the majority of casuals will go there too.

And the casuals aren't going into ranked to climb like the competitives, they're just there for leggies and rewards, yet they're forced to interact with competitives creating a conflict of interests. There's going to be hella toxicity between both sides as they pull in opposite directions.

Unranked needs to be filled up with ranked's rewards. Should be able to earn pips, reward chests, and some ranked achievements there.

And ranked needs to be purged of casual-friendly features like duoq and getting rewarded for contributing absolutely nothing and just for being there.

These simple changes would help to humble both sides and deliver us from this iniquity.

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19 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

🙂🖐️ooo me, I played SMITE
Its ok but Paladins and Rogue Company are the better Hi-Rez games. @gmmg.9210You should treat yourself if you haven't already.

Fix the game and the community will follow, I guarantee you. Lot of talk about casual and competitive players here and which group Arenanet should and shouldn't appeal to, but shouldn't the answer always be both?

Right now they're mixed together in ranked, because there's hardly any purpose to unranked. The competitive crowd will naturally be drawn to ranked because that's where you compete and attempt to climb the competitive ladder, but our genius benefactors decided to make ranked the only mode that offers any kind of substantive reward, meaning the majority of casuals will go there too.

And the casuals aren't going into ranked to climb like the competitives, they're just there for leggies and rewards, yet they're forced to interact with competitives creating a conflict of interests. There's going to be hella toxicity between both sides as they pull in opposite directions.

Unranked needs to be filled up with ranked's rewards. Should be able to earn pips, reward chests, and some ranked achievements there.

And ranked needs to be purged of casual-friendly features like duoq and getting rewarded for contributing absolutely nothing and just for being there.

These simple changes would help to humble both sides and deliver us from this iniquity.

How often do we see calls for nerfs? Then, on the other hand, how often do we have rational discussions of how the "OP" class can be handled, and with what, that doesn't involve deleting abilities, traits, or equipment options?

Do you believe eliminating one form of gaming the system won't give rise to another? Personally, I rarely see anything other that virtuous bias for our own mains while bashing of others that give us the most problems. Somehow there are words like scum and trash and vulgar words for inept depending on clas choice and fotm following.

Even if they remove duo q, what would that do to solve the above?

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13 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

This game's combat is the one thing keeping this mode alive and we all know it. Like literally if Smite added a dodge bar than this game could finally be put under the ground lol.

You're first mistake is assuming PvP is keeping this game alive. It's not. It's literally the casual players that just shove money at the gem store. PvP was never funding this game no matter how many times people say it.

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1 hour ago, magickthief.6492 said:

How often do we see calls for nerfs? Then, on the other hand, how often do we have rational discussions of how the "OP" class can be handled, and with what, that doesn't involve deleting abilities, traits, or equipment options?

That's their problem is trying to rationalize with the irrational. Best thing you can do is ignore all of that. Balance is highly subjective and personal, therefore people will always be passionate and heated over it. In every game, not just gw2. Arguing over balance is a trap that plenty fall into and get stuck in but its their own fault.

1 hour ago, magickthief.6492 said:

Do you believe eliminating one form of gaming the system won't give rise to another?

Even if they remove duo q, what would that do to solve the above?

Yes, because duoq is objectively unbalanced for 5v5. 2 people versus 1 person is an objective, tangible advantage over other players whereas professional balance is highly subjective and there's no real way for people to prove that they lost because X class is overpowered.

They can claim they lost because something is too op; that might be true to them, but that isn't objective reality. That's a lesson the entire modern world could stand to learn really.

1 hour ago, magickthief.6492 said:

Personally, I rarely see anything other that virtuous bias for our own mains while bashing of others that give us the most problems. Somehow there are words like scum and trash and vulgar words for inept depending on clas choice and fotm following.

You right on that, there's a lot of senseless hate there, but given the subjective nature of profession balance there isn't really a way to just remove those thoughts from people's heads.

But objective, divisive concepts like duoq and freebie rewards aren't people, and there's real solutions for them that could benefit everyone instead of creating winners and losers and perpetuating the negativity.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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7 hours ago, magickthief.6492 said:

Personally, I rarely see anything other that virtuous bias for our own mains while bashing of others that give us the most problems.

Which you consistently contribute to man. I know you used "our" but just making sure... Its easy to complain about "whining community" when you are at the comfortable end of the problem.

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15 minutes ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

Which you consistently contribute to man. I know you used "our" but just making sure... Its easy to complain about "whining community" when you are at the comfortable end of the problem.

I guess you will have to dig, but I'm not in the same boat as this confuse happy lot of terribads.

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1 hour ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

Which you consistently contribute to man. I know you used "our" but just making sure... Its easy to complain about "whining community" when you are at the comfortable end of the problem.

@magickthief.6492 - most sane pvp player

1 hour ago, magickthief.6492 said:

I guess you will have to dig, but I'm not in the same boat as this confuse happy lot of terribads.

Just look at that. 100% true and immaculate. 😂

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10 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

🙂🖐️ooo me, I played SMITE
Its ok but Paladins and Rogue Company are the better Hi-Rez games. @gmmg.9210You should treat yourself if you haven't already.

Fix the game and the community will follow, I guarantee you. Lot of talk about casual and competitive players here and which group Arenanet should and shouldn't appeal to, but shouldn't the answer always be both?

Right now they're mixed together in ranked, because there's hardly any purpose to unranked. The competitive crowd will naturally be drawn to ranked because that's where you compete and attempt to climb the competitive ladder, but our genius benefactors decided to make ranked the only mode that offers any kind of substantive reward, meaning the majority of casuals will go there too.

And the casuals aren't going into ranked to climb like the competitives, they're just there for leggies and rewards, yet they're forced to interact with competitives creating a conflict of interests. There's going to be hella toxicity between both sides as they pull in opposite directions.

Unranked needs to be filled up with ranked's rewards. Should be able to earn pips, reward chests, and some ranked achievements there.

And ranked needs to be purged of casual-friendly features like duoq and getting rewarded for contributing absolutely nothing and just for being there.

These simple changes would help to humble both sides and deliver us from this iniquity.


I like how you phrase that

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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


I like how you phrase that

Your faith is beautiful and inspiring 🙏

I think it stands to reason that if people are left playing a game they can enjoy, they'll be a lot warmer and generally more welcoming towards other people playing it with.

Like if someone gets snippy its usually cause they're having a bad day, but pvp players have been having a bad day for a LONG time. We're beyond jaded, and we need a spiritual W.

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