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Oct 17 nerf :(


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  • Mist Swing: Reduced the maximum number of targets from 5 to 3.
  • Mist Slash: Reduced the maximum number of targets from 5 to 3.
  • Arcing Mists: Reduced the maximum number of targets from 5 to 3.
  • True Strike: Reduced the power coefficient per block stack from 0.3 to 0.05 in WvW only.  RIP greatsword anet really wants rev to not use it anymore.
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Hahah, more GS nerfs, fascinating.

Out of nowhere True Strike got deleted from WvW, which is odd since most revenants were instead already running kittenous condition Celestial builds for small scale and for blobs warriors have been way better at killing and bursting down a large number of players from much longer ranges.

Game design is indeed hard, poor company with no money.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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29 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

It makes sense, all other greatsword auto-chains hit up to 3 targets.

Warrior with no buffs, full berserkers' stats do 974, 1278, 1826. (total 4078)
Revenant with no buffs, full berserkers' stats do 816, 933, 1399. (total 3148)

Both classes apply Vulnerability, except warrior does 24% more damage. 


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2 minutes ago, Jekt.1780 said:

Warrior with no buffs, full berserkers' stats do 974, 1278, 1826. (total 4078)
Revenant with no buffs, full berserkers' stats do 816, 933, 1399. (total 3148)

Both classes apply Vulnerability, except warrior does 24% more damage. 


And Warrior numbers are already bad. 

Pray for a dmg buff next balance patch. 

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What we do on this forum is judge the worth of the weapon by its autoattack chain! AND WE'RE RIGHT!

Wait... Are we? 🤔

Golem benchmark pal here completely overlooked my criticism of the True Strike nerf.

Is this all you come here for? To spam confuse emojis every time revenant is criticized for mediocre design decisions?

Edited by Sereath.1428
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3 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

it is mostly, the random changes with no thought in it

The probably thought behind this change: use skills instead of relying on autoattack chain.

1 minute ago, Sereath.1428 said:

Golem benchmark pal here completely overlooked my criticism of the True Strike nerf.

Is this all you come here for? To spam confuse emojis every time revenants is criticized for kitten design decisions?  

Bad guess, keep trying.
Most responses in this thread are talking about aa chain and those are the posts I'm commenting on. 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The probably thought behind this change: use skills instead of relying on autoattack chain.

Bad guess, keep trying.
Most responses in this thread are talking about aa chain and those are the posts I'm commenting on. 🤦‍♂️

yes it is a random change with no thought in. Since the non auto attack abilities didn't get buffed in exchange for this nerf. So yes they don't think through their "balancing" and you neither writing this

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Just now, arazoth.7290 said:

yes it is a random change with no thought in. Since the non auto attack abilities didn't get buffed in exchange for this nerf. So yes they don't think through their "balancing" and you neither writing this

Why would they need to be buffed in exchange? If anet thinks the weapon doesn't need to be stronger than it is, there's no reason to say they should have "buffed something in exchange" in the first place.

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6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Why would they need to be buffed in exchange? If anet thinks the weapon doesn't need to be stronger than it is, there's no reason to say they should have "buffed something in exchange" in the first place.

My problem is that they are so keen to nerfing viable options (in every patch, literally...), while there are many bugs and outdated skills/weapons/traits that I would like to see fixed.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Why would they need to be buffed in exchange? If anet thinks the weapon doesn't need to be stronger than it is, there's no reason to say they should have "buffed something in exchange" in the first place.

arenanet thinks more then 50% of the time wrong in their balancing. What you do is blindly agree and nod yes I needed to be nerfed. Greatsword isn't doing that much of an amount on their abilties compared to others, so the auto attack aoe nerf is effecting the total damage of aoe. This should be compensated back on the active greatsword weapon skills, but they didn't. From that comment alone" If anet thinks the weapon doesn't need to be stronger than it is, there's no reason to say they should have "buffed something in exchange" " you would agree kalla being in most circumstances being bad is justified. And I say this since you mindlessly agree with every change they make, without putting any thought in. If you want now to disagree otherwise, reread your own statement how you will contradict yourself 

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17 minutes ago, Susi Musi.2964 said:

My problem is that they are so keen to nerfing viable options (in every patch, literally...), while there are many bugs and outdated skills/weapons/traits that I would like to see fixed.

Sure, me too and I even said in the past that I'd rather see bug fixes and updates to existing skills/traits than a new weapon/class/spec/whatever. But existence of bugs doesn't change anything about the balance passes and how people try to use "lowest AA coefficient out of greatswords!" as if that actually means anything.


17 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

arenanet thinks more then 50% of the time wrong in their balancing. What you do is blindly agree and nod yes I needed to be nerfed.

That's not what I said at all, maybe you should stop being so defensive about nerfs to the class to the point where you simply see someone not hopping on the bangwagon with you and conclude they're somehow blindly agreeing with any nerf anet dishes out, because that's not true.
Of course autoattack does affect aoe damage -anything that deals aoe damage is affecting it, that was never the question. The question is why are some people consistently trying to pick single part of the weapon (aa chain coefficient) and by that alone somehow conclude whether or not something's good, playable or in need of buff/nerf. Because that's exactly what people here do.

17 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

This should be compensated back on the active greatsword weapon skills, but they didn't.

Ok, why exactly do you think it should be compensated on the other skills? Which ones and how much?
Because notice how the only thing about it that's in this thread for now is "look at other greatswords' aa chain coefficients!" -and that is not a valid reason for anything you said here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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11 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Sure, me too and I even said in the past that I'd rather see bug fixes and updates to existing skills/traits than a new weapon/class/spec/whatever. But existence of bugs doesn't change anything about the balance passes and how people try to use "lowest AA coefficient out of greatswords!" as if that actually means anything.

That's not what I said at all, maybe you should stop being so defensive about nerfs to the class to the point where you simply see someone not hopping on the bangwagon with you and conclude they're somehow blindly agreeing with any nerf anet dishes out, because that's not true.
Of course autoattack does affect aoe damage -anything that deals aoe damage is affecting it, that was never the question. The question is why are some people consistently trying to pick single part of the weapon (aa chain coefficient) and by that alone somehow conclude whether or not something's good, playable or in need of buff/nerf. Because that's exactly what people here do.

Ok, why exactly do you think it should be compensated on the other skills? Which ones and how much?

Like I thought you would do, you contradicted yourself on this now " If anet thinks the weapon doesn't need to be stronger than it is, there's no reason to say they should have "buffed something in exchange" ".

And I am not in the mood to think about which should be compensated and by how much. Since it also doesn't matter, they don't even read it.

Also I have no problem with people having other opinions and if they explain why they think. Which you didn't explain, you just agree without thought and you can't discuss why, which is clear

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Like I thought you would do, you contradicted yourself on this now " If anet thinks the weapon doesn't need to be stronger than it is, there's no reason to say they should have "buffed something in exchange" ".

What? At what point did I contradict myself in any way? Quote the exact part/s or stop repeating this nonsense.

1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

And I am not in the mood to think about which should be compensated and by how much.

Of course you're not. Because just typing whatever unsubstantiated generalizations (or weirdly attempting to compare weapons/skillsets by repeating "just look at greatswords' AA coefficients!!") is where it's at here.

1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Also I have no problem with people having other opinions and if they explain why they think. Which you didn't explain, you just agree without thought and you can't discuss why, which is clear

Yes, I did explain exactly what I mean while you just opted out for pretending I said something I did not right before you ended up (in the post above) admitting you don't even have any reason or scale of potential "compensations" because you're not in the mood. If you're not in the mood of having these, you're not in place to -apparently blindly- decide anything "deserves compensation".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

It makes sense, all other greatsword auto-chains hit up to 3 targets.

   So let me recap:

   EoD was released with the single focus to provide power Revenant with power AoE damage, since swords are crap at dealing dps to multiple targets, and that was the whole maining of introducing the greatsword. Also, pre-EoD Herald and Renegade were conveniently nerfed to ensure Vindi power creep and grant sales.

   Then, after a few montsh of rollercoaster radom changes and once proved EoD no longer will push sales ANet stablish that Herald in instanced content will provide quickness, Renegade alacrity and Vindicator (bad) dps. Later SotO powercreeps and they start to nerf the shared weapons instead of the specific traitline synergies.

   Finally, the AoE power weapon (greatsword) gets gets "decleaved", so no longer brings anything special to the profession.

   ...I'm so done with this game.


   Also, your argument makes no sense since greatsword in other professions have different qualities, and in every other case it brings a cc (including for Mesmer)  whreres Rev's greatsword has none. So there's no burning nail of "logic" to cling on to justify the nerfs. Even worse: the changes aren't solely limited to PvE but to all game modes. which includes PvP at which Rev has been dead for year and lalf.


   Anyway:  only reinforces my feelings about power Rev for the last half year: power is crap. There's no single reason to run a Revenant with power stats in PvE, and hammer, shield, staff, swords and now greatsword are just garbage. If you want a power spec for PvE just run Bladesworn. If don't, just stick to cele Vindi/cele Mirage or any other cele fravour of your taste.

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1 hour ago, Buran.3796 said:

Anyway:  only reinforces my feelings about power Rev for the last half year: power is crap. There's no single reason to run a Revenant with power stats in PvE, and hammer, shield, staff, swords and now greatsword are just garbage. If you want a power spec for PvE just run Bladesworn. If don't, just stick to cele Vindi/cele Mirage or any other cele fravour of your taste.

I agree with the rest of your post, but you might want to add clarification about which part of PvE you're speaking about. Vindicator currently is tied with Catalyst and Berserker at 43k, making it one of the three highest damaging specs in the game right now. Bladesworn is 40k. Power Rev is certainly not "crap," especially when considering the content it's best at (instanced content)

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