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Can't Defend Structures because...


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A couple of guilds on my server will not fight and have told all the players do not defend because they are scared to fight MAGUUMA. They have been working for months now to not fight Maguuma and now nobody wants to defend anything. Even though you can actually have good fights defending structures and actually playing the game mode. So, I log in to try to find some action and GUESS WHAT? CANT FIGHT CAUSE guilds are actually scared to fight Maguuma server. 

NO FUN TIME or GOOD FIGHTS, can I get a free transfer off BG?

Anet can you help the players that want to play the game and defend??

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22 minutes ago, EyeGore.9254 said:

NO FUN TIME or GOOD FIGHTS, can I get a free transfer off BG?

Transfers doesnt help, I tried it alot but every servers got the same problem, they stop fighting to not get in higher tiers. That is a very annoying situation for those  who just want to play the game, you know, fight to defend and to attack objective.

I'm in T1 atm and many of our players whine since 2 weeks because they hate T1 and Magumma especially. Personally, whatever the tier I play my game but at some point, when nobody cares, it is quite discouraging to try anything and this fantastic game become dead and boring.

Edited by manu.7539
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I've heard this boring excuse before but I just don't see it. They have loads of pugs, so just because they don't have any organized guilds to fight against, does that mean that no guilds should try to fight against Maguuma? They seem to defend the keeps and SMC. Or is it that most guilds can't deal with Maguuma pugs because they need the boon ball carry model and without a guard in every group THEY CAN'T COMPETE against the Maguuma pugs? Maybe they don't know how to condi cleanse without a dedicated cleanser. Is that it?


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Yeah, the borderlands have very intermittent action these days. There are call outs with multiple zergs ready to fight over structures but nobody wants to come defend cause they are afraid to raise the PPT because they might fight Maguuma.


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I hear what you are saying, but, WHEN Maguuma has a zerg, the so-called fight guilds on BG won't come out to fight the Maguuma pugs unless they are comped up. With guards in every sub and they absolutely just flee to other maps unless they have the boon carry model rolling. So, is this a boon problem or just a skill problem for the BG guilds?

Maguuma playstyle IS part of the game, they are just pugs. It is truly pathetic to see so called FIGHT GUILDS, ducking a PUG server. It's like wow. 

From what I see from the so-called fight guild on BG is that they aren't that good. They get wiped they call for MOAR GUARDS. Then IF they get them and still get wiped, they blame the pugs and run away to the boderlands and then guess what happens once they do get rid of most of the pugs, THEN STILL WIPE. 

So, I'm confused, if they are fighting guild but they lose fights most of time and they can't beat pugs on Maguuma then /shrug.... what's the deal? 

Can't fight without guards, but then sometimes can fight as long as other guild isn't comped. Then says bored they are bored and doesn't want to fight Maguuma. To me that says that the so called fight guild is scared and or lacks skill to dominate T1 and is just making excuses. Maybe they just need more guards. /shrug. or maybe just more BOONS.

But seriously are there guilds/servers even left in this game that can deal with and want to fight Maguuma?

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What does "blob" mean in the context of wvw and how is it different from "clouding"? I presume neither of these things are the dreaded "boon ball" but I don't understand what is meant by blob and cloud (or if these terms mean the same thing).

Edited by Kuya.6495
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Our previous link was with BG and we matched against Mag most weeks. I'm sure it was a time zone perspective, but Mag didn't seem to have as many people as they used to. Those were still fun fights and you're not going to get that semi consistently in a lot of matchups. There was a lot more siege outside of SM than I remember from them though. 

You should be able to knock out dailies and weeklies if you bounce before a full response. Maybe I didn't catch it, but I don't remember BG guilds trying to tank when we were there. It felt like they responded to stuff and were able to handle most of it. I don't know who your link is now though or what time of day they're moving.

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39 minutes ago, EyeGore.9254 said:

I've heard this boring excuse before but I just don't see it. They have loads of pugs, so just because they don't have any organized guilds to fight against, does that mean that no guilds should try to fight against Maguuma? They seem to defend the keeps and SMC. Or is it that most guilds can't deal with Maguuma pugs because they need the boon ball carry model and without a guard in every group THEY CAN'T COMPETE against the Maguuma pugs? Maybe they don't know how to condi cleanse without a dedicated cleanser. Is that it?


They can't fight outside their boonblob so when their blobmander logs off so does everyone with that tag and bam easy picking because those servers cannot function without a tag telling them what to do.

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Just now, Kuya.6495 said:

What does "blob" mean in the context of wvw and how is it different from "clouding"? I presume neither of these things are the dreaded "boon ball" but I don't understand what is meant by blob and cloud (or if this is the same thing).

Blob is an organized cloud; blobs are tight around a tag, and clouds are not.

Blobs usually run boonball but can just be a huge mass of players (see: VIP).  

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3 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Blob is an organized cloud; blobs are tight around a tag, and clouds are not.

Blobs usually run boonball but can just be a huge mass of players (see: VIP).  



Then I'm even more confused about people accusing/complaining  maguuma of blobbing but also clouding. 🤷‍♂️

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Just now, Kuya.6495 said:



Then I'm even more confused about people accusing/complaining maguuma of blobbing but also clouding. 🤷‍♂️

Mag tends to cloud around SMC so they can go in it at will, and also tends to blob around on various borderlands off-hours (also historically known as k-training); it all depends on who the link is usually, because I don't think Mag itself blobs, but its link will.  

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Hmm, it is funny how people talk about how much they hate t1, but then they go ahead and blob the kitten out of lower tiers just as hard as t1 servers do, resulting them in being sent back to T1. People cry about being spawn camped and blobbed down yet engage in the same behavior when given the chance so it is obvious they are just upset they're not on the winning side.

Surprised Pikachu I guess.

BTW people that PPT hard in the lower, easier matchup and vanish in the higher one are trash.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Other servers had to spend their time in the shadow of BG while they dominated T1 for years. The T1 glicko wall was a real blessing back then. Now you gotta figure out how to make your time up in T1 pleasant, I would suggest full time double teaming, but looks like most are just willing to cap camps instead.

Wish they had separate leagues like the wvw gold/silver/bronze tournament format from the beginning, and if you won your league you got promoted to the higher league, if you lost you got demoted to the lower, just name them Blob/Zerg/Roamer Leagues. Kinda like the English soccer premier league.

Ah well! 

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I would probably have more fun, if so many on my server weren't scared of making ppt because of Maguuma. I just wish the boon blob had more knowledge in condi cleanse and stun break, then maybe they wouldn't feel so scared unless. Maybe they just need more guards. /shrug

But on a serious note, is it that so called fight guild commanders can't defend structures even when they aren't in a guild raid and leading pugs? I was just thinking that maybe it has something to do with not having enough guards or something. The structures have siege though, so it would seem that 30 could come to defend structures for like a min and wipe the 25ish there. I just dont know if it is a skill thing or just fear from ppt and facing Maguuma or maybe just lazy. 

Still waiting on the word of any guilds or servers that ARENT afraid of Maguuma?


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2 hours ago, hanabal lecter.2495 said:

They can't fight outside their boonblob so when their blobmander logs off so does everyone with that tag and bam easy picking because those servers cannot function without a tag telling them what to do.

I think this might be it to. Because I always hear them telling new people that they will train them. But, I keep asking myself, " what are they going to train them in?" Maybe they will train them in how to not fight unless they have a full 50 stacked with guards and all the pugs. Maybe the commanders can train them in how not to be able to deal with stuns and cleanses. Maybe how not to defend. Maybe how to run inside structures and never leave unless they have a boon ball blob. Maybe to run to another map when they can't take a structure or wipe another comped guild. Maybe they can train them in how to blame pugs for the wipes and then go get wiped GUILD ONLY on another map. I guess, we won't know. for sure.

But I think you are probably right.


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2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

"Oh, please stop crying! My magnificent 80-man blob is obviously far superior to your pitiful 30-man guild, which, let's face it, can't even find any pugs because I've graciously filled your server with my alts."


If only this was the truth, if only you knew what SoS or FA do...sweet summer child.

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4 hours ago, EyeGore.9254 said:

I hear what you are saying, but, WHEN Maguuma has a zerg, the so-called fight guilds on BG won't come out to fight the Maguuma pugs unless they are comped up. With guards in every sub and they absolutely just flee to other maps unless they have the boon carry model rolling. So, is this a boon problem or just a skill problem for the BG guilds?

Maguuma playstyle IS part of the game, they are just pugs. It is truly pathetic to see so called FIGHT GUILDS, ducking a PUG server. It's like wow. 

From what I see from the so-called fight guild on BG is that they aren't that good. They get wiped they call for MOAR GUARDS. Then IF they get them and still get wiped, they blame the pugs and run away to the boderlands and then guess what happens once they do get rid of most of the pugs, THEN STILL WIPE. 

So, I'm confused, if they are fighting guild but they lose fights most of time and they can't beat pugs on Maguuma then /shrug.... what's the deal? 

Can't fight without guards, but then sometimes can fight as long as other guild isn't comped. Then says bored they are bored and doesn't want to fight Maguuma. To me that says that the so called fight guild is scared and or lacks skill to dominate T1 and is just making excuses. Maybe they just need more guards. /shrug. or maybe just more BOONS.

But seriously are there guilds/servers even left in this game that can deal with and want to fight Maguuma?

Why don't you give them more guards when they ask for the help?  Why is the problem somehow only the guilds (who often struggle to recruit new blood on a Full sever) rather than everyone on your server that is not helping each other?

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 hour ago, EyeGore.9254 said:

Maybe they will train them in how to not fight unless they have a full 50 stacked with guards and all the pugs.

Well if you're fighting a 50 Mag cloud, which you often are, yes, they should have a full 50 stacked squad with one guard and healer in each party.  The way target caps work in this game means you need numbers to be closer than 30 v 50.  Do you have any idea how highly coordinated and perfectly timed a 30-man has to be these days to take on map queues?

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Right now we are having so much fun with TC/AR. They are putting up such a great fight. Shout out to CC guild with their crazy mount pushing for fighting us instead of ducking.

I miss BG tho. Blob/doubleteam or not they actually would constantly be attacking smc and flipping it many a time. come back BG!

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