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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

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@"Ferelwing.8463" said:Having other alternatives for Legendary Armor? That comes up a lot.Agreed about that. Take a look:A suggestion for a Fractal version: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41758/fractal-legendary-armor/p1and my own suggestion: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41904/hellfire-radiant-sets-ability-to-turn-into-legendary

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Ferelwing.8463" said:Having other alternatives for Legendary Armor? That comes up a lot.Agreed about that. Take a look:A suggestion for a Fractal version:
and my own suggestion:

Honestly, I think the Easy Mode Raid thing would die if Anet came to terms with the concept that Legendary Armor is NOT the equivalent of Exotic Armor and accepted that they need to give more choices to get it. They should have multiple types of Legendary armor, some for people who only do Fractals like you said. Some for people who prefer Open World Content or for people who don't have the time/etc to do instanced content and then some for WvW and PvP (preferably with much cooler skins because the ones we got just suck). Though I would settle for being able to earn cool skins for my Legendary Armor through tiers (that would be awesome!).

I think the problem is that the assumption is that they will keep Raids having Legendary Armor (which is what they said currently) and they are trying to find ways to work within that to be able to get Legendary Armor. If Anet would change that stance or offer other Legendary Armor sets then this might change.

I would personally love to see a training mode raid module invented that would teach you the mechanics without the wiping. Then I might be interested in trying raiding again but until that's an option I have zero interest in raiding. I'll stick to instant feedback from WvW (which this weekend is going to be fun! No downed states and double wvw xp and reward tracks going up so those who need Gift of Battle this is your weekend).

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:And then WoW released cataclysm, then Pandara, then Draenor. Draenor being the most casual, where you could sit in your base all day doing nothing while your followers delivered top tier gear for you. And WoW's population plummeted. By people tracking server populations across regions WoW dropped below 1 million active users during Draenor. If we take total sales from Legion (3.3 million)as representative of WoWs current population there are more people playing on private legacy Vanilla, BC, and WotLK than live World of Warcraft. So many more players and demand for official legacy servers Blizzard announced WoW classic to try and tap into the audience playing the older version of their game.

These numbers are wrong. WoW has currently near 7 million accounts with around 5 million subs, as of WoD's release.

And I never called you stupid.. I said you were wrong, there is a difference, but the fact that you think and claim I called you stupid, is why I said I don't trust your perceptions of events as they unfold.

He is talking western market, you are talking world wide. There is a difference there.

Here is an estimate of current numbers on statista: https://www.statista.com/statistics/276601/number-of-world-of-warcraft-subscribers-by-quarter/

The 5.5 million should be quite close for world wide which puts 3 million for the western market right up there with very probable. This obviously does not take into account spikes with expansions which are short lived and after a 3 month correction usually leave the game with less active players than before an expansion though this depends a lot of how well the expansion is received and support content wise.

EDIT: also WoD is now 4 years ago, Legion was the last expansion so talking about numbers from 2 expansions past is not really useful. Suffice to say Legion was better supported and more engaging for players than WoD. Didn't stop people from leaving 6 months in latest. Though there is a new expansion coming this August.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:And then WoW released cataclysm, then Pandara, then Draenor. Draenor being the most casual, where you could sit in your base all day doing nothing while your followers delivered top tier gear for you. And WoW's population plummeted. By people tracking server populations across regions WoW dropped below 1 million active users during Draenor. If we take total sales from Legion (3.3 million)as representative of WoWs current population there are more people playing on private legacy Vanilla, BC, and WotLK than live World of Warcraft. So many more players and demand for official legacy servers Blizzard announced WoW classic to try and tap into the audience playing the older version of their game.

These numbers are wrong. WoW has currently near 7 million accounts with around 5 million subs, as of WoD's release.

And I never called you stupid.. I said you were wrong, there is a difference, but the fact that you think and claim I called you stupid, is why I said I don't trust your perceptions of events as they unfold.

He is talking western market, you are talking world wide. There is a difference there.

Here is an estimate of current numbers on statista:

The 5.5 million should be quite close for world wide which puts 3 million for the western market right up there with very probable. This obviously does not take into account spikes with expansions which are short lived and after a 3 month correction usually leave the game with less active players than before an expansion though this depends a lot of how well the expansion is received and support content wise.

EDIT: also WoD is now 4 years ago, Legion was the last expansion so talking about numbers from 2 expansions past is not really useful. Suffice to say Legion was better supported and more engaging for players than WoD. Didn't stop people from leaving 6 months in latest. Though there is a new expansion coming this August.

That's fair.. thanks for the explanation, but.. how is 3 million less then the slightly over a million that are charted on Vanilla WoW Servers?

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:And then WoW released cataclysm, then Pandara, then Draenor. Draenor being the most casual, where you could sit in your base all day doing nothing while your followers delivered top tier gear for you. And WoW's population plummeted. By people tracking server populations across regions WoW dropped below 1 million active users during Draenor. If we take total sales from Legion (3.3 million)as representative of WoWs current population there are more people playing on private legacy Vanilla, BC, and WotLK than live World of Warcraft. So many more players and demand for official legacy servers Blizzard announced WoW classic to try and tap into the audience playing the older version of their game.

These numbers are wrong. WoW has currently near 7 million accounts with around 5 million subs, as of WoD's release.

And I never called you stupid.. I said you were wrong, there is a difference, but the fact that you think and claim I called you stupid, is why I said I don't trust your perceptions of events as they unfold.

He is talking western market, you are talking world wide. There is a difference there.

Here is an estimate of current numbers on statista:

The 5.5 million should be quite close for world wide which puts 3 million for the western market right up there with very probable. This obviously does not take into account spikes with expansions which are short lived and after a 3 month correction usually leave the game with less active players than before an expansion though this depends a lot of how well the expansion is received and support content wise.

EDIT: also WoD is now 4 years ago, Legion was the last expansion so talking about numbers from 2 expansions past is not really useful. Suffice to say Legion was better supported and more engaging for players than WoD. Didn't stop people from leaving 6 months in latest. Though there is a new expansion coming this August.

That's fair.. thanks for the explanation, but.. how is 3 million less then the

Nah the 1 million is exaggeration. I doubt even during the worst of times that WoWs sub numbers dropped that low. Granted WoD did lack a lot of follow up content and the single player heavy focus with a personal Barracks made a lot of people grow bored eventually. My uneducated guess would have to be they probably went as low as maybe something above 2 million players in the western market.

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@Teamkiller.4315 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.But that makes no sense considering wow has easy mode raids
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@Teamkiller.4315 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @"Ohoni.6057" can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.But that makes no sense considering wow has easy mode raids

He just wants his raid free safe space from what I gather. Can't really speak for him though, just basing this on his zealous attempts to get rid of raids. If he can veryfy his position? (Though it's most likely just gonna be a non response of "I've already answered this, go read my posts")

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.

I never played WoW.. and spare us all the pseudo-psychobabble.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.

I never played WoW.. and spare us all the pseudo-psychobabble.

You seem to reference it as though you've lived and breathed it though.

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.But that makes no sense considering wow has easy mode raids

He just wants his raid free safe space from what I gather. Can't really speak for him though,

That did not stop you from trying tho.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.But that makes no sense considering wow has easy mode raids

He just wants his raid free safe space from what I gather. Can't really speak for him though,

That did not stop you from trying tho.

Didn't stop you, so I figured why not

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.

I never played WoW.. and spare us all the pseudo-psychobabble.

You seem to reference it as though you've lived and breathed it though.

LOL, I did live and breathe that awakening, I was there and I watched WoW be born and I watched EQ die in it's wake, I even played with a few of the developers of WoW when we all played EQ together. I just never played WoW directly. Now, if you are done talking about me, like it matters, can you get back on topic?

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.But that makes no sense considering wow has easy mode raids

He just wants his raid free safe space from what I gather. Can't really speak for him though,

That did not stop you from trying tho.

Didn't stop you, so I figured why not

Yah but my accuracy is better then yours.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:And then WoW released cataclysm, then Pandara, then Draenor. Draenor being the most casual, where you could sit in your base all day doing nothing while your followers delivered top tier gear for you. And WoW's population plummeted. By people tracking server populations across regions WoW dropped below 1 million active users during Draenor. If we take total sales from Legion (3.3 million)as representative of WoWs current population there are more people playing on private legacy Vanilla, BC, and WotLK than live World of Warcraft. So many more players and demand for official legacy servers Blizzard announced WoW classic to try and tap into the audience playing the older version of their game.

These numbers are wrong. WoW has currently near 7 million accounts with around 5 million subs, as of WoD's release.

And I never called you stupid.. I said you were wrong, there is a difference, but the fact that you think and claim I called you stupid, is why I said I don't trust your perceptions of events as they unfold.

He is talking western market, you are talking world wide. There is a difference there.

Here is an estimate of current numbers on statista:

The 5.5 million should be quite close for world wide which puts 3 million for the western market right up there with very probable. This obviously does not take into account spikes with expansions which are short lived and after a 3 month correction usually leave the game with less active players than before an expansion though this depends a lot of how well the expansion is received and support content wise.

EDIT: also WoD is now 4 years ago, Legion was the last expansion so talking about numbers from 2 expansions past is not really useful. Suffice to say Legion was better supported and more engaging for players than WoD. Didn't stop people from leaving 6 months in latest. Though there is a new expansion coming this August.

That's fair.. thanks for the explanation, but.. how is 3 million less then the

The 1 million was just Nostalrius before it was shut down, which wasn't even the most popular legacy server.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.

I never played WoW.. and spare us all the pseudo-psychobabble.

You seem to reference it as though you've lived and breathed it though.

LOL, I did live and breathe that awakening, I was there and I watched WoW be born and I watched EQ die in it's wake, I even played with a few of the developers of WoW when we all played EQ together. I just never played WoW directly.So all your knowledge on wow comes as an observer and not a player?

Yah but my accuracy is better then yours.doubtful considering you've said you've never played it.

Now, if you are done talking about me, like it matters, can you get back on topic?sure, which one: the argument on skins, the argument on easy modes, the argument over toxicity, or the argument on Ferrari? They all seem to be going in circles, ours seems to be one of the few breaks we've gotten from it. Refreshing if I might say.
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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Teamkiller.4315 said:Stihl, the reason why so many people think Ohoni's proposal is absurd is because he specifically wants envoy armor out of easy mode

So what?

Don't you have enough other junk like Unique Weapon, Armor and Back skins, along with titles, miniatures and whatever (not sure all the unique things that Raids offer, TBH) to placate your need for things to display and flaunt your accomplishments?

I mean really.. how much do you need?

If the answer is Everything.. then that is why Anet made a mistake going in this direction to start with.

Actually i have no legendaries at all, my best skin is eidolan (shield), and my most worn titles by far are dungeon master and champion paragon.

Ok.. so why the issue?

I mean.. legit. I do not get this.. if the people that are doing raids are not parading out all the bells and whistles banging their Raid Exclusive
as it were,
saying look at me and what I can do
. why should they care if someone like @Ohoni.6057 can get a skin from a really ugly set of armor, that they also would not wear?

For a similar reason that if you were in a tournament of some kind that you would want first place to get a better rewards than second place. Well I'm actually not so sure about you specifically now.

From what he's said over the past few pages, I gather that he got burned in wow raiding and came to gw2 to get away from it, and now feels betrayed over the fact that anet introduced raids, and wants them gone asap.

I never played WoW.. and spare us all the pseudo-psychobabble.

You seem to reference it as though you've lived and breathed it though.

LOL, I did live and breathe that awakening, I was there and I watched WoW be born and I watched EQ die in it's wake, I even played with a few of the developers of WoW when we all played EQ together. I just never played WoW directly.So all your knowledge on wow comes as an observer and not a player?

Yah but my accuracy is better then yours.doubtful considering you've said you've never played it.

Now, if you are done talking about me, like it matters, can you get back on topic?sure, which one: the argument on skins, the argument on easy modes, the argument over toxicity, or the argument on Ferrari? They all seem to be going in circles, ours seems to be one of the few breaks we've gotten from it. Refreshing if I might say.

I wish.. the personal attacks and assumptions about me started as far back as Page 20. They were wrong then, and they are Wrong now.

Also.. yes.. as an observer, my glasses are not as tinted as others, which allowed me to see the reality as it was, not as I wished it was. Much in the same way your rose tinted glasses regarding raids, don't allow you to see how bad they are for this game.

And, this whole topic is supposed to be about Easy Mode Raids.. if you need a break from that.. maybe you should take a break from the topic as a whole.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:And then WoW released cataclysm, then Pandara, then Draenor. Draenor being the most casual, where you could sit in your base all day doing nothing while your followers delivered top tier gear for you. And WoW's population plummeted. By people tracking server populations across regions WoW dropped below 1 million active users during Draenor. If we take total sales from Legion (3.3 million)as representative of WoWs current population there are more people playing on private legacy Vanilla, BC, and WotLK than live World of Warcraft. So many more players and demand for official legacy servers Blizzard announced WoW classic to try and tap into the audience playing the older version of their game.

These numbers are wrong. WoW has currently near 7 million accounts with around 5 million subs, as of WoD's release.

And I never called you stupid.. I said you were wrong, there is a difference, but the fact that you think and claim I called you stupid, is why I said I don't trust your perceptions of events as they unfold.

He is talking western market, you are talking world wide. There is a difference there.

Here is an estimate of current numbers on statista:

The 5.5 million should be quite close for world wide which puts 3 million for the western market right up there with very probable. This obviously does not take into account spikes with expansions which are short lived and after a 3 month correction usually leave the game with less active players than before an expansion though this depends a lot of how well the expansion is received and support content wise.

EDIT: also WoD is now 4 years ago, Legion was the last expansion so talking about numbers from 2 expansions past is not really useful. Suffice to say Legion was better supported and more engaging for players than WoD. Didn't stop people from leaving 6 months in latest. Though there is a new expansion coming this August.

That's fair.. thanks for the explanation, but.. how is 3 million less then the

The 1 million was just Nostalrius before it was shut down, which wasn't even the most popular legacy server.

From the link directly:

Not long before Nostalrius was shut down by Blizzard they released a 1 year infographic (shown on the right) with active player numbers, character counts, etc. Now in this data they don’t list average players online, but by all accounts from what we’ve read 8,000 seems to be a really solid number to go off of, using that in conjunction with the numbers in their infographic we can make some really reasonable assumptions about the current state of WoW private servers.

After a lot of time researching current WoW private servers and gathering population data there is an average population of 80,010 players online across them. A _After a lot of time researching current WoW private servers and gathering population data there is an average population of 80,010 players online across them

That's 8,00 on Nostalrius, and 80,010 Average Players Online Across All Servers

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I always read “arguments“ thats it wrong to lock exclusive skins/loot behind a content (mostly against raids), that it should be for everyone....yet each time i read that argument it just hurts. How many freaking exclusive skins ARE in open world pve? In achievments of the story? At heartsellers? You have aurora behind a whole freaking lw season which forces me to play open world content for weeks, yet you only demand that your favorite mode should get an alternative option? If you trully come on demand that there should be no exclusive loot behind content, welp then you should be prepared that then pvp, pve, raid(since some think this isnt pve lel), wvw should get a possibility to trade in tokens for everything. If you now come and go against the idea that i can get all mats for a legy weapon or a spicific lw skin if i just trade in enough raidtokens, then it only proofs one thing: this isnt about fairness for all to have an alternative option to not do content they dont like, but rather its about you being just to lazy/egoistic.Want fair and alternative ways? Well, ok, then really for all modes or none.Its good that each content has its own, locked loot, otherwise many wouldnt do x mode.

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I mean, I think the Raider vision here is Warped.

Personally, I would rather there be an incentive to do content, not a requirement to do content. Like any content, it should be done because the player enjoys doing it, not because if they want a fancy sock they need to kill a million trolls in the Shiverpeaks.

If they said "You can do Raids, Story Mode Dungeons, or Jump Puzzles to Unlock the Legendary Armor collection, and then, the mats needs like LI's can be obtained via Jump Puzzles, Map Exploration, Explorer Mode Dungeons, Fractals, or Raids.

This would give a player a choice on how they wanted to earn things. If Every raider who read this.. said "yah but if you could get the LI's by doing Fractals and Dungeons, no one would Raid" that should enlighten you that Raids were not a good addition to this game.

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@Xantaria.8726 said:I always read “arguments“ thats it wrong to lock exclusive skins/loot behind a content (mostly against raids), that it should be for everyone....yet each time i read that argument it just hurts. How many freaking exclusive skins ARE in open world pve? In achievments of the story? At heartsellers? You have aurora behind a whole freaking lw season which forces me to play open world content for weeks, yet you only demand that your favorite mode should get an alternative option? If you trully come on demand that there should be no exclusive loot behind content, welp then you should be prepared that then pvp, pve, raid(since some think this isnt pve lel), wvw should get a possibility to trade in tokens for everything. If you now come and go against the idea that i can get all mats for a legy weapon or a spicific lw skin if i just trade in enough raidtokens, then it only proofs one thing: this isnt about fairness for all to have an alternative option to not do content they dont like, but rather its about you being just to lazy/egoistic.Want fair and alternative ways? Well, ok, then really for all modes or none.Its good that each content has its own, locked loot, otherwise many wouldnt do x mode.

Ok.. so.. lets say they add a reward track to PvE players, once a player maxes their mastery line, they can start a Reward Track, like the WvW and sPvP reward track, this would allow them to unlock the skins for content they have not directly done.

Then they add in all the skins, Armor, Weapons, Back Items, all of it.. from all content, to these reward tracks. They also add in Reward Tracks for all Gifts, and all methods to obtain all Legendary Loot, one parcel at a time via a Reward Track.

This would resolve the whole issue with content locked skins, as long as a player was willing to grind out their mastery line, and grind out the reward track.

Would that make you happy.. as I see it.. I think it would be a perfect solution.. and I can't imagine a Casual player getting upset that a Raider can opt to get Avocados in Bulk, if they did a specific Heart Vendor Reward Track.

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@"Xantaria.8726" said:I always read “arguments“ thats it wrong to lock exclusive skins/loot behind a content (mostly against raids), that it should be for everyone....yet each time i read that argument it just hurts. How many freaking exclusive skins ARE in open world pve? In achievments of the story? At heartsellers? You have aurora behind a whole freaking lw season which forces me to play open world content for weeks, yet you only demand that your favorite mode should get an alternative option? If you trully come on demand that there should be no exclusive loot behind content, welp then you should be prepared that then pvp, pve, raid(since some think this isnt pve lel), wvw should get a possibility to trade in tokens for everything. If you now come and go against the idea that i can get all mats for a legy weapon or a spicific lw skin if i just trade in enough raidtokens, then it only proofs one thing: this isnt about fairness for all to have an alternative option to not do content they dont like, but rather its about you being just to lazy/egoistic.Want fair and alternative ways? Well, ok, then really for all modes or none.Its good that each content has its own, locked loot, otherwise many wouldnt do x mode.

You're comparing apples to oranges here... Legendaries have an actual use and aren't Exotics. They are NOT absolutely NOT anything like exotics and therefore can't be compared to exotic skins period. They give the ability to have multiple stats which give you the chance to change your build on the fly. I don't want to raid to get a Legendary Trinket and I resent the idea that PVE (raiders) get the epic most shiniest of shiny skins when the majority of the classes only use 2 builds period in PVE. (Yes, Druids and Mes's can go up to 4 builds but the rest of the classes are either Zerkers or Condi and it only goes between the two)... WvW and PvP on the other hand have LOTS of builds and the build styles change depending on the patch or how many are playing at the time (server time/coverage time). If it's a low population point then you're running Roaming gear not Zerg/Blob gear. If you're in a peak moment then you switch out the gear for zerg/blob gear (support or DPS based on class). PVE? Not really much in the way of different builds.

Exotics you can't change their stats... You get exactly what their stats are no choices period. You have to make Ascended's and if you want to stat change you have to make pieces to fix the stats and then go to the Mystic Forge to make those changes. So if you don't have a Legendary and you're playing WvW you either have to go to your bank and pull out the changed gear OR you carry it in your bag. Neither of which is super convenient. Legendaries just require you to be out of combat. There really is NO comparison.

So yeah, go ahead and get annoyed that you had to play Living Worlds Season 3 for a Legendary Trinket and then got the shiniest of the shiny Legendary Armor and a Trinket on top of that. Yet, you use what 2 builds total?

I wouldn't care if there were MORE Legendary armors offered for different groups (ie everyone who wants to do their thing gets Legendary Armor/Trinkets for their preferred way of playing) just like Exotics are found in every type of content too. I want every single play-style to get Legendary items (all the types: Trinkets, armor, weapons etc). News Flash: I also don't want the Legendary armor to look like clones of Raid armor either.. They should have their own unique look to them. But Legendary Armor is NOT the same thing as an Exotic Skin and comparing the two is a bit insulting, in fact insisting that they are even comparable is a bit insulting.

I'd like a nice shiney skin to go with my WvW Legendary Armor.. Instead mine is kinda "meh" (look it up, it's looks EXACTLY like the exotic Triumphant armor skin)... It would be super cool if they'd give us skins based on our tier or our achievements etc that would make it a lot nicer and then people could say "Hey look, that's the WvW skin for tier (insert tier here etc).. Instead ours is a "meh" skin.

Yet I'm pretty sure I get more out of mine since I'm changing out my build based on what I need at the time in my preferred mode. I don't get Legendary Trinkets in my preferred mode, I had to do the Open World content and there's no way I'm doing Raids on top of that... At the same time I do NOT want to carry 5 different trinkets around in my bags just to change them out when I need to switch my build from roaming to zerging and vice versa...

As stated: I want fair treatment for all play-styles and locking the Legendary content behind 1 mode is unfair period.

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@"STIHL.2489" said:I mean, I think the Raider vision here is Warped.

Personally, I would rather there be an incentive to do content, not a requirement to do content. Like any content, it should be done because the player enjoys doing it, not because if they want a fancy sock they need to kill a million trolls in the Shiverpeaks.

If they said "You can do Raids, Story Mode Dungeons, or Jump Puzzles to Unlock the Legendary Armor collection, and then, the mats needs like LI's can be obtained via Jump Puzzles, Map Exploration, Explorer Mode Dungeons, Fractals, or Raids.

This would give a player a choice on how they wanted to earn things. If Every raider who read this.. said "yah but if you could get the LI's by doing Fractals and Dungeons, no one would Raid" that should enlighten you that Raids were not a good addition to this game.

I don't want LI's and I don't care that Raiders got a specialized Legendary Skin... What I do care about is that there are no other options for those Legendary skins AND that they added a Legendary Trinket to the Raids on top of that. I wouldn't care if there were multiple types of Legendary armors/Trinkets (like there are multiple weapons) different modes in PVE and of course different tiers in PvP and WvW. I wouldn't get so upset about the Legendary Trinkets either if there were multiple ways to get them. I liked doing the Open World stuff to get the Aurora, I refuse to raid to get the next one and I find it unfair that on top of getting the shiniest armor skin in the game, they then threw in a Trinket too. WvW doesn't have a Trinket yet and carrying around 5 different ascended trinkets is annoying. (I'm down to 4 thanks to Aurora)

I don't want to have to raid to get something that I find useful for playing WvW. I want there to be alternatives to that in WvW or elsewhere. Legendary Items should NOT be locked behind a single mode period. They are not Exotics they are Legendaries and as such they should be for everyone. Which means there should be different skins for different modes. There needs to be Legendary Trinkets for Fractals, WvW, PvP and Open World on top of Raids. There needs to be Legendary Armor for Fractals, Open world, (better skins) for WvW and Pvp. There should also be Legendary Back pieces too... (I have to admit the one for WvW was pretty nice, but it really doesn't go with the exotic/ascended/Legendary... Seriously they should have had different skins for each instead of copying the exact same skin 2 more times). We have the Legendary Weapons and they're pretty cool but seriously... Why not more Legendary armor (we keep getting more weapon skins after all).

And to reiterate, I HATE the WvW skins but, that's probably because they are the most meh I've ever seen. They look exactly like the exotics and the ascended's ALSO look exactly like the exotics.. They are incredibly boring and someone could have done a better job. In fact pretty much every mode outside of WvW gets some pretty nice skins, it would be nice if that were to change.

But to bring this back to the original topic, there would be less frustrated players if Legendaries were for everyone not locked behind 1 mode. There really should be MORE Legendaries not less.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Xantaria.8726 said:I always read “arguments“ thats it wrong to lock exclusive skins/loot behind a content (mostly against raids), that it should be for everyone....yet each time i read that argument it just hurts. How many freaking exclusive skins ARE in open world pve? In achievments of the story? At heartsellers? You have aurora behind a whole freaking lw season which
me to play open world content for weeks, yet you only demand that
favorite mode should get an alternative option? If you trully come on
that there should be no exclusive loot behind content, welp then you should be prepared that then pvp, pve, raid(since some think this isnt pve lel), wvw should get a possibility to trade in tokens for everything. If you now come and go against the idea that i can get all mats for a legy weapon or a spicific lw skin if i just trade in enough raidtokens, then it only proofs one thing: this isnt about
for all to have an alternative option to not do content they dont like, but rather its about you being just to lazy/egoistic.Want fair and alternative ways? Well, ok, then really for
modes or none.Its good that each content has its own, locked loot, otherwise many wouldnt do x mode.

Ok.. so.. lets say they add a reward track to PvE players, once a player maxes their mastery line, they can start a Reward Track, like the WvW and sPvP reward track, this would allow them to unlock the skins for content they have not directly done.

Then they add in all the skins, Armor, Weapons, Back Items, all of it.. from all content, to these reward tracks. They also add in Reward Tracks for all Gifts, and all methods to obtain all Legendary Loot, one parcel at a time via a Reward Track.

This would resolve the whole issue with content locked skins, as long as a player was willing to grind out their mastery line, and grind out the reward track.

Would that make you happy.. as I see it.. I think it would be a perfect solution.. and I can't imagine a Casual player getting upset that a Raider can opt to get Avocados in Bulk, if they did a specific Heart Vendor Reward Track.

I don't think anyone would care if they could trade their raid tokens in for exotic skins etc.. In fact more power to them. It'd be fair if they gave them a token/exchanger which would let them trade those tokens to get whatever it was that they wanted/needed. I for one wouldn't care. It's an exotic, the stats don't change they're just a skin... (or materials etc)

But like I said, I don't want their armor skin, I want a different armor skin for each mode (and I want a nicer one for mine because ours is just unoriginal period). I also don't want to raid to get Trinkets, or really anything. I wouldn't mind learning to raid if there was a training mode (as mentioned previously) but the way it is currently, no thanks.

I want each play-style to get their own Legendaries. Sure I might have to go to a location I'm not a fan of for a small period of time to complete something for the Legendary (that's fair) but I shouldn't have to hard to commit to a specific mode to get a Legendary period. Legendaries should be for ALL play-styles not just 1.

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