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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Please bring back the Canthan Menagerie Mount Pack, it hasn't been available for over a year and I can see that it probably won't be available at all this entire year..... why rotate mounts so slowly in the gemstore?  I mean I shouldn't have to wait for more than 6 months to a year for something to come back, but 2 years plus is ridiculous, i probably won't even want it by then, so you're missing out on sales. I just don't get it.

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Hey, guys. Do they ever sell Character Slots bundles? Like the ones on sale right now for Shared Inventory? I need more slots sooo bad 😖 but just so there's no risk that this message is considered off-topic, consider this a request. Moooar Character Slots sales, with a bunch of them in a bundle (or not, regular separate slots are fine too! 💖)

Edited by dXfile.2863
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Could you please bring back the Elite Weapons Voucher or one of the packages that contain the "Onyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice" like the Timekeeper Package? It has almost been a year since we could buy the Onyx and Gold Lion Weapon box and with the march sales being right around the corner it would be the perfect timing to do so.

But if there are already other plans for the march sale, i wouldn't mind if they were brought back randomly at some point, as long as they do end up coming back to the gem store. 😢

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I want to purchase a skin from the Mount Adoption License list (Spotted Slyph) when it is scheduled to reappear later this month (based on wiki), but it seems that only the lootbox version returns to the store, not the mount select version. Please please let me give you my money to buy the specific skin I want. All the other mount bundles have this option, but I appear to have missed the one time the select license was available for this bundle, and it's not clear it will return. I will happily support the game with money to buy a cosmetic I enjoy; I will never engage with lootbox mechanics that involve buying gems.


I am a new player and am *loving* the mount system, and really appreciate the lack of pay-to-win mechanics in this game, and that the cash shop is cosmetics. I am a transplant from another game that was asking large amounts of money for monthly subscriptions, expansions, and then locked all the best cosmetics behind gambling lootboxes... and it was a large portion of why I left that game for this one. Please, make the more expensive mount select licenses available alongside their lootbox counterparts.

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Anything that breathes adaptation to the sea in character creation, armours, and outfits! 

*New horns, faces, hairstyles! Sea-dragon inspired horns (that are not a helm skin), fin hairstyle (simply a fin instead of a mowhawk),

*New body/fur-patterns, fur/tattoo colours  - Come on it has never been done in 10 years!! 

*Kuunavang mini

* Dorsal fin backpiece (that also adds a finned tip on charrs tail) 

*Shimmering/cromatic dyes


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