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16 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:



Ya'll need to agree on what you are getting wrecked with--one side we have ranged CC in LB #4 and the other melee CC in GS #5--both of which somehow lead to Smokescale KD being an issue?

I'll just say as devil's advocate, the latter makes way more sense to me as you aren't setting up a ranged CC with smokescale unless you are Untamed, because while the AI is predictable in its ordering it is really hard to actually pull pet KD => burst on soulbeast off. 

I can see a merged ranger trying GS #5 then Smokescale KD as a backup--one of the reasons I advocated if they remove the CC only remove it from merged soulbeast.  

Smokescale CC isn't the only one that behaves this way while merged, but won't go further into that lest the other pets lose their CC's too.  

Anyway, I'm not actually sure what the dev rationale is because everytime I try to view the Twitch stream 2/3 of them are muted during the ranger portion for me.  Like I hear Roy talking but the other guy that supposedly is balancing the pets has no sound on the stream.  Which is ironic, but if someone can point me to them actually discussing smokescale it would be very helpful.  

Its not about getting wrecked.


Even when I played tempest and knew how broken reflects were versus ranger, I still also knew that 1700 forced auto/2 and 4 is broken game design. This is simply the case of 2 things being true at the same time. LB CD on 2 isn't even that long, combine it with autos and its complete risk free damage that is also enough to force a reaction, especially if on point and you drop a berrage. People say ''just los abuse'', yeah sure, do that, but lets not forget that could mean stepping off a contested point. Risk free long range area denial +CC? no thanks.


There are not near as many eles now, and when you see a tempest they are basically dps, with nowhere near the emphesis on reflects. Its no suprise then, that the reduction of the best spec in the game for countering projectiles, would lead to more LB, which is exactly what has happened. Im not against LB rangers at all, I play it, but the range is too excessive to also have multiple ranged CC, and then multiple melee ranged CC. There were other fixes that can be done in terms of range limitations on pet CC, and removing the ability to force fire, but I guess they took the easier road and nerfed CC.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Its not about getting wrecked.


Even when I played tempest and knew how broken reflects were versus ranger, I still also knew that 1700 forced auto/2 and 4 is broken game design. This is simply the case of 2 things being true at the same time. LB CD on 2 isn't even that long, combine it with autos and its complete risk free damage that is also enough to force a reaction, especially if on point and you drop a berrage. People say ''just los abuse'', yeah sure, do that, but lets not forget that could mean stepping off a contested point. Risk free long range area denial +CC? no thanks.


There are not near as many eles now, and when you see a tempest they are basically dps, with nowhere near the emphesis on reflects. Its no suprise then, that the reduction of the best spec in the game for countering projectiles, would lead to more LB, which is exactly what has happened. Im not against LB rangers at all, I play it, but the range is too excessive to also have multiple ranged CC, and then multiple melee ranged CC. There were other fixes that can be done in terms of range limitations on pet CC, and removing the ability to force fire, but I guess they took the easier road and nerfed CC.

What's the difference here and say LB Dragonhunter with traps? 

Run onto point => get snared by DH trap => LB DH True Shotting from 1500

I've had that happen a ton of times on Skyhammer, Capricorn, etc. places with higher up ledges and absolutely nothing could do besides burn a projectile defense like you mention above.

So, all long-range area denial should be nerfed? If so, I could agree there, but right now it's one-sided where ranger loses access to long range pet CC and only CC trap is spike which doesn't even keep you in place like DH one, but DH untouched--and same range with LB.  

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1 minute ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

What's the difference here and say LB Dragonhunter with traps? 

Run onto point => get snared by DH trap => LB DH True Shotting from 1500

I've had that happen a ton of times on Skyhammer, Capricorn, etc. places with higher up ledges and absolutely nothing could do besides burn a projectile defense like you mention above.

So, all long-range area denial should be nerfed? If so, I could agree there, but right now it's one-sided where ranger loses access to long range pet CC and only CC trap is spike which doesn't even keep you in place like DH one, but DH untouched--and same range with LB.  

Do you see me defending DH?

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18 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Smokescale CC

Re: predictable KD,

Imagine catching a ranger between the CD of Lightning Reflexes (note the PVP cd) and "Protect Me!" And their response while disabled is to swap to smokescale, which evades attacks (so you cant preemptively disable it) then in non-accounted-for situations forces you to dodge (or get kded for 2 seconds).

Clownworld. Thank goodness I have stab. Ate 3 CCs then suffered no consequences if I couldn't ignore the CC on demand atm. For a ranger running smokescale to die to anything straightforward if they are remotely sentient, they have to burn their stunbreaks immediately after smokescale is put on cd. 

Didn't mind it enough for "remove KD" levels of adjustment but here we are. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 10/28/2023 at 9:39 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

GW2 community should get a kitten grip already...stop kittening crying for a 1 kittening second

Tbh I have no problem with constructive critism, but yeah, this post seems a mindless bash no with no content to really add. 

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On 10/29/2023 at 6:44 AM, Myror.7521 said:

And yet ranger is still too good xd. I like that i Finaly not get cced by ranger cause me dodge its GS CC while He instantly using pets CC and inget CCed anyways ^^. At least after all its broken mechanics this will get Finaly nerfed thanks alot to this xd

It's funny, you're crying because ranger applies CC and you're begging and crying for bladesworn not to receive nerf, in which he applies cc and many more things...

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On 10/29/2023 at 5:34 PM, Irrational.2871 said:

smokescale exists 10 years without any nerfs 180% of rangers using it in pvp/wvw with any extra pet if they could they would take 2 smokescales now nerfs kicks in and rangers crying xddddd

I think you're new to the game, smokescale has already received a nerf since the heart of thorns expansion...

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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Re: predictable KD,

Imagine catching a ranger between the CD of Lightning Reflexes (note the PVP cd) and "Protect Me!" And their response while disabled is to swap to smokescale, which evades attacks (so you cant preemptively disable it) then in non-accounted-for situations forces you to dodge (or get kded for 2 seconds).

Clownworld. Thank goodness I have stab. Ate 3 CCs then suffered no consequences if I couldn't ignore the CC on demand atm. For a ranger running smokescale to die to anything straightforward if they are remotely sentient, they have to burn their stunbreaks immediately after smokescale is put on cd. 

Didn't mind it enough for "remove KD" levels of adjustment but here we are. 

Right, but again it's not the only pet to do so.  Gazelle, which they 'buffed' to not run 30 miles from target has its charge on swap, and has headbutt, so you are still eating 2 CC's.  Even the actual CD's of the CC's don't matter as they occur immediately after pet swapping (headbutt is F2 so controllable, but 99% sure Gazelle uses Charge out of the gate after swap).  

What I'm getting at is the guy who is balancing pets, doesn't understand pets.  You can't just nerf / change smokescale just because it has a smoke field, when plenty of pets have CC's on their F2 that are just as useful.

I don't even think the Smokescale change is a nerf--I've said it elsewhere but what you will see now is Takedown burst from stealth which IMO is MUCH worse than a predictable pet CC that lines up with all other pets.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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On 10/29/2023 at 7:51 AM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

As a mesmer main I've argued for removing moa completely from pvp several times. Mesmer really doesn't need this ability in pvp by any means at all. No argument can be made to keep moa.

in 2v2 its to strong but with some random adjustment it could be fun. like u moa someone and it can turn into a disadvantage.

for example moa gets a vita boost or a heal at end of moa or transform enemy into a monster which can hit back hard. 

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On 10/28/2023 at 7:07 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:


I don't troll when Anet financial report proves otherwise. Do you really think that all of Anet damage control is gaining positive attention to the gaming market including the playerbase?

Just to prove it; Anet will not allow me to post that report

As i said in my other post, this isn't about Anet ruining their game, this is about Anet profiting from Toxicity and Power Creep. They know it is temporary and that the game is in maintenance mode; they will do whatever it takes to cash out as much they can until The Community and the players figure it out then quit

Correct me if I am wrong, in the real world, it is called Toxic Branding

"Brands that use the same old ads, the same endorsements, the same marketing methods, and who release products with no discernible progress in either presentation or function, are brands that contain some level of toxic culture"


take a read at this:

"In a general sense, the employees for the smaller company continued to hold of their founding principles and their ethos always to epitomize honor, duty and to put the customer first. The new leadership failed to recognize the changing environment and adapt accordingly. However, they also sought to capitalize on that founding branding that made that company successful, all the while looting and plundering the company for all that it was worth."

Burn, here's the hilarious part about statements that you make:

Games like this don't die easily. There are games that have way less players and still very much alive because people will always shove money into this game. PVE players that are into the 'lesser' aspect such as fashion will always fund Anet and their 'projects' because they are far more willing to dish out larger amount of money in a short time span. The whole PvP scene could die today and that would mean nothing. PVE will more than make up for you leaving because they will always pay more. Anet will be kept alive because this is the most 'fair' f2p mmo out there. No one really wants to pay or feel like they have to get on a sub mmo, when they can just come here, mess around, dip altogether or have another game playing in the background while they socialize or do whatever on here.

You can scream until you turn blue, but PvP doesn't matter. This community doesn't matter and won't dent Anet's plan of how things work since PVE will make up for anything you do currently. I'm not saying this to be vindictive, but more saying this because you seem to be under the impression this game will die anytime soon without taking into consideration how much sway the PVE/Casual crowd has over Anet's form of business. 

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19 hours ago, Rap Tiger.1257 said:

I think you're new to the game, smokescale has already received a nerf since the heart of thorns expansion...

you seriosly thought that i would check patch notes about cringescale since hot? Let me ask you one thing if that someskcale so bad and was nerfed once or twice in 10 years  why the hell its being picked for like i dunno 5 years straight? You didnt thought that thing so strong and outperform any other beasts so there is some problem with it? Its not like we never seen any busted beasts before lets say drake did crazy damage for no reason year or two ago. Drake was nerfed and smokescale is not so there is another question if all beasts on average have 100 value by defualt and smokescale have 190 value  and nerfing it by 50 value wont make it weak compared to other beasts you see what i am talking about? Numbers above is just for example so dont even think about nitpicking.

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15 hours ago, Irrational.2871 said:

you seriosly thought that i would check patch notes about cringescale since hot? Let me ask you one thing if that someskcale so bad and was nerfed once or twice in 10 years  why the hell its being picked for like i dunno 5 years straight? You didnt thought that thing so strong and outperform any other beasts so there is some problem with it? Its not like we never seen any busted beasts before lets say drake did crazy damage for no reason year or two ago. Drake was nerfed and smokescale is not so there is another question if all beasts on average have 100 value by defualt and smokescale have 190 value  and nerfing it by 50 value wont make it weak compared to other beasts you see what i am talking about? Numbers above is just for example so dont even think about nitpicking.

It was picked because it has slightly better AI and has a smoke field that gives utility to rangers. That's why it was picked even after its initial nerf.

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1 hour ago, Dreams.3128 said:

It was picked because it has slightly better AI and has a smoke field that gives utility to rangers. That's why it was picked even after its initial nerf.

Thats the case smokefield way to strong in pvp free invis free stomp also smoke assault  merged version probably the cringest thing that game have  and on top of that cc. kitten anet pls buff it otherwise its too weak xd

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49 minutes ago, Irrational.2871 said:

Thats the case smokefield way to strong in pvp free invis free stomp also smoke assault  merged version probably the cringest thing that game have  and on top of that cc. kitten anet pls buff it otherwise its too weak xd

Good take...normal gw2 nooby forums take.

Free stealth? Smokscale has to be near ranger, has to lay down smoke field which isn't instant by any sense of the word, ranger has to use skills that have cds(not ini) to gain stealth thru field that doesnt even have a long duration,  nor does it pulse blind as often as it used to as it was nerfed. That's free stealth to u? Give this person control of balance please. Use smoke scale field for stomp, 9/10 times player ccs u from downstate before its blind pulses onto them, it's not like black powder where u shoot a blinding shot that immediately blinds enemies before pulsing the blind.

Smokescreen should lose the knockdown when not merged but woulda been completely in line to keep it while merged.

Man I bet u run home at beginning of the match behind a teamate that does the same a head of u haha.

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35 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Good take...normal gw2 nooby forums take.

Free stealth? Smokscale has to be near ranger, has to lay down smoke field which isn't instant by any sense of the word, ranger has to use skills that have cds(not ini) to gain stealth thru field that doesnt even have a long duration,  nor does it pulse blind as often as it used to as it was nerfed. That's free stealth to u? Give this person control of balance please. Use smoke scale field for stomp, 9/10 times player ccs u from downstate before its blind pulses onto them, it's not like black powder where u shoot a blinding shot that immediately blinds enemies before pulsing the blind.

Smokescreen should lose the knockdown when not merged but woulda been completely in line to keep it while merged.

Man I bet u run home at beginning of the match behind a teamate that does the same a head of u haha.

Cry me a river ranger player. If you wanna put smokefield near yourself try to unmerge. Also if you try to stomp and ur stability about to end you might not stomp ur target if they cc you after stab ends you got idea right? Use smokefield to guarantee stomp not before target downed or already dead hope you merge with ur pet fish so you could use two brains at once to understand text above xd
Also to trigger trap enemy must step on it hope i resolved another problem of yours.

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30 minutes ago, Irrational.2871 said:

Cry me a river ranger player. If you wanna put smokefield near yourself try to unmerge. Also if you try to stomp and ur stability about to end you might not stomp ur target if they cc you after stab ends you got idea right? Use smokefield to guarantee stomp not before target downed or already dead hope you merge with ur pet fish so you could use two brains at once to understand text above xd
Also to trigger trap enemy must step on it hope i resolved another problem of yours.

Un merge and have smokscale do circles causing the smoke is still far from instant, having to use a skill with a standard cd to blast stealth is not free nor overpowered. Umm seems like u are in fact the one crying about things that u simply dislike and making ridiculous claims of thing's being op of which clearly are not op. U are clearly new, don't kno much about the game and think u somehow are a expert in its balance, or just think devs should nerf things that u dislike or challenge u, or lastly arnt new....just bad at the game. Keep crying maybe it'l make u a better player haha but wouldn't count on it. Reminds me of another poster on these forums, u sure ur not a alt account? Lol

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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19 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Un merge and have smokscale do circles causing the smoke is still far from instant, having to use a skill with a standard cd to blast stealth is not free nor overpowered. Umm seems like u are in fact the one crying about things that u simply dislike and making ridiculous claims of thing's being op of which clearly are not op. U are clearly new, don't kno much about the game and think u somehow are a expert in its balance, or just think devs should nerf things that u dislike or challenge u, or lastly arnt new....just bad at the game. Keep crying maybe it'l make u a better player haha but wouldn't count on it. Reminds me of another poster on these forums, u sure ur not a alt account? Lol

Whatever there is no point in talking with you. Cringescale getting nerfed next patch and that feels good. So try challenge meta with double pigs or something dunno xd

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1 hour ago, Irrational.2871 said:

Whatever there is no point in talking with you. Cringescale getting nerfed next patch and that feels good. So try challenge meta with double pigs or something dunno xd

Why, soon as rangers start using other pets ull just be on here cry for them to be nerfed to :). Ranger use smokescale because it's skills don't depend on ai pathing as much as most other pets which are beyond useless. If more pets were useful or if they had decent ai rangers wouldn't depend smokescale so much. 

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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11 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Good take...normal gw2 nooby forums take.

Free stealth? Smokscale has to be near ranger, has to lay down smoke field which isn't instant by any sense of the word, ranger has to use skills that have cds(not ini) to gain stealth thru field that doesnt even have a long duration,  nor does it pulse blind as often as it used to as it was nerfed. That's free stealth to u? Give this person control of balance please. Use smoke scale field for stomp, 9/10 times player ccs u from downstate before its blind pulses onto them, it's not like black powder where u shoot a blinding shot that immediately blinds enemies before pulsing the blind.

Smokescreen should lose the knockdown when not merged but woulda been completely in line to keep it while merged.

Man I bet u run home at beginning of the match behind a teamate that does the same a head of u haha.

you seriously complaining on the difficultly of comboing the smoke field? cause it's not. 

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22 hours ago, Irrational.2871 said:

Whatever there is no point in talking with you. Cringescale getting nerfed next patch and that feels good. So try challenge meta with double pigs or something dunno xd

I can't tell if you're typing like this unironically, you're young, or just doing this to troll others. Either way, smokescale stopped doing damage a long time ago. So if anything this is just gonna force more rangers to go SB so they can either one-shot folks harder or tanky build comes out. Or we see a resurgence of boonbeast. It's gonna get worse for people if something like drake or pig against comes out and people are crying once more about pets.


Edit: Nevermind, I just remembered deer. Deer was doing damage and CC. Lol. 

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On 11/1/2023 at 3:38 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Good take...normal gw2 nooby forums take.

Free stealth? Smokscale has to be near ranger, has to lay down smoke field which isn't instant by any sense of the word, ranger has to use skills that have cds(not ini) to gain stealth thru field that doesnt even have a long duration,  nor does it pulse blind as often as it used to as it was nerfed. That's free stealth to u? Give this person control of balance please. Use smoke scale field for stomp, 9/10 times player ccs u from downstate before its blind pulses onto them, it's not like black powder where u shoot a blinding shot that immediately blinds enemies before pulsing the blind.

Smokescreen should lose the knockdown when not merged but woulda been completely in line to keep it while merged.

Man I bet u run home at beginning of the match behind a teamate that does the same a head of u haha.

Ranger already has blocks, evades, biggest range in the game (with LB), best melee weapon in the game (GS), good amount of sustain, addition utility in form of pets etc. Even glassiest ranger builds have more def capabilities than some classes. There is no reason for it to has it's own stealth on a pet with already good damage and utility. I'd say ranger shoud not have stealth access at all.


11 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Not at all, just saying it's not instant nor free.

It is free because you are not sacrificing anything to get it.

Edited by Spellhunter.9675
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