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Ranger fire bow (Bring back preparations)


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4 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I would like to request ANet devs for a new bow fir rangers that has fire skills, just like the Warrior's. 

Since we have a short bow and long bow already; it could be a different type of bow, with medium range and a fire rate between both of the existing ones.

GW1 has like 4 or 5 different types of bows, and it wouldn't hurt for us in GW2 to have at least one more bow; such as a recurved bow, or maybe a modernised tech now... as long as it has those fire skills. 


Thanks for your time.

You would not feel the need to ask for this if short bow would actually be on par with other classes condition weapons. 
Just  think about that. 

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49 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

You would not feel the need to ask for this if short bow would actually be on par with other classes condition weapons. 
Just  think about that. 

I think it is more of OP just wanting to use warrior's bow on ranger.

And last time I checked, performance wise, warrior bow was kinda a meme.

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1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I think it is more of OP just wanting to use warrior's bow on ranger.

Well, yes. It is actually. 

And as if there's something wrong with that.

1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

And last time I checked, performance wise, warrior bow was kinda a meme.

A meme?

So, in other words, you are calling the devs incompetent.


Not to get too "cranky". But some of you in these forums can get away with murder, such as insulting devs all the time and even swearing at them. and nothing ever really happens. 

Heck. I've read comments of people swearing at Ruby herself...

Along comes someone who requests something, and gets warning points and threads locked for sticking up for themselves when someone who always finds something negative to say replies to posts.

This must be brought up to Ruby's attention.

Can you not just give a valid reason as to why you disagree, without unsulting anyone, includung the devs?

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1 minute ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So, in other words, you are calling the devs incompetent.


Not to get too "cranky". But some of you in these forums can get away with murder, such as insulting devs all the time and even swearing at them. and nothing ever really happens. 

Heck. I've read comments of people swearing at Ruby herself...

Along comes someone who requests something, and gets warning points and threads locked for sticking up for themselves when someone who always finds something negative to say replies to posts.

This must be brought up to Ruby's attention.

Can you not just give a valid reason as to why you disagree, without unsulting anyone, includung the devs?

Do you do Yoga? Cause that's as WIDE stretch.

As for a valid reasons:
-Adding an entire new weapon is too much work, since Anet would need to add few hundred skins to complete sets and update all affected collection achievements.
-There are different skill ranges across classes so a "medium" range bow is seriously forced.
-Ranger doesn't have much control over fire, so the design is limited to Shortbow 2.0, this time with burn instead of bleed.

If you want to play guardian bow, then play guardian.

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45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Do you do Yoga? Cause that's as WIDE stretch.

What does this have anything to do with what's being discussed here?

45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

As for a valid reasons:
-Adding an entire new weapon is too much work,

Says who?

And how much do you know about game development? 

45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

since Anet would need to add few hundred skins to complete sets and update all affected collection achievements.


Why is all this necessary?

The medium bow could just use a mix match of both other two bows skins.

And what achievements mate?


45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

-There are different skill ranges across classes so a "medium" range bow is seriously forced.


This isn't even a substantial argument. 

45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

-Ranger doesn't have much control over fire

Yes it does.

That's false information. 

Ranger can cause burning aswell as fire trap, torch, using a fire skin weapon, fire sigil, and runes that can inflict burning.

Your opinion is just that. A baseless opinion. 

Not based on facts.

45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

, so the design is limited to Shortbow 2.0, this time with burn instead of bleed.

And this would be bad becaaaauuuse?

45 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

If you want to play guardian bow, then play guardian.


I want to play ranger with a fire bow.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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48 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Well, yes. It is actually. 

And as if there's something wrong with that.

A meme?

So, in other words, you are calling the devs incompetent.


Not to get too "cranky". But some of you in these forums can get away with murder, such as insulting devs all the time and even swearing at them. and nothing ever really happens. 

Heck. I've read comments of people swearing at Ruby herself...

Along comes someone who requests something, and gets warning points and threads locked for sticking up for themselves when someone who always finds something negative to say replies to posts.

This must be brought up to Ruby's attention.

Can you not just give a valid reason as to why you disagree, without unsulting anyone, includung the devs?

Referencing a weapon as underperforming, or a meme, is not a personal attack at a dev. Attempting to rephrase it in that manner is much more abusive that expressing dissatisfaction with a weapon.

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9 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Referencing a weapon as underperforming, or a meme, is not a personal attack at a dev.

Yes it is. 

Who develops the gane weapons? 

Santa clause?

9 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Attempting to rephrase it in that manner is much more abusive that expressing dissatisfaction with a weapon.

You cannot possibly be serious.

... and what are YOU tying to do then?

You can try manipulate people's words into any meaning as much as you like.

But you are just straying way off topic by playing the blame game here instead of addressing the original post.

That is abuse and false accusations too.

But nice try. 

Now, can we go back to the fire bow request, or do you plan on continuing this charade?

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

What does this have anything to do with what's being discussed here?

You somehow interpreted "is a meme" as calling devs incompetent, which is an another new sentence.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Says who?

And how much do you know about game development? 

Says me. 
Game development and programming courses I took are way more than enough.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Why is all this necessary?

The medium bow could just use a mix match of both other two bows skins.

And what achievements mate?

You can't just reuse skins.
All weapon collection achievements that require you to have all weapons from a set account bound.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Ranger can cause burning aswell as fire trap, torch, using a fire skin weapon, fire sigil, and runes that can inflict burning.

That's not much. We can set things on fire, that's it. We can't use fire like Guardian or Elementalist, so all utility and complex effects are out.
Also skins and gear does not count, we are talking about ranger alone, since it's a ranger only skill set.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

And this would be bad becaaaauuuse?

Because it's giving ranger nothing new and as a result it's wasted dev time. Might as well make a fire legendary at that point.

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5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Yes it is. 

Who develops the gane weapons? 

Santa clause?

You cannot possibly be serious.

... and what are YOU tying to do then?

You can try manipulate people's words into any meaning as much as you like.

But you are just straying way off topic by playing the blame game here instead of addressing the original post.

That is abuse and false accusations too.

But nice try. 

Now, can we go back to the fire bow request, or do you plan on continuing this charade?

Criticism of a product is not a personal attack against employees of the company that produces the product. People have commented that they think that the prices of the services my company provides are too high and, in some cases, are insufficient to their needs. That does not mean they are attacking the tens of thousands of employees that work for the company. Anyone thinskinned enough to take criticism of a product that they, as an individual, had only a partial participation in its production as a personal insult might want to move to a desert island and live the life of a hermit because no one produces perfection. 

As to the firebow...seems like an unnecessary, and more than a bit redundant, request to me. As described it adds essentially nothing while taking resources away from a lomg list of more worthy considerations.

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6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So, in other words, you are calling the devs incompetent.

Just think of Warrior's Longbow as not having aged well over the past 11 years. Just like many parts of Warrior, its Longbow simply didn't keep up with the powercreep.

6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Who develops the gane weapons?

At this point, it's very unlikely that the current weapon developers are the ones that developed the original core weapons we had at launch, over eleven years ago.

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7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

You somehow interpreted "is a meme" as calling devs incompetent, which is an another new sentence.

Someone is responsible for decisions; others of the design, others of its functionality... so on.

When you use terms like calling a meme to a product, somewhere along the line, you are insulting the people involved.

And by the way, IF, it is a meme, wouldn't you rather the devs improve that product by being objective rather than complaining about it, and just request instead?

That's how things get done.

Objectively requesting rather than making a mockery out of it.

7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Says me. 
Game development and programming courses I took are way more than enough.

Oh. So you're the expert now?

You are better than the devs? ... with absolutely zero proof of any developments. 

Show us some of your work. Fill in an application form to work with ANet, if you're that good.

Really, stop digging yourself a hole.

7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

You can't just reuse skins.
All weapon collection achievements that require you to have all weapons from a set account bound.

Why not?

The devs could just slightly alter some minor details in the weapons.

Besides, you are forgetting a very important detail.

They are currently developing 9 brand new sets of weapons, and yes, including bows.

So your point is null and void really.

7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

That's not much. We can set things on fire, that's it. We can't use fire like Guardian or Elementalist, so all utility and complex effects are out.

Are you even playing the same game?

Setting things on fire and inflict burning is enough. 

What else do you want a fire bow to do?

Tickle the opponent to submission? 

7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Also skins and gear does not count, we are talking about ranger alone, since it's a ranger only skill set.

Any weapons on any class need a complete set of gear and upgrades to go with it to get the most our of it... and not just as is.

I don't get your point here.

When you use fire bow on a warrior, you want to have at least the bare minimum condition damage and back it up with eg berserkers apply burning, and some runes of balthazar or fire, with perhaps a vul sigil.

That's how guild wars 2 works mate.

7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Because it's giving ranger nothing new

But it is though...

7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

and as a result it's wasted dev time.

Again... why?

9 new weapons are being developed. 


7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Might as well make a fire legendary at that point.

Is this a suggestion? 

Have you considered requesting it?

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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2 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Atleast they need to buff ranger long bow , it dont have any burst dmg at all . ( channaled ranger weapon skills are rly bad as it is so easy to negate its dmg )

Warrior's Rifle and Longbow need those buffs far more than Ranger's Longbow could ever need them.

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16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So, in other words, you are calling the devs incompetent.

Since I already mentioned memes, this specific response of yours reminds me of one.

"I like oranges"
"Oh so you say you hate apples! Do you have any idea how many apples suffered because of you orange lovers!"

On a side note, I would appreciate if you were not so intent on putting words in my mouth. I would also appreciate if you were not trying to hard to feel insulted on behalf of devs.

And I will close off this response by mentioning, that comparing someone, calling a weapon in a game being a "meme" to things like:

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

can get away with murder

is sort of a meme situation on it's own.

8 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Atleast they need to buff ranger long bow , it dont have any burst dmg at all .

Interesting, they have no burst at all, but somehow community regards it as the burstiest weapon of ranger, and every single ranger I met in last month in WvW was using primarily a longbow. I wonder why that is.....

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52 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Since I already mentioned memes, this specific response of yours reminds me of one.

"I like oranges"
"Oh so you say you hate apples! Do you have any idea how many apples suffered because of you orange lovers!"

On a side note, I would appreciate if you were not so intent on putting words in my mouth. I would also appreciate if you were not trying to hard to feel insulted on behalf of devs.

And I will close off this response by mentioning, that comparing someone, calling a weapon in a game being a "meme" to things like:

is sort of a meme situation on it's own.

Interesting, they have no burst at all, but somehow community regards it as the burstiest weapon of ranger, and every single ranger I met in last month in WvW was using primarily a longbow. I wonder why that is.....



42 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

Ranger has the best longbow in the game and still you complain about it. 

And this has NOTHING , zero, to do at all with Original Post.

So please stop straying off topic.

What it looks like here @Lord Trejgon.2809 is that you're the one trying too hard to divert the attention of devs and mods in order to hilight a nonsense drama instead of what the post is intended to do, which is a request for the devs to comsider giving rangers a third bow, with fire skills.

So; if you don't mind, stick to the topic.

Thank you.

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2 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Since I already mentioned memes, this specific response of yours reminds me of one.

"I like oranges"
"Oh so you say you hate apples! Do you have any idea how many apples suffered because of you orange lovers!"

On a side note, I would appreciate if you were not so intent on putting words in my mouth. I would also appreciate if you were not trying to hard to feel insulted on behalf of devs.

And I will close off this response by mentioning, that comparing someone, calling a weapon in a game being a "meme" to things like:

is sort of a meme situation on it's own.

Interesting, they have no burst at all, but somehow community regards it as the burstiest weapon of ranger, and every single ranger I met in last month in WvW was using primarily a longbow. I wonder why that is.....

When i meet rangers with longbow it is usualy a free kill, if they run things like gs/axe wh  or axe dagger/ staff   then it can get nasty (others weapons too )

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