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Why does Anet keep buffing Boons while nerfing Boonrip?


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I feel like I can't be the only one with this question.

 A major function of every game is a give and take. Balance in any competitive environment means that there is counterplay to any strategy. I'm not knocking the people who want to play boon builds, but why not increase the amount of boonrip as opposed to nerfing it into the ground?

Would love to hear some discussion on this.

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Tbh boons are too powerful without any other factor in all game modes. Boons should have never been 100% uptime and Alacrity shouldn't of ever been spread further then chronomancer. 

They're likely just trying to protect the game from "zergy" with enforcing some form of group comp to be considered, which is self defeated by the fact absolutely everyone can do everything 

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Welcome to the wvw forums, where we've been arguing over this for the past 2-7 years.

Nothing more to discuss in regards to this, anet did some fake investigation and decided boon and support spam was the way to go for combat. They haven't listened to anyone on the forums about strips in years. The devs all play in boon ball groups. The guilds and private groups benefit the most out of this so won't say anything against it. Instead they expect everyone else to organize to take advantage of it, and give them content.

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3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Instead they expect everyone else to organize to take advantage of it, and give them content.

Expect everyone else to keep banging their head against the invincible boonball and give them bags, you mean.

It's Matthew Broderick time, from where I'm sitting. The only way to win is not to play.

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Perma boons is pve gameplay, perma boons is what  low effort players want, since raid players want this way more to make their run super fast Anet tough this is also what wvw players should have.

And for some reason GW2 is know to be a trash pvp game, lamer devs and nothign else, rather than search for good values and balance combat fight  effort/reward they nerf the classes and builds they dont want or dont play and buff mostly what they play, then we have trash buffs that give perma super strong boons that no class should have like perma quickness.

Expect more anti boon nerf and more boon and condi spam buff, the devs are a bunch of lamers when it cames to balance sense and gameplay ideology.

I dare Anet to cut at least 50% boon eficiency from stats ACROSS GAME, making max boon duration being 50% with max boon duration possible from stats, they wont they want to carry players by bad gameplay values, if they want to increase boon duration team with a herald or get the 20% boon or get some other classes that can increase boon duration from skills like guardian consecration also did in the past.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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The game balance changed to be balanced around supports, instead of everyone being individually responsible for heals and dodging. And after 11 years, maybe they found it dodging was too hard for people because nobody seems to want to do it.

Because the game now assumes you have supports in any combat in pve/wvw, it becomes acceptable to cover the ground  in crap  with chip damage everywhere because you can sustain through all of it. This is reflected both in pve and wvw content.

Non-zerg content is essentially unsupported in this game a a whole. Yes, you can solo story and open world but most of that is so dumbed down past HoT so the lack of balance is not felt there and mounts can replace brain most of the time anyways. But I assure you many would not be able to do HoT content today without mounts, and definitely not without the nerfs. 5 person content is more or less dead. Reading your own skills and knowing what they do is overrated anyways. Like even on Tempest now I don't know what most of the skills do, but who cares, default  top cleanses if druid/vindi isn't there. I've been able to play that and Firebrand with ping spikes of over 1000 (typical of my garbage connection) and as it turns out it doesn't really matter if I can't see what's happening. Sometimes I don't even die to those lag spikes!

So that leaves Strike Missions, WvW zerging, and PvP as the content balance is designed for, and while I can't speak for or care about PvP, the boon vomit is definitely a huge part of the other two. And of course the new Strike Missions are also dumbed down because anything involving challenge is considered "toxic" and "inaccessible", not to mention that Strike Missions exist because raids are too scary. 

So how could you get anything that involves skilled gameplay from this? Most just want to faceroll. Just go into the pve forums and ask for more skill based content, and you'll be confused emojied into oblivion because you are an elitist that demands from a game than pressing 2 buttons and occasionally a third.

And do you claim WvW players are any better? I don't really know. Some are, but then again we are filled with  demands from players that demand nerfs to literally anything that could kill them, and that list is frequently very long.

Now a potentially half-wit reply to this would be "Well, why are you complaining too? Just get play meta too!! You're just not skilled enough to use boons and get good! Then you can farm the enemy!"  And sure, actually I say that to people too. I do run meta builds and encourage people to do so too because one should play the game as is, and not how it should be. Otherwise it's kinda griefing your team.  But to that I say, don't hate the player, hate the game.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

The game balance changed to be balanced around supports, instead of everyone being individually responsible for heals and dodging. And after 11 years, maybe they found it dodging was too hard for people because nobody seems to want to do it.

Because the game now assumes you have supports in any combat in pve/wvw, it becomes acceptable to cover the ground  in crap  with chip damage everywhere because you can sustain through all of it. This is reflected both in pve and wvw content.

Non-zerg content is essentially unsupported in this game a a whole. Yes, you can solo story and open world but most of that is so dumbed down past HoT so the lack of balance is not felt there and mounts can replace brain most of the time anyways. But I assure you many would not be able to do HoT content today without mounts, and definitely not without the nerfs. 5 person content is more or less dead. Reading your own skills and knowing what they do is overrated anyways. Like even on Tempest now I don't know what most of the skills do, but who cares, default  top cleanses if druid/vindi isn't there. I've been able to play that and Firebrand with ping spikes of over 1000 (typical of my garbage connection) and as it turns out it doesn't really matter if I can't see what's happening. Sometimes I don't even die to those lag spikes!

So that leaves Strike Missions, WvW zerging, and PvP as the content balance is designed for, and while I can't speak for or care about PvP, the boon vomit is definitely a huge part of the other two. And of course the new Strike Missions are also dumbed down because anything involving challenge is considered "toxic" and "inaccessible", not to mention that Strike Missions exist because raids are too scary. 

So how could you get anything that involves skilled gameplay from this? Most just want to faceroll. Just go into the pve forums and ask for more skill based content, and you'll be confused emojied into oblivion because you are an elitist that demands from a game than pressing 2 buttons and occasionally a third.

And do you claim WvW players are any better? I don't really know. Some are, but then again we are filled with  demands from players that demand nerfs to literally anything that could kill them, and that list is frequently very long.

Now a potentially half-wit reply to this would be "Well, why are you complaining too? Just get play meta too!! You're just not skilled enough to use boons and get good! Then you can farm the enemy!"  And sure, actually I say that to people too. I do run meta builds and encourage people to do so too because one should play the game as is, and not how it should be. Otherwise it's kinda griefing your team.  But to that I say, don't hate the player, hate the game.


Top tier take Archon. Reading your comments always brightens my day.


-Love, Soldier

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That's why you see more scourges running minstrel gear and blood magic. Buy Soto for the Greatsword mastery, so you have Ghastly breach and nightfall, when you push into melee, rather than pirate shipping, although you have reapers still, they have less potential boon strip.


Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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5 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

The game balance changed to be balanced around supports, instead of everyone being individually responsible for heals and dodging. And after 11 years, maybe they found it dodging was too hard for people because nobody seems to want to do it.

Because the game now assumes you have supports in any combat in pve/wvw, it becomes acceptable to cover the ground  in crap  with chip damage everywhere because you can sustain through all of it. This is reflected both in pve and wvw content.

Non-zerg content is essentially unsupported in this game a a whole. Yes, you can solo story and open world but most of that is so dumbed down past HoT so the lack of balance is not felt there and mounts can replace brain most of the time anyways. But I assure you many would not be able to do HoT content today without mounts, and definitely not without the nerfs. 5 person content is more or less dead. Reading your own skills and knowing what they do is overrated anyways. Like even on Tempest now I don't know what most of the skills do, but who cares, default  top cleanses if druid/vindi isn't there. I've been able to play that and Firebrand with ping spikes of over 1000 (typical of my garbage connection) and as it turns out it doesn't really matter if I can't see what's happening. Sometimes I don't even die to those lag spikes!

So that leaves Strike Missions, WvW zerging, and PvP as the content balance is designed for, and while I can't speak for or care about PvP, the boon vomit is definitely a huge part of the other two. And of course the new Strike Missions are also dumbed down because anything involving challenge is considered "toxic" and "inaccessible", not to mention that Strike Missions exist because raids are too scary. 

So how could you get anything that involves skilled gameplay from this? Most just want to faceroll. Just go into the pve forums and ask for more skill based content, and you'll be confused emojied into oblivion because you are an elitist that demands from a game than pressing 2 buttons and occasionally a third.

And do you claim WvW players are any better? I don't really know. Some are, but then again we are filled with  demands from players that demand nerfs to literally anything that could kill them, and that list is frequently very long.

Now a potentially half-wit reply to this would be "Well, why are you complaining too? Just get play meta too!! You're just not skilled enough to use boons and get good! Then you can farm the enemy!"  And sure, actually I say that to people too. I do run meta builds and encourage people to do so too because one should play the game as is, and not how it should be. Otherwise it's kinda griefing your team.  But to that I say, don't hate the player, hate the game.


This made me sad. As primarily all the content i get from GW2 is roaming solo in WVW. 

I think i need a drink.

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They do not want pugs beating guilds, it's a simple as that.  Their vision may be bigger than that, but that's the bottom line.  Perma every boon means, without the ability to strip them, small pug groups will not be able to kill an organized guild group.  Anet has chosen boons over skill.  All guilds eventually implode anyway, but guilds losing tons of fights over and over to pugs kills them faster.  Guilds die, people stop playing.  So, Anet nerfs anything that stops boonblob guilds.

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4 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

They do not want pugs beating guilds, it's a simple as that.  Their vision may be bigger than that, but that's the bottom line.  Perma every boon means, without the ability to strip them, small pug groups will not be able to kill an organized guild group.  Anet has chosen boons over skill.  All guilds eventually implode anyway, but guilds losing tons of fights over and over to pugs kills them faster.  Guilds die, people stop playing.  So, Anet nerfs anything that stops boonblob guilds.

Is this why mag gets so much hate? Cause they're the only server where the pug clouds beat the boon blobs?

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Sort of. That is rather 1  big outlier though. One should understand the Maguuma cloud does not just consists of randos but they have their own synergy and have been refining the art of dominating SMC for quite a few years. It's no surprise they dismantle weak minded fly by night bandwagons that fall apart after a few wipes, and do not think you can  just join the cloud with any potato build as you please and hope to be successful.

Also from being linked with them, the other notable difference I've observed  about how Mag is built differently is that the people actually appear to enjoy the game which is honestly sacrilege compared to the people that whine about the game daily in certain parts. The truth is the server always does their thing whether they are t1 or t4. Like remember that time their opponents finally found some brain cells and finally double teamed them into oblivion like they should have always done? It worked and probably shook off some bandwagoning leeches but a few weeks later it was back to business as usual. Meanwhile you have a certain ex-dominant server tanking to get a better link.

I'm not on Mag, but this stuff writes itself.

There are certainly some train derailing tactics at play here which involve something out called strategy that allows people to bypass the nonsense of direct combat balance, but regardless balance shifts affect the game no matter what. For all we know, the nerfs to boon rips and pulls is because some Anet devs took part on a derailed boon train because of this Mag situation. I would go into it more but anyone that could possibly need those tips is probably preparing an angry reaction-- if only they had that same sort of fervor to break out of spawn!

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I'll keep saying it. There is a discord server out there that Devs visit where there is a lot of people that run guild groups in WvW. That is their feedback. Roy himself is/was a GvG/comped group player, even tho I don't know if he provides any kind of feedback at all.

If the only feedback they actually listen to is that, not much the rest of the players can hope for.

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16 hours ago, Kirevey.5079 said:

I'll keep saying it. There is a discord server out there that Devs visit where there is a lot of people that run guild groups in WvW. That is their feedback. Roy himself is/was a GvG/comped group player, even tho I don't know if he provides any kind of feedback at all.

If the only feedback they actually listen to is that, not much the rest of the players can hope for.

Try to go there and tell that massive perma boonsspam  is a bad thing 🙂 just try, i would bet that's the same to try to enter in a flat earth people discord and tell them earth is a ball.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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