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After the introduction of Relics, any new equipment slots you would like to see in the future?


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16 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i would like them to make the trinket slots symmetrical again instead of the weird misaligned look they have now.

Same, push the bottom trinket row to the left to allign with the top row and then move relic slot 50% (of its height) lower.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I honestly don't want more equipment slots. It already was quite convoluted, and now with the addition of relics it's even more convoluted.

I understand why they chose to do relics instead of sixth rune special effects from a design standpoint (only a small percent of runes were really used due to their BiS stats, heavily limiting 'special effects'), but now it's just one more thing to do basically the same thing as before with more stuff to clutter the inventory. I'm still holding out for more stuff like Relic of Peitha, Relic of Karakosa,  or whatever which can "force" certain playstyles on certain professions.

If anything I want the jade bot system to be account-wide with character-specific templates rather than character-specific items. I want a legendary aqua breather. I want a legendary PvE ring to complete the animation and turn the ball chandelier into something cool, and preferably just an enhanced aura and an animation which happens when weapons are drawn (like showing the All/Antikytheria appear above your character for a second or two).

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23 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Aquabreather => new universal class  > ninja > no utilities or healing spec > dodge . Based on rarity , some skills does more damage (1st-2nd) and via versa

Pickaxe > Nautilus from LoL

Jde Bot > Ranged attack Kaisa , minus/plus (always plus is a better option)  the tentacles from the Belveth video 


I have no idea what any of that means.

I'm in the "no" boat for more slots o' stuff. Cosmetics, sure, great. Separate infusions into their own screen (like jade bot), fine. Remove the rune from aqualung, yes.

Right now when I want to play one of my toons that's been collecting dust for a while, I have to go find jade bot upgrades, fishing gear, and a relic. And maybe change the runes, since there may be more desirable options now. And these were "fully functional" characters before all the stuff EoD and SotO added or changed. Plus, no to power creep. If they add more slots, they'll probably keep lowering skill numbers to compensate, so what's the point?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, there could be several ideas....


  • Cosmetic infusion/aura panel/slot, with account collection system and preview ability. In ideal way - seperate infusions and their cosmetics effects. Otherwise with new/existed trader for creating nontradeable cosmetic infusion with different bonuses (like wvw ones) 
  • Skill cosmetic panel.  It could be a list of class specific skills and options for them or entire cosmetic bundles. Just like changing necro minions models to actual race specific ones. Rise! skill, that summon Shambling horrors but now it spawn bunch of undead asuras? Bone minions that looks like exactly as small human skeletons? Or maybe little spiders? why not? Or just give engineer lil more customization options to select origin of their turrets? Not just boring human rifle turret for everyone, but norn spirit totems or even charr gatling gun? Maybe even with legendary effect, once they be unlocked by crafting specific weapon. Just imagine ability to shot with HMS Divinity's cannonballs with any other rifle/pistol skin...
  • Tools panel. Works in the same way as jade bot pannel, but for tools. It also would be easier to manage new tools once they'll be introduced. Maybe with even purely cosmetic options like random skin use on gathering.

Gameplay options:

  • More love for jade bot's modules
    • More slots for modules, with more powerful cores requirments.
    • Jade bot upgrades. Not just upgradeable core, but upgradeable battery (to increase amount of jade bot charges), memory(to use more jade programs like waypoint creation or respawn) and combat microchips (your favorite defensive/offensive effect here). They could be hard limited with pve and wvw versions too...
    • Composite modules. Like recycler and scavenger protocol combo, but with flaws. Their results could be random or less effective. They also require more core power
    • More service chips. From universal seat for mounts (for those taxi-soul or those who want to be really close to their mate, crew or warband) to shoulder/head mounted autoguns/pulse laser (which could work in same manner as current dragonscale fireball). Or how about naval artillery for your own skiff and ship crew?
    • Weave in it too high end jewelcrafting and discovery system. Lets make jewelcrafting great again.
  • Relics overhaul.

Current state of relics system is awful. While i like separation of effects from runes we step in same old problem: 90% of effects will not be used, coz:

  • they are not powerful enough(for meta bonkers)
  • their effect trigger too rare and still not powerful for such rare trigger
  • cooldown is too long
  • there are better effects

And i dont even mentioned potentially removed pet spawning effects and fully reworked effects of good old ones (relics of pack, rage, fireworks and etc). And i dont mentioned all nerfed old runes effects from past, when runes where made to give new mechanics to players, not just boost their stats(like old defender or radiance).

So, my idea is relics overhaul - codename "Constellation" system. I also added advanced variant - more complex variant of system's part, which could be harder to make and balance, but gives depth and rich buildcraft possibilities.

Player gain access to "new" artifact (constellation map? compass? Add lore friendly name here). It could use current relic slot or even different panel. Artifact  have sockets and energy pool(by default i use base energy of 6(more or less balanced one) or 9(less balanced one)).

Advanced variant: On background there are "star/skill map" that determine sectors of the artifact to different groups ( ~2 sockets per sector, some sectors are common like evading, combat, healing, control, some are class specific, up to 16-18 sockets, but most of them would be empty, coz artifact still limited by energy pool).

Player insert relics into artifact to get access to their effects. Each relic got their own energy cost. No duplicate relics inside.

Advanced variant: If player insert right relics into artifact close to each other - they could form constellation - synergy between relics, that add more effects.

Advanced variant: if type of relic and artifact sector are same, then relic cost decrease by 1. (minimum cost could be 0-1, but never negative)

Then, all relics (current and new ones) are divided to 3 archetypes:

  • Green ones (Minor, cost 1 energy) - "Relics of Stability" - change ability or skill effects. Increase durations, amount of stacks, base effects, passive bonuses. (like relic of dwayna)
  • Yellow ones (Major, cost 2 energy) - "Relics of Altering" -Add new effects and mechanics to existed skills and abilities, like on heal, on elite and on condition trigger effects. Most part of current relics pool go there.
  • Red ones (Exotic, cost 3 energy) - "Relics of Changes" - Overhaul abilities, completly change their mechanics and/or adding new ones. From current pool there go relic of nourys, for example.

And 3 pools:

  • universal pool - relics, that will work on any class
  • class pool - relics, that will work with specific class only. Change effects of specific type of class skills mostly
  • weapons pool - relics, that will work with specific weapon only. Change behavior of weapons, depending on character class

All relics efects must be changed for such system too. At the end player gain choice, what exactly he want to get from relics - slightly increase overall effectivness, gain more on ontriger effects, get brand new gameplay changing mechanics or a bit of each. With energy pool of 6 player can get access to 2 overhaul relics or 3 alter relics or 6 stable relics or just one from each category.

Advanced variant: depends on complexity, up to 6+ relics with synergies.

And the last - some new relics just for example.


  • Relic of  advanced turrets :: Type: Overhaul(3 energy cost)  - all engineer turrets changes to upgraded variant with new effects, cooldown doubled
    • rifle turret -> gatling gun - higher rate of fire(x5), pierce targets, overcharge - heal allies for 15% caused  damage
    • rocket turret -> mrls - shot 3 rockets at once, cover zone around target , 25% chance to push enemies on hit, overcharge - shot ~25 rockets to bomb area in wide line in front of character. Each subsequent hit deal less damage and launch targets.
    • flame turret -> incinerator - attack range doubled, each attack form sector of fire(non combo field) which apply ~3 stacks of fire on targets each second. overcharge - shot ~5 napalm balls around without precision in the direction of nearby targets (stealthed targets included)
    • net turret -> glue autogun - each attack simillar to pistol's glue shot. overcharge - shot up to 5 targets, pushback and immobilize them
    • thumper turret -> tesla turret. Form chained lighting, range doubled, attack could hit same target up to 4 times if there at least two targets. overcharge - wide chain lightning which up to 5 targets
  • Relic of tank master :: Type: Altering (2 energy cost) - all engineer turrets becomes tanks with tracked treads on the land and submarines in the water and follow engineer. Engineer no longer can detonate tanks, overcharge abilities could be activated manually. 
  • Relic of mech master :: Type: Overhaul(3 energy cost) - all engineer turrets becomes manually controlled prototype mech bots. Engineer no longer can pick up turrets, but any allied player can sit inside and control prototype mech bot by themself. Cooldown trippled. Prototype Mech bot abilities depends on type of turret, inherit some stats from player.HP is 1.5 of engineer HP, armor depends on turret type. Prototype Mech bots gain default 50% damage reduction and defiance bar ~1000 points. Once defiance bar depleted damage reduction effect will be removed and incoming damage will be doubled. Bot HP do not regenerate, but bot could be repaired by using tool kit. 
  • Relic of generous alchemist :: Type: Altering(2 energy cost) - engineer elixirs shared with nearby allies, but with reduced duration/effects. Cooldown increase by 25%


  • Relic of Glamour Master:: Type: Altering(2 energy cost) - all glamour skills grant chaos aura on use. Cooldown increase by 25%
  • Relic of Old Ways: Illusions :: Type: Overhaul(3 energy cost) - phantasms no longer turn into clones/blades, count as iilusion limit and they keep performing their attacks till their death. With each attack phantasm take damage equal 25% of their max HP. Healing to phantasms reduced by 88%. Resummoned phantasms got 50% HP.
  • Relic of Greatsword:Mesmer :: Type: Overhaul(3 energy cost) - Mesmer greatsword is not a ranged weapon anymore, but devastating melee, simillar to reaper ones. Greatsword clones perform close range throwing mirror blade attack, which cause vulnerability on enemy and grant might to allies. Ambush skill is a teleport based Hundred Blades with ability to move during attack.


  • Relic of Beastmaster :: Type: Overhaul(3 energy cost) - Ranger control both pets at the same time. Pet specific effects shared between both pets. Pets abilities changes on skill usage. Pet swap cooldown doubled.                                                                            

And so on....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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On 12/16/2023 at 9:11 AM, kiroho.4738 said:

Well, difficult designed content is supposed to be difficult, no?
Being no longer difficult because of balance patches is against that design.

Some people simply want challenging content.

I can get that. Maybe the 'power creep' is being put in place in preparation for upcoming challenging content?

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On 11/25/2023 at 3:15 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

But yeah, I'll never understand why some people want the mobs to fall over by themselves whenever they're nearby.

I mean...there is a time and a place. Neither of those is GW2, but back when I used to play Warframe there were a lot of frames and builds that could just massacre an entire map. Saryn comes to mind. Infect one grineer, give him a good whipping, and then watch as the background is replaced by an entire wall of damage counters as every living thing on the ship that's not you melts into ebola paste.

But that's warframe, I don't want that here...well, not all the time anyway.....stupid quaggans....

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2 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I mean...there is a time and a place. Neither of those is GW2, but back when I used to play Warframe there were a lot of frames and builds that could just massacre an entire map. Saryn comes to mind. Infect one grineer, give him a good whipping, and then watch as the background is replaced by an entire wall of damage counters as every living thing on the ship that's not you melts into ebola paste.

But that's warframe, I don't want that here...well, not all the time anyway.....stupid quaggans....

Yes, I've played warframe for a short time, this is not warframe. That's also why in the first part of the same post you quoted there I also wrote this:

On 11/25/2023 at 9:15 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Of course there are also games better suited to what you might want to see, but they're more fitting in the HnS genre.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/16/2023 at 6:23 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Multiplying those "options" by making them available at the same time WILL mean more power, so not sure how your claim is supposed to work here.

You can create tradeoffs, kinda like GW1, where increasing a stat decreased another.

On 12/17/2023 at 8:09 PM, WRay.2391 said:

This. And give it ability to filter air in Giala delve without consumables.

This was such a missed opportunity, like come on, ArenaNet :I.

Bonus points if we get the ability to walk across sulfur in The Desolation using our breather as well.

On 12/17/2023 at 8:35 PM, fable spirt.8465 said:

Question for the removal of the Aqua Breather? While I agree that it should use the stats and rune from the head armor the main reason I care about this slot is the swim speed infusion. Where would you put this infusion? Would you change swim speed from an infusion and add a 2nd type of slot to the head armor? Would the aqua breather only remain for the purpose of holding the swim speed? When purposing changes you do have to look at all aspects of the game and try to think outside your own play to things you would never do but someone else might. While underwater content is practically removed on future expansions it is still a part of the game. On to relics, this isn't the first change to gear in 11 years. When the game launched we only had Exotic gear (minus legendary weapons which is why legendary weapons are upgraded from exotics). We got ascended gear a year after release and 2015 brought Legendary armor and later trinkets. I do like the addition of relics due to the changes brought to Runes as you sometimes had to sacrifice using a better rune for a crappy one due to the bonus affect. If anything they should increase the stats of legendries slightly above ascended or give them a special stat as this might be the power creep that you want.

Give the aquabreather its own section in the hero panel, like the glider, then give it upgrade slots, like the jade bot and the fishing rod, and then put the swimming infusion there (rename it to something else if you want).

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49 minutes ago, Lonami.2987 said:

You can create tradeoffs, kinda like GW1, where increasing a stat decreased another.

Ah, so now you like tradeoffs? Because pretty sure you were complaining about espec tradeoffs in the past. And how would you measure those stat-based tradeoffs when put against more -also numerical- effects? You're obviously aiming at power creep here and it's a bad idea.

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Icon: it's a relic but for weapons. Now sigils only provide +10 to a chosen stat. You need an icon for sigil effects, but half the sigil effects won't be available and the majority will be just as useless as the currently pointless sigils. 

Also, sock slot: now boots only provide 50% stats, you need socks to get the full value.

Plz PM me to send me money for these ideas ANet.

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1 hour ago, LSD.4673 said:

Icon: it's a relic but for weapons. Now sigils only provide +10 to a chosen stat. You need an icon for sigil effects, but half the sigil effects won't be available and the majority will be just as useless as the currently pointless sigils. 

Also, sock slot: now boots only provide 50% stats, you need socks to get the full value.

Plz PM me to send me money for these ideas ANet.

Sorry to say people have already given the idea of toe rings, nipple rings, under armor, under wear etc so your idea is unique and already out there.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/18/2023 at 3:54 PM, firedragon.8953 said:

I honestly don't want more equipment slots. It already was quite convoluted, and now with the addition of relics it's even more convoluted.

I understand why they chose to do relics instead of sixth rune special effects from a design standpoint (only a small percent of runes were really used due to their BiS stats, heavily limiting 'special effects'), but now it's just one more thing to do basically the same thing as before with more stuff to clutter the inventory. I'm still holding out for more stuff like Relic of Peitha, Relic of Karakosa,  or whatever which can "force" certain playstyles on certain professions.

If anything I want the jade bot system to be account-wide with character-specific templates rather than character-specific items. I want a legendary aqua breather. I want a legendary PvE ring to complete the animation and turn the ball chandelier into something cool, and preferably just an enhanced aura and an animation which happens when weapons are drawn (like showing the All/Antikytheria appear above your character for a second or two).

I'd just give Fractals of the Mists its own legendary ring, PvP and WvW already have their own legendary trinkets, FotM is the only major game mode without one.

On 1/27/2024 at 5:21 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Ah, so now you like tradeoffs? Because pretty sure you were complaining about espec tradeoffs in the past. And how would you measure those stat-based tradeoffs when put against more -also numerical- effects? You're obviously aiming at power creep here and it's a bad idea.

Because they were bad tradeoffs?

You want an example of good tradeoffs, check these out: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rune

I don't like power creep, stop making things up, thanks.

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I'd like to see the remaining legendaries: Aquabreather. Maybe the 32 slot bags that can change their special function - as legendary bag. Legendary upgrades for the jade bot skiffs. Jeweler to 500.

And maybe an air skiff or submarine skiff (+ underwater combat focused expansion).

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1 hour ago, Lonami.2987 said:

Because they were bad tradeoffs?

You want an example of good tradeoffs, check these out: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rune

I don't like power creep, stop making things up, thanks.

If you don't like power creep then you shouldn't want "more relics at the same time". If you just wanted "more options" then it would be more relic to choose from, not more relics to slot at once. I didn't make anything up here. If you're so sure about being able to balance any multiple relics being equipped at the same time for them to not have more power/utility than a single relic, describe how exactly it would be done instead of operating in that meaningless vagueness for who knows how long now.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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  • 1 month later...
On 1/27/2024 at 8:18 PM, Doggie.3184 said:

No, not really.

If anything just cosmetic slots that allow mixing face and hat skins and a slot for future tail attachments so they dont need to use back slot.

They should remove the aquabreather as an equipment item (make it work like glider skins) and recycle its equipment slot for cosmetic-only facial decorations such as sunglasses, masks, tattoos, etc.

Capes wouldn't blend well with capes, that's why they should share the slot imo.

On 2/21/2024 at 3:18 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

If you don't like power creep then you shouldn't want "more relics at the same time". If you just wanted "more options" then it would be more relic to choose from, not more relics to slot at once. I didn't make anything up here. If you're so sure about being able to balance any multiple relics being equipped at the same time for them to not have more power/utility than a single relic, describe how exactly it would be done instead of operating in that meaningless vagueness for who knows how long now.

Those new options could and should include tradeoffs, giving you a negative in exchange of a positive.

Again, check the GW1 wiki, now with a specific example: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rune_of_Mysticism

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Legendary Tome of Portals (like, everything. Anything you can click on that takes you some place else, you can store in it for all characters)

Legendary Converter (like, again, totally, for sure, all things that we lug around to convert materials)

Legendary Salvager/Extractor (see above)

Legendary Thing to Free Up More Redundant Space (😏)

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3 hours ago, Lonami.2987 said:

Those new options could and should include tradeoffs, giving you a negative in exchange of a positive.

Again, check the GW1 wiki, now with a specific example: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rune_of_Mysticism

Necroing a thread after a month and still not answering what you're quoting?
If you're so sure about being able to balance any multiple relics being equipped at the same time for them to not have more power/utility than a single relic, describe how exactly it would be done instead of operating in that meaningless vagueness for who knows how long now.
If you just wanted "more options" then it would be more relic to choose from, not more relics to slot at once. You're obviously aiming at power creep here and it's a bad idea.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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