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Increasing the number of autocasts

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As part of a group of players with disabilities, it's no secret that we've been hit hard by a lot of the recent changes (not all rune effects becoming relics, the recent removal of passive bonuses from Mirage to name a couple). It's clear the developers frown on more passive elements as much I think that sucks. However, what about a possible "compromise"? We have multiple auto cast skills on Ranger pets and the Mech, could we not bring that idea to the player bar as well?

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I think with the addition of Mechanist, that every profession now has access to signet skills. Surely you can find a build that only uses 5 buttons?

I don't use a keyboard for combat, but a trackball with jump and dodge on the extra buttons, and a Razer Tartarus for my left hand. Makes it much easier to move with the directions on the thumb control, and easy access to 10 skills + more as desired. I don't know if that helps your situation or not, but thought I'd mention it.


I recently added a cheap little 12-button programmable USB keypad that I keep by the Razer, with the mount buttons assigned to it. Makes it super-easy to switch between mounts. All this to help a 60-yr old gamer.

There are also foot-pedal controls that you could use. Never used one, but have seen them.

Just some thoughts, don't know if they help.

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I do wish there was better documentation for LI builds out there.  Lately the source for it has been... me.  Anyway, my advice is to do what I did learn a lot about the game and experiment around to find a good combination of high performance and low effort.  Every profession but Ele (maybe Mesmer, haven't checked) has an option that does pretty good in spite of pressing very few buttons.

EDIT: Yep... just checked it.  Auto attack mirage now only does 15.5k DPS, far less from it's previous benchmarks around 21k.  Staff camping auto does 14k DPS.  Spamming dodge and weapon swapping boosts staff to 18.9k and axe to 25.4k, but it is still more effort than just summoning illusions.  

Edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493
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I'd love to have a second (or third or fourth etc) skill that I could set to auto-cast.  But ANet will probably never do it, and I understand why.  Additional auto-casts would be abused by "players" who want to bot/afk farm.  So because of a tiny number of "players" who don't want to actually PLAY the game, this feature will almost certainly never be added.

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You can do 26k dps with hammer mechanist with 0 additional input other than pressing auto attack once at the start of a fight.
As mentioned above you can do above 25k dps with 1 or 2 buttons on mirage.
Herald does 29k, potentially 30k dps with 3 buttons (assassin stance: impossible odds, stance swap, dwarf stance: vengeful hammers), this build can also use speed relic and rising momentum trait to move at capped speed so long as you have swiftness. Alternately, you can play a quickness herald by changing 1 trait and permanently provide quickness and over 15 stacks of might while doing less personal damage.
There is currently a staff thief build that spams staff 3 along with 1 or 2 skills to restore initiative doing 28-30k dps (not sure on the exact number on this one) while also doing breakbar damage every hit, similarly, you can do pistol pistol unload spam with only 1 additional input for around 25k I believe and it goes up to 28k with 3 buttons.

Just a few off the top of my head, basically any class that has a larger portion of their damage coming from auto attacks or other passive sources such as clones or pets would be a decent candidate for a low intensity build. 

That being said, can we please stop trying to turn the game into an autobattler by using people with disabilities as an excuse? Barring very, and I mean very, serious problems, you can do more than enough damage in this game. And I'll come out and say this, if you are unable press 1 button every minute or so, should the game change to accommodate that, or should you find alternate ways to make it possible for yourself to press 1 to 3 buttons? A lot of people with varying degrees of disabilities find ways to make their situation work. This game is already very accessible in its current form, I don't think it should be pushed into autobattler territory.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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On 12/5/2023 at 7:24 PM, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

As part of a group of players with disabilities, it's no secret that we've been hit hard by a lot of the recent changes (not all rune effects becoming relics, the recent removal of passive bonuses from Mirage to name a couple). It's clear the developers frown on more passive elements as much I think that sucks. However, what about a possible "compromise"? We have multiple auto cast skills on Ranger pets and the Mech, could we not bring that idea to the player bar as well?

I understand that players with disabilities need some aspects to be simpler or automated and I'm totally for that. But only if it doesn't dumb down a certain class, spec or build so that players without disabilities can abuse that and be way stronger than a class without such "compensations". If a ranger or mechanist doesn't have to do a lot of things on their own to be super powerful because their pet can carry them, then this is super abuseable to anyone who can use the player character to its fullest extent on top of the automated pet.

Maybe instead of making the pet stronger/easier to play by default I think a good compromise would be to allow the player to shift power from the ranger/mechanist to the pet via traits or whatever, so the overall damage output stays the same. Then you can opt-in to basically trade-off some micro-management for your own power output.

I remember Counter Strike Global Offensive also introducing some features to compensate for hearing disabilities where you'd get an on-screen indicator of the direction and distance where an enemy made sounds. Even if it was barely audible, as soon as the player was near enough to be in the sound radius an indicator popped up. Made it also a lot easier to locate the enemy if you didn't have hearing disabilities. I don't remember exactly whether they changed that or completely removed it later tho.

The thing is, those compensations should be there to level the playing field but if it is such a buff to use it even if you are not disabled then it completely misses the point as this case results in 2 scenarios:
1) The majority of non-disabled players doesn't use it but any non-disabled player who does abuse this now has an edge over them, which is unfair/unbalanced
2) The majority of non-disabled players does abuse it and now has an edge over disabled people yet again, making the compensation completely useless and forces non-disabled people to abuse it to keep a level playing field

You may have noticed that I'm looking at the problem primarily from a competitive point of view tho. PvP is a bit less relevant probably (nobody plays it anymore lol) but WvW is the second most played content type iirc. So to any roamers auto-buffing your pets will be a huge no-no (unless they benefit from that themselves, probably).
I think PvE has a ton of options besides ranger/mech that are super input-friendly, some were already mentioned above. Pistol/pistol deadeye also requires basically only holding #3, which is what I've been running for years now (I'm not disabled tho, I just don't want to play piano while watching Youtube and farming in the background). I even had some successful raids with this build so idk. Unless you want to do speedruns or CM you'll find a lot of builds with virtually 0 effort required that will do the job just fine.

Like I said I'm not opposed to such compensations but I just think they should be implemented in a way so that non-disabled people can't gain an edge by abusing it. There needs to be a trade-off that doesn't affect actual disabled players or at least limits non-disabled players disproportionally more in case they opt-in to that compensation.
Although it might be its own topic of debate to which extent classes/traits/whatever should get trimmed towards disabilities. If something is objectively worse for a non-disabled person it will likely not get used very often (don't know how many people play mmos with certain disabilities) and worse to balance, be underutilized by the community as a whole, etc.
I'd be cautious to making such changes in general. I don't know, maybe my moral code is not particularly helpful in this case but I think to improve the gaming experience of 0.2% of players (random number) shouldn't be at the cost of the experience for the remaining community.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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30 minutes ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

You may have noticed that I'm looking at the problem primarily from a competitive point of view tho. PvP is a bit less relevant probably (nobody plays it anymore) but WvW is the second most played content type iirc. So to any roamers auto-buffing your pets will be a huge no-no.
I think PvE has a ton of options besides ranger/mech that are super input-friendly, some were already mentioned above. Pistol/pistol deadeye also requires basically only holding #3, which is what I've been running for years now (I'm not disabled tho, I just don't want to play piano while watching Youtube and farming in the background). I even had some successful raids with this build so idk. Unless you want to do speedruns or CM you'll find a lot of builds with virtually 0 effort required that will do the job just fine.

You can even toggle auto cast on unload now and not run out of initiative since they reduced the cost to 3 from 5 so initiative sustain is a nonfactor.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

You cna even toggle auto cast on unload now and not run out of initiative since they reduced the cost to 3 from 5 so initiative sustain is a nonfactor.

True, very good change imo.
I was first running that build in sPvP actually and got to plat2 pretty easily. Was an awesome counter to Scourge+Firebrand, which completely dominated pvp back then and classes couldn't spam reflects 24/7. Good old times. Back when Jawgeous and Co were still streaming and casting mATs and stuff (I was also streaming but I wasn't nearly as big on twitch).

I think after I took a break a variant of that build became kinda popular and was nerfed into the ground. Was quite sad when I came back and found out that Unload almost required me to take out an initiative-loan to use it.
Great PvE change tho, would be too broken if it was also applied to competitive game modes. I actually never stopped running the build in WvW and sometimes even in PvP as it's still pretty good (mostly Daredevil now tho - the relic of the daredevil is SUPER strong with the right build), although not as broken as it used to be.

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On 12/5/2023 at 10:37 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

In what way is setting skills to autocast supposed to be any "compromise"? 

I think that if you're interested in compromise, you can always look up some easly played low intensity builds.

Maybe compromise was not the best word, but I figured it was at least a different tactic than "restore my Vamp bonus heal" - which I would LOVE to return, but doesn't seem likely.

I play those builds, heck, I helped Jupiter at Meta battle create the first ones, but they keep nerfing them to the ground. I'm not good at this game - I'm never going to be able to "get good", so maybe I just need to accept I have my one profession I can play and so be it. That pretty much means just doing dailies/weeklies and new stories, but I guess given there's no sub cost, it's a fine enough trade.

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12 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

You can do 26k dps with hammer mechanist with 0 additional input other than pressing auto attack once at the start of a fight.
As mentioned above you can do above 25k dps with 1 or 2 buttons on mirage.
Herald does 29k, potentially 30k dps with 3 buttons (assassin stance: impossible odds, stance swap, dwarf stance: vengeful hammers), this build can also use speed relic and rising momentum trait to move at capped speed so long as you have swiftness. Alternately, you can play a quickness herald by changing 1 trait and permanently provide quickness and over 15 stacks of might while doing less personal damage.
There is currently a staff thief build that spams staff 3 along with 1 or 2 skills to restore initiative doing 28-30k dps (not sure on the exact number on this one) while also doing breakbar damage every hit, similarly, you can do pistol pistol unload spam with only 1 additional input for around 25k I believe and it goes up to 28k with 3 buttons.

Just a few off the top of my head, basically any class that has a larger portion of their damage coming from auto attacks or other passive sources such as clones or pets would be a decent candidate for a low intensity build. 

That being said, can we please stop trying to turn the game into an autobattler by using people with disabilities as an excuse? Barring very, and I mean very, serious problems, you can do more than enough damage in this game. And I'll come out and say this, if you are unable press 1 button every minute or so, should the game change to accommodate that, or should you find alternate ways to make it possible for yourself to press 1 to 3 buttons? A lot of people with varying degrees of disabilities find ways to make their situation work. This game is already very accessible in its current form, I don't think it should be pushed into autobattler territory.

You're talking on golem, yes? Because my Mirage was doing about 4K during my last tests against Forged raiding parties. That includes dodging, 2, and 3.

The thing is, we keep finding ways to make things work, and then Anet keeps nerfing them, seemingly for no reason. The Vamp rune bonus was a staple for most of us LI players and they yank it away for no real good reason as far as I understand. It wasn't messing up benchmarks. I haven't seen anything about it affecting WvW.

It's pretty clear to me at this point that sadly Anet only cares about some marginalized communities, not all, as long as it can make them money and not interfere with their elitist vision. I think there's a lot of middle ground between where it is and autobattler, but I sense you and I don't see eye to eye, and that's fine. I don't find the game very accessible by default.

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12 hours ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

I understand that players with disabilities need some aspects to be simpler or automated and I'm totally for that. But only if it doesn't dumb down a certain class, spec or build so that players without disabilities can abuse that and be way stronger than a class without such "compensations". If a ranger or mechanist doesn't have to do a lot of things on their own to be super powerful because their pet can carry them, then this is super abuseable to anyone who can use the player character to its fullest extent on top of the automated pet.

Maybe instead of making the pet stronger/easier to play by default I think a good compromise would be to allow the player to shift power from the ranger/mechanist to the pet via traits or whatever, so the overall damage output stays the same. Then you can opt-in to basically trade-off some micro-management for your own power output.

I remember Counter Strike Global Offensive also introducing some features to compensate for hearing disabilities where you'd get an on-screen indicator of the direction and distance where an enemy made sounds. Even if it was barely audible, as soon as the player was near enough to be in the sound radius an indicator popped up. Made it also a lot easier to locate the enemy if you didn't have hearing disabilities. I don't remember exactly whether they changed that or completely removed it later tho.

The thing is, those compensations should be there to level the playing field but if it is such a buff to use it even if you are not disabled then it completely misses the point as this case results in 2 scenarios:
1) The majority of non-disabled players doesn't use it but any non-disabled player who does abuse this now has an edge over them, which is unfair/unbalanced
2) The majority of non-disabled players does abuse it and now has an edge over disabled people yet again, making the compensation completely useless and forces non-disabled people to abuse it to keep a level playing field

You may have noticed that I'm looking at the problem primarily from a competitive point of view tho. PvP is a bit less relevant probably (nobody plays it anymore lol) but WvW is the second most played content type iirc. So to any roamers auto-buffing your pets will be a huge no-no (unless they benefit from that themselves, probably).
I think PvE has a ton of options besides ranger/mech that are super input-friendly, some were already mentioned above. Pistol/pistol deadeye also requires basically only holding #3, which is what I've been running for years now (I'm not disabled tho, I just don't want to play piano while watching Youtube and farming in the background). I even had some successful raids with this build so idk. Unless you want to do speedruns or CM you'll find a lot of builds with virtually 0 effort required that will do the job just fine.

Like I said I'm not opposed to such compensations but I just think they should be implemented in a way so that non-disabled people can't gain an edge by abusing it. There needs to be a trade-off that doesn't affect actual disabled players or at least limits non-disabled players disproportionally more in case they opt-in to that compensation.
Although it might be its own topic of debate to which extent classes/traits/whatever should get trimmed towards disabilities. If something is objectively worse for a non-disabled person it will likely not get used very often (don't know how many people play mmos with certain disabilities) and worse to balance, be underutilized by the community as a whole, etc.
I'd be cautious to making such changes in general. I don't know, maybe my moral code is not particularly helpful in this case but I think to improve the gaming experience of 0.2% of players (random number) shouldn't be at the cost of the experience for the remaining community.

I think it's perfectly valid and fair to be worried about what would essentially be afk power creep. I don't think these LI builds should be anywhere close to normal builds. They should be sufficient for basic things - story and general open world - and no more. There are tons of ways to raise the floor of effectiveness without helping those who don't need help - I hate to beat the horse into glue, but that vamp bonus for example - no regular player was taking that. Your idea of transferring power to the pet is a good idea (though we'd need more pets), where the tradeoff is now having to deal with the pet's awful AI.

I must play Ranger extremely incorrectly because I can't seem to stay alive on it. My pet never holds agrro. Just yesterday I got downed by a few harpies in Jahai Bluffs.

I don't think these should be world beater builds, but the last changes to Mesmer for example, which removed a few passive traits for more activate on skill press stuff gutted it for me.

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On 12/5/2023 at 1:35 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

I think with the addition of Mechanist, that every profession now has access to signet skills. Surely you can find a build that only uses 5 buttons?

I don't use a keyboard for combat, but a trackball with jump and dodge on the extra buttons, and a Razer Tartarus for my left hand. Makes it much easier to move with the directions on the thumb control, and easy access to 10 skills + more as desired. I don't know if that helps your situation or not, but thought I'd mention it.


I recently added a cheap little 12-button programmable USB keypad that I keep by the Razer, with the mount buttons assigned to it. Makes it super-easy to switch between mounts. All this to help a 60-yr old gamer.

There are also foot-pedal controls that you could use. Never used one, but have seen them.

Just some thoughts, don't know if they help.

5 buttons? All classes can be 1 button in OW lol even mech uses 9 /12 in its rotation. It depends on what you want to do, everything on this list marked in the Li is low intensity for that profession, be aware though to master it is more difficult with open world being easiest


Edited by Artemis.8034
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4 hours ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

Maybe compromise was not the best word, but I figured it was at least a different tactic than "restore my Vamp bonus heal" - which I would LOVE to return, but doesn't seem likely.

Well yeah, as far as I'm aware this had nothing to do with being any kind "compromise" and that word was probably just used in an attempt to "sound nice".

4 hours ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

I play those builds, heck, I helped Jupiter at Meta battle create the first ones, but they keep nerfing them to the ground. I'm not good at this game - I'm never going to be able to "get good", so maybe I just need to accept I have my one profession I can play and so be it. That pretty much means just doing dailies/weeklies and new stories, but I guess given there's no sub cost, it's a fine enough trade.

Those easy to use builds aren't really "nerfed to the ground". Sure, they're not topping the charts and that's a good thing because they really have no reason to top anything. But they're easly viable for anything you'd want to do in the game. And it's not "just one profession" either, but if you'd rather stick to one then that's ok.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

What ever helps people with physical limitations should be done. If we consistently blocked every mechanic that can be abused, the game would be rather boring and offer very limited rewards. 

Ah yes, make the game play itself, surely that will make it very entertaining and engaging, 10/10.

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1 hour ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

You're talking on golem, yes? Because my Mirage was doing about 4K during my last tests against Forged raiding parties. That includes dodging, 2, and 3.

The thing is, we keep finding ways to make things work, and then Anet keeps nerfing them, seemingly for no reason. The Vamp rune bonus was a staple for most of us LI players and they yank it away for no real good reason as far as I understand. It wasn't messing up benchmarks. I haven't seen anything about it affecting WvW.

It's pretty clear to me at this point that sadly Anet only cares about some marginalized communities, not all, as long as it can make them money and not interfere with their elitist vision. I think there's a lot of middle ground between where it is and autobattler, but I sense you and I don't see eye to eye, and that's fine. I don't find the game very accessible by default.

Unless Anet changed how Vindicator works you can still play it running Jalis/Shiro, keeping IO/Hammers on(1 button), keep up the dodge bonus(+1 button), use GS5(+1 button) and then auto attack while swapping Legends(+1 button) for a grand total of 4-5 skills for the whole rotation and still deal more damage than I'd say majority of the players. Last time I've brought it to Raids 25k was perfectly doable while watching the F1 Miami GP on my second screen. 
EDIT right before posting this:
There's a video of that build doing 38k early Soto, so, we can still assume 30k is easily doable this way, like it was when I last used it. The explanation makes it sound extremely complex, while in reality the first 2 lines are essentially the rotation you need. There even is a build linked that changes it to function better in OW.

Reaper can also be very simple, you won't hit 40k, but you can throw out the Wells and weapon swap and go only GS and Shroud and still do atleast half of the bench. Using what is essentially the old Reaper rotation from years ago could also pass as an LI build, especially if you only utilize GS and Shroud.

Mech still exists and is still good as an LI build.

On the topic of doing 4k DPS.. yes, it will do low DPS if you use it against trash, pretty much like how every condi DPS will take longer on trash, because by the time you get half of the conditions on them they're dead.

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On 12/5/2023 at 7:24 PM, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

As part of a group of players with disabilities, it's no secret that we've been hit hard by a lot of the recent changes (not all rune effects becoming relics, the recent removal of passive bonuses from Mirage to name a couple). It's clear the developers frown on more passive elements as much I think that sucks. However, what about a possible "compromise"? We have multiple auto cast skills on Ranger pets and the Mech, could we not bring that idea to the player bar as well?

Lmao just git gud, you have a nose do you? 


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2 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

What ever helps people with physical limitations should be done.

In context of this thread this sentence doesn't make much sense to me, because as a result it stops at nothing else than the game playing itself. And that is when you're left with not much of a game. Might as well launch some idle/clicker game and watch the numbers go up.

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8 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Well yeah, as far as I'm aware this had nothing to do with being any kind "compromise" and that word was probably just used in an attempt to "sound nice".

Those easy to use builds aren't really "nerfed to the ground". Sure, they're not topping the charts and that's a good thing because they really have no reason to top anything. But they're easly viable for anything you'd want to do in the game. And it's not "just one profession" either, but if you'd rather stick to one then that's ok.

I don't know what to say. I had a working build for each profession before the vamp rune change, and now the Mirage changes from the other day. I can't do most simple things in OW on half of the professions now. I'm willing to accept that MMOs just aren't for me, and should stick to JRPGs and other such slower games.

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7 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Why would you use a condi build, one that struggles even more than most other condi builds against trash mobs in that scenario? Get a vindicator, slap on sigil of stamina, spam dodge until everything stops moving.

There are multiple builds with a lot of sustain available in the game atm. If you are still unable to stay alive, it is a skill issue, so long as you are able to move your character around, you sohuld be avoiding telegraphed attacks. Either that or you are engaging in content that isn't meant to be soloed.

It is pretty clear to me that you embraced this victim mentality and aren't villing to part with it any time soon. So much so that presented with multiple examples of super accessible builds, your go to reaction was to pick one of them and create the absolute worst scenario for it to somehow justify your belief that anet hates people with disabilities. 

I'll ignore the personal attack to continue this discussion. I don't think they hate people with disabilities (though I have friends with colorblindness and motion sickness who disagree), I just don't think they care, which so be it.

Mirage was held up as one of the most friendly LI builds previously. I used to have 0 problems with it. I mention it because it used to work before the changes. I mentioned Ranger as another I have problems with.

Maybe I'm asking too much to get back to being able to play every profession with a simpler playstyle, and just have to adjust accordingly. Some professions will just be out of reach for me which saddens me, but it is what it is.

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9 hours ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

You're talking on golem, yes? Because my Mirage was doing about 4K during my last tests against Forged raiding parties. That includes dodging, 2, and 3.

The thing is, we keep finding ways to make things work, and then Anet keeps nerfing them, seemingly for no reason. The Vamp rune bonus was a staple for most of us LI players and they yank it away for no real good reason as far as I understand. It wasn't messing up benchmarks. I haven't seen anything about it affecting WvW.

It's pretty clear to me at this point that sadly Anet only cares about some marginalized communities, not all, as long as it can make them money and not interfere with their elitist vision. I think there's a lot of middle ground between where it is and autobattler, but I sense you and I don't see eye to eye, and that's fine. I don't find the game very accessible by default.

Yes, it was under raid group conditions.  The original purpose of the auto attack tests was to demonstrate how certain professions and weapons have overly punishing rotations, by comparing the baseline damage vs. the executed rotations.  That info, however, was very useful, and it began to be used to find newbie friendly builds and low impact builds.  So, while the current mirage is doing 42k DPS but 25k with the LI setup, if you don't have boons you'll still sit at roughly 60% of the maximum damage you could've been doing.  

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13 minutes ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

I'll ignore the personal attack to continue this discussion. I don't think they hate people with disabilities (though I have friends with colorblindness and motion sickness who disagree), I just don't think they care, which so be it.

Mirage was held up as one of the most friendly LI builds previously. I used to have 0 problems with it. I mention it because it used to work before the changes. I mentioned Ranger as another I have problems with.

Maybe I'm asking too much to get back to being able to play every profession with a simpler playstyle, and just have to adjust accordingly. Some professions will just be out of reach for me which saddens me, but it is what it is.

Statement of facts is not a personal attack, will you be able to take off that victim mentality you wear like a scarf any time soon?

Mirage was terrible for trash clear for YEARS, the recent changes did little to change that.

And yes, design-wise not every class is equally good for low insensity. For instance, playing a weaver with only 1 attunement will inevitably result in lower performance than auto attacking on herald or mechanist.

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3 hours ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

I'll ignore the personal attack to continue this discussion. I don't think they hate people with disabilities (though I have friends with colorblindness and motion sickness who disagree), I just don't think they care, which so be it.

Mirage was held up as one of the most friendly LI builds previously. I used to have 0 problems with it. I mention it because it used to work before the changes. I mentioned Ranger as another I have problems with.

Maybe I'm asking too much to get back to being able to play every profession with a simpler playstyle, and just have to adjust accordingly. Some professions will just be out of reach for me which saddens me, but it is what it is.

Don't be upset about "personal attacks" when people try to help and you just ignore it and write things like this.

12 hours ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

It's pretty clear to me at this point that sadly Anet only cares about some marginalized communities, not all, as long as it can make them money and not interfere with their elitist vision. 

People straight up spoonfeed you builds and explain how to play them easily only to be met by "but Anet disability" when there are videos of people playing Fractal CMs with different sets of disabilities playing far better than the average players I've seen in CMs. They explain how they do it and give tips to others with similiar disabilities instead of complaining that the game doesn't play itself for them.


In 2021 I got into a nasty accident that left me not being able to move my right arm due to broken bones, severe headaches and focusing issues. I still managed to play the game, first by utilizing a controller as a replacement mouse, since I could use my fingers, but that was uncomfortable over longer times, so I ended up binding a bunch of extra things to my keyboard and that's when I remade my utility keybinds to be more focused around my left fingers. I ended up borderline turning GW2 into a fancier GW1 controls wise essentially just so I could skip on using my mouse. 

You still continoue to ignore the recommendations on what to play and complain to others that the game is not playing itself enough when literally any profession can hit 15k+ DPS just by auto attacking with other professions having straight up DPS rotations consisting of a few buttons capable of hitting 30k DPS.

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4 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Statement of facts is not a personal attack, will you be able to take off that victim mentality you wear like a scarf any time soon?

Mirage was terrible for trash clear for YEARS, the recent changes did little to change that.

And yes, design-wise not every class is equally good for low insensity. For instance, playing a weaver with only 1 attunement will inevitably result in lower performance than auto attacking on herald or mechanist.

We  could lower the effect of boons  so the disparity is not so huge .

Its the exact same thing as bringing up other underused specs 

Edited by Woof.8246
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