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Anet if u want pvp popularity to skyrocket.


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1. Every 50 marches won in a season player is rewarded a random legendary piece of equipment, not some ingredients or parts of a tedious grind for the piece. Every 25 games won player recieves a piece of ascended gear. Every 15 games won players receives 30 gold. If player ends season in plat they receive random mount skin, if fold they receive 100 gold.

2. Remove duo q, players that want to play with friends can play unranked and mats/tournaments.

3. In unranked every 15 matches won player receives 20 gold, every 30 matches won player receives a piece of ascended gear. 

Make these changes and I think u would see far less afk in both ranked and un-ranked and due to rewards u would see a spike in pvp population very fast.

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11 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

This is a great idea! The population will skyrocket!  (if we count bots as players)

your rewards are way wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much

I tried to make the reward dependent on winning games to exclude bots as much as I could think of. Also rewards are good to entice players to not only try pvp but stick around. What are ur suggestions? Right now we have plenty of bots already plus afk's etc. Most of my buds that play mmo's that I've talked into trying pvp left because the rewards were not in any way close to being worth thier time, their words not mine as I've been a pvp only player for yrs.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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Just now, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

So just give up and let in continue on its downward decline? Most days I agree with u but today was feeling optimistic/positive for some reason haha.

no shame in being optimistic^^ 

but i hardly doubt that any change can breath back life into this.         I hope i am wrong.

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11 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

no shame in being optimistic^^ 

but i hardly doubt that any change can breath back life into this.         I hope i am wrong.

Me to cuz I like the combat, mechanics and classes in gw2 by far the most of the current mmos, seeing its pvp dwindle over the years has been sad. Being in my 40's with a family it's jump in and pvp for a hr here and there has been a God send lol.

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There is no fun in spvp is why its dead not because of the rewards or lack thereof.

Controversial opinion but id say make 5 man groups a thing, this will allow ppl to actually play with people they like instead of being forced to play with gaslighting projecting idiots who make money off of this kitten and take it way top seriously.

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14 minutes ago, deathdealer.2197 said:

There is no fun in spvp is why its dead not because of the rewards or lack thereof.

Controversial opinion but id say make 5 man groups a thing, this will allow ppl to actually play with people they like instead of being forced to play with gaslighting projecting idiots who make money off of this kitten and take it way top seriously.

I donno, I feel like adding the ability for full groups would kill pvp off completely very fast, the amount of solo pvp players dwarf the amount that que duo's let alone larger team. The population would be half what it is now within weeks, so like 150 to 40 players lol. I also disagree that it's not fun, what's not fun is the afk'rs, bots, players match manipulating and the poor matchmaking due to being designed for a larger sum of players. The reason for the lower sum of players are due to the above stated issues, and the fact the rewards are not enough to entice new players to try it, pve players to try it and to retain those players. The game mode needs to be more rewarding to players but in a way that doesn't entice botters to flood the mode with botts as the poster above rightly mentioned.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

1. Every 50 marches won in a season player is rewarded a random legendary piece of equipment, not some ingredients or parts of a tedious grind for the piece. Every 25 games won player recieves a piece of ascended gear. Every 15 games won players receives 30 gold. If player ends season in plat they receive random mount skin, if fold they receive 100 gold.

2. Remove duo q, players that want to play with friends can play unranked and mats/tournaments.

3. In unranked every 15 matches won player receives 20 gold, every 30 matches won player receives a piece of ascended gear. 

Make these changes and I think u would see far less afk in both ranked and un-ranked and due to rewards u would see a spike in pvp population very fast.


I Respect your focus on making PvP more rewarding to attract new players including Potential players to stay. Where the problem that lies is, when those players start to notice and question what is happening around them like botters, afk. What should we say to them?

Focus on the rewards instead??

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

I tried to make the reward dependent on winning games to exclude bots as much as I could think of. Also rewards are good to entice players to not only try pvp but stick around. What are ur suggestions? Right now we have plenty of bots already plus afk's etc. Most of my buds that play mmo's that I've talked into trying pvp left because the rewards were not in any way close to being worth thier time, their words not mine as I've been a pvp only player for yrs.

The matchmaker is a coin flip simulator.

It tries to create balanced match ups.  50% win chance for both sides. Therefor a coin flip each game.

Meaning that all you have to do is play around 100 games for a guaranteed legendary.

As is doesnt matter which elo you have to farm these wins, bots would have a field day.


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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


I Respect your focus on making PvP more rewarding to attract new players including Potential players to stay. Where the problem that lies is, when those players start to notice and question what is happening around them like botters, afk. What should we say to them?

Focus on the rewards instead??

I k o better rewards will entice botting, that's why I was trying to figure out ways to allow for better rewards that also discouraging betting. One way would be to have the rewards heavily tailored to games won as I would assume bots lose most games and currently are uses because even though they lose most games they still get rewarded. What if we introduced better and meaningful rewards but based on games won only? I'm sure there's got to be other ways to make betting less prominent. I love how there's people that are so scummy they literally destroy the mode for the little rewards that are given, almost feel bad for them being such losers in life.

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8 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

I tried to make the reward dependent on winning games to exclude bots as much as I could think of. Also rewards are good to entice players to not only try pvp but stick around. What are ur suggestions? Right now we have plenty of bots already plus afk's etc. Most of my buds that play mmo's that I've talked into trying pvp left because the rewards were not in any way close to being worth thier time, their words not mine as I've been a pvp only player for yrs.

If bots fight other bots, then the will be guaranteed bots on the winning team. 

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What they should do is increase queue times and change the matchmaking to not try to balance based on team composition, but by elo only. If there are 4 engineers on one team to balance teams based on elo, then that's what should be happening. Making two g3 guards go up against two p2 guards for the sake of class mirroring is bad matchmaking. 

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On 12/14/2023 at 5:45 AM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Remove duo q, players that want to play with friends can play unranked and mats/tournaments.

Get this nonsense out of here. Unranked is for friends... Let me make this SUPER CLEAR people with friends want to compete, and compete against others on the same team. 

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55 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Get this nonsense out of here. Unranked is for friends... Let me make this SUPER CLEAR people with friends want to compete, and compete against others on the same team. 

Yeah let me make this super CLEAR! freinds can compete together in MaT's and other tourneys. There are a significantly larger amount of players solo queueing vs players duo queueing, and the ones that do duo if both are decent have a obvious advantage vs solo. Duo should be removed from ranked or there should be a ranked team queue and a separate ranked solo, but if they cannot do this removing duo would be most feasible as stated above there are far more solo queue players compared to duo. Use ur head, that said I get wanting to compete with ur friends.

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On 12/14/2023 at 2:45 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

1. Every 50 marches won in a season player is rewarded a random legendary piece of equipment, not some ingredients or parts of a tedious grind for the piece. Every 25 games won player recieves a piece of ascended gear. Every 15 games won players receives 30 gold. If player ends season in plat they receive random mount skin, if fold they receive 100 gold.

2. Remove duo q, players that want to play with friends can play unranked and mats/tournaments.

3. In unranked every 15 matches won player receives 20 gold, every 30 matches won player receives a piece of ascended gear. 

Make these changes and I think u would see far less afk in both ranked and un-ranked and due to rewards u would see a spike in pvp population very fast.

1. No. I would've more than a full set of legendary gear by now and I'm not even that active lmao. That's way too much and I don't think rewards are necessary at all, let alone legendary gear. Edit for clarification: I do appreciate rewards, since this is a mmo and I want to be able to play pvp while not missing out on gold, aka not "waste my time" in that sense that everyone else playing would get more gold value for just grinding or doing virtually anything else. But I don't think rewards should be an incentive, just a mere "compensation" for time spent. So I'm more than happy with just getting gold or universally useful things like mats or something like that. No need to put a carrot on a stick in front of players imo.

2. This has been discussed for ages, the last 3 weeks or so too. I won't go into detail on that.

3. Also no for me, upping rewards are not necessary imo. I'd prefer to just get pips and stuff for unranked too, so in terms of loot there wouldn't be a difference between ranked and unranked anymore, meaning people who just want to get their drops can go play unranked and don't bother ranked teams. Maybe Ascended Shards of Glory and/or PvP tickets could be gated behind a repeatable ranked win achievement if Anet really wants it to remain gated behind ranked seasons.

But honestly, I guess Anet doesn't want pvp popularity/population to increase. I think the current staff is happy that PvP is finally on its last breath and hopefully soon completely dead as they haven't been interested in it for years.
sPvP didn't even get a single mention anywhere since even before End of Dragons. Apart from balance updates I think the last reference to anything sPvP related was in 2018 or 2019 or so? No hope we will get something in the future unless Anet has a massive shift in priorities. Which I'm not completely dismissing, especially after the shift from Living Story to expansion driven updates (which I highly appreciate) but I'm quite pessimistic nonetheless. sPvP is probably already too far gone to be resurrected, so investing in it would probably be a gamble for Anet anyway.
Maybe exactly because of the shift to expansions Anet will finally get more funds to properly support WvW and PvP again and we will finally get something new but I don't think so. Debt is expensive nowadays, their business probably needs it to keep the lights on and survive a bit of a rougher time period in the studio.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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On 12/15/2023 at 3:07 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Yeah let me make this super CLEAR! freinds can compete together in MaT's and other tourneys.

This is not queing together. This is every hour or so at best. This is not the same thing as queing together to compete with your friends. Offering ATs as the replacement for group play is a cop out. How bout this.... why dont you take ATs and you can que solo, you can just do only every hour. Wouldnt like would you? Neither do those of us who want to enjoy a team based game with other people.

Same as :

  • Counter Strike
  • Apex
  • LoL
  • Fortnite
  • CoD
  • WoW


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25 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

This is not queing together. This is every hour or so at best. This is not the same thing as queing together to compete with your friends. Offering ATs as the replacement for group play is a cop out. How bout this.... why dont you take ATs and you can que solo, you can just do only every hour. Wouldnt like would you? Neither do those of us who want to enjoy a team based game with other people.

Same as :

  • Counter Strike
  • Apex
  • LoL
  • Fortnite
  • CoD
  • WoW


don't worry these idiots will just watch pvp population continue to shrink, while WvW the mode where you can rock up with a 50 man premades will still be going strong as the second most popular mode.

that's right friendship is dead, no one plays mmos to be social, we are all ultra competitive solo sweat lords, catering to guilds will not grow the population, I could be rank one if just a few more people quit, and other assorted pvp forum copium overdose takes...

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Just now, Bunbury.8472 said:

don't worry these idiots will just watch pvp population continue to shrink, while WvW the mode where you can rock up with a 50 man premades will still be going strong as the second most popular mode.

that's right friendship is dead, no one plays mmos to be social, we are all ultra competitive solo sweat lords, catering to guilds will not grow the population, I could be rank one if just a few more people quit, and other assorted pvp forum copium overdose takes...

Amen brother. 

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On 12/16/2023 at 12:07 AM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Yeah let me make this super CLEAR! freinds can compete together in MaT's and other tourneys. There are a significantly larger amount of players solo queueing vs players duo queueing, and the ones that do duo if both are decent have a obvious advantage vs solo. Duo should be removed from ranked or there should be a ranked team queue and a separate ranked solo, but if they cannot do this removing duo would be most feasible as stated above there are far more solo queue players compared to duo. Use ur head, that said I get wanting to compete with ur friends.

This has been discussed ad nauseam in the past few weeks - yet again.
Totally agree with split team and solo-only queue (although there would probably a debate regarding the team queue because I'd favor arbitrary teams, even 4+1 is ok imo) but I highly doubt Anet will do ANY of that anyway, so further discussing the topic is likely pretty useless. Even disabling duoQ is probably too much time spent on Anet's behalf as none of their staff is remotely interested in PvP and I could even imagine they have a block from higher up (NCSoft) for working on anything but expansions, pve bugfixes and the gem store (+ limited capacity for World Restructuring since WvW is still popular).

But yea, like already mentioned, ATs and mATs are insufficient for proper team play. Case and point: There is no sPvP community.
However, there was a community when we still had team queue, so either ATs are clearly not sufficient to sustain the game mode or everyone who was interested in competitive PvP has already lost interest in the game (mode) a long time ago and won't come back. In both cases this is bad for sPvP.
And of course the vast majority of players are solo-Q'ing. Nobody knows anybody to queue up together. There is no community anymore and hasn't been for ages, and I'd argue that is also why pvp is in a constant downfall. Virtually every other game mode - even kittening erp - has a bigger sense of community than sPvP. Its "community" only consists of a bunch of individuals with tunnel vision chilling out in the lobby/arena and waiting for the Q to pop. No wonder people get tilted, toxic and leave. If you don't have a good time then there's no saving grace. With friends you can at least meme about it and still enjoy the clownfiesta.
If people are so adamant about solo-only they should go to ESO or Blade&Soul where you can play solo-only. Oh, wait, their pvp scenes are also dead. Wonder why..

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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