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Max range on Chaos and Frost Aura

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19 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

That’s even better yeah. I have no LB2 but the ranger can just get a frostaura but for some unknown reason it’s tempest who should get nerfed lmao. Thanks.

Who said nerf tempest...and why are we even comparing a single ranger sniping a tempest who should be in the middle of (and providing magnetic aura to) a group anyway? 

If you do happen to get downed, just mistform into the nearest structure like a good ele....

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Who said nerf tempest...and why are we even comparing a single ranger sniping a tempest who should be in the middle of (and providing magnetic aura to) a group anyway? 

If you do happen to get downed, just mistform into the nearest structure like a good ele....

Why are we against tempest? Because this thread is mainly against auras and guess which specialization focuses most on auras?

and ranger as a ranged class is just a placeholder, i could mention a lot of ranged specs but yeah, doesn’t matter. I dunno what the purpose of your post is exactly.

Edited by CafPow.1542
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8 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Why are we against tempest? Because this thread is mainly against auras and guess which specialization focuses most on auras?

Ah yes, all those chaos aura spamming tempests ...

And infinite range on auras doesn't only affect ranged builds - anything with lingering ground aoe suffers just as much, if not more.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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On 12/25/2023 at 5:41 PM, Chrome.9841 said:

Other than magnetic aura which it already supposed to reflect projectiles; I dont understand fire and frost aura mechanics. Why am i getting burned or chilled by using range attacks? They should be for melee attacks. 

But range damage should be reflected with the damage multipliers from the ranged class then?

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Just now, diomache.9246 said:

But range damage should be reflected with the damage multipliers from the ranged class then?

At max ranged the reflected attk dont make it. Every attk should have an risk getting hit is the aura risk a far more costly risk then any other effect in gw2. Why should ranged attk be so much safer then any thing else in the game?

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1 hour ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Ah yes, all those chaos aura spamming tempests ...

And infinite range on auras doesn't only affect ranged builds - anything with lingering ground aoe suffers just as much, if not more.

First it was mostly frost/fire aura (burning and chill)… yeah.

and sure, a melee reaper for example can place marks and wells at ramge and be affected. Guess what, that’s still a ranged issue then even if the spec in this scenario is mostly melee. Doesn’t change anything.


i wonder how mich more goalpost-shifting comes up.

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10 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Why are we against tempest? Because this thread is mainly against auras and guess which specialization focuses most on auras?

Seems you may be incapable of reasoning past your own class?

I can do that too...we should leave auras alone and give ranger magnetic aura because I believe it's the only one missing now.  Can put it on brown or black bear for most lulz.  

There's been many examples past tempest in this thread already as to why a range cap on aura would be good--but we just keep circling back....

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Seems you may be incapable of reasoning past your own class?

I can do that too...we should leave auras alone and give ranger magnetic aura because I believe it's the only one missing now.  Can put it on brown or black bear for most lulz.  

There's been many examples past tempest in this thread already as to why a range cap on aura would be good--but we just keep circling back....

Yeah everybody can get auras by jumping through fields.

and sure, give rangers magnetic auras if you think that’s what this profession needs, i don’t know the purpose of this argument but if it makes you happy….


then, ofc there is mesmers left with chaotic aura whos value might be overestimated a little bit.

but what class is able to blurt out a ton of 4 different auras and what class can even share said auras to friends? Okay. Not just tempest but every elemage i guess.

now what?

it‘s still silly to whine about auras like they brake the game cause they chill you at range. When you rangebomb in the middle of your zerg, and get chilled or get 3-4 stacks of burning you will be completely fine.

auras are a defensive counter.

my god i also play reaper and could be annoyed by the amount of protection and stability and dodgerolls i encounter but instead of opening a thread and crying around, i realize there are counters to everything in this game even if i don’t like it and not every inconvenience has to be nerfed.

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On 12/23/2023 at 4:21 PM, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

How about we put a range cap on the on-hit effects on these auras? The condis form them are the strongest non damaging condis in game and with the lack of a max range they're about as oppresive as the old retalitation boon.

Especially with the increased availability of Frost Aura compared to years ago. It can be spammed and anyone AoEing Boonspergs is going to be perma chilled. It's an insanely powerful defense for the amount of up time it has. 

It was fine when you could only have a few seconds per minute, but now it's oppressive. They need to either chill out with access to the aura or put a range cap on it. 


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Oy, leave my auras alone, SHOOO, sneaky elementalists trying to misdirect and shift focus again.


Nerf the balance teams main, nerf the current anet lead's main, its so broken that most efficient and overpowered spvp comp is 5 catalysts, ele does everything better than other classes, sustain, mobility, damage, even downed skill is overpowered ride into sunset. 

Leave mesmers and poverty aura alone, all it does is spam some trash condis fillers that u can cleanse out if it tickles. We get our colorless aura recolored, get an share trait for it, and next thing mesmers know is ele trying to take it away by shifting convo from their op aura puke towards measly chaos marble 

U cant make this kitten up, ele mains point towards chaos aura when every single aura they generate is way stronger, chaos is joke in comparison to any of elemental ones. 


p.s no need for that confused emoji spam, this is not serious forum, i cant take it seriously when such stuff being discussed here, and i really try to show that, it saddens me that people cant detect the tone and performance here, but i cant expect more from ele mains, should prob made it more obvious.  

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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24 minutes ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

Oy, leave my auras alone, SHOOO, sneaky elementalists trying to misdirect and shift focus again.


Nerf the balance teams main, nerf the current anet lead's main, its so broken that most efficient and overpowered spvp comp is 5 catalysts, ele does everything better than other classes, sustain, mobility, damage, even downed skill is overpowered ride into sunset. 

Leave mesmers and poverty aura alone, all it does is spam some trash condis fillers that u can cleanse out if it tickles. We get our colorless aura recolored, get an share trait for it, and next thing mesmers know is ele trying to take it away by shifting convo from their op aura puke towards measly chaos marble 

U cant make this kitten up, ele mains point towards chaos aura when every single aura they generate is way stronger, chaos is joke in comparison to any of elemental ones. 


p.s no need for that confused emoji spam, this is not serious forum, i cant take it seriously when such stuff being discussed here, and i really try to show that, it saddens me that people cant detect the tone and performance here, but i cant expect more from ele mains can i? 

Honestly if you just wrote nerf thief it would have been funnier. But I’ll take away my emoji bro I don’t wanna mess with your head. I’ll admit I couldn’t tell if your post is serious or troll, whether it is for or against auras.

This entire thread is a huge cope so it’s hard to distinguish trolls from conspiracy theorists.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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Please change the range of these two auras. Currently it is way too strong.

Especially in boon balls vs cloud scenarios. One range attack and you have perma chill and weakness - just like the old retaliation situation.
There is no real counter play - and it is purely passive -> unavoidable.

Either streamline all auras and make them like ~300 range (other auras like fire too), or all pure meele range.
1-2s icd... one enemy can be only hit by the aura effect once per 1 or 2 second (from all/multiple sources).

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Why don't you cleanse.... Or try something like resistance.  Press your buttons a bit more then it shouldn't be a problem.   If you can't stop your auto attacks as you run by, then that's a personal issue, not class Imbalance.  If you are unable to nip at the heels of a zerg because a couple seconds of chill, then play some other class or read/watch some guides on roaming and learn what engagements you should looking for instead of trying to lazily tag kills and getting caught out on the flanks vs real roamers.

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On 12/30/2023 at 11:27 PM, Extacy.6192 said:

Either streamline all auras and make them like ~300 range (other auras like fire too), or all pure meele range.

Yes, let’s buff ranged boonbballs and nerf melee boonballs in order to narrow down the meta even more.

what a brillant idea. 🙄

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On 1/2/2024 at 8:04 AM, CafPow.1542 said:

Yes, let’s buff ranged boonbballs and nerf melee boonballs in order to narrow down the meta even more.

what a brillant idea. 🙄

I would like to know what this mythical ranged boon ball is that you speak of?    And Yes, let's nerf those Aura ranges to put a dent in the god tier melee super saiyan boon ball...

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On 12/31/2023 at 12:47 AM, neven.3785 said:

Why don't you cleanse.... Or try something like resistance.  Press your buttons a bit more then it shouldn't be a problem.   If you can't stop your auto attacks as you run by, then that's a personal issue, not class Imbalance.  If you are unable to nip at the heels of a zerg because a couple seconds of chill, then play some other class or read/watch some guides on roaming and learn what engagements you should looking for instead of trying to lazily tag kills and getting caught out on the flanks vs real roamers.

There is nothing to cleanse because every second you get the same conditions again. It should be quiet simple to understand that the concept of unavoidable passive counter conditions is flawed. Same problem retaliation had back in the day. Also no dps class has access to high resistance uptime. So i rly don't know what you are talking about, but maybe you are still kinda new to wvw.


On 1/2/2024 at 2:04 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

Yes, let’s buff ranged boonbballs and nerf melee boonballs in order to narrow down the meta even more.

what a brillant idea. 🙄


There are no ranges boonballs. Look up the meta, actually join competent squads and voice and try to understand the game. It ia no problem to be new to game/game mode, but please don't talk about things you obviously have no clue about.



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38 minutes ago, Extacy.6192 said:

Look up the meta

Okay. What if i don’t find auras there?

/e if you all play melee, why is it an issue when auras apply chill or burning at range?

Edited by CafPow.1542
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