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Give Stomp More Initial Stability. Make the Launch 0


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Sundering Leap has Aegis for 3 seconds, so why not Stomp for 1 second? That way it's safer to break stuns without being too vulnerable. 


Edit: On second thought, just adding another stack of initial stab during the cast time and making the launch 0 so that foes launch in place would be enough. That way foes could be combed with other skills, and in groups the skill would be more reliable.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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God please no more Aegis Spam. I could see it used on Bladesworn just for tha shake of it having Aegis/ stunbrake/Stabi/CC on a pretty low cooldown.... would be god hell awefull of an experience xd

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8 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Give it 3/4s evade. Why does it have to be Aegis? Honestly all they had to do for BSW for its defense was to add in some evade frames, not the aegis.

yeah evade frames are even better 

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Anet should have added unstoppable mechanic long ago to some skills , like Hyper armor in Dark souls , you take damage but can't be interrupted or imobalized during the skill. Stability is wonky on stomp ,you could still get interrupted while casting it and have the stab stack after. Also the range sucks on all war Leaps, people can teleport half the map but God forbid warrior leaps 1200 range slowly. 

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How about make it give stability at the start rather than at the landing point, and then additional stability if it hits anything? Alternatively, give it evade during the animation.

I think the main complaint people have is that it should be an excellent tool in large group content in WvW when you get locked down during a push. It removes immoblize when traited due to being a movement skill, it repositions you, breaks stun, then gives you stability, and is hard CC, which in turn synergises well with Spellbreaker. In reality unfortunate timing will sometimes cause you to get immediately stunned again due to the sheer volume of CC you're trying to fight through.

Of course the answer might be that it is intended to be interruptible, though the animation is so quick getting interrupted is rarely the result of an enemy properly reacting to it, but just sheer dumb luck, which is always a feelsbad moment.

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An evade would be fairer to ask for than aegis; Stomp would likely have its cooldown increased if it ever gains aegis. You would be far likelier to land Stomp anyway with an evade because it would make you dodge potential upcoming unblockable attacks (unlike an evade, you could be interrupted despite having aegis).

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On 2/1/2024 at 3:08 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

How about make it give stability at the start rather than at the landing point, and then additional stability if it hits anything? Alternatively, give it evade during the animation.

I think the main complaint people have is that it should be an excellent tool in large group content in WvW when you get locked down during a push. It removes immoblize when traited due to being a movement skill, it repositions you, breaks stun, then gives you stability, and is hard CC, which in turn synergises well with Spellbreaker. In reality unfortunate timing will sometimes cause you to get immediately stunned again due to the sheer volume of CC you're trying to fight through.

Of course the answer might be that it is intended to be interruptible, though the animation is so quick getting interrupted is rarely the result of an enemy properly reacting to it, but just sheer dumb luck, which is always a feelsbad moment.

Honestly just giving it another stack of stab on top of the initial one stack during the cast time would help. The whole point of the skill is to be more group focused brawler type, and yet it's super easy to interrupt in groups. Also making the launch 0 so it launches opponents in place would be another change to make the QoL of the skill better for setting up combos.

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  • Yerlock.4678 changed the title to Give Stomp More Initial Stability. Make the Launch 0
1 hour ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Honestly just giving it another stack of stab on top of the initial one stack during the cast time would help. The whole point of the skill is to be more group focused brawler type, and yet it's super easy to interrupt in groups. Also making the launch 0 so it launches opponents in place would be another change to make the QoL of the skill better for setting up combos.

I suppose Brave Stride is a joke to you? TBH, I don't think I've used Stomp with BS, so I cannot confirm if the stability from BS activates on initial use or after the leap completes.

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On 2/1/2024 at 10:08 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

How about make it give stability at the start rather than at the landing point, and then additional stability if it hits anything? Alternatively, give it evade during the animation.

I think the main complaint people have is that it should be an excellent tool in large group content in WvW when you get locked down during a push. It removes immoblize when traited due to being a movement skill, it repositions you, breaks stun, then gives you stability, and is hard CC, which in turn synergises well with Spellbreaker. In reality unfortunate timing will sometimes cause you to get immediately stunned again due to the sheer volume of CC you're trying to fight through.

Of course the answer might be that it is intended to be interruptible, though the animation is so quick getting interrupted is rarely the result of an enemy properly reacting to it, but just sheer dumb luck, which is always a feelsbad moment.

In group play it doesn't need to provide its own stab, the group can do that instead. "unfortunate timing" can mess it up as much as most of other skills in the game, I hardly find it to be an argument to overload skills, especially when that argument always works only for one side of the equasion and completely disregards the other side.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

In group play it doesn't need to provide its own stab, the group can do that instead. "unfortunate timing" can mess it up as much as most of other skills in the game, I hardly find it to be an argument to overload skills, especially when that argument always works only for one side of the equasion and completely disregards the other side.

It already does provide stab. I'm merely suggesting altering the timing of the current functionality.

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3 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

It already does provide stab. I'm merely suggesting altering the timing of the current functionality.

I know what it does. I'm talking about your attempts to cover anything that could possibly go wrong with the skill. Even if we forget you propose adding more onto it.

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On 2/2/2024 at 6:59 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I suppose Brave Stride is a joke to you? TBH, I don't think I've used Stomp with BS, so I cannot confirm if the stability from BS activates on initial use or after the leap completes.

It doesn't proc when needed most of the time. It's a "bonus stability" kind of trait, can't be relied on consistently.

Stomp needs a buff in some form or fashion, just exactly how might be different. But regardless it needs love.

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12 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

totally agree the launch should be 0, knockbacks can be annoying, not just for you but anyone you're around.

i'd definetly run it in my "smash everything" zerker hammer build if it didn't knock things away 🙂

Make Primal Burst on Hammer do that as well while you're at it

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Leave Stomp alone. It's the only tool to knock downed players off of points in PvP or away from transfusion necros. The knockback is fine too, as most weapons/utilities have follow up skill(s) after landing Stomp that are guaranteed. (GS 4/5, Sword 2/4, Axe 3/F1, Rifle all of it, Hammer 3/F1, Dagger 2/5/F1, LB all of it, Torch 4, Shield 4, Pistol 4, Mace 5, Bullscharge, Rampage 3/4/5, Banner of Strength/Discipline/Battle Standard, Whatever I missed etc.) If you have Aggressive Onslaught in Strength all of your weapon skills are guaranteed due to the movement speed and quickness. On top of great utility and setup potential it also stunbreaks you. I'm not sure what else could be loaded on one skill.

On 2/1/2024 at 3:08 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

How about make it give stability at the start rather than at the landing point, and then additional stability if it hits anything? Alternatively, give it evade during the animation.

Stomp does give stability on use plus extra stability based on how many people you hit. i.e. A LB Soulbeast dismounts in front of you. You can counter Knockback Shot by Stomping them to force a stunbreak early putting you in advantage. Another example, Harbinger Pistol 3 can be countered the same way. Stomp counter is even preferred over Pistol 4(Shield Master) in some match ups, like Soulbeast LB, cause the knockback you reflect knocks the enemy out of punish range. 

On 1/26/2024 at 8:46 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Give it 3/4s evade. 

Howdy Lan ^^ Good to see you. Don't give Stomp evade frames. The stability on use is already enough. If the other player has something to beat your stunbreak that gives stability they earned that exchange. Stomp has particular counterplay that not all the professions have tools to beat it. Stomp being weak to other skills is how the game is supposed to work.

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16 hours ago, someguy.4107 said:

Leave Stomp alone. It's the only tool to knock downed players off of points in PvP or away from transfusion necros. The knockback is fine too, as most weapons/utilities have follow up skill(s) after landing Stomp that are guaranteed. (GS 4/5, Sword 2/4, Axe 3/F1, Rifle all of it, Hammer 3/F1, Dagger 2/5/F1, LB all of it, Torch 4, Shield 4, Pistol 4, Mace 5, Bullscharge, Rampage 3/4/5, Banner of Strength/Discipline/Battle Standard, Whatever I missed etc.) If you have Aggressive Onslaught in Strength all of your weapon skills are guaranteed due to the movement speed and quickness. On top of great utility and setup potential it also stunbreaks you. I'm not sure what else could be loaded on one skill.

TBH I hadn't thought much of it in a PvP setting, my experience comes more from WvW so that's where my thoughts were coming from. I think the problem people have with using it as a stun break is that it still has a cast time, meaning if you do break stun with it you can still be stunned again before being able to take any other action. Though I think this probably happens infrequently in small scale or 1v1 scenarios, which is why it probably feels fine there.

16 hours ago, someguy.4107 said:

Stomp does give stability on use plus extra stability based on how many people you hit. i.e. A LB Soulbeast dismounts in front of you. You can counter Knockback Shot by Stomping them to force a stunbreak early putting you in advantage. Another example, Harbinger Pistol 3 can be countered the same way. Stomp counter is even preferred over Pistol 4(Shield Master) in some match ups, like Soulbeast LB, cause the knockback you reflect knocks the enemy out of punish range. 

Does it? If so I stand completely corrected. Since I always thought from the tooltip that's how it worked but was under the impression that it only gave the stability at the end of the animation. One stack by default and additional for targets hit.

If that is the case then I'd be more inclined to give it a 3/4s evade, maybe even in WvW only. Simply because no one is reaction stunning you out of it. If anyone lands a stun on you when stomping, it's always an accident due to getting hit by more than one CC or a boon strip during the animation. It's only a feel bad for the warrior.

That said, it would still constitute a direct buff, so there is room to call for a suitable trade (increased cooldown?) or to completely disagree.

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5 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Good, then your reading comprehension is better than initially demonstrated.

When you make these bold accusations, you better demonstrate where my reading comprehensions lacked, otherwise you just look like you have nothing to say and want to snap back any way you can because you can't handle people discussing what you said.
"It already providing stab" doesn't change anything about you wanting to throw in more to cover the whole cast  (..."or evade").

And then don't forget about this either which was part of the point you simply completely avoided: "unfortunate timing" can mess it up as much as most of other skills in the game, I hardly find it to be an argument to overload skills, especially when that argument always works only for one side of the equasion and completely disregards the other side.'

5 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Fixed your post for you. Try not to hiss through your teeth next time.

Stop projecting. Stomp is good as it is.



5 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Does it? If so I stand completely corrected. Since I always thought from the tooltip that's how it worked but was under the impression that it only gave the stability at the end of the animation. One stack by default and additional for targets hit.

ah, so in the end you weren't asking for more stab, but just didn't know how it works. Got it.

5 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

If that is the case then I'd be more inclined to give it a 3/4s evade, maybe even in WvW only. Simply because no one is reaction stunning you out of it. If anyone lands a stun on you when stomping, it's always an accident due to getting hit by more than one CC or a boon strip during the animation. It's only a feel bad for the warrior.

Oh, so you ARE asking for more. Pick a lane, you're so lost in that "I'm not asking for more, but give it more" dance, it's embarrassing.

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

When you make these bold accusations, you better demonstrate where my reading comprehensions lacked, otherwise you just look like you have nothing to say and want to snap back any way you can because you can't handle people discussing what you said.
"It already providing stab" doesn't change anything about you wanting to throw in more to cover the whole cast  (..."or evade").

You obviously didn't read my initial statement, since it said nothing of adding anything only moving the timing of the current functionality. Adding evade was a second and separate thought and suggestion.

I've since had my understanding of the skill corrected anyway, apparently the initial stab does occur on wind up, I thought it was all loaded after the animation (though I've not verified it myself yet, I've no reason to doubt the correction at this time).

11 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And then don't forget about this either which was part of the point you simply completely avoided: "unfortunate timing" can mess it up as much as most of other skills in the game, I hardly find it to be an argument to overload skills, especially when that argument always works only for one side of the equasion and completely disregards the other side.'

That's your opinion, great, do tell us more about it.

12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Stop projecting.

No you.

13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Stomp is good as it is.

It is, I think it's a great skill, never said otherwise. Doesn't mean it isn't open to fair discussion, clearly some people don't think it's perfect or this thread would not exist.

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10 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

You obviously didn't read my initial statement, since it said nothing of adding anything only moving the timing of the current functionality. Adding evade was a second and separate thought and suggestion.

Wrong, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to know you don't know what the skill does, it very much sounded like you wanted to add more stab. The "alternatively" before "adding evade" only points at you looking for a buff to the skill either way.
Now it's clear it was just your lack of understanding how the skill works or even what "initial stab" in skill tooltip means, so it wasn't as much my "lack of reading comprehension", as it was your lack of understanding how the skill works while you're asking for changes/buffs.

10 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

That's your opinion, great, do tell us more about it.

I did already tell you that, you avoided it then and avoided it now again. You also immediately lashed back and projected with that weird "seething through teeth" provocation attempt simply because you had nothing to say (still don't, I guess). Rest assure that I can consider "telling you more about it" when you manage addressing what was already written first. If you fail to address what you're quoting, I'm glad you understand you were and still are wrong, no issues with that.

10 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

It is, I think it's a great skill,

I know, that's why it doesn't need buffs.

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13 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Does it? If so I stand completely corrected. Since I always thought from the tooltip that's how it worked but was under the impression that it only gave the stability at the end of the animation. One stack by default and additional for targets hit.

Happy to help friend. Some tooltips aren't correct or poorly worded. Happens to all of us. I wouldn't take my word for how this skill works though. Just boot up on Warrior and use Stomp yourself to make sure I'm not lying to you :j

13 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

If that is the case then I'd be more inclined to give it a 3/4s evade, maybe even in WvW only. Simply because no one is reaction stunning you out of it. If anyone lands a stun on you when stomping, it's always an accident due to getting hit by more than one CC or a boon strip during the animation. It's only a feel bad for the warrior.

That said, it would still constitute a direct buff, so there is room to call for a suitable trade (increased cooldown?) or to completely disagree.

I disagree with giving evade frames. Myself, and others, have been predicted and punished for using Stomp before by good players, and they deserve the follow up they earned with the call out. Even in Guild vs. Guild or zerg vs. zerg combat it's the supports failing for not supplying enough stab when needed or you fell out of position with your group. With either of those options you earned that continued CC, and death, by a misplay on someone's part.

I also disagree with Stomp needing a buff due to misplays. I'd buff Stomp if it failed at its primary purpose to enough of a degree to warrant a buff. Stomp works as intended a majority of the time. Whenever Stomp, for me or anyone else, fails I never blame the skill, but blame the person for misusing it.

Hope your day is well. Have a good one o/

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