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Afk'ing is a valid strategy that mirrors Anet's blatant disregard for pvp

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I'm really tired of people complaining about afk'ers. It's a valid strategy when you know your team is going to lose, don't waste the effort. Just let the other team cap the three points and remove yourselves from the game. The matchmaking is atrocious, the spec balances are the worst I've ever seen it, and we will never get any new content updates nor any of the quality of life updates that the pvp forum community has been outright begging for for years. Therefore afk'ing is a valid strategy that mirrors Anet's blatant disregard for pvp. Anet afk'd us all, didn't they?

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Problem is that if people don't give up, there's always a chance until you hit the point where you physically can't decap fast enough to stop the enemy team from hitting 500. The odds might start looking increasingly slim as the gap widens, but you never know when some shift in tactics might suddenly turn the tables on a complacent enemy. Once you afk, though, it becomes all but impossible for the rest of the team to claw their way back when there's a points gap AND they're down a player.

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but if let yourself get killed then the game will end faster. so it's still faster to end the game by not being afk. by going afk you are basically saying "I don't care about my team, I'm only here because of the rewards". they should change how the rewards are being given at this moment and then the afk players won't be able to abuse the current reward system.

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I’ve had plenty of games where either my team or the enemy team has caught up from a 200 point or more deficit. It’s still possible.   It’s not possible anymore once you decide to quit. 

Edited by Tom.8029
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4 hours ago, ccccc.4963 said:

Anet can't balance the learning curve many players are facing and refusing to acknowledge their place on

Worst take I've seen in a while. Don't confuse imbalance with player incompetence. Anet isn't that good, you're giving them waaaaay too much credit.


I'm not even going to acknowledge the comeback responses. Not worth it for 1-2% of games overall.

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1 minute ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:


Class variety to such an extent counters exist and the very tippy top of the learning curve has people class swapping in lobby to fill gaps created by a mm system that's not changing.

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I've seen matches turn hard on some maps. Capricorn? I've seen the winning team get complacent at 400 points, lose their momentum, and get surprised by the bell accumulating. Foefire and Coliseum? I've seen the lengthy open-space distances between the nodes result in a single battle at far result in a team getting simultaneously wiped, followed by a sudden halt to all progress because all the nodes got captures before they could redeploy. Temple? I once saw a match where a well-timed capture resulted in a team losing... at 495 points. Niflhel? Seen dominant teams get kill-stolen to a loss with the NPCs.

Put simply, if you've just been killed and the enemy is at 450+, and you know that you probably wouldn't even get to near or mid before the match ends, you might be justified in calling it and idling for those last few seconds.

Otherwise, you get your backside out there and fight, instead of having the astonishing gall to assume that you know with certainty the outcome of a match that isn't even over. Not just because there's always a chance for a comeback... but because fighting earnestly when you're at a massive disadvantage may actually be educational, and better equip you to deal with seemingly insurmountable odds in future; it may force you to contend with flaws in your own playstyle, and reveal to you that there's a reason you feel like you're headbutting a wall - that you are, in fact, headbutting a wall and should probably switch up your tactics. If nothing else, it will teach you to accept losses with some grace and good humour instead of becoming ultra-salty over a game whose PVP is a bit of a joke and is most definitely not "competitive".

Yes, it's a horribly balanced and neglected game that has an unhealthy obsession with AOE, and whose sweatier denizens like to pretend that there's some measure of elite skill involved when in reality there's just a bunch of ever-shifting broken metas... but being a miserable whinger who decides, on everyone else's behalf, when a game has ended? Is not the solution.

And frankly, I'm tired of brats deciding they're going home and they're taking their ball with them, when I was having fun with the chaos and violence, regardless of victory.

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Only time I'll afk is when there's an absolutely toxic person on my team being toxic. Depending on who's on my team I'll leave the game so the others won't lose rating, but I'm not about to try for a gw2 drill sergeant.. kitten that lmao. There's nothing to prove and trying to win promotes their behavior. Gotta draw the line somewhere. 

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I mean ... in the wiki regarding custom arenas and the old "glory" rank (still existing though unimportant nowadays) there is a info (linking an old forums post) where a dev even said it is considered "playing oddly" or something like that - to win trade there to farm glory rank. (Where it was considered allowed.)

I find it not that weird that afk-ing (at least outside of tournaments and outside of win trading at the top of the ladder to max rank) is an allowed strategy to maximize loot. Especially when you consider that it also can become boring pretty quickly - when it seems like an early loss or when people flame/whine in chat.


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There's a lot of attention going to afk hands, but the real issue is afk brains. Most players can't explain why they go to a specific node or press a specific skill. The random interactions of these players decide the outcome of games and its inherently unfun. It doesn't even feel like 'conquest' anymore because the entire game is elo hell. As a pvp veteran you just have to obliterate everything you encounter in a short timeframe and hope one of your glue sniffing teammates accidently makes the right rotation.

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6 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I mean ... in the wiki regarding custom arenas and the old "glory" rank (still existing though unimportant nowadays) there is a info (linking an old forums post) where a dev even said it is considered "playing oddly" or something like that - to win trade there to farm glory rank. (Where it was considered allowed.)

I find it not that weird that afk-ing (at least outside of tournaments and outside of win trading at the top of the ladder to max rank) is an allowed strategy to maximize loot. Especially when you consider that it also can become boring pretty quickly - when it seems like an early loss or when people flame/whine in chat.


Short of an afk, the biggest predictor of a loss is when players start fighting each other in chat rather than fighting the enemy in the field. It's probably a more reliable predictor of a loss than being two hundred points behind.

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On 1/27/2024 at 11:08 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I'm really tired of people complaining about afk'ers. It's a valid strategy when you know your team is going to lose, don't waste the effort. Just let the other team cap the three points and remove yourselves from the game. The matchmaking is atrocious, the spec balances are the worst I've ever seen it, and we will never get any new content updates nor any of the quality of life updates that the pvp forum community has been outright begging for for years. Therefore afk'ing is a valid strategy that mirrors Anet's blatant disregard for pvp. Anet afk'd us all, didn't they?

I agree. You walk in, try to attack an enemy player with "burst" and he soaks it all up with endless block/evade/invulnerable then turns around and blows you up in 0.00001sec. It's tedious, boring and demoralizing. I didn't buy Lemmings, I bought Guild Wars 2.

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On 1/28/2024 at 12:31 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Problem is that if people don't give up, there's always a chance until you hit the point where you physically can't decap fast enough to stop the enemy team from hitting 500. The odds might start looking increasingly slim as the gap widens, but you never know when some shift in tactics might suddenly turn the tables on a complacent enemy. Once you afk, though, it becomes all but impossible for the rest of the team to claw their way back when there's a points gap AND they're down a player.

I've won people games just by insisting on that last decap, often games being 300-490 just for us to snowball the entire team after that and win. Comebacks can happen so quickly and it's quite satisfying when they do, all it takes is people that are competent enough to check the map and anticipate the fights.

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24 minutes ago, Sparetent.9756 said:

I agree. You walk in, try to attack an enemy player with "burst" and he soaks it all up with endless block/evade/invulnerable then turns around and blows you up in 0.00001sec. It's tedious, boring and demoralizing. I didn't buy Lemmings, I bought Guild Wars 2.


idk if this is your intention but this reads like someone who habitually fumbles their entire burst into a guard's RF or F3.

in which case, you can do it! just gotta learn pacing

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On 1/30/2024 at 1:04 AM, Shao.7236 said:

I've won people games just by insisting on that last decap, often games being 300-490 just for us to snowball the entire team after that and win. Comebacks can happen so quickly and it's quite satisfying when they do, all it takes is people that are competent enough to check the map and anticipate the fights.

This strongly depends on the team and the mood though. And if people start to argue in chat it often seems already lost when you are still ahead in points. 😄 Always a bad sign. (Though I had a few wins where someone always complained and we still won.) And the map awareness often seems the thing other players are weakest. (Personally I am better but less good at combat and only playing mid skill tier/rank.) They sometimes even run away when an thief is already moving (for decap) from the other side towards the point they just recapped. No defense. Not always. But like 80 percent of the players seem like that. No adaption. Every time the same.

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