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With the open world pvp armor set coming soon i was wondering...

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14 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

ok, so you agree that it's not really directed at that majority of populace and going for legendary isn't really worth it for you? Majority of casual populace sticks to one build on one class.

How do you define "majority" here?  Is this based on your personal observation or are there some statistics somewhere that you can share to support this claim?

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21 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

But fact it: Calling it an "Open World" Legendary Armor is deceptive. In fact, it is a Kryptis/Rift Hunt Legendary Armor. 99.9999% of GW2's open world and its contents were simply ignored when they decided the means by which to obtain the Obsidian Armor.

Yeah, I mean it technically is OW Legendary Armor because it's purely based on OW content, but I agree that calling it Kryptis, Rift or Astral Legendary armor would've been much clearer. Also the official name of "Obsidian Armor" belies it's origins from GW1's Fissure of Woe, which was Balthazar's realm full of Ghosts and Shadows. I mean I'm not that big on lore per say but I really hate how GW2 just randomly uses names from GW1 and just distorts them into something else.

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On 1/30/2024 at 12:13 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

Maybe the next expansion will add another legendary ring. Hopefully without taking away functionality.

We don't need a repeat of this expansion where all content revolves around getting mats that are used solely for creating a legendary.

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23 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

But fact it: Calling it an "Open World" Legendary Armor is deceptive. In fact, it is a Kryptis/Rift Hunt Legendary Armor. 99.9999% of GW2's open world and its contents were simply ignored when they decided the means by which to obtain the Obsidian Armor.

This is why it is so disappointing. I wanted open world armor, but I wanted it to be obtained similarly to how the trinkets were obtained.

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55 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Yeah, I mean it technically is OW Legendary Armor because it's purely based on OW content, but I agree that calling it Kryptis, Rift or Astral Legendary armor would've been much clearer. Also the official name of "Obsidian Armor" belies it's origins from GW1's Fissure of Woe, which was Balthazar's realm full of Ghosts and Shadows. I mean I'm not that big on lore per say but I really hate how GW2 just randomly uses names from GW1 and just distorts them into something else.

Convergences are the best way to get Kryptis Essences, and that is actually instanced content, not open world content. Obsidian Armour requires more than just Kryptis Essences, though. You need ancient coins, provisioner tokens, map currencies, and loads of luck and ectos. These require engaging in content in the open world. The best way to get luck and ectos is through unided gear, which is rewarded by most open world content.

1 minute ago, Yaki.9563 said:

This is why it is so disappointing. I wanted open world armor, but I wanted it to be obtained similarly to how the trinkets were obtained.

I agree. The legendary trinkets are actually a lot of fun to acquire, and require you to engage with a wide variety of content on all of the associated maps. I did many of the achievements for SotO anyway, for the mastery points. So I got some of this experience without it needing to be an official part of the Obsidian Armour collection.

Finally, the last part of the Obsidian Amour isn't revealed yet. There's a non-zero (but admittedly close-to-zero) chance that this last element will add some of the stuff we want as part of the Obsidian Armour collection.

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On 1/30/2024 at 2:25 PM, Bordone.1053 said:

I was just curious why they decided to make another set of leg armor when they all ready had 3 ways of obtaining a set, yet still only two ways to get a ring one of which is unique and one of which is horribly time gated and requires 20 hours a week for 6 weeks time investment?

This fourth set of legendary armor is made for the people who are asocial/antisocial and allergic to group content and any form of PvP, but still want to have some way to get the convenience of legendary armor.

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31 minutes ago, Yaki.9563 said:

This is why it is so disappointing. I wanted open world armor, but I wanted it to be obtained similarly to how the trinkets were obtained.

People really need to start understanding what happens when they ask Anet for things.

We want OW legendary armor ... but not like that.

We want fishing ... but not like that.

We want templates ... but not like that.

We want ranger bunnythumper build ... but not like that.

and so on...  Anet has a proven track record of implementing ideas tossed around on the forums, but in their own way and often not the way that the player base wanted.

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Also consider that players are not great at saying what they want. Players asked for OW armour, even if it included a significant grind. Well, they got a significant grind, exactly like they asked. It may not be what they actually wanted, but you can hardly blame ArenaNet for following through on what they specifically asked for.

Another thing worth considering is that the legendary accessories can only be bought once, while the legendary armour can be bought up to 3 times. If a big part of the cost is doing achievements, that risks making additional sets of armour too easy. They would have to make a collection achievement that gives you an item that is used in crafting the legendary pieces, and then offer those items for sale from a vendor, costing some considerable amount for crafting subsequent legendary armour sets. So I guess this is a solvable problem, after all.

I think it's too bad that all of the items from SotO that are required for the Obsidian Armour are untradeable. That means that no one is going to be farming this content to sell to other players after they already have their Obsidian Armour. It's a grind for you only, and this content will not see much replay. Personally, I would love it if Amalgamated Kryptis Essences or the map meta event reward items were tradeable.

Maybe next time, they should engage with the community with a poll to better gauge what players actually want.

Open World Legendary Amour should require (mark each with a weight, from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)):

  • Achievements within expansion maps
  • New achievements in core maps
  • Achievements for experiencing most / all parts of the map and its events
  • Achievements for completing difficult events / jumping puzzles
  • Scavenger hunt collection achievements with progressive unlocks
  • Items from new special events that pop up in maps all over the world
  • Items from meta events in expansion maps
  • New items introduced in this expansion
  • Existing items already in the game
  • Tradeable items and items that can be limitlessly created from tradeable items available via open world play (mystic coins, ectos, general materials, essences of luck, etc.)
  • Untradeable currencies and items broadly available via many types of open world play (lesser vision crystals, spirit shards, etc.)
  • Untradeable currencies and items available via specific events / types of open world play (ancient coins, map currencies, etc.)
  • Items that can be obtained in limited quantities cheaply, or purchased in bulk at higher cost available via open world play (provisioner tokens, mystic clovers, spiritwood planks, etc.)
  • New items for crafting Open World Legendary Armour that can be sold to other players (similar to antique summoning stones, jade runestones, etc.).
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5 hours ago, frazazel.7501 said:

Also consider that players are not great at saying what they want. Players asked for OW armour, even if it included a significant grind. Well, they got a significant grind, exactly like they asked. It may not be what they actually wanted, but you can hardly blame ArenaNet for following through on what they specifically asked for.

I saw that argument brought up many times already. Too bad it is as accurate as Anet's reading player wishes though. While indeed a lot of people did say that being grindy is ok, there was also enough clarifications that it should be spread all over the OW, not locked behind a very narrow (and otherwise completely unappealing) part of it for Anet to know what is being asked for.

It's like someone coming to the pharmacy, saying they'd like something for cold, then getting set on fire, and after complaining about it hearing a response "but you asked for it". No, they did not.

In this case it is similar. Anet either lacked even most basic understanding of what was being asked for, or they had that understanding and willingly chose to ignore it because they preferred their method better for some reason, even if it pretty much ignored main point of the issue.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

willingly chose to ignore it because they preferred their method better for some reason,

I believe that this hits as close to the point as we are likely to get without more information than ANet is willing to share. Metrics focused on hours playing the new expansion content are likely to be a solid way to present the results of the new release model to their higher ups.

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19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

While indeed a lot of people did say that being grindy is ok, there was also enough clarifications that it should be spread all over the OW

Not really, but there were clarifications mentioning things like tagging world bosses. Obviously it wasn't about something being "boring" or "repeatable", but about not having to put in any effort. It sure would be easier to tag an ow boss than to actively move between the rifts. Other ideas were just stupidly vague "let me tag any event at all" or "let it drop from any jp chest I want". Park and forget, total immersion.

"It's not about time or effort, I'd be fine with grind, make it more grindy than other options but just OW!"
Some grind is being added to acquisition
"I didn't mean that! 😡"


Anyways, not sure what the purpose of this thread is supposed to be.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Anyways, not sure what the purpose of this thread is supposed to be.

The purpose of this thread is discussing the potential reasoning and purpose ANet had of a fourth set of legendary armor that's exclusively grinding open world & SotO events.

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On 2/2/2024 at 5:25 PM, frazazel.7501 said:

Convergences are the best way to get Kryptis Essences, and that is actually instanced content, not open world content. Obsidian Armour requires more than just Kryptis Essences, though. You need ancient coins, provisioner tokens, map currencies, and loads of luck and ectos. These require engaging in content in the open world. The best way to get luck and ectos is through unided gear, which is rewarded by most open world content.

But you don't need to do convergences at all. Just cause there's an easier way doesn't mean that it suddenly isn't OW Leggy armor. I mean there are parts of Aurora where I decided to do WvW reward tracks because that was much easier to do. Does that make Aurora a WvW legendary all of a sudden?

And the rest of what you say confirms that it's OW content that you need to do, so thanks for pointing that out.

Besides, it's not what the easiest or best way is but what content you're required to do. That's the bottom line and you can get these armor sets purely by doing OW content and nothing else is required; no Raids, no Strikes, no WvW, no PvP and no Convergences are required, whereas for legendary weapons you are at least required to get a Gift of Battle, for example. There is no way around that but to engage in WvW.

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9 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

I'm expecting them to re-release a new trinket combo at some point. It'll come. Season 3 and 4 are starting to get so old they can't leave it as is. 

They can and they likely will, even if it's just so they can keep selling season 3 and 4 to new(er) players.

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