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Hint: Treb can win games

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There is a deeply seeded mentality among PvPers to verbally abuse and insult anyone for even considering using the Treb on Khylo. Ever wonder why the enemy team held onto the clocktower the entire game and there was nothing you could do and you lost? It's likely because everyone on your team was afraid of using the Treb and getting abused for it.

I think some education here is required. The Treb is on this map for a very good reason. Mid on this map has limited avenues of attack, making it a lot more defensible compared to, say, The Graveyard on Foefire. If the opposing team has a very strong grip on the clocktower that your team is failing to break through, the Treb is exactly for this purpose of softening up the point and breaking the stalemate.


Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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There's 3 points and 10 people on the map at any given time. 

5 people on each team. There's audio and visual clutter that allows you to know that there is a treb strike on the way, it's telegraphed and easy to avoid. 

The game is now a 4v5 where the objective is to contest nodes, if treb say gave 50 point on a kill, it could potentially be worth using, but as it stands it's one of the worst mechanics in gw2. 

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1 hour ago, oujiboardspamname.1932 said:

There's 3 points and 10 people on the map at any given time. 

5 people on each team. There's audio and visual clutter that allows you to know that there is a treb strike on the way, it's telegraphed and easy to avoid. 

The game is now a 4v5 where the objective is to contest nodes, if treb say gave 50 point on a kill, it could potentially be worth using, but as it stands it's one of the worst mechanics in gw2. 

Okay but pay attention.

5v5 on the clocktower, multiple wipes. Your 5 man team can't break through. You can't go to Far, either, because clocktower offers a perfect vantage point for the opposing players to see you coming a mile away, so you'll be contested every time. So what now ?

The telegraphing doesn't matter because the Treb isn't necessarily about getting kills, it's to soften the point. A few hits on mid will make the enemies need to dodge and reposition. This can provide the opportunity needed for the rest of your team to get a foothold.

I'm not saying sit on Treb the whole game. Only a few hits are needed.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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28 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

I'd say it's still advised not to use the treb regardless of potential advantages for the same reason it's not advised for most players to play hammer cata: they wouldn't know what to do with it anyway

So your advice is to lose the match?

I'm saying the Treb is a useful tool to those who know how and when it should be used. You're saying "they wouldn't know how to use it", but that's not who I'm talking about. I've played thousands of matches on this game and over the years I have seen a well placed and timed Treb change the trajectory of the Clocktower fight many times.

I would rather someone take the chance to try to break a long standing stalemate rather than them sitting in spawn crying while pinging the map, which is the common strategy now when losing.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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44 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Okay but pay attention.

This is the golden rule. If you're someone that can port to the top of your treb, you just respawned, you know the fight at mid needs a push, your treb is already set, and you can tap it real quick on the way, then sure. Treb play can work some magic.

As mentioned before, people tend to just camp treb and make their game 4v5.



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Its a stupid idea anyway.. in a game where kill times are already eye wateringly fast, and mobility creeped, massive AOE treb damage on top, don't want that viable at all. Treb would only make sense in a bunker meta, to overwhelm the specs that are designed from the ground up to face tank.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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She sends a devastating blow to the land approximately 5000 range. You can hear the agonized screams of those who dared not heed the call of, "TREBUCHET!"

In much glee, she decreed, "I've done the deed," or so it seemed.

For upon the land, there they stand, the enemies once again.

Her allies close, they begin to post, "Get off the damned machine."



Edited by Vinny.7260
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I will fire a couple of Treb if I die in a team fight mid... and respawn with that fight still going on but looking crucial.  As I run to mid I stop by the Treb and launch two into the mele.   I almost always catch a few.   If the fights already well lost I don't bother.... but if it's in peak and folks are on the point I mean... I'm right there to use Treb so I often will

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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

As mentioned before, people tend to just camp treb and make their game 4v5.

You're still not paying attention..

I'm not advocating that anyone should be camping the Treb. I'm advocating that using the Treb in very specific circumstances with the correct timing and coordination with your team it can actually serve a purpose and break a longstanding stalemate. This is a very simple concept and I'm not sure how I can make it more simple for you to understand.

This thread is not for the purpose of discussing incorrect use of the Treb. Everyone already knows it's incorrect use, which is why the Treb has a bad reputation and is the reason for all the terrible takes in this thread. None of you have the experience of seeing the Treb being used for it's actual purpose, so instead of paying attention and learning something you'd rather forbid anyone for ever setting foot near the Treb at your own loss.

The original designers for Khylo were not stupid. There was a clear goal in mind when they designed the map the way they did. It is for you as the player to figure it out. Conquest was never intended to be a deathmatch mode, but it seems that's all some of you want it to be..

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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15 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

You're still not paying attention..

I'm not advocating that anyone should be camping the Treb. I'm advocating that using the Treb in very specific circumstances with the correct timing and coordination with your team it can actually serve a purpose and break a longstanding stalemate. This is a very simple concept and I'm not sure how I can make it more simple for you to understand.

This thread is not for the purpose of discussing incorrect use of the Treb. Everyone already knows it's incorrect use, which is why the Treb has a bad reputation and is the reason for all the terrible takes in this thread. None of you have the experience of seeing the Treb being used for it's actual purpose, so instead of paying attention and learning something you'd rather forbid anyone for ever setting foot near the Treb at your own loss.

The original designers for Khylo were not stupid. There was a clear goal in mind when they designed the map the way they did. It is for you as the player to figure it out. Conquest was never intended to be a deathmatch mode, but it seems that's all some of you want it to be..

This is the most I've seen someone care about treb ngl

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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This is the most I've seen someone care about treb ngl

I care more about emphasizing my point when you and others are trying to confound what I'm trying to say to make it out like I'm advocating Treb camping, when that couldn't be further from the truth. And now you're just meme posting because you've got nothing else.

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7 minutes ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Let me summarize this thread for new readers:

Treb can be okay sometimes.

But it's so niche it's better to not use it most times.


Use it with context of your team's position. If you can launch it to disrupt a fight without spending so long setting up that the fight you're going to dusrupt ends, do that, keeping in mind the opposing team will adapt for treb after the first launch.

If you have difficulties with team context, or the treb will take too long to adjust, -you- go to the point. Most players dont have this context and even if they do, the situatioms to apply it are rare and can be detrimental to point capture if you misjudge, and you'll be handed blame for lost fights due to calimg that wrong.

Tldr its like riskier beast. Read the map, you'll be fine.  Ignore it if not clearly beneficial. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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we are so close to achieving peak pvp forum

the bolas complaints were really the herald of things to come

the treb evangelists are here now, treb is a real class and actually OP so your stupid not to reroll to it when kylo come up. yep

in all seriousness tho, I have encountered players, often thieves who would actually be more useful on the treb all game. so the lower down the ladder you go the better the treb becomes, and it does become worth using.

once when I was getting an account to bronze (actually harder than getting plat honestly) I got so low in the ranking that just auto attacking people with warrior rifle would farm people. using a treb would probably uninstall their game

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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7 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

we are so close to achieving peak pvp forum

We will never reach peak pvp forum until we can see everyone's match count, playtime, and pvp rank under their portrait. Then we'll see who's really full of kitten around here.

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31 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

-sincerely, a gold 1

Gold 3 - Plat 1. Gold 2 on a bad week of afkers and bad matchmaking (or I unfortunately got matched with you). Your assumptions fail again.

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