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Exordium and other legendary weapon footfall effects | Poll

Legendary footfall times  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you satisfied with the dispersion time and the amount of steps left behind by your legendary's footfall?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Doesn't matter to me
  2. 2. Which generation legendary weapon's footfalls are you dissatisfied with? Please answer the following other questions for each generation if dissatisfied. Multiple may be chosen.

    • Gen 1 - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 1 - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 2 - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 2 - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Zhaitan - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Zhaitan - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Mordremoth - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Mordremoth - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Kralkatorrik - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Kralkatorrik - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Jormag - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Jormag - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Primordus - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Primordus - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Soo-Won - Dissatisfied with length of footfall trail
    • Gen 3 Soo-Won - Dissatisfied with dispersal time of footfall trail
    • Satisfied with length of footfall trail and dispersal time

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     I noticed upon crafting my first legendary, Exordium, that the shiny footfalls that I leave behind go away much quicker than other legendary footfalls that I see around the game. I want suggest a little more of a lag on Exordium's footfalls as well as extend how much of a trail the footfalls leave. I understand that footfalls do leave quickly once you step; but if they could linger a bit longer and have more left on the ground as exordium users run, that would be so great. One of the reasons I went for Exordium was for the little trail I leave behind and was a bit disappointment to see 2-3 footfall steps that disappear quickly compared to 7+ from others as they run along, some of which linger for quite a bit.

Just a little bit longer for footfalls would be lovely if that's at all possible. I feel like all legendary weapon footfalls should be comparable to The Shining Blade's in duration.

I am not too sure of other shorter legendary footfalls by name yet since I just made my first, but please comment and vote on the anonymous poll if you share a similar feeling toward this for another legendary weapon. Thank you so much for reading! 😀

Edited by iceryan.2516
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FYI the poll won't allow you to vote without picking an answer to the second question and as all the options are negative there's no way for people who are satisfied or indifferent to vote.

I have 4 legendary weapons: The Dreamer, The Bifrost, Claw of the Khan-Ur and Exordium and I'm fine with all of them. It probably helps that I didn't make any of them specifically for the footstep effects, but I think they're all noticeable (The Bifrost is the hardest to see, but it also produces more of a trail) and I don't mind that they don't stick around for long.

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I don't really care. I usually transmog. The legendary is more of a convenience for me than anything else. An option to disable legendary weapon effects generally would be a nice feature. But would rather they work on other areas of the game than worrying about this. 

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I have several legendaries, and I quite like the effects.  I usually look up a video to see them before I craft if I'm specifically interested in the effects. 

Love my footfalls from Chuka and Champawat, and it is one of the reasons I have it.  Exordium I crafted for the lovely skin and dramatic effects, but not the footfalls (I could understand OP wanting a longer duration of them).  And I like the subtle crystals from Eureka that trail along, not big and flashy and matches well with the weapon.  My Aurene weapons I mostly use the Kralky variant and the big branded crystals are very cool...didn't get those for footfalls. 

Very happy with them, but most of all for the convenience and utility.  

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Nevermore and Astralaria both have footfalls that last maybe .05 seconds (not quite exaggerating), and it makes me salty, especially since Astralaria's are so pretty but you don't get to see them. I didn't even really know Nevermore had footfalls because they dissipate so fast :(

Yet my gen1 greatswords have footfalls that last for several seconds.  :|

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Something i've considered regarding legendary weapon footfalls is their graphical load being a determining factor in their size and duration. Even with gen 1, there are obvious discrepancies eg: dawn/dusk vs the moot, the dreamer vs bifrost, and in gen 2 these discrepancies continue eg: xiuqatl vs chuka and champawat. It's only when you get to gen 3 that they are standarised, though i'd suggest that jormag, mordremoth and zhaitan are more prominent than aurene, kralkatorrik and primordus.

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On 2/2/2024 at 8:42 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

FYI the poll won't allow you to vote without picking an answer to the second question and as all the options are negative there's no way for people who are satisfied or indifferent to vote.

Thank you! I was able to add 1 more option, but was capped at 20.

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I actually prefer the short duration footfalls of astralaria.

I don't like the excessive footfalls of eg aurene legendaries, or those that linger for ages. Too much visual effect.

It would be nice if we had wardrobe unlocks for:

- footfall

- aura + arm effect

- draw/stow effect

- projectile effect

That we could then mix and match and use on anything once unlocking the respective legendary.

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I was thinking about this yesterday because I switched between a character using Claw of the Khan-Ur and one using Exordium. The Exordium footsteps do fade more quickly, but I think that's balanced out by the fact that they're taller and much, much brighter. They're like a little crystal swirl around each foot and if they stuck around longer I think it would be excessive. Whereas Claw of the Khan-Ur puts a flat, brown footprint on the ground, if they didn't stay for a few seconds you wouldn't see them at all.

But that fits each legendary, the Claw is very understated for a legendary, while Exordium is anything but. I suspect legendaries are not intended to all be exactly equal, which is good because it gives the artists more freedom to tailor each one to it's theme and players more chance of finding ones they like which fit their characters.

(I barely notice the footsteps on the Bifrost, but that's partially because even when it's stowed the aura and the trail are so bright, I think it's a reasonable trade-off to have less noticeable footsteps and a brighter trail.)

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