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Druid needs nerf

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Seriously, immune to all attacks. As a reaper its immune to my chilled to the bone attack, immune to shroud 5 stun, I don't get it. Also root lasts way too long in pvp and is basically a death sentence. Nobody can target root, and nobody will. Too much power for that one attack. Also they can just full heal at will. Dumb class, needs to be nerfed to the ground.

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There's a druid now in every single one of my matches, it's absurd. People are playing daze druid because it's OP as kitten right now. It has an invis? It has a fear? It's immune to all attacks for some reason? Seriously I've never landed a chilled to the bone stun or a shroud 5 stun against a druid. Can someone explain this to me and why its acceptable???

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Druid rn is basicly what Bladesworn was before nerfs. Just a "I now win this 1v1" build. That been said it still got at least 1 counterbuild called Hammer Spellbraker (cause of boon removes plus CCs). This is the only builds that could realy hold druids in line right now ^^

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I thought offensive Druid is what everyone wanted?

My support healing build in PvP got nerfed a straight 30% on healing and lost most of it's active condi cleanse in favor of more celestial avatar spam. Nobody played Druid in ranked except for me and now everyone is running it. Maybe it's time to reverse the changes and give me my build back?


Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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10 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Didn't they just nerf reaper in pvp a few months ago? Are Reapers not allowed to play the game or something?

If by fun you mean a build carried by passive traits that proc on conditions applied, yes. Reapers are not allowed this fun. The build isn't even a condi build but the proc traits are just too good and have no tells.

Edited by Kuya.6495
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55 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

agreed, and chilled to the bone isn't, it has a pretty long cd

I was talking about druid. For ele/reaper they need to nerf chilled.

Condi's in general are terrible though. There is no immediate indicator on 1 stack of burning vs 20 stacks of burning other than some small obscure number on a constantly swapping buff/debuff bar. It is impossible to tell what to cleanse nor can you even cleanse what you want when you want to. It all depends on how the order of condi's came in. Imagine a pvp game where cleansing is rng based on how your opponent applied condi's to you. THAT IS GW2 PVP LOL. It's a joke. A complete joke.

The condi oppression is just absurd idk why CMC hasn't buffed every cleanse in the game to cleanse an additional 1-3 condi's depending on skill. It would go a long way to stop the obscene condi oppression that is pvp now and has been for quite some time. Ever since ele rise tbh. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that CMC plays ele though. 🤧


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2 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

do you understand the words you are saying

Yes. I also understand that pvp is a team game with 5 people on each side. Good luck determining how condi's get applied to you in a team fight. If you actually pvp'd you would have understood my comment fine. It's very clear that you do not however so I am a bit confused why you even posted, unless you just want to start random drama, which I don't have time for so good day.

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5 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Yes. I also understand that pvp is a team game with 5 people on each side. Good luck determining how condi's get applied to you in a team fight. If you actually pvp'd you would have understood my comment fine. It's very clear that you do not however so I am a bit confused why you even posted, unless you just want to start random drama, which I don't have time for so good day.

He did this to me too on another thread, I wouldn't pay attention to him because he tries to argue but he doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.

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