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Fishing and it's future

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As someone who enjoys a more of a casual aspect of Guild Wars due to real life time constraints. I find fishing to be rather enjoyable, even more so with friends. When it was announced, it was such a big hype for me, as I enjoy fishing in other games. I felt that this would be quite intricate especially as it had it's own set of masteries. 

Other than achievements leading up to a few titles and a rod, I'm left dissapointed. I do wish that fishing offered much more. Even though I've not completed the 30 achievments required for the Spirit wood rod, I'm over half way.

My thoughts:
- Fishing up lore relics that can be lead up to a display cabinet for either your home instance or on your Skiff. 
- Display specific catches in your home instance/Guild Hall/Skiff.
- Unique Chairs, perhaps ones you can fish out of.
- Fishing up currency for some sweet rods/fishing attire (More than the 3 available) or even a skiff that has unique trademarks.
- Fishing competitions for great rewards, even chances of infusions, unique weapons, ascended gear. 
- Tackle box to store my bait

Appreciate fishing isn't for everyone, but if its a feature, I'd like it to be expanded. I love chilling on the water. Relaxing with my partner, or meeting random players and chatting away whilst I'm enjoying ther scenary and music of Guild Wars 2. 

Any other fishing enthusiasts?



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I also appreciate this post. 
However, honestly, I'd just be happy with a larger amount of fish per fishing hole.

The whole mechanic feels clunky, get on boat, drive to spot, park boat, fish for 3 fish, unpark boat, drive away again.

It's not as fluid as it needs to be, increasing the catch amount would go a long way to improving that. 

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11 minutes ago, VaegaVic.6394 said:

The whole mechanic feels clunky, get on boat, drive to spot, park boat, fish for 3 fish, unpark boat, drive away again.

That probably won't change; surely you've noticed that ANet is very fond of the number 3 in a wide variety of game scenarios. 🤔

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12 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I would prefer resources be spent elsewhere.  I don't think that fishing should have ever been implemented in the first place.  Just my opinion.  /shrug

Hey, everyones entitled to an opinion. Not shooting anything down, people love it, people don't. Respect to either side of the coin.

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Another random idea came to my mind, if we catch a legendary fish, we could have the option to turn it into fish filets and ambergris OR turn it into a guild hall decoration, like an painting? or a Print of it? idk just a random idea i came up with while i was fishing.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I would prefer resources be spent elsewhere.  I don't think that fishing should have ever been implemented in the first place.  Just my opinion.  /shrug

Agreed. I only fish when it's a daily. But I do gather a lot of nodes. I wish they'd randomly award an infusion or  ascended gear every once in a while.

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4 hours ago, Zeike.7469 said:

- Unique Chairs, perhaps ones you can fish out of.

Fishing is fun! I like a lot of your ideas, but this in particular put an image of my character sitting in a fish like it's a pet bed. I'd actually really like a chair that you can fish from too. Does it come with a drink holder?

More gear skins would also be nice. We've got the hat and vest, but what about some big ol' rubber boots?

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I'm happy that I am mostly done with fishing.  Probably going to do the SotO maps fishing achievements (still have not worked on that - waiting for all fish to be available) - and then I will stay with the daily.

It does not need more stuff that tries to force people to fish. This is just something like the PoF bounties: Once you have ton the main stuff you are finished. And it really is not interesting ... the mini game could have been a lot better. But this is just too simply - same as the crafting. This is not the strenght of GW2.

There were other MMORPG that had more interesting crafting systems. (With different components and some mini game added to the crafting and a bit of a luck factor - when you tried to produce stuff of higher quality.) A good fishing system would have fit well in there.

But not with GW2. To make it intersting you need to make it more complex. (I would have liked a tiered thing. Catching lower level fish to use as bait for higher level fish. We only have the mackerel here and because of the grindy achievements they needed to sell that one directly at the vendor. Else people aiming for full completion would hav been too annoyed.)

The main thing to keep it long-term interesting is the Ambergis I think. And the prices are still fairly high (about 2g) despite people trying to farm Leviathan.

I would not mind if the bait got turned into wallet currency though. To free up some inventory space. (But that probaly was the reason to create fishing: To take up more inventory space so people buy bag slot expanions for gems.)

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14 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I'm happy that I am mostly done with fishing.  Probably going to do the SotO maps fishing achievements (still have not worked on that - waiting for all fish to be available) - and then I will stay with the daily.

It does not need more stuff that tries to force people to fish. This is just something like the PoF bounties: Once you have ton the main stuff you are finished. And it really is not interesting ... the mini game could have been a lot better. But this is just too simply - same as the crafting. This is not the strenght of GW2.

There were other MMORPG that had more interesting crafting systems. (With different components and some mini game added to the crafting and a bit of a luck factor - when you tried to produce stuff of higher quality.) A good fishing system would have fit well in there.

But not with GW2. To make it intersting you need to make it more complex. (I would have liked a tiered thing. Catching lower level fish to use as bait for higher level fish. We only have the mackerel here and because of the grindy achievements they needed to sell that one directly at the vendor. Else people aiming for full completion would hav been too annoyed.)

The main thing to keep it long-term interesting is the Ambergis I think. And the prices are still fairly high (about 2g) despite people trying to farm Leviathan.

I would not mind if the bait got turned into wallet currency though. To free up some inventory space. (But that probaly was the reason to create fishing: To take up more inventory space so people buy bag slot expanions for gems.)

I agree that we need a tacklebox. and nice fisher gear. rods are fun and all... but there is more to fishing then just the rods.

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13 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

Fishing was a mistake.
Fishin will most likely not get anything added beyond further collections.
Those collections will be an afterthought, as has been demonstrated with SotO.
Fishing was a mistake.

Just cuz you dont like it doesnt make it a mistake, i dont like raids, fractals, pvp and wvw. i COULD consider them a mistake. but doing so wont help the fact its here. so don't like it? don't interact with it.

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1 minute ago, Timelord.8190 said:

Fishing was some of the most lazy and boring kitten ever added to the game. Moving a slider so much fun... kitten. This game is rly going in a bad direction.

What is boring to you, is relaxing and chill to me. if there is more of this casual Slice-of-life content i am all here for it.

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26 minutes ago, Kinurak.5307 said:

Just cuz you dont like it doesnt make it a mistake, i dont like raids, fractals, pvp and wvw. i COULD consider them a mistake. but doing so wont help the fact its here. so don't like it? don't interact with it.

I believe that raids were a mistake.

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4 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I believe that raids were a mistake.

Fair, i live by the motto: live and let live.
people enjoy it so sure, let it be. I do not like the whole raid community, but i wont raise a fuss (or atleast try not to)
I dislike PVP with a passion of a thousand burning suns. but people love it. so who i am to say that it has no place here?

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