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Passion has gone my friends [Merged]

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21 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

Completely disagree.  They are not working really hard on GW2 and this is not the 'best' content available.   They are doing the bare minimum.   And spreading it out over an entire year to boot.   

I know. It was satire. Just look at my post history. This game feels like it's drifting to life support. It feels like maintainince mode is coming soon. It's disgusting what has happened. The writers for gw2 have never been good but this....this feels like something high-school kids would submit in remedial English. Eod was meh, Soto is a flop, I shudder to think what the next expack will be.

Edited by Wolfofdivinity.6251
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50 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

All gems you obtain through this way have been paid by someone else with irl money. Just FYI.

Right now, if you wanted to get access to POF, LWS4 and IBS on fresh account you'd need to pay (or have someone pay for you) much more than 40 euros.

And you trying to dismiss time is just you trying, because time was and is very important part of the packaging.

And the point you keep missing or purposefully ignoring, is that you are not comparing two content packs, but series of separatelly priced content packs against a smaller series of permabundled content packs. Glad that you managed to get it at promotional value of free, but that does not change that the comparision you are trying to draw is flawed, for the purpose of making look one of these much worse than it is.

The only "problem" with the fact of having to log in during the period, is that it makes the "free" deal a promotion, and not "standard" pricing.

You take the "promise" of AN to be delivering more and better quality content at a yearly pricetag, but then get angry because you keep insisting on dismissing the time factor... Again going, by timescale even going in a way still favouring LWS4, the difference between LWS4 and SotO content quantity is much lesser than you keep pushing. Sure when you go by flat numbers of things like exact amount of new maps or fractals, SotO is still falling behind LWS4 even on exact fair timescale, but it is not falling behind as much as you are claiming.

In terms of quality, That is arguable. LWS4 varied wildly in quality of it's releases, with some episodes being indeed superior to even best pieces of SotO content, but in other episodes the quality was much much lower. Averaging out, I'd say in my opinion they get comparable, with LWS4 having higher peaks, and lower dips, and SotO being more consistent.

Yes, under release of EoD, and with new model. And how the cash shop sales were holding up with no expacs, you could see during IBS, where in the mid-season they had to drop half the plans they had, get everyone to work on expac instead, and in the middle of that they were also hit with layoffs. I was calling LWS system of releases unsustainable, not what they are doing right now.


Other games and developpers are irrelevant to the value you get from GW2 purchases if servers were to shut down. Way to miss the point and try to deflect with irrelevant statements, in the same post that kept trying to dismiss other things as irrelevant. Nicely played.

If you keep insisting to be nitpicky to this degree, maybe check your math?

LWS4 started releasing at November 17th, 2017, and finished releasing (based on the features listed by the comparision post) July 30th, 2019. Considering full 2 years would be at November 17th 2019, quick calendar check implies that the difference is approx 3.5 months (not half a year, July 30th is end of the month, and 2 years passes in mid november, meaning we deal with august, september, october and half of november of a difference)

But if we are to apply same nipicky standard of measuring to SotO, we are not landing with full year, but with speculative (going off by specials tab countdown, but not confirmed date officially yet as far as I am aware) of release period from August 22, 2023 to May 14, 2024. To the full year there we are missing: Half of May, June, July, and most of August. Meaning that if we "artificially add" to SotO release time scale, the same we "artificially added" to LWS4, then lo and behold, we land same approximation 1 year for SotO vs 2 years of LWS4. Which was the approximation I have been consistently using in this thread. Whom could have guessed that the person so stubborn to point out to compare time scales fairly, was using same approximation for both timescales involved. Mostly because using exact counts would be to tiresome to keep 

The Wiki states that the 6th and  final chapter of lw4 was in May. May is six months before the November 2 year mark for LW4. It has been long enough since that release that I had to rely on the wikis dates. If those are incorrect you have my apologies for using an inaccurate source.

I do find it odd tha exaggerating by six months is apparently fine while being accurate is not. If it had been a matter of a few days or even weeks. Perhaps even a month rounding up from 23 months to 2 years, it wouldnt be worth mentioning. But exaggerating by nearly 33% is just falsification.


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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Even if relics will be powercrept (which I hope they won't, but lets be real: they probably will be), I don't think it will make it somehow "harder" to come back to the game after breaks.

This is one case where I have no problem saying it's more or less a matter of opinion, but in that regard, I think it's safe to say some people's opinions would be that it would make it harder to come back and so those people would be less likely to. It still stands out to me in my mind like 2 year later or something, listening to JoshStrifeHayes praise GW2 for being a game you can easily come back to, noting how he'd have been happy to praise it in that way, regardless of whether he was being asked to say anything about the game or not.

I wonder how someone like him would feel about all of this, if he's still keeping an eye on the game at all.

And I can personally attest that there have been times I considered coming back, was very tempted to in spite of reasons I'd had for leaving, and everything they did with wrecking dailies for people and with relics, are enough to put me firmly in the mindset that I made a wise decision to quit when I did. I mean, think of it this way: Instead of the usual of coming back to everything I earned before and picking up where I left off, I'd be coming back to having lost something I earned before (legendary rune bonuses) and having to re-learn how it works in its new form (relics), along with it not being fully legendary and so on. I'd have to re-learn how dailies work and see if I can abide the new way of doing them. All of this for quantity and quality of new content that I keep seeing getting panned and that I'd have to pay upfront to even engage with. That part isn't totally new, with how they did living world in the past, but what is new is having something presented as an expansion that fits more with being living world than having traits that stack up to previous GW2 expansions, and worse in some ways, considering the shifting around of existing features (runes to relics) in order to sell them as a noteworthy feature. And going over these new foibles just reminds me more of past foibles, like research notes, as well.

FTR, I don't expect them to produce the most amazing thing since sliced bread every time they put out updates, but honestly... if the only differences between now and when I quit were that they'd added an open world legendary armor option to the game, I might actually be more inclined to come back and give that a try than for anything else they've done. And my point there is not about legendary armor, but that I don't think it would take much that I consider a net positive for me to seriously consider it. It's the negative offsetting it that makes it hard, if for no other reason than I'd prefer not to be a walking example of the saying "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me."

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43 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

And I can personally attest that there have been times I considered coming back, was very tempted to in spite of reasons I'd had for leaving, and everything they did with wrecking dailies for people and with relics, are enough to put me firmly in the mindset that I made a wise decision to quit when I did.

See? Nobody needs to keep track whether or not you quit the game, you still keep writing it in your every other post, who knows why. Is this supposed to be boasting about it? Are you maybe trying  to constantly publicly reassure yourself, anet or other forum users about your own decision? I find this so weird.

43 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I mean, think of it this way: Instead of the usual of coming back to everything I earned before and picking up where I left off, I'd be coming back to having lost something I earned before (legendary rune bonuses) and having to re-learn how it works in its new form (relics), along with it not being fully legendary and so on.

A lot of the introduced content brought new stats/runes/specs that had to be earned. If the issue is that "full legy players" might need to play some content they paid for when those players are already among the ones who play the most then I'm not sure this is a huge issue. If you had legendary rune, you now do have legendary relic. If you don't want to get more relic effects then don't and it still probably won't make it somehow "hard" for you to return. For now I mostly -still- see mainly one problem with this change, but it's not really what you're talking about.

43 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

re-learn how it works in its new form (relics)

What do you mean re-learn how it works? You just pick a relic effect separately from the rune stats, what exactly is there to "learn" about that?

43 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I'd have to re-learn how dailies work

Re-learn how new dailies work? The first time you open WV, you get the popup to pick your fav mode/s. You then read what the tasks are and you do the tasks. Done, learned.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 3/1/2024 at 5:54 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I already left. My goal is to only play games that dont make me angry. Also quit call of duty and battlefield 2042. And hearthstone. Much more fun playing an arpg game. Were loot atleast drops for time spend. Instead of doing multiple bosses and meta’s and getting nothing but junk loot. I feel i am forced to spend cash to buy the loot (skins) from gemstore. Skins that would DROP from mobs in other games. This game and the forum community (most of them, not all, with their emoticons and always defending) made me angry. And this endless grind for legendary armor is insane. My idea was to play with stats and make my own builds. But i now do this in the arpg game. 

The funny thing is I went back to GW1 and enjoyed it. I'm just not a fan of all the masteries grinding in this game. That is not fun to me. I was looking forward to trying out the new weapons but even that is tied behind the Soto story where with the first weapons were just talk to an NPC to unlock and you got it right away. This game has turned into a grind fest with everything.

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Even if relics will be powercrept (which I hope they won't, but lets be real: they probably will be), I don't think it will make it somehow "harder" to come back to the game after breaks.

Relics alone? No. But do you honestly believe that they will stop at relics untess they will be made to stop somehow? Because to me it's clear that the relics represent a model they now like very much, so i find it highly unlikely that they won't try to replicate it in the future if allowed to do so.

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2 minutes ago, Kastagir.2146 said:

The funny thing is I went back to GW1 and enjoyed it. I'm just not a fan of all the masteries grinding in this game. That is not fun to me. I was looking forward to trying out the new weapons but even that is tied behind the Soto story where with the first weapons were just talk to an NPC to unlock and you got it right away. This game has turned into a grind fest with everything.

I dont know if you WvW enough to have currency stockpiled but the new weapons can be unlocked via an NPC.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

See? Nobody needs to keep track whether or not you quit the game, you still keep writing it in your every other post, who knows why. Is this supposed to be boasting about it? Are you maybe trying  to constantly publicly reassure yourself, anet or other forum users about your own decision? I find this so weird.

A lot of the introduced content brought new stats/runes/specs that had to be earned. If the issue is that "full legy players" might need to play some content they paid for when those players are already among the ones who play the most then I'm not sure this is a huge issue. If you had legendary rune, you now do have legendary relic. If you don't want to get more relic effects then don't and it still probably won't make it somehow "hard" for you to return. For now I mostly -still- see mainly one problem with this change, but it's not really what you're talking about.

What do you mean re-learn how it works? You just pick a relic effect separately from the rune stats, what exactly is there to "learn" about that?

Re-learn how new dailies work? The first time you open WV, you get the popup to pick your fav mode/s. You then read what the tasks are and you do the tasks. Done, learned.

I share my experiences as a means of helping communicate my perspective, as a means of helping sympathize with others who feel similarly, as a means of grounding general statements in specific experiences, so that I'm not just talking hypothetically. What I find ironic is that in putting so much focus on my decisions, you draw more attention to my experiences, when I am only offering them as an example, never trying to say they apply to everyone or have special importance (e.g. you are making it weird by putting more focus on it than I am).

To the rest of it, I don't see what benefit there is in arguing with you over how much I would have to re-learn. No one who is considering returning to the game is going to go through a forum argument vetting process in order to decide. The game as presented and what they know about it will be compelling or it won't be. And usually, in my experience, if a product is compelling and people are generally happy with it, they are able to encourage others to return through enthusiasm alone. They don't need to argue with them about it.

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10 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

I know. It was satire. Just look at my post history. This game feels like it's drifting to life support. It feels like maintainince mode is coming soon. It's disgusting what has happened. The writers for gw2 have never been good but this....this feels like something high-school kids would submit in remedial English. Eod was meh, Soto is a flop, I shudder to think what the next expack will be.

Lets hope it. That maintenance mode comes soon. Not because the game. But because the community that was always hating on me and my suggestions. Then i can laugh against them for their game being at its end. For the studio i hope the best. But these toxic emoticon spammers have to get punished for always disliking players suggestions to add things to get more simple. 

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

LS4 quality wise  >> Soto.

I play more LS4 content these days than Soto and Soto is fresh.

Besides LS4 gave us more than just ow content. 

LS4 was the game's high point IMO. The last part is so kitten amazing both in terms of gameplay and story.

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On 3/2/2024 at 1:43 AM, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Guild wars was here before you....and it will be here after.

This proves that, unlike others like me, you have not been around since 2005. So stop speaking for those who have. You don't know what you are talking about, and you are not qualified to judge the content from a perspective of a veteran and speak for them. The quality of and fun with the content have drastically declined.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Player of GW1 here since Beta. Started in 2004. Guild Wars always will have a special place in my heart -- I found countless inspirations from GW1 that I've applied to my life and career, finding the creativity in those first installments unlike any other game I've found to date. Even the slight pop culture references -- which remain completely absent from GW2 -- were some of the funniest, most unique experiences I've found in a video game.

I purchased the CE edition of GW2 in 2012 to much expectation, only to quit ~6 months in. I played GW1 on and off during that time, finding myself coming back every few months to explore that nostalgic genius. I came back to the game last March and had a relative blast doing the content over the past year, but I have become extremely tiresome of ANET's output, and the total lack of inspiration and creativity SOTO has brought to the franchise. I found it, genuinely crazy, that I got tired of 10+ years worth of added content in 8-10 months. I would argue that I'm in the top 1% of spenders on this franchise -- I want to support ANET where I can because I have profited off of the inspiration I found throughout the 15 years I played GW1. Being from the PNW also influenced my decision to support ANET in such a manner.

In all honesty, I'm sick of it. SOTO was such a major letdown -- even after obtaining Obsidian Armor this past week, I'm just burnt out, and uninterested in any of the content they've puked out over the past 6 months. Not even any information regarding the "variants" was provided. The story was finished in about 90 minutes. The new map was a speed through (although I do think it's the best map in SOTO thus far). Map comps in 8-10 minutes? Why even have this part of the grind -- it's just tearing down the player base mentally. Even GW1 has held my attention span longer -- I managed to come back every year for nearly 20 years, always to find something fun to do. GW2 has turned into an endless grind. I'd rather go spend a day doing GW1 Speedclears with a fun group of 8 because you know the reward will come at some point -- GW2 is just a potent grind, ridiculed by insufficient content that is genuinely just uninteresting to play.

The rewards are genuinely baffling. Barons are often people who use Excel Spreadsheets like they're Wall Street analysts. The only "rich" people in the game are "rich" because they treat this "game" like a financial job. I have never, ever encountered such a player base until I came to Guild Wars 2. I have an MBA and I don't even understand this. And now you have a notorious duper who is back, all dupes still intact, which really makes you wonder what in the genuine hell ANET is doing, especially when people are getting permabanned for macros.

Edited by purp.1806
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Im with you op, what broke me is the removal of golemancer rune and the borin badly design shortbow (im an engi main). Also they remove so many fun trait and skill/trait design for boring one. The actual dev are killing the mojo of this game. Also the story about emotion... thats kind of cringe...

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13 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The Wiki states that the 6th and  final chapter of lw4 was in May. May is six months before the November 2 year mark for LW4. It has been long enough since that release that I had to rely on the wikis dates. If those are incorrect you have my apologies for using an inaccurate source.

I do find it odd tha exaggerating by six months is apparently fine while being accurate is not. If it had been a matter of a few days or even weeks. Perhaps even a month rounding up from 23 months to 2 years, it wouldnt be worth mentioning. But exaggerating by nearly 33% is just falsification.


Erm, context matter, there, the referenced summary of what LWS4 brough, involved raids that happened in paralel, and coalescence legendary ring. Those were released on June 11, 2019 I will admit that in haste, I did refer to Festival of the four winds release as final release of LWS4, which is error on my end, it was late, and I was running math in hurry.

That does skew it by month and a half, so it would make that perfect same approximation for both release schedules with same overhead would be 1 year and 1 month with a half instead of just one year.

I would say that having corrected the calculation, I will refrain from further use of 2 years (since indeed 5 months roundup is a bit much), but frankly, I doubt I will be continuing conversation in this thread for me to refer to it at all in the close future. And the big point was that calling SotO taking full year to release was same scale of exaggeration of comparision, and both were round ups in terms to type less words, and roughtly equally hurtfull for both cases.

Additional bit of the point I was trying to make (but not addressed to you but other fellow) was that with LWS4 being so inconsistent with it's release schedule, the final comparision of "content" being brought would vary greatly depending on which part of the still double of the SotO release timescale that LWS4 had we choose to compare against. LWS4 had two content droughts of 5 months each, which is in itself ~2/3 of whole SotO release window.

Not sure where you got the bit of "being accurate is not" because I was specifically responding to your complaint not being accurate within itself. Had your math and suggestion of arbitrary increasing SotO release schedule to compensate for rounding up used accurate numbers instead of *doubling* SotO release window my response to it would have been different.

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14 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I share my experiences as a means of helping communicate my perspective, as a means of helping sympathize with others who feel similarly, as a means of grounding general statements in specific experiences, so that I'm not just talking hypothetically.

Definitely feels like constantly repeating "glad I quit [whatever time earlier]" goes against your attempt to claim that these relatively recent changes are the deciding "sum negative" factors that make you not come back. We didn't even know about these changes and you still didn't feel like coming back.

14 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

No one who is considering returning to the game is going to go through a forum argument vetting process in order to decide. The game as presented and what they know about it will be compelling or it won't be.

Exactly, bored people sitting on the forum repeating they're glad they quit when they did -which was way before we even knew about these changes- aren't exactly really considering returning to the game anyways, whether the relics went live or not.

But yeah, in the end it's not about any forum argument, it's about not pretending that any of this makes it suddenly hard to return to the game after the break, because it doesn't. Listing things like "having to re-learn dailies(??) and relics" (still unclear what you'd have to "re/learn" about it that's so complicated) only points at you trying to force yourself to make up a reason why it's suddenly so hard and uninviting for the players taking breaks.

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15 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Relics alone? No. But do you honestly believe that they will stop at relics untess they will be made to stop somehow? Because to me it's clear that the relics represent a model they now like very much, so i find it highly unlikely that they won't try to replicate it in the future if allowed to do so.

Well, I actually do believe that this is not some slippery slope case, because it looks like they were looking for a replacement of especs to have that "new playstyle/power edge" with the expansion purchase. In this case releasing new weapons per class in connection with new sets of relics per expansion seems to be enough for whatever they want to provide with it. Whether it's true or not will be proven in the future 🤷‍♂️ For now that's all I consider this to be: easy replacement for especs as an added expansion purchase hook.

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18 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

I know. It was satire. Just look at my post history. This game feels like it's drifting to life support. It feels like maintainince mode is coming soon. It's disgusting what has happened. The writers for gw2 have never been good but this....this feels like something high-school kids would submit in remedial English. Eod was meh, Soto is a flop, I shudder to think what the next expack will be.

People have been crying maintenance mode since years mate. Each expansion is going to be the last, because Anet doesn't care anymore. Each content release is kitten now, but years down the line people look back at it like it was so awesome. 

It's always the same "<insert current release> is awful, I'm scared for the game's future>

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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Definitely feels like constantly repeating "glad I quit [whatever time earlier]" goes against your attempt to claim that these relatively recent changes are the deciding "sum negative" factors that make you not come back. We didn't even know about these changes and you still didn't feel like coming back.

Exactly, bored people sitting on the forum repeating they're glad they quit when they did -which was way before we even knew about these changes- aren't exactly really considering returning to the game anyways, whether the relics went live or not.

But yeah, in the end it's not about any forum argument, it's about not pretending that any of this makes it suddenly hard to return to the game after the break, because it doesn't. Listing things like "having to re-learn dailies(??) and relics" (still unclear what you'd have to "re/learn" about it that's so complicated) only points at you trying to force yourself to make up a reason why it's suddenly so hard and uninviting for the players taking breaks.

Ya know, I tried to explain why I share my experiences in the way that I do, with calm sincerity, figuring that maybe it was all a misunderstanding and you just genuinely didn't understand why I do it. But nope, you really are fixated on me across multiple threads and for reasons unknown, have decided to turn me into an object of harassment to try to vilify and undermine, in spite of repeated times I told you to back off.

One would think you'd be more interested in the implications of this thread's OP, someone who has been playing GW since 2005 and is concerned about the future of the franchise and the direction of GW2. But I guess you can't argue with the bad sign that it is, so you're stuck trying to pick over the low hanging fruit trope of the person who has quit and is still posting, as if you're some cult member who can't handle a person hanging around who isn't currently part of the cult. Because maybe that'll reassure you that the game is fine, since you can't deny the legitimacy of others' complaints.

Is that what you wanted? Is this the part where you click the report button now that I've psychoanalyzed back? Or are you looking for a fight and you'll be happy to keep this going, continue dragging this thread into personal nonsense no one wants to read, when that was never what it was about? You aren't going to gaslight me into thinking I'm the one making this about me. I post and have posted in similar ways across plenty of places on the internet, countless times. Not once has someone before been so obsessed with the nature of my posting than when I dared to post a tiny bit regularly during one period of a span when I wasn't currently playing a video game and decided to be honest about that fact.

Here's an idea: Why don't you share your experiences with GW2 instead of nitpicking when other people share theirs? Or are you even playing the game yourself? Because sometimes the things you say to me, it's hard to believe you're even engaged with the game and are enjoying it. Show some vulnerability. That's what I do when I risk being honest about where I'm at. I don't do it so people can nitpick over it. Relate to me or tell me how you differ. Stop trying to make it a research paper in moments when it's just, in your own words, a "feels like". There's a certain poster on here who loves the game, who I've had some disagreements with in the past, but I've seen them many times post about their experiences and how they differ from some of the criticisms they read. I can't argue with them on that. It's their experiences. I'm not going to deny them that. Stop trying to deny me mine and worry about yourself.

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1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Ya know, I tried to explain why I share my experiences in the way that I do, with calm sincerity, figuring that maybe it was all a misunderstanding and you just genuinely didn't understand why I do it. But nope, you really are fixated on me across multiple threads and for reasons unknown, have decided to turn me into an object of harassment to try to vilify and undermine, in spite of repeated times I told you to back off.

One would think you'd be more interested in the implications of this thread's OP, someone who has been playing GW since 2005 and is concerned about the future of the franchise and the direction of GW2. But I guess you can't argue with the bad sign that it is, so you're stuck trying to pick over the low hanging fruit trope of the person who has quit and is still posting, as if you're some cult member who can't handle a person hanging around who isn't currently part of the cult. Because maybe that'll reassure you that the game is fine, since you can't deny the legitimacy of others' complaints.

Is that what you wanted? Is this the part where you click the report button now that I've psychoanalyzed back? Or are you looking for a fight and you'll be happy to keep this going, continue dragging this thread into personal nonsense no one wants to read, when that was never what it was about? You aren't going to gaslight me into thinking I'm the one making this about me. I post and have posted in similar ways across plenty of places on the internet, countless times. Not once has someone before been so obsessed with the nature of my posting than when I dared to post a tiny bit regularly during one period of a span when I wasn't currently playing a video game and decided to be honest about that fact.

Here's an idea: Why don't you share your experiences with GW2 instead of nitpicking when other people share theirs?

I did write what I think about it -for one (but not limited to), it's directly under the post you've just quoted, but it doesn't look like you're interested in it at all. Instead you'd rather make these weird accusations about me "going after you" when all I did was point out repeating how "you're not playing the game" on that game's forum is weird and that the current changes didn't really make it harder to come back to the game after the breaks. As I explained, it doesn't do much for the claim you attempted to make, if anything, I'd say (and already did say) it does the opposite:

5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Exactly, bored people sitting on the forum repeating they're glad they quit when they did -which was way before we even knew about these changes- aren't exactly really considering returning to the game anyways, whether the relics went live or not.

Too bad that post (about how I see this change) also remained unanswered, but instead you're going straight for the "this is harassment" accusation. Responding to what you repeatedly write isn't harassment, it's... responding to what you're saying. It's as if you hope there's some limit for responses, so if you keep repeating the same thing 5 times, it's perfectly fine, but it only should be responded to once or twice and the remaining repetitions are meant to be just taken for whatever it is without being addressed or you'll scream "harassment"? I don't know how do you think that's supposed to work, but I do think you're misusing words here -whether you do it intentionally or unknowingly, because I think both are equally possible.

1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Or are you even playing the game yourself? Because sometimes the things you say to me, it's hard to believe you're even engaged with the game and are enjoying it.

The things I say to you, like what exactly? What specifically are you basing what you just said on? I really hope this question won't remain unanswered similar to the previous ones, like the one about what exactly you need to "relearn" that's so hard about dailies or relic usage. For now it sure seems to be easier for you to keep throwing these vague sentences and then avoid sharing the details about them.


1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

instead of nitpicking when other people share theirs?

Funnily enough, that's exactly what you did with Seon's post and what made me respond in the first place:

Questioning you how is it supposed to be hard/er to come back after the break now is bad, but you taking someone's finishing sentence about the game being easy to come back and saying it's not longer easy ("it was") is fine. Again, I'm not sure how that's supposed to work, doesn't make much sense to me. So yeah, for now it's till easy to come back to.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

People have been crying maintenance mode since years mate. Each expansion is going to be the last, because Anet doesn't care anymore. Each content release is kitten now, but years down the line people look back at it like it was so awesome. 

It's always the same "<insert current release> is awful, I'm scared for the game's future>

Your right matey. However can you honestly say this one isn't a severe drop off? PoF and HoT were fine. EoD was a large decline....but this....hahahaha pay now content later. Time has passed I don't hear too many people speaking fondly regarding EoD. Hell I'm probably one of the few that liked PoF. HoT is the only one I hear people still enjoy...and really it's largely because the metas are still fun and populated.

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On 3/2/2024 at 9:21 AM, illuminati.8453 said:

Completely disagree.  They are not working really hard on GW2 and this is not the 'best' content available.   They are doing the bare minimum.   And spreading it out over an entire year to boot.   

Exactly my feelings too. After PoF this game has gone South. And the game got worse with SotO, which has nothing new or interesting but only more of the same and a ton of disappointments.

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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