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To ArenaNet: Fire letter – exploits and hacks

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6 minutes ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

I dont justify using hacks but I can understant why people use them. The actual state of balance between classes is a joke, and what Anet did in the last patch? Buffing more the overpowered ones.

If balance was real nobody would use hacks.

Also kinda true, but that would never bring me to use Cheats.. then i would quit WvW and start PvP, because its more ballanced 

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Encounter a thief from Fort Ranik [FR] used some trick to get into Bluebriar. The story goes as the Fort Ranik [FR] has a group of thief & fancy thief roamer around and gang on simgple target, and they chase me into Bluebriar. One of the thief start taunts me with various gesture and stand within my attack range. So i attack the thief from wall and almost killed him (the thief was strugled to survive with all the condition on him on low health), and the thief vanish I lost target and sudden he appear on the Bluebiar wall and backstab me in full combo, but fail to kill me and jump off the wall to run away again. In that instant I ask the map on how was that possible for a thief to get up to the wall, and learn there is a glitch to do that and report such behavior do no different.

I joined the game recently, under 2 months and spent most of my time in wvw, this is the first time I encounter such behavior, and at the same time learning the toxic behavior such asT-bag (corpse jump, jump on dowed player) will go unpunish. I ll still playing for a while knowing it will not last for long (dealing with toxic behaviour is tiresome) nor will I recommed this game to anyone knowing the toxic is tolerance and allow here.

Edited by Shneibel Panipahr.3184
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On 3/11/2024 at 2:33 PM, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Is the thief axe still bugged or can you throw them at 900 and then send it forward for another 900? Like a 1800 range weapon.

That's just how it works, each axe has 900 range from where it spins. When it was bugged it would just use the range from the thief, meaning axes could effectively have unlimited range provided the thief was within 900 when activating skill 3 (and would also go through walls).

Since they fixed it both the thief and the axes need to be within range and the thief must have line of sight. At most you can throw an axe 900 forward and then move yourself 900 forward to the axe, activate skill 3, and the axe will hit a target 900 away. This isn't the same as having an 1800 range weapon though, since the thief needs to be 900 from the target when activating the skill.

  • If the axe is more than 900 away from the target but the thief is within 900, then the skill will activate and the axes will fly at the target but they will get "out of range" and the axes won't hit.
  • If the axe is within 900 but the thief is more than 900 away, then the skill will just fail to activate and you get the "out of range" message.
  • If the axe has line of sight to the target but the thief does not, then the axes will miss with "obstructed".
  • If the thief has line of sight to the target but the axes do not, then the axes will hit, meaning you can hit through obstacles in these instances.
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Every week the same kitten, sometimes worse sometimes less. This week we have people glitching in to towers as soon as the invuln goes off they glitch in and flip the tower. This happens every month, week, day, hour.  And yet years later Anet still do not fix such a simple thing. And the only thing you see now are people telling that it is intended game play. Which is utterly kitten and they know it too, but they know Anet will never care about fixing gamebreaking bugs so they just abuse it at any time they feel like.


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Hot take:    Righteous indignation should not run out, unless a Gate was breached.    (people hiding in keeps, to teleport people inside, in shambls)

Takes away a cool part of the WvW experience, but it would take away peoples ability to just teleport into towers and take them.

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That's crazy, sPvP players have been asking for action to be taken on win-traders, rage-quitters, AFKers, exploiters, and known trolls for like 10 years now. Nice to see we aren't the only corner of the game being neglected. Misery loves company. 

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Who cares about some guy vaulting into an objective and flipping it?

Right now we have guilds running spy accounts to grief  randoms .

Wanna win on a map? Log 10+ accounts into the enemy side of the map and go hide them somewhere with a macro or autorun against a wall,the enemy will have that much less people to fight you.

Want to get rid an enemy commander? Log alt accounts and keep throwing kitten at him till something sticks and then mass report or keep going straight at him.

Your enemy got a good defence ? Log alt accounts to see the weak spots and man the siege and hold them hostage to open holes in the defence since people can't  force someone to unman a siege.

Enemy server too good and you can't win? Log alts and start killing them to get the points and dominator progress too.

And list goes on and on and on.

And I haven't even reached to the maphack to have the program mark the enemies on your minimap regardless if they are stealthed or not,the auto evade trainer the macros that give unfair advantage and a metric ton of other stuff.

See the siege and other stuff through terrain when you shouldnt? Check.

Overlay that tells you when an objective is contested when you shouldnt know unless actively looking? Check.

In my opinion IF a thief reached the point where he gets into your unguarded objective by only using what the game gives him and evaded all that 3rd party garbage and disposable account exploits and flips it,then he deserves it and he deserves an achievement too.


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  • 2 months later...


On 4/3/2024 at 9:33 PM, Axelteas.7192 said:

I dont justify using hacks but I can understant why people use them. The actual state of balance between classes is a joke, and what Anet did in the last patch? Buffing more the overpowered ones.

If balance was real nobody would use hacks.

No one would use hacks to reach ballance. they want the difference.^^ the amx deatheye, i met while ago was imballanced enough anyways. so i decided to leave and he chased me while I AM in stealth from sm to red keep, from red keep to anzahill and from there to speldan. thats a really really long way. do you really believe he need that tool showing my position to reach ballance ? 😄

On 4/13/2024 at 9:36 PM, Grave.5683 said:

In my opinion IF a thief reached the point where he gets into your unguarded objective by only using what the game gives him and evaded all that 3rd party garbage and disposable account exploits and flips it,then he deserves it and he deserves an achievement too.

Yeah. sounds great. achievement "gump of the day" -20 AP. repeatable daily. up to 250 times. 🥰 you sound like it would be a hard job. badly it is easy going.

On 3/9/2024 at 9:04 PM, Lalary.3561 said:

Or Anet could simply add invisible walls or raise ledges on such spots.

1st. watching a vid about gameadministration would explain you that changes on existing maps very often lead to new, often very surprising problems. often on other places or maps in the game. its not the first and also not the best idea. also it may have influence on you as defender.

2nd. they will find a other way to pass. and i don't think its the best way to solve a problem to ignore it and struggle around it. so..

3rd. if you find dirt at home you can put an object on it. solved but it may start to smell. arenanet put that much objects on the dirt in the game, it smells allready a lot. its about time they take the rag and remove it. it will anyways just hit some altaccounts and anet will anyways not ban directly permanent.

The thing i really don't understand is how it comes that companies which get 10-13 Eu per month are able to ban while anet can't force the gamerules, which could lead to some more income when cheaters have to buy new accounts. whatever. cya on teh battlegrounds. have fun. 🙃 


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On 4/13/2024 at 9:36 PM, Grave.5683 said:

Who cares about some guy vaulting into an objective and flipping it?

You should care, because if you stop caring about any of those things then you also stop caring about any other hacks, glitches and so on and then the game loose it's meaning. And obviously it has meaning to you still or you would not be playing the game.

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"These methods are accomplished by either Thief Sword 2 or Thief Staff 5. The Staff 5 jump requires a normal jump at the start of the skill.... My goal with releasing this video is that Anet will resolve these issues. No third party software is being used. I'm just using in-game weapon skills. ---------------------------------------------------------

The Thief Sword #2 can be fixed by changing the objectives. Towers have been moved in the past (Ogrewatch) and when the Warclaw was released there were often small touch-ups to objectives to prevent getting inside without using siege. I don't see how this is any different. The Thief Staff #5 should disallow for jumping to be used before you use the skill so that the extra... isn't achieved."


"Kinda sucks to see this video. Was thinking about trying GW2 myself and have been just going around checking out videos of guides, class stuff, all the gameplay but after seeing this it kinda turns me off of wanting to even give it a try 😞 "

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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4 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

You should care, because if you stop caring about any of those things then you also stop caring about any other hacks, glitches and so on and then the game loose it's meaning. And obviously it has meaning to you still or you would not be playing the game.

You missed the point completely,and the thread was old and you didn't need to Necro it.

It was pointing at some of the much larger problems than a thief who spends too much time for too little gains by flipping a keep.


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1 hour ago, Grave.5683 said:

You missed the point completely,and the thread was old and you didn't need to Necro it.

It was pointing at some of the much larger problems than a thief who spends too much time for too little gains by flipping a keep.


.......that's not the person who necro'd it. Look one poster up, that quoted three posts.

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Here is another one that will make you cringe-


GW2│SPECTER - Sword.../Wells Combo Glitch - EXPLOIT Approved by Anet?

"I think this exploit is ridiculous since Thieves are so strong already. But if Anet allows it.. then I guess"


"The balance team can fix all of these teleport exploits by adding cast times to all non-stunbreak teleports. Guardian and thief can get away with it because they are golden children. They stopped untamed from doing this by just putting a 1/4 sec cast time."

"Just wanted to add that thieves don't even need sword to do this trick. You can do it with shadowstep, .....signet and steal as well. Also guardian, mesmers, and elementists have an instant cast teleport that one could use to increase the distance of a movement skill. From what I have tried out, leaps are the only skills that have bad interactions with teleports that are movement skills."

"But there is a way to make it 1800 range with the shadow teleport utility skill. Tested my self"

"you can also go really wonky if you use shadow teleport into signet of....so that's 2400 range into the field teleport so 3k range teleport"

"Wait, does that mean Sword... + F3 of willbender can do the same?"

"oh my, thief's axe 3 is even easier to reach this trick."


"I always wonder how the willbenders, thieves and mesmers teleport up giant cliffs when they start losing."

"There's a player in my guild that clearly wants to hack, but when he brought up asking how to basically do that our Guild Leader told him he'd get kicked from the guild, lol." - "Ah. I like this Commander"

"Well... lately there is an increase of hackers in this game, especially in WVW. I encounter a thief that literally can port from keep to keep, and there was another scenario with a guardian that has no cooldown for his buff, he end up killing us 5PEOPLE. This really ruined the game for me and my buddies."

"I've been seeing a lot of them in wvw lately along with bots. Bots are annoying but easy to deal with however flying mesmers/soulbeasts, under the map firebrand/dragonbrand/mesmer/scourge/deadeye, porting/walking through walls thief/mirage/chrono/scrapper has made solo roaming even harder. Not to mention when a group of 6 omegas go through your keep wall undetected and kill the lord without it getting contested or there being any damaged walls or gates til the last second is bs."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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3 hours ago, Grave.5683 said:

You missed the point completely,and the thread was old and you didn't need to Necro it.

It was pointing at some of the much larger problems than a thief who spends too much time for too little gains by flipping a keep.


old doesn't mean dead.. or solved. the last post was from april btw. since start of alliances there was not one day i didn't find someone in an object with closed walls. no sense to start a new threat with the same thematic when this one ist still up to date.

"too MUCH time for too LITTLE gains by flipping a keep" ? *cough* the stoic is opened really fast with some catas but way faster with one thief. 2 mins and a t3 is gone. "much time" .. i agree in the point that there a much other problems too. but that doesn't mean we should ignore that one or any other one. would anet start to force the gamerules the people would stop to break them that much. but as long everyone knows there are no restrictions.. there will be no end. 5-6 years ago cheating has been very rare but the more it was ignored that more people decided "okay. i can do that too" !

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Posted (edited)


"The main issue is the wells of spector shouldn't follow the sword 2 to land on the enemy. If the wells stay in the 1st place(aka the middle of the path) then even it is a glitch it would be less controvercial. The range issue is also secondary. The main issue is still the wells move with sword 2. My issue is, why the wells of spector have a casting delay. What's the purpose of that design? If it casts immediately like Chrono or staff of necro then it would be less issue. I was trying to play the same trick with Scourge sand well, it failed of course lol But even it can do the same, I don't think there would be anyone have issue with it bc it causes no damage and it is funny as well lol"

"Anet left the ghost thief build in the game for forever, and it wasn't until someone used it to solo a raid boss that they finally decided to nerf the build. They aren't quick to tweak those things, especially for thief specs. That said, this is very much by design and thief players have always found ways to pull off crazy 2000+ distance one shots since the beta of the game. In short, even if anet tweaked this, something else will take its place."

"The .... have already outted themselves for playing favoritism with their classes and the balance passes. The fact they haven't fixed the issue with celestial builds that have been a pain since EoD dropped is evidence of this."


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Posted (edited)


There's a part 2 which I won't post here 

By the way, when someone tells you to "dodge", they literally meant "auto-dodge" 

Lastly, there's a new hack/exploit where mass players are porting under the ground to re-appear at another location. There's also a new exploit/hack in Thief Profession, Mesmer Profession and Elementalist Profession design where they can not be targetted to be attacked.

Hackers and cheaters are taking full advantage of Bad Design Professions including Bad Design Mechancis such as stealth, teleport, dodge, evade, pulling everything that is Badly Design and Broken....to hide exploits, hacks and cheating.

What is happening is that, they are using old tools which Anet refused to  resolve for years, to justify their actions as "Anet didn't fix it and so it is ok" to do anything they want.

It is no longer a secret of playing favorites of Professions and mechanics. Players including myself has been calling out this Toxic practice for years with the inclusion of Willbender.

Years of call out by concerning posts, thread's, streaming videos of Professions and mechanics being abused for years, were thrown under the rug.

Well, fast forward 

Abuse has turned into exploit.  

They have figured out that, there are no need to use tools.

Everything they want, are already there. They're are available in those Professions and Mechanics designs.

You teach the players how to treat your game by what what you allow, what you enforce and by what you tolerate for years and years..... since the game was released

"What you put up with you end up with. What you allow continues."

It is only going to the point where, Anet will be forced to shut down WvW Indefinitely

(my last post)

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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