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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Hi Anet,

I would like to suggest a small and easy to implement UI improvement for the PVP-Panel.

The Game Browser for custom games has this tab "Recently Played".

Currently this tab shows all games that I ever joined.

It never seems to clear after a while and there is no option to remove servers from this tab.

So more and more servers just accumulate over time until you have literally each and every server showing up there, which pretty much defeats the purpose of this tab.

Can we please implent a timer after which servers get removed from this tab (games that I played years ago aren't exactly recently) and/or please give us an option to remove servers from this tab manually.

To some people this may sound like a needless change but for people, who actually play custom games regularly, for them this change would actually be nice.

And I am sure it would just be a minor change and easy to implement... but it would be  really nice to have.

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I know that it's not practical to put the Orr temples and the Gates of Arah on a schedule, but PLEASE make the countdown to the next defense/attack VISIBLE.


Many collections require these events, and especially now with the Zhaitan variant skins require 2 each, it's so, so tiresome to come into Cursed Shore or Malchor's Leap and have NO IDEA how long you'll have to wait. It can be 5 minutes -- or it can be an hour and 55 minutes, and there's no way to know.


PLEASE let us see the timer. PLEASE!

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I've been playing GW2 since launch and the other day I found a map border portal that I new knew existed! 
Suggestion -- put a marker on the map/mini-map showing where the map zone transition portals are, please. 😄
(How many of you have run along the edge of a map trying to figure out how to get through?)

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Title. Increase the cap pretty please. 29 ain't sufficient with all the stuff you're throwing at us.

Edit: GW2 mods being glorious again with not properly editing a thread after merging. Topic is about shared inventory slots.

Edited by Raizel.8175
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1 hour ago, Sachmet.2154 said:

Mir ist ein Problem aufgefallen, das mir zu groß war und mich seit der Gründung der Gilde nervt.

Wenn Sie eine Gruppe in Lfg öffnen, bleibt sie bestehen, bis man diese Gruppe betritt. Aber könntest du bitte die Funktion entfernen, dass die Gruppe einfach geschlossen wird, wenn der 2. Spieler die Gruppe verlässt?


Beispiel: Ich habe eine Spielersuche für meine Gilde durchgeführt. Leider gibt es immer wieder böse Konkurrenten, die meinen, sie sollten sich der Gruppe anschließen und sofort gehen, kitten die Gildenwerbung gelöscht wird.

Beispiel: Ich suche eine Gruppe in Fractal. Jemand schließt sich an und bemerkt, dass er in der falschen Gruppe ist und geht wieder, ich merke es nicht sofort und ich bin überrascht, warum niemand hereinkommt, weil er nicht bemerkt hat, dass die Anfrage einfach gelöscht wurde.


Es wäre toll, wenn dies verbessert 😉 werden könnte

Dies wurde von Google übersetzt, weil ich nicht weiß, ob Sie hier Englisch oder Deutsch lesen und ich bin nicht gerade der Stärkste in Englisch. 

From Google Translate:

I noticed a problem that was too big for me and has been bugging me since the guild was formed.

If you open a group in Lfg, it will remain until you join that group. But could you please remove the feature that the group just closes when the 2nd player leaves the group?

Example: I did a matchmaking for my guild. Unfortunately, there are always evil competitors who think they should join the group and leave immediately before the guild advertising is deleted.

Example: I am looking for a group in Fractal. Someone joins and notices they are in the wrong group and leaves again, I don't notice right away and I'm surprised why nobody comes in because they didn't notice the request was just deleted.

It would be great if this could be improved 😉

This was translated by Google because I don't know if you're reading English or German here and I'm not the strongest at English.

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I think ascended food would be better if there were several skins for the feasts on the ground. Right now all ascended feasts look the same and i think it lacks variety. I am having a lot of pleasure with the old feast skins (picnic basket, ham slice, soup pot, salad, etc) and i collect some just because i like looking at them on the ground, they look very cool.

I think it would be better if you did many ascended feast skins depending on their nature, and if possible, different ones than the old skins, instead of a single generic one.

For example you could do raviolis, carpaccio, pita, oyster soup, fish food etc or even go deeper depending on the recipe. I think it would add value to the game and even allow for better identification for other players.

Indeed, I am pretty sure there are many players picking ascended food randomly when they see several, because they don't know all the recipes. Since ascended food is quite cheap people often drop several and this happens often before a meta, in wvw, etc.

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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I also think guild banquet should be buffed. Right now it just gives a slim +5% xp and +2 flat stats (and not all of them even) and this only for 10 minutes.


This item looks like a gimmick with current other buffs ingame. +2 stats for 10 minutes is neglectible and most of your stats won't even really increase, and the buff will be gone before you know it.


So : please buff the numbers and bonuses duration or even add new functionalities. So that people actually use this item for something else than as a gimmick.


Unlocking the item in a guild is not given. Getting commends takes time too. Players should be more rewarded for using one and it should be buffed so that players actually use it.


Or maybe create different grades for it with an increasing cost and scribing level required. If you want this banquet to be a noob-inclusive item, that's a good idea, just allow for ramping it up to making it useful for the other 99% players.


This is the kind of items that can make guilds feel like guilds. But that would work much better with a useful item.

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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How about alternative ways to obtain gift of battle? 2.000 magnetite shards, 2.000 UFE, or 1.000 green prophet shards or 10.000 fractal relicts for example? Even a boring 500g per gift would be fine.

Or maybe make both gift of battle and gift of exploration tradable?

I don't mind how. But any way that not include forcing players into an game-mode they absolutely hate. WvW in my case. This helps neither the people that get forced into it, nor the people actual like the game-mode and complaining about the PvE'ers in their game-mode. 

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So let me start by saying- no I havent checked every posted topic to see if this was already a topic - and second, rather than going straight to the pejoratives please explain to me why such a change would be a problem or how it would adversely affect anybody. Its an opt it option Im suggesting so nothing would change for anybody else if they like it the way it is.

 Why for the love of God do the skills descriptions pop up every time I mouse over them - why can this not be turned off or at least delayed ?  I am not going to explain why I prefer to click on the skill bar with my mouse  rather than using numbers keys- it is how Ive always done it and always will.  All it would take would be a box in the options that we could OPT in so it wouldnt affect eveybody- that turns off skill desriptions or delays them.

 Please save the snarky , learn how to play our way the right way etc  type replies. Just want to know why this cant be addressed as a QoL solution for us old school mouse the skill bar players. 


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