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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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A few little things that came to my mind over the past week:


1. Let us buy more otter infusions. It's just a shame that we can only earn one ingame. Either sell it for Laurels, or, even better, for Otter Memories, once the collection has been done.

2. I really like the idea of having a cosmetic/equipment slot for unlocked legendary weapon effects. By that I mean, for example, once you unlock Juggernaut, you could select the corresponding cosmetic effect in a seperate slot to be active whenever your weapon is drawn, regardless of weapon type or skin.

3. Let us unlock the Skins from the legendary raid armor, once another armor piece of the same weight class has been unlocked as legendary. For example: You crafted the light legendary PvP armor. It would be silly to craft another legendary armor just for the skin. So, you could just pay some gold (like 100 per piece) and some LI to unlock the skin for the legendary raid light armor.

4. Let the wall in the tangled depths meta be destroyed 1 minute after the final chak dies. Having to wait for 10 minutes, doing nothing, in order to loot, is kinda silly.


That's all for now. Dunno if this resonates with anyone, but I consider those things to be worthwhile implementations.


Edited by Imba.9451
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Would it at all be possible for each equipment template to be tied to mount and glider skins or even all other categories under equipment that make senses to be tired to your character when changing your look and gear? That way we have have gliders skins and mounts that match up with our chars new look.


essentially I'm asking for more items and options to be added to the save state of each equipment template. 

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Taking advantage of this phase that you are bringing small QoL to the game that can improve our gameplay with little effort, isn't it time to bring a keybind to remove the current target? It's annoying to have to press ESC, click on an empty space or use the Lock Auto Target keybind, which is not even its function and is not always reliable.

This keybind to remove the current target will help a lot in WvW and doesn't seem like something that takes a lot of effort to do.

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I would like to ask again: Please, ANet, split "Admin Lower Ranks" permission from guild into "Promote Lower Ranks / Invite / Kick". Invite, specially, could be an option even when you do not have Admin Rank permission. Sometimes you dont have all Ranks in a hierarchically way.

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This suggestion might be silly, but I'd love to have somekind of "weather machine" on the Gem-store, that allows players to change the weather (purely cosmetic) in a zone, visible to their client only.

The reason I'm asking is that there's far too little rain in the game (avid rain-lover here). :classic_smile:


Edit: The weather in the "Defense of Shaemoor" beginner map was wonderful, with all that rain and lightning/thunder. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a similar atmosphere anywhere else in the game...

Edited by Migraine.5810
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I found nice the introduction of the weekly WvW rewards, I wonder if could be possible to also add some bonus for other game mode since usually those who do a lot of WvW do not go so often in PVE and some PVE player just go in WvW for the Gift of battle, so for example doing a PVE raid wing clear could grant also a weekly buff for reward track/tickets in WvW and Pvp, on the other hand Weekly WvW reward could also give let's say a weekly buff for Gold/LI/IFM in Raid and/or Fractals, in this way players could be incentivized to play other game modes or be helped to get difficult things in other game modes that they play less, 

Edited by DarkAngel.9573
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1.    Black Lion Home Instance Contract

2.    PoF Portal Device

3.    EoD Portal Device

4.    LW3 Portal Device

5.    LW4 Portal Device

6.    Icebrood Saga Portal Device

7.    Add batteries and Offensive and Defensive Protocols in Arborstone

8.    Rework Zhaitaffy or Snowflake Gobbler to give different boosts.

Edited by saizica.3076
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After being helped wonderfully by Support today following me accidentally right clicking "add to wardrobe" on one of my gemstore gizmos, while trying to "use all" on the stacks next to it, I was reminded that it's 2023 and we STILL don't have something as simple as an NPC in the major cities who we can buy our account bound items like this (witch broom, boquet of roses, chocolates, skyscale whistle, etc) back from if we've added them to the novelties tab.

Adding them to it may grant some small convenience in accessing them due to not needing to keep them in shared inventory slots, however the functionality lost of being able to utilise multiple ones simultaneously, like having my skyscale out and being able to have it play dead in my bed of roses, using the 1-5 skills of the boquet and the 6-10 skills of the skyscale, or using another one while riding my broom, etc. is simply not worth it, and it's far too easy as today showed, to accidentally lose it.

At the very least, adding them ought to bring up the same prompt to type the full name that comes up when deleting many items, but it would probably save Support a bunch of time handling tickets like mine, if there was simply an NPC who could sell us the account bound inventory version of these gizmos as long as we already have the novelty version in our account wardrobe...

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3 hours ago, Kallyra.1894 said:

I was hoping for more options for crafting material storage - such as agony infusions past +1, jade fragments, tengu echo blades, stormcaller cores, cooking ingredients - basically anything that can be crafted that would take up space in the bank tab.

I believe when Linsey was performing the overhaul to the material storage and wallet systems, adding as many overlooked items as the community could suggest, it was explained to us in a bit of detail why certain items cannot be added to there, and the list given included a bunch of crafted ingredients unfortunately.

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Please for the love of the Six. Let us keybind fishing, personal waypoint and skiff to all separate keys. Just like how we got for mounts. The arrow to bring up those 3 options is so incredibly tiny. And binding J to just 1 is pointless cause you still need to bring up the little menu to select the others. 


Disregard: This feature was actually added. 

Edited by circuitnerd.5863
Feature was already in the game
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Please improve the camera angle in underwater combat.

When a foe gets too close, especially those jellyfish; you can't see it and don't know where to attack.

It's really frustrating. 


Also, give us more reasons to go underwater.

There are places with large water areas that are absolutely deserted, because there's not really much there to do.


I've always liked water bits since the old super mario days... I know, I'm getting old, but I really think you have a lot of unused potential there.


You could revamp the current treasure chests you open with krait keys.

This is really not worth the hassle to pursue.

You could make these like a water level, or underwater dungeon-like bit where they would be hidden further and deeper, but the rewards would be more... well, rewarding.

Such as a rare chance for ascended gear. Mostly breathers and water weapons.

A bag of random map currencies; keys to other chest, including a rare chance for a black lion chest key; and other, more useful items.


Please consider.

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It would be great if you could add the ability to retain skiff fishing stacks if you accept the prompt to move to a new map so the existing one can close. Right now, people who are fishing, are going to stay until the map runs out... defeating the purpose of your volunteering system. They are working against each other at the moment. 



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LESS CC please. In most encounters players are like volleyballs that mobs just toss around.

Less yelling and grunting. We kill hundreds of  mobs, especially in farm trains and they all yell.. it's a constant yelling show. Or when gathering berries, my character is grunting like it's being stabbed to death, lol.

Edited by Efar.8153
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Please, please, please let us EXCHANGE bad Black Lion Chest drops for statuettes! I know I don't need more revive orbs, repair cannisters, mini vouchers and crafting drops. Let us get more statuettes now that the offerings are updating and you are promoting them!

Also, make the "tiny" crafting items category be in the rotation for the promotional exchange. Mithril prices were fine, while T1 and T2 crafting stuff is almost worthless.

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Two big QoL changes I'd like to see in the future are:

1. Wishlisting items in the BLTC; I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to wishlist a glider pack or mount skin pack so I could purchase it the next week or something only to forget until it leaves the store and returns.


2. When getting a cosmetic item like a glider skin pack, weapon skin, etc.  Please just make it a direct-to-wardrobe acquisition and give us a transmutation charge.  It can be pretty annoying to have to type in "New Kaineng Glider Skin" and the same for the backpiece skin every single time I purchase a skin on the BLTC.

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Story Instance Skippable Dialogue. (only if the host has already done it before)

Please i am getting real tired of standing still listening to an NPC speak for 2mins just so another NPC can speak for a minute and so on. Then travel across the map to listen to more chat.

I have done the full story once. Would like to replay it but honestly all this dialogue is making me extremely bored

Edited by LunaDeviner.6514
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On 2/27/2023 at 2:09 AM, circuitnerd.5863 said:

Please for the love of the Six. Let us keybind fishing, personal waypoint and skiff to all separate keys. Just like how we got for mounts. The arrow to bring up those 3 options is so incredibly tiny. And binding J to just 1 is pointless cause you still need to bring up the little menu to select the others. 

You... Already can...

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Please, please, please ArenaNet.  Could you make the upper right dye channel for the samoyed mount be more saturated. It only takes any effect from the darkest of any of the hues.  I know, it's a Samoyed, and they are white, but that spitz model would work for Keeshonds, Pomeranians, etc.  The husky mount skin does dye darker, but my keeshonds are fluffier!


(Seriously though, any dye channel should be able to be very close to whatever dye we put in it.  There are plenty of dyes out there to find one that has the saturation we prefer.  The warlords armor is the opposite.  Finding dyes that can be light enough for what one wants can be problematic.)

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