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Which specs do you think need buffs?

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Posted (edited)
On 4/23/2024 at 2:16 PM, Goldilock.2584 said:

I think core classes need a buff. But buffing traits is hard cus u buff all. So core necro ds could use a boon rip. Core grd war fskills could be buffed and u go down this root

Not if they did what they did to scourge and its traits.

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

I don't care about buffs. I want reworks to traits/skills that don't see a lot of use, Turrets, Bomb Kit, Crystal Configuration: Storm, Elixir R Backpack Regenerator, ect.

necromancer minions rework 

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Posted (edited)

I was too nice before. I'm actually really mad.

Renegade is genuinely awful even when you play Shiro/Jalis, but Kalla is quite possibly the worst sets of utility skills in the game. You can't fight condi, you can't fight power, you have literally no condi cleanse (it never has, but it used to have a unique -50% condi damage taken buff on the heal), it has zero aegis/block/blind, no combo finishers, and one really crappy fire field on the death sentence that is sitting in the elite.

It's got 2 utilities and an elite that are largely just damage skills, it has no situational utility or reactive gameplay beyond not getting dodged unlike EVERY OTHER LEGEND, it has some of the lowest sustain in the game, no ability to protect itself, like 95% of its damage as a condi build comes from torment and it's all applied in burst, so it's easy to prevent the damage even if you facetank all of it, the ghosts are 600 range and not actually very scary unlike a Storm Spirit or something.

Please, Kalla's been bad for its entire lifetime against any knowledgeable player, and the Renegod era only happened because YOU LITERALLY FORGOT ABOUT NERFING IT in the big Feb 2020 patch.
I just want to be properly rewarded for when I make good plays, when I land lots of my stuff and dodge lots of theirs.

I don't even know what you buff at this point. Everything? You can't start slapping on a bunch of stuff to Icerazor/Razorclaw because they're damage skills. That's how you create another condi zerk, an uninteractive spec that ignores its opponents.

I know Anet doesn't really like, do communication about their design direction, but I really want an answer as to why, if they hate this elite so much because it "makes people angry" they don't put in a proper rework to it.

Every other person complaining about what they like being bad here is wrong. It's not even close.

Edited by Shagie.7612
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No class needs buffs. Some things should get looked at and get QoL. Stuff like fixing projectiles that cant track moving targets or skills with tiny hitboxes that make them pointless to use. Or make elite skills actually be elite instead of basically throwing if you try and use them because of how outdated and bad some are. Most specs need some big nerfs.

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On 4/23/2024 at 10:06 AM, MilkyTea.9042 said:

Since we have a bunch of threads on which specs/professions need nerfs, which professions and specs do you think need some love from the devs?

I will answer for everyone and say "my main does".

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On 4/23/2024 at 1:56 PM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Everyone saying core specs need to think what that means as there are very few things that only affect the core profession. Mesmer, ranger, thief, ele, and warrior don't have anything exclusive to the core class. Core engi only has the elite tool belt skill exclusive to it and core rev only has ancient echo. Guardian has exclusive core virtues but they are just the most passive and non interactive version of virtues possible. Then there is necromancer, which has core death shroud making it the only class with a significant core identity. All other parts of core classes can and will be used on especs.

Then you nerf the elites, unlike things usually happen, remember bunker druid from past meta, they nerfed core healing, when they could have gone for druid only stuff.

Or they could just go for, "works like this when elite x or any elite is equipped", they have done it a few times, like vigor duration from another traitline halved when you equip vindi.

the core situation right now is just a reflex of  years from "elite x overperforming, let's nerf core"

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Posted (edited)
On 4/23/2024 at 5:22 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

- Power chrono, and no chrono iteration other than this one. Just reverting the latest F1 damage nerf will do, it was totally unwarranted.
- Staff thief: see signature. Also, I'll get a lot of hate for this one, but I think Consume Plasma was overnerfed.
- Support and power specter: dire need of a buff. Don't touch condi specter for now.
- Power zerker; needs buff, obviously. Not excessively, because the class has a lot of endure pain and can quickly become a spellbreaker v2. But let them teamfight.
- Condi mirage; the healthiest iteration of mesmer this game has ever had. Probably the hardest one to properly buff: the build relies heavily on interrupts, and you just can't get interrupts because everyone has stability. Weapon skills are fine, numbers are fine, mechanics are fine, but you rely on a mechanic you just can't proc anymore. I don't know how would I make it viable again without buffing stuff which shouldn't be buffed. EDIT maybe just fixing the wonky hitbox on sword ambush would do...?
- Any form of renegade: the only thing they had was the cool shortbow, and now they lost that too.
- Mechanist: it isn't more obnoxious than any druid. If druid is allowed to exist, then mechanist should exist too
- Herald: all iterations of herald, power and condi alike, could use some buff. Ideally without touching Vindicator. 

Trust me on this one. Virtuoso MUST NOT have any kind of damage increase. It could use some QoL (I have some ideas about that), but the damage for a ranged class is already as high as it can be.

I can't remember, did you play during core? Core shatter Mes meta was the most healthy easily

(PU meta excluded)

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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Core Ranger is the weakest of all core class builds.

Need Buff this. It is very very difficult to play against other classes. Most of the time it is just luck.

I play 6 core builds in pvp and i have over 7500 matches with core ranger, the class is symble but the class is really weak.

I love the game mechanics because I always play with the builds, even if it means I loses.

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It's just a shame that Unranked is very broken, as it only works like losing under 100 to 500 or winning. Because it has become a pure game of chance whether you have platinum players in your group or as an opponent. There are far too few players because the new ones who try the game as F2P are far too weak. Core builds are just too old and could be deleted.


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You don't need buffs to anything.  You need to cull every class down to where each profession has a consistent role (with actual downsides and unique, party-defining elements) rather than pretending that 9 classes all doing functionally the same thing is any way to design an interactive experience.  People are addicted to patch notes and arguments over numbers because GW2 doesn't have real roles.

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-Power berserker and bladesworn, haven't seen these 2 in a while.

-Firebrand (mostly teamfighter and sidenode variants), haven't seen this one in ages.

-Renegade, i don't know, make it stronger with its original weapon, the only real reason to pick this spec was shortbow, but now it's not needed.

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2 hours ago, Zekent.3652 said:

-Renegade, i don't know, make it stronger with its original weapon, the only real reason to pick this spec was shortbow, but now it's not needed.

That's a plaster on a wound.

An elite spec shouldn't be defined to be good by the weapon that comes with it.

Rather some more focus on utility of F-Skills/lower energy on it, little lower energy on kalla in general and some traits more updated.

And then we can see if there is something still lacking

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Posted (edited)

If you track back just before weapons update, the direction of spvp is clearly more specs having damage application covered by easy access to stab/block/immune/evade. Specs that don't have that have been completely oppresed by CC spam; Such as renegade. Ele is only making a slight come back now given arcane shield buff with stab, and that it can be chained, its no coincidence.. Anet masking issues with more easy access boon spam.





Edited by Flowki.7194
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4 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

If you track back just before weapons update, the direction of spvp is clearly more specs having damage application covered by easy access to stab/block/immune/evade. Specs that don't have that have been completely oppresed by CC spam; Such as renegade.

It's been largely trash for all of its life, no recent update's been any sort of meaningful change in performance lol
All SotO did was further remove any reason to ever play it because a now very solid ranged weapon was usable on two other elites that did it better.

It's bad because it has low sustain, low ability to disengage now because mobility went through the roof, projectile hate is way higher than it ever was before EoD, no aegis/block/blind, no combo finishers on the utilities, one stationary fire field that's a death sentence to try and stay in, and most importantly of all, they've never addressed its survivability since they hammered it down in Oct2020, and then they further nerfed that when they changed how the damage reduction formula works. As an extra insult they also wrecked Soulcleave's damage and healing with the 1s ICD, but it's not like you were playing Kalla at that point anyways, it's always been Shiro/Jalis.

Almost all the legends follow a typical pattern of a stunbreak, two situational utilities, and one damage skill. Kalla doesn't, but has no advantages or extra power budget tickets elsewhere for doing so.

Kalla has two damage skills, neither of which are reactive or situational utility, a stunbreak, and a damage upkeep elite.
It also lost its unique condition mitigation that Breakrazor had in exchange for nothing with the rework.

For power:
If you play Kalla/Shiro you die to a single condi, if you play Kalla/Jalis you'll never catch anyone. You're incredibly glass but your summons are 600 range in a world where everyone is sanic the hemdgehag. If you try to go not-glass by playing like, Salvation or something you're never gonna kill anyone and your sustain is still relatively bad.

For Condi:
Condi Rev builds have been largely bad since they split Resistance/Resolution, changed Torment to not punish moving, and because it has very weak cover conditions. Skullgrinder applies like 9 different conditions on a single hit, if you land Razorclaw/Icerazor, you've done vuln, bleed, torment (and a very short immob that'll be off before they press their cleanse, and some chill if you empower Icerazor). Your biggest scary moment gets accidentally countered by half the builds in the game, which would be fine except Renegade also doesn't really have strong match ups elsewhere because of the above reasons.
Mallyx doesn't ignore poison when healing and a huge part of Mallyx's strength as a legend choice comes from the Herald shield trait and True Nature. Renegade gets neither of those.
Additionally, it's also a pretty poor user of Rabid amulet, because such a massive amount of its damage is split between power/condi, it gets infinity free crit, and has no crit = condi traits since they reworked Corruption, so that precision on the amulet isn't effectively used, and Carrion gets you exploded by most power builds because of the lack of survivability from traits/utilities/weapon skills.

And then uhh.. Citadel Orders are really bad. Like, all 3 of them together are worse than a single Willbender Virtue or Energy Meld. Funny enough, Citadel Bombardment absolutely cranks underwater because it's targeted like grenades. Hilarious in WvW, but in PvP sometimes I've burned the energy on it and gotten 2/10 hits on a downed body.

There's prolly other stuff too but that's a lot of the big ones as to why it doesn't work and probably won't ever work unless you buff numbers to the moon.

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On 4/23/2024 at 11:11 PM, Myror.7521 said:

I would take an unpopulair point and say. Nothing realy need buffs. There are just 3-4 Builds that are Perform slightly too good but thats just it xd

Not a hot take at all. Let's remove the three or four Titans in the current meta and pretend they didn't exist for a moment:
Rifle Mes Supp/Mace Untamed/Vindi/Staff Spellbreaker

Every other class, Mesmer/Guard/Thief/Engi/Necro/Ele and their respective specs are honestly "not bad" in retrospect. You're not going to see a post about how "OP" any one of these classes are (except for DE I hope it gets sent to the quantum realm along side Kang the Conqueror).

On 4/23/2024 at 1:24 PM, Vyseman.2947 said:

Guardian -> Pistols needs for sure a longer Burning Duration.. That 1 or max 2 second is a joke tbh.

As some one who has mained condi guard up until Willbender's release, it would make more sense to keep low duration burns while increasing the condi damage per burn stack instead. The average timeframe for a condition to be removed is around 2 or 3 seconds unless you continually stack burn alongside other conditions. In the past, long duration burns for Guard simply didn't work and when it did, Anet nerfed Permeating Wrath's burn durations alongside Zeal's Burn on Hit spirit weapon trait. Anet just doesn't want burn Guard to be meta.

Me who has moved past condi guard builds, I personally don't want guard or any other condi class to be meta... perhaps Necro and Specter should be the only working condi specs but that's just just 2 cents.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

It's been largely trash for all of its life, no recent update's been any sort of meaningful change in performance lol
All SotO did was further remove any reason to ever play it because a now very solid ranged weapon was usable on two other elites that did it better.

It's bad because it has low sustain, low ability to disengage now because mobility went through the roof, projectile hate is way higher than it ever was before EoD, no aegis/block/blind, no combo finishers on the utilities, one stationary fire field that's a death sentence to try and stay in, and most importantly of all, they've never addressed its survivability since they hammered it down in Oct2020, and then they further nerfed that when they changed how the damage reduction formula works. As an extra insult they also wrecked Soulcleave's damage and healing with the 1s ICD, but it's not like you were playing Kalla at that point anyways, it's always been Shiro/Jalis.

Almost all the legends follow a typical pattern of a stunbreak, two situational utilities, and one damage skill. Kalla doesn't, but has no advantages or extra power budget tickets elsewhere for doing so.

Kalla has two damage skills, neither of which are reactive or situational utility, a stunbreak, and a damage upkeep elite.
It also lost its unique condition mitigation that Breakrazor had in exchange for nothing with the rework.

For power:
If you play Kalla/Shiro you die to a single condi, if you play Kalla/Jalis you'll never catch anyone. You're incredibly glass but your summons are 600 range in a world where everyone is sanic the hemdgehag. If you try to go not-glass by playing like, Salvation or something you're never gonna kill anyone and your sustain is still relatively bad.

For Condi:
Condi Rev builds have been largely bad since they split Resistance/Resolution, changed Torment to not punish moving, and because it has very weak cover conditions. Skullgrinder applies like 9 different conditions on a single hit, if you land Razorclaw/Icerazor, you've done vuln, bleed, torment (and a very short immob that'll be off before they press their cleanse, and some chill if you empower Icerazor). Your biggest scary moment gets accidentally countered by half the builds in the game, which would be fine except Renegade also doesn't really have strong match ups elsewhere because of the above reasons.
Mallyx doesn't ignore poison when healing and a huge part of Mallyx's strength as a legend choice comes from the Herald shield trait and True Nature. Renegade gets neither of those.
Additionally, it's also a pretty poor user of Rabid amulet, because such a massive amount of its damage is split between power/condi, it gets infinity free crit, and has no crit = condi traits since they reworked Corruption, so that precision on the amulet isn't effectively used, and Carrion gets you exploded by most power builds because of the lack of survivability from traits/utilities/weapon skills.

And then uhh.. Citadel Orders are really bad. Like, all 3 of them together are worse than a single Willbender Virtue or Energy Meld. Funny enough, Citadel Bombardment absolutely cranks underwater because it's targeted like grenades. Hilarious in WvW, but in PvP sometimes I've burned the energy on it and gotten 2/10 hits on a downed body.

There's prolly other stuff too but that's a lot of the big ones as to why it doesn't work and probably won't ever work unless you buff numbers to the moon.

Yeah I still try ren every now and then, but it still falls victim to the old problems "just step out of the AOE" and as you said, the amount of mobility specs have PLUSS cc/blocks/immunes. As much as I have tried, there is no reason at all to play ren over core, which offers a far more rounded build with better resolotion/resistance uptime, and a lot more stability/CC, while not being pinned into locked aoe fields. That allows core to act as a hybrid support, group fighter, and side noder to a "decent" level of effectiveness. I think even if ren was to be given a buff in sustain/mobility, the static AOE nature of its dmg/utility is way too limiting. Cata has static aoe fields also, but you can at-least get a combo from them if the fight is on the move + some residual boon buffs. Right now, ren would only work as a group fighter in a very low mobility bunker meta, the mechanics suck, badly.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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