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PvE Gift of battle acquisition method

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51 minutes ago, rawisz.6439 said:

First of all 6h 48min is world record for map completition (Gift of Exploration), in comparison fastest time to get GoB is 1h 35min according to wiki (reward track). Its funny that you try to compare slowest option for one gift and fastest possible for other gifts...

While I do not disagree, you are comparing a rank 10k player who is leading a squad with at least 10 players and his server being in the lead in the current skirmish.

It's far easier to get close to world record Tyria exploration or within 1-2 hours of it, especially with Blish HUD, than meeting the up top requirements.

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Posted (edited)
54 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That's because the other person did the opposite. The fastest GoB also assumes 18 pips, which most people will not have, ~4 hours with boosters is as fast as a PvE'er going into WvW just for GoBs is going to get.

~4h with booster was before Instant Reward Track Progress potion buff.  currently any pve'er, that has no rank and just gets commitement for +1 pip can get entire GoB track in about 3:20h on average. play when your server is winning and time shortens

i am silver rank and i was easily completing entire track in about 2:45 or less depending on placement.

i dare anyone to complete core tyria under 6h, while also afking here and there or watching youtube while waiting on WP


Edited by Nimris.3781
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Posted (edited)

I like standing in city maps typing in chat, so give me legendaries and gemstore items for it. Don't force me to play what I don't want to, I still deserve any rewards I want, right?

This is not a joke or sarcasm btw. It's literally the same reasoning which is being used in this thread for "not having GoB involve wvw".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, RDBuck.6098 said:

Will if the keep the Gift of Battle in WvW is the only place get then anet should adapt a button to where you’re not there for combat to our players can’t kill you like they do and wow see well. Has a button where you can click and say that you’re open for fighting anybody or click that you’re just there to explore now if can do something like that to where people just wanna go round and en capture little objections to get their gift battle without being gang up

Well if we keep rewards in pvp mode, add a similar button so players can just sit in circles. Don't forget about pve button, so mobs and bosses can't damage the players so I can just autoattack them while totally-not-afking to get the rewards I always deserved. Actually, lets stop pretending and just add a button that directly gives me rewards I want whenever I press it. I'm pretty sure that's the only way we can have anything we want without "being forced" into playing anything. That is, until someone takes offense in pressing the button. I'll need help with the solution there. 

If this is not the exact same line of argumentation as the only one provided in this thread then I'll need the explanation because I must be missing something crucial.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 hours ago, RDBuck.6098 said:

Will if the keep the Gift of Battle in WvW is the only place get then anet should adapt a button to where you’re not there for combat to our players can’t kill you like they do and wow see well. Has a button where you can click and say that you’re open for fighting anybody or click that you’re just there to explore now if can do something like that to where people just wanna go round and en capture little objections to get their gift battle without being gang up

I mean, that's what edge of the mists is for.

Practically nobody actually fights there.

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On 5/17/2024 at 2:33 PM, RDBuck.6098 said:

Will if the keep the Gift of Battle in WvW is the only place get then anet should adapt a button to where you’re not there for combat to our players can’t kill you like they do and wow see well. Has a button where you can click and say that you’re open for fighting anybody or click that you’re just there to explore now if can do something like that to where people just wanna go round and en capture little objections to get their gift battle without being gang up

War Mode is a toggle for open world PvP, you know.. in open world PvE areas.

WvW is not a open world PvE area. What you're suggesting makes absolutely no sense, since by your logic the only thing you could do is kill objective Guards, no siege, no objective capturing, nothing, all that is PvP related in WvW.

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I think a good compromise would be to allow Gifts of Exploration and Battle to be exchanged for each other. Like 2 Battle for 1 Exploration and vise versa. Given that Gifts of Exploration are a slog to obtain even if you're a PvE main it wouldn't invalidate earning the GoB the old fashioned way, and it would give people who don't enjoy core world completion another way to obtain GoE (and let me tell you, after finishing my 3rd round of core map completion I'd rather farm 10 GoBs than do another Renown Heart.)

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I wish you could just sell it on the trading post.

I'm sure WvW players would be happy to be able to make more money and see less PvE players who don't even want to be there and are doing the bare minimum just to get participation.

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Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, Player.2475 said:

I wish you could just sell it on the trading post.

I'm sure WvW players would be happy to be able to make more money and see less PvE players who don't even want to be there and are doing the bare minimum just to get participation.

Make money by picking another reward track and actively playing.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Player.2475 said:

I wish you could just sell it on the trading post.

I'm sure WvW players would be happy to be able to make more money and see less PvE players who don't even want to be there and are doing the bare minimum just to get participation.

But in most cases, you can buy the legendary instead of the gift of battle, and the difference between the prices of manually crafting and buying is accounted for said gift of battle. Also there's a good chance changes like that would crash the price, so that's not very good for making gold.

Also, your other assumption is very wrong. Players that are doing the bare minimum are often quite farmable for gold  and a good way to get dailies/weeklies by killing them too, you know. So if you're trying to threaten  WvWers with a good time by inting, then I'm afraid you'll have to reconsider your approach. In fact some would want to see more. Ideally they should stack together so it's easy to kill them all at once.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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This is very much a one side issue, as PvE heroes refuse to leave their shell and do different content.

All 3 gens of legendary weapons and accessories are bound to PvE, but you don't see weekly threads about giving PvP/WvW options to farm those.

Ya'll need to quit the entlitment of I want this, I want that and I want it now.

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Instead of trying to find the appropiate exchange rate on gift of battle, should just have a full set of legendary gear for each game mode that can be acquired by exclusively playing that game mode; this should not a hot take, yet surprisingly unpopular in this thread riddled with poor argumentation. Sometimes I feel like this game is full of old men yelling at the cloud for daring to change the status quo, god forbid that we want to play and grind only in our favourite mode, whichever that may be for you. Guild Wars 2, despite being almost twelve years old, is not a perfect game, and there are certainly numerous areas in which it could improve (hint: improve is not the same as hand out) the player experience--this is not entitlement. 


Personally, got my seven gifts of battle for Aurora/Vision/Conflux and will stop grinding WvW once I get enough skirmisher tickets to buy the Mist-Enhanced Mithril. WvW was not as bad as I thought it'd be as someone who prefers PvE content almost exclusively--dare I say sometimes I even had fun in WvW--but that doesn't mean that I found the content overall to be engaging or interesting. Only doing what is strictly necessary, then I will probably just buy legendary weapons, or farm GoB as needed if I'm interested in a legendary starter kit. 

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7 hours ago, Mascarun.7910 said:

Sometimes I feel like this game is full of old men yelling at the cloud for daring to change the status quo, god forbid that we want to play and grind only in our favourite mode, whichever that may be for you.

Sometimes i feel like this game is full ppl acting like small children in shop crying that they want this or that. I get it, you want this but i you dont want to do that. But you know what? You can grind only your favorite content, you can for example only go fishing and still buy legendary weapon from TP.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

This is very much a one side issue, as PvE heroes refuse to leave their shell and do different content.

All 3 gens of legendary weapons and accessories are bound to PvE, but you don't see weekly threads about giving PvP/WvW options to farm those.

Ya'll need to quit the entlitment of I want this, I want that and I want it now.

You are correct that there should be WvW and PvP methods of acquiring legendaries.  There should also be a gift of battle reward track for structured PvP (which has been suggested many times in PvP forums).  There are already WvW and PvP legendary armor that are exclusive to those game modes.  Like the armor, the legendary back items for WvW, PvP, and PvE can all be obtained exclusively through their respective game modes that do not require any other game modes.  There used to be a method of earning legendary weapons (gen 1) solely through PvP, the Tournament of Legends which rewarded a legendary choice box allowing for the selection of any gen 1 weapon (excluding eternity).  This acquisition method has since been removed, and to my knowledge there was never a WvW only method for obtaining legendary weapons. This thread was not initially about being given items nor making it easier to obtain items, but to provide additional avenues for earning them through alternative methods of comparable amounts of work and time investments.  While I endorse adding WvW and PvP methods for earning legendary weapons and other gifts I did not mention them earlier because this is a PvE forum.  

Edited by Magus Antiverse.8569
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Why can't we buy Gift of Battle from vendor for 500 Badges of Honor? Wouldn't it be the best solution? You still have to play and participate in WvW, right? The only difference is you can buy GoB at any time if you have enough Badges.

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Why can't we buy Gift of Battle from vendor for 500 Badges of Honor? Wouldn't it be the best solution? You still have to play and participate in WvW, right? The only difference is you can buy GoB at any time if you have enough Badges.

Do you have ANY idea how little 500 Badges of Honor are?
That would be the equivalent of giving a Gift of Exploration for EVERY map completed.

Edited by MercurialKuroSludge.8974
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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Why can't we buy Gift of Battle from vendor for 500 Badges of Honor? Wouldn't it be the best solution? You still have to play and participate in WvW, right? The only difference is you can buy GoB at any time if you have enough Badges.

If your idea for it is really what you're claiming here then your solution would be to play wvw with GoB reward track and just keeping a spare gob in your bank for later, the same way you'd need to keep wvw currency for later. Again: if what you're saying here is actually what you mean.

10 minutes ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Do you have ANY idea how little 500 Badges of Honor are?

He does, hence this "idea that totally does the same!". More importantly, he also knows badges of honor come from AP chests.


7 hours ago, rawisz.6439 said:

Sometimes i feel like this game is full ppl acting like small children in shop crying that they want this or that. I get it, you want this but i you dont want to do that. But you know what? You can grind only your favorite content, you can for example only go fishing and still buy legendary weapon from TP.

Yup, well said.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Posted (edited)

Except people didn't just pay 500 badges. It went along  with WvW map exploration. Not to mention 500 badges now isn't exactly the same as 500 badges back then especially with AP chests.

Shall we bring WvW map exploring back? I am sure that is worse than the current format.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 6:54 PM, Cyninja.2954 said:

While I do not disagree, you are comparing a rank 10k player who is leading a squad with at least 10 players and his server being in the lead in the current skirmish.

Sure you might get less bonus reward track progress due to less pips, but it's still faster. And way less mind numbing than doing hundreds of hearts (especially that one dredge suite transformation heart in Frostgorge...)...

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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