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Finally a +300 vitality trait...I can dream

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Never thought I'd see the day.....something that guardian had for years and now even more with dragon hunter and willbender. A +vitality trait not limited to weapon and specialization, add the +dmg traits buffs in the same traitline and I can see something cooking already in my mind for a fun-based gameplay. What is happening now is that Anet is finally bringing up ele to the same level of other professions: for years ele players had to choose between damage or sustain, where other professions don't , I am really enjoying this "levelling the field" approach with the balance...some will call it powercreep...I call it "fair treatment" 

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I share your enthusiasm, really looking forward to whats possible with that small water rework. I see sword water weaver with some nice chunk of hp while having great burst potential. 

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4 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Never thought I'd see the day.....something that guardian had for years and now even more with dragon hunter and willbender. A +vitality trait not limited to weapon and specialization, add the +dmg traits buffs in the same traitline and I can see something cooking already in my mind for a fun-based gameplay. What is happening now is that Anet is finally bringing up ele to the same level of other professions: for years ele players had to choose between damage or sustain, where other professions don't , I am really enjoying this "levelling the field" approach with the balance...some will call it powercreep...I call it "fair treatment" 

what are you talking about.?  to get 300 vitality you are forced into water specialisation.

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Well it's really nice for htemp and open world celestial ele , but glader see this trait added in core weaver , htemp could already run some magi/minstrel stuff and celestial open world was already very tanky, while it's nice to have.

But yes it's in water , so no dps meta build are gonna have benefit over it , but this patch is going somewhat the good way , hope they keep looking at underwhelming traits like this one (Conjurer is waiting to get a rework 😛 ).

I don't see where adding +300 vitality is powercreep , you ain't getting any damage trough it , so it's more Qol for mostly htemp who will be at the same level hitpoints than other classes like hfb or chrono.

Fury without needing to go trough air traitline ... finally thx god !

More prot. baseline for the group , nice add too. Now you can keep aftershock for aegis and not burn it because nobody stood in your earth overload.

Next +180 boon range for overloads plz (not damage though) and maybe add somewhere some barrier generator for the group or a source of resistance.

i cannot remind where was the last time i said something positiv in the ele subforum , i'll put a rock on the calendar the 25 june.


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I get the feeling soothing mist is going to be the def GM for water and i hope we can look forwarded to seeing an more aggressive GM for water. Over all moving to make core trait lines more like elite spec trait lines as in an aggressive GM def GM and support GM. Fire for the most part has this. Earth seems to be maybe missing an aggressive side unless you think passive signet effects is aggsive but earth is getting an full on support though blast clears. Air seems to me missing an support GM effect. Arcane seems to have every thing coved as well to an point may be the arcane use trait should be aoe support some how unless the dodge roll trait is the support one maybe?

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On 5/26/2024 at 10:34 PM, Antycypator.9874 said:

If Water is supportive, then why not Healing Power? Vitality should be in Earth traitline.

I take every ele buffs but in earth line should be toughness not vitality 😉 

Vitality in water is the correct element.


Power and burn = fire

Precision (  fury/ ferosity)  = air

Vitality ( healing power) = water

Toughness ( bleeding / condi damage) = earth

Concentration = arcane


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Posted (edited)
On 5/26/2024 at 12:00 PM, Bladestrom.6425 said:

what are you talking about.?  to get 300 vitality you are forced into water specialisation.

yep, imho anet should just increase the HP for the classes that are currently sitting on anything less than 15k.

there is no reason that my zerker ele gets oneshot by everything but my zerker war puts out more damage and has waaaaay more survival.

either the damage of super squishy zerkers should go up to warrant the risk, or the risk should go down.

Edited by Liewec.2896
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It's better than nothing, but yeah ... why vitality ? Why not Healing Power, Boon duration, or Regen boon effectiveness.
If you go water + soothing power, there is a big chance you're already playing with vitality/toughness/(healing power). Anyway the soothing mist compensate the vitality need by ... the healing.

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What i would really like is supportive traits in every traitline , we already have condition removal in fire , we could have some superspeed share in air , some barrier application for the group in earth (receiving an aura grants barrier to allys , a bit more if it's mag aura , earth themed) , fire could even have something like : firefields heals allies overtime a bit like guardian symbols does , they could replace one of the two weird gm traits in fire , the one that make you loose might whenever you overload or go out of fire , or the one that blinds every 8 secs...

+300 vitality is really good for htemp and finally fury share without air traitline too , but for me personnaly it's not enough to make me drop my hscg or chrono heal.


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On 5/26/2024 at 2:45 PM, bluberblasen.9684 said:

Now they need to fix the utility skills (in wvw and pvp)

Lightning flash :  900 range - >1200 range (+ gimmick)

Even for PvE, damages on it could definitely be removed IMO if it were the price to increase its range to 1200. As Q2 pylon, anytime an ally drops the fire puddle a bit away from the others, it suddenly becomes really difficult to reach the falling orb then come back to the pylon without making the boss invulnerable. Dedicating an utility slot to Twist of fate is a bit of a shame when it doesn't serve any purpose (even towards your sustain) other than compensating a hypothetical mistake, while Flowing finesse (if using the pistol, and if finding the time to generate an air bullet while dual-attuning to air & water) has forced movement that can end up poorly. Might sound like a bit of a rant, but thieves' Shadowstep is 1200 range with a stunbreak (30s CD), mechanists' Shift signet (25s CD) is 1200 range with stunbreak/condi removal/passive effect, mesmers' Blink (20s CD) also has 1200 range with stunbreak. I simply feel like Lightning flash isn't in line with such comparable skills, despite the low cooldown - its weak single-target attack doesn't compare to a valuable stunbreak.

46 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

some barrier application for the group in earth (receiving an aura grants barrier to allys , a bit more if it's mag aura , earth themed)

The 06/25 update preview already relates Earth's embrace current effects (barrier on attuning to earth) merging into Earthen blast, so that's a start. While I'd definitely welcome it, any healer elementalist does benefit from two passive sources of healing per second (regen+Soothing mist, even moreso if traiting Soothing power) so by experience from other games and by using GW2 terms to make it comparable, cumulating barrier+regen+Sooting mist could prove too powerful a combination without gutting other instant healing skills... ☹️

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Mevelios.4809 said:

Even for PvE, damages on it could definitely be removed IMO if it were the price to increase its range to 1200. As Q2 pylon, anytime an ally drops the fire puddle a bit away from the others, it suddenly becomes really difficult to reach the falling orb then come back to the pylon without making the boss invulnerable. Dedicating an utility slot to Twist of fate is a bit of a shame when it doesn't serve any purpose (even towards your sustain) other than compensating a hypothetical mistake, while Flowing finesse (if using the pistol, and if finding the time to generate an air bullet while dual-attuning to air & water) has forced movement that can end up poorly. Might sound like a bit of a rant, but thieves' Shadowstep is 1200 range with a stunbreak (30s CD), mechanists' Shift signet (25s CD) is 1200 range with stunbreak/condi removal/passive effect, mesmers' Blink (20s CD) also has 1200 range with stunbreak. I simply feel like Lightning flash isn't in line with such comparable skills, despite the low cooldown - its weak single-target attack doesn't compare to a valuable stunbreak.

The 06/25 update preview already relates Earth's embrace current effects (barrier on attuning to earth) merging into Earthen blast, so that's a start. While I'd definitely welcome it, any healer elementalist does benefit from two passive sources of healing per second (regen+Soothing mist, even moreso if traiting Soothing power) so by experience from other games and by using GW2 terms to make it comparable, cumulating barrier+regen+Sooting mist could prove too powerful a combination without gutting other instant healing skills... ☹️

Doesn't need to be a stackable barrier , it could be a thing like rifle 5 mesmer , a +- chunky barrier on a cd , not like scourge who can have multiples lair of barrier.

Just telling that a lot of healer bring something strong in their toolkit , chrono has the precog pit who mitigate (almost nullify) tons of damage , has insane boon and long range healing , i will not mention hscg amazing toolkit .. but ele only unique thing is capacity to apply sometime forst aura -10% dmg taken , that's a bit thin to me for a healer, not even talking about the same problem as ever : the super long channel time of overloads to have the same results as some others healer super low cast time , the poorest aegis and stab generator of the game from meta healer is in tempest hands , aftershock long cd and eye of storm miserable 1 stack of stab for 10 sec on a 30 sec cd make it far away compared to a "stand your ground" or a "precog pit". I don't get why they wil up warrior banner for stab stacks and not even touch eye of the storm poor stab ... it should be 2-3 stacks of stab on a 12 secs and a lower cd to match what other healer have in their hands.

the update here adress one good thing is the fury generator , it really pissed me off to have no other source of fury in my group and change arcane for air just for Zephyr's Boon and the rest of air traitline almost useless ... so that's definitely a strong point , and harden conduit sharing prot. is really a good one too , keeping aftesrhock for right timing aegis instead  of prot. uptime. But the +300 vitality was really not necessary , i mean it's a big plus , but it don't adress any of the problem ele (especially as healer) has , if you run water you either play (by my logic) Htemp (who can play with minstrel and givers , so no health issue) or open world tanky ele celestial/trailbrazer , who both have no health issue either. Instead of that i would give classes with 11500 hp based a bigger health bar baseline, i don't see how doing this in pve only could make any trouble.

And to ppl who think scepter is gona be the new power weapon for tempest , forget it , tempest not playing power is because of the ultra poor crit. chance cap this spec has , it only has +5% crit. chance from air , far away from the +15% from weaver or the +10/+20% stats from catalyst , hammer can solve it with the +15% crit. chance on air 3 , but then no scepter ...

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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