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what the F*** is ranger right now?

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16 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

invisibility into any ability critting for 10-20k one-shotting tanky builds. then invis again. (still tanky bc ranger)

Im confused, did this playstyle ever stop?

It hits slighly less hard now but it never went away.

3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Ranger is fine right now. 

They suffered enough.....   (for now :3 )

After having Mace/Mace-Hammer untamed Rangers running havoc for a few months im inclined for them to suffer some more.

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Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

After having Mace/Mace-Hammer untamed Rangers running havoc for a few months im inclined for them to suffer some more.

This is totally fine, and i am all for memeing on rangers, cuz they deserve nothing but nerfs, for playing that kitten class..

But when we are honest.... ranger is probably fine the way it is right now.

Buuut i also might be biased, cuz  ever since they nerfed OONGABOONGA,  ranger is a free win for pretty much all ele builds.

So take it with a grain of salt.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

This is totally fine, and i am all for memeing on rangers, cuz they deserve nothing but nerfs, for playing that kitten class..

But when we are honest.... ranger is probably fine the way it is right now.

Buuut i also might be biased, cuz  ever since they nerfed OONGABOONGA,  ranger is a free win for pretty much all ele builds.

So take it with a grain of salt.

It's no surprise, ranger at best is a silver/bronze killer...unless played by @Boyce along with Sindrener

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Posted (edited)

Edit: deleted my comment.

I am an imbecile and keep forgetting that I should not interact with normal people. 

Please block this account in case I falter again. 

Edited by Jedrik.3109
I can not contribute to normal society.
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Posted (edited)

Crackly Radio Announcer

"It's just in folks! Is Ranger the new Dragonhunter of PvP? Is it dominating the scene via one shots and indomitable mechanics? Is there surely no way to stop this train of devastation? Where are our heroes? Where is ArenaNet? Before I continue, let's take a moment for our Sponsor."

Generic Cheery and Upbeat Music

"Are you unsure of what's happening anymore? Do you get lost on the regular between your home node and far? Does it just feel impossible to carry the entire game? Well I've got the product for you! ***! That's right, ***! You'll never have to worry about pesky ******** again when you've got *** on your side! It's reliable, it's affordable. It's in everyone's pockets right now! So, thank you again, *** for sponsoring us."

End Scene


Anyway. They're probably gonna bonk Mace/Mace again at some point. Just a matter of time. I can't do a full digestible breakdown of what all the issues are with Ranger as I don't have the same sort of experiences with fighting them, due to being less common (assuming Untamed being the prime suspect here). This is in reference to my breakdown on what all could be touched for Dragonhunter the beginning of the year.



Unga Bunga, the Hammer will fall.

Edited by Vinny.7260
Added reference
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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

After having Mace/Mace-Hammer untamed Rangers running havoc for a few months im inclined for them to suffer some more.

As I already explained many times I only got played after the march patch(ws / hammer update) and got nerfed the next month. That is not "months"

Edited by aymnad.9023
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2 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

As I already explained many times I only got played after the march patch(ws / hammer update) and got nerfed the next month. That is not "months"

You cant expect to have everyone read your explanation.

Maybe hammer was a bit more recent but mace/mace was still terrorising the scene since February when it was released.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Also, reminder that this is the issue we used to have with Ranger.
L2P Issue

This clip lives in my head rentfree 😄

I also remember those 2 special Ranger mains arguing that this was indeed a L2P issue.... xD

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

This clip lives in my head rentfree 😄

I also remember those 2 special Ranger mains arguing that this was indeed a L2P issue.... xD

People think its skill becuase they manedged to pull off their test dummy 100-0 gank on a real player. Outside of +1s, 100-0s are now the easiest/safest form of killing in this game, most of them are covered with stealth or the various slew of block/daze while attacking. Or in short, anybody playing burst/roam, go on core ele with scepter/dagger and no arcane shield, finish your chain in melee range with fire grab>air>expoltion. Then you'll quickly see what risk, and counterplay during burst looks like. But we wouldnt want that, we want to get kills becuase we pressed our 5 buttons in the correct order within 3 seconds.


Anyway, on the other side of the spectrum, mace ranger is still rediculous, and oppressive af unless you are on something in the nature of the above. After dueling a lot of varients and different skill levels, the stab/healing on hammer relentless consistantly sticks out as being too strong. They need to change that so stab is only given if the ranger hits the second strike, if you dodge then no stab, giving a counter CC option, and a window to start burning its stunbreaks. I think thats very much needed given the rest of hammer/maze utility.

The overall issue is the amount of CC, daze stab access when on maces (including pets). There is not enough mitigation in the game to dodge it all, youre eating a daze, or a cc, or dmg, while there are very few windows to CC the ranger in return, due to stab access or just being locked down. Now, even if you stack stab yourself, it has enough daze to elimate that counterplay. If you do CC it, then it has plenty stunbreaks, and still pet control for counter cc. Regardless, it stacks enough barrier before or after stunbreaks that it easily recovers after the sparingly spread times you do cc it. Daze I think is the issue here, it completely negates your ability to fight fire with fire, both stack stab, and see who simply has the better dodging/active mitigating. Not that I think stab stacked fights are all that fun.. but thats where the game is. Mace ranger on a mechanical level, it can't really be outplayed, they need to make huge mistakes and that just isn't counterplay.   

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

You cant expect to have everyone read your explanation.

Maybe hammer was a bit more recent but mace/mace was still terrorising the scene since February when it was released.

No. This is what really happened.

Maces are full close combat with no mobility.  When playing them you are fishing for stacks. They also are very slow. This means builds that can spam evade, blind , blocks or have mobility / range are a problem. If you look at the meta builds (and those close) almost all of them check multiple boxes and dealt with maces fine. So no they were not terrorizing the scene unless we are talking about people who just pressed everything. This is also why it was only played on soulbeast. Soulbeast gives more options to force defensive cds, more mobility and more stats. Check the march monthly and see how it goes. It is not that impressive and when the players accomplish something it comes from the standard soulbeast rotation (sword, warhorn, owp).

Before the march patch ranger builds were either using skirmishing or WS. The other traitling were filled with either marksmanship or beastmastery + espec. Skirmishing is a huge dmg buff with no sustain and WS is a strong sustain buff with some dmg buff. You were always sacrificing something. Now WS sustain got buffed to a huge sustain buff (5-10% more dmg reduction than before) AND it is a good dmg buff (5-10% or more). THIS is when it actually became meta.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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