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Housing System will be a new Home Instance?

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Guild Wars 2 players have always asked for a Housing system (10 years to plan) , and what we have is a mediocre predefined private instance system. Finally, housing has been announced, but we have no real information on what this system will be like. Will we have a large instance with other neighbors in their houses, or will it just be another Home Instance with a small decoration system?
If it is the Home Instance system redone just to support decorations, it will be another big waste as part of an expansion.

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I guess it will be home instance + guild hall mix. Deco like in the guild hall but other stuff (depending on your story progress) added to the intance as well (like in the home instance where different NPCs can appear). And the resource nodes you unlocked in the home instance.

Why would they make a large instance with "neighbours" - how should these neighbours be selected lol? I mean ... that would be way tooo complicated. Does not fit in with the "no servers" philosophy of the PvE nowadays. Where it is just open world with newly generated instances of a map + the private instances.

At max they will add an option (or if we are lucky this is there at release already) to let people on your friend list visit the instance even if you are not online and in a party with them - that's it.

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I suspect there is alot of behind the scenes engine work to get this kind of up and running - whatever features it does provide initially will be a basis for future growth I suspect. Whereas the home instance was part of the original codebase, and as such, likely a bit more challenging to bring to "modern" standards (hence no mouts or gliding, etc.).

Some good features we can hope for might be:

  • Decorating (fashion wars... but your house)
  • Achievement / collection displays
  • Gathering nodes
  • Mount "stables"
  • Pet "stables"

I'm excited and interested to see what they have been able to do. Hopefully we'll get more information to help gauge what they have been able to do and hence manage expectations of the community...

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

how should these neighbours be selected lol? I mean ... that would be way tooo complicated. 

Some games with a housing system can achieve this with simple resources. For example, they can refresh neighbors seasonally within a large instance. Having 10-15 players in the same instance is relatively easy to implement.

However, we have good examples of housing/home systems where you have a large free area to allow for a lot of creativity without the need for neighbors. The question is how this new system can add something relevant, since we already have the Home Instance that practically fulfills this role, except for the ability to actually decorate it.

Edited by Therac.6431
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15 minutes ago, Therac.6431 said:

 Having 10-15 players in the same instance is relatively easy to implement.

I would not be so sure when it is about GW2 lol. The so-called "spaghetti code" where they already needed ages for minor small QoL requests. And certain stuff with hard limitations (like the material storage slots where supposedly they have an upper limit and try to not add more).

Instance-related stuff might even be harder. Especially if it needs (or should) adapt dynamically. Imagine havinge 10-15 neighbours and them all getting inactive (then it would have to check move others there ... but the others probably are already in a different neighbourhood).

Keeping it 1 instance per player (with allowing to invite friends) is the simplest option - therefore I most likely expect that one.

Maybe they should add "HvH" lol (Homestead vs Homestead PvP mode where you can add traps and fight in small teams.) 😄

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From the preview it sounds to me like another pre-made home instance that decorates itself as you upgrade it. I don't get the impression we can edit it fully ourselves or if we can move gathering nodes and such ourselves. Too vague to be excited yet.

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2 hours ago, Therac.6431 said:

we have no real information on what this system will be like.


2 hours ago, Therac.6431 said:

Guild Wars 2 players have always asked for a Housing system (10 years to plan) , and what we have is a mediocre predefined private instance system.

Do you see the problem in your complain?

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I don't really see the point in player housing. Would someone be able to explain the hype to it? 

Place to gather nodes from my home instance? I already have a full home instance it doesn't take long. 

Place to show off my weapon/armor/mount skins? I can already share those wherever I want.

Place to craft? LA, home cities, EOTN, Arborstone, Wizards Tower, VIP lounges. Pick one.

A place to decorate? I've been doing it for years in my guild hall it gets old (I decorate for all the holidays and seasons), and guild halls aren't hard to capture.

A place to show to all my friends? Why, am I trying to show off? Helping each other with something the other is struggling with I think is a better way to spend your time and sounds more fun.

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7 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

I don't really see the point in player housing. Would someone be able to explain the hype to it? 

Place to gather nodes from my home instance? I already have a full home instance it doesn't take long. 

Place to show off my weapon/armor/mount skins? I can already share those wherever I want.

Place to craft? LA, home cities, EOTN, Arborstone, Wizards Tower, VIP lounges. Pick one.

A place to decorate? I've been doing it for years in my guild hall it gets old (I decorate for all the holidays and seasons), and guild halls aren't hard to capture.

A place to show to all my friends? Why, am I trying to show off? Helping each other with something the other is struggling with I think is a better way to spend your time and sounds more fun.

Unfortunately I have to agree with you even though I do not want to. But it can be only us.

Housing for me is when I build my own house....walls, roof, floors, everything from the ground. Decorating prebuild building feels pointless. 
Friends can visit, cool, but why should they be impressed by my house if their is basically the same? All they can say is "holy...you have flower in right corner, mine is in left one". 
As long as there is only one theme and one building it really is pointless...even worse than guild halls. Because I bet only 5 players will be able to join.
Not to mention, I am almost sure ONLY players with the expansion will be able to join your home, what if not all friends will buy it?

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9 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

I don't really see the point in player housing. Would someone be able to explain the hype to it? 

I hope the point is that I can arrange all my nodes in nice, neat rows and speed up daily gathering. The rest of it...couldn't care less.

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I have no problem with the housing, but as far as i'm concerned if it doesn't have Bank Access, TP, and Crafting, then it's pointless. We already had home instances, all the stuff in the home instances is getting ported to the new Homestead, which means that this is just the Home Instance that will cost you money at this point.

They're going to need to do a LOT to make this worth anyones time.

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8 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

Place to show off my weapon/armor/mount skins?

Ohh, a room where you can show off your unlocked armor and weapons would be pretty cool!


Fantasizing: Imagine an armor stand where you can put on a copy of your equipped skins including dyes and you can load this skins from the armor stand on demand.
In other words a cosmetic template.

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1 minute ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Ohh, a room where you can show off your unlocked armor and weapons would be pretty cool!

Gw2efficiency tells me I have 2886 weapon skins unlocked. Just how big is this room supposed to be?

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

I don't really see the point in player housing. Would someone be able to explain the hype to it? 

It's a place to decorate and make your own. Play Fashion Wars 2: Housing Edition. (You know Fashion Wars already funds a lot of the game, right?)

To give your toon a place to live when not out adventuring. Basically the RP in RPG. The RP community is already going nuts over this news. Maybe even more than the swimsuits.

Have friends over for tea. I hope the Teatime Chair can be used here, or we get a similar item for it!

They said the new housing will have a Mastery system. No idea what this will entail, but possibly features like crafting, jade bot benches, vendors, portals, etc. Maybe unique unlocks from your account like HoM?

Plus they can possibly sell new housing templates in the gem store for more revenue. Much easier than developing new a GH. Asura players are already asking for a lab! LOL

EDIT: I forgot to mention my personal hope for the housing: a bookshelf that store all the books I found in game, like a lore repository that I've uncovered.

(Note: Most individual players do not have their own GH or the means to decorate one with their own resources. We can hope decorating the housing will be cheaper and easier.) 

Edited by Gaiawolf.8261
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5 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

It's a place to decorate and make your own. Play Fashion Wars 2: Housing Edition. (You know Fashion Wars already funds a lot of the game, right?)

To give your toon a place to live when not out adventuring.... <snip>

Yeah, no. If I'm not wanting to go out adventuring, I certainly don't want to sit around a home instance. I'll log off and build Lego, thanks anyway.

Rubi confirmed new crafting profession for it, though, so that's a plus. Until Anet proves me wrong, I'm still expecting "craft basic chair" vs. "buy bling chair via gems."

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2 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Yeah, no. If I'm not wanting to go out adventuring, I certainly don't want to sit around a home instance. I'll log off and build Lego, thanks anyway.

Rubi confirmed new crafting profession for it, though, so that's a plus. Until Anet proves me wrong, I'm still expecting "craft basic chair" vs. "buy bling chair via gems."

Yeah, I'm not saying it's your thing. I'm just explaining why people are hyped for it, since that was the question. 

Personally, I'm stoked to find out more details about it to see if it will be my thing. I'm hopeful but not committed at this point.

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

It's a place to decorate and make your own. Play Fashion Wars 2: Housing Edition. (You know Fashion Wars already funds a lot of the game, right?)

To give your toon a place to live when not out adventuring. Basically the RP in RPG. The RP community is already going nuts over this news. Maybe even more than the swimsuits.

Have friends over for tea. I hope the Teatime Chair can be used here, or we get a similar item for it!

They said the new housing will have a Mastery system. No idea what this will entail, but possibly features like crafting, jade bot benches, vendors, portals, etc. Maybe unique unlocks from your account like HoM?

Plus they can possibly sell new housing templates in the gem store for more revenue. Much easier than developing new a GH. Asura players are already asking for a lab! LOL

(Note: Most individual players do not have their own GH or the means to decorate one with their own resources. We can hope decorating the housing will be cheaper and easier.) 

Yes I know the gem store already funds a lot of the game. Which to me makes player housing more of a cash grab, and I believe this is a direction they're headed. You'll probably be able to buy specific decorations from the gem store, probably different player house maps too. Honestly if it weren't for their art department they probably would be in a much more difficult financial situation. 

I'll give you the RP one that one I can see them getting good use out of it. I can imagine how many portraits of Logan Thackeray they'll surround themselves with (this part is purely a joke from hanging out with Snargle too much, but the rest of the RP part is valid). 

As far as hanging out with friends why wouldn't we just go on adventures together or hang out in discord?

Like I said on the guild hall part they're not that difficult to obtain with a few friends (they don't even have to be in your guild).

I don't know maybe I'm just a salty veteran that's been let down a few too many times by Anet's promises. New players there's TONS of stuff to do, veterans here's 30 minutes of story and a bunch of things to grind to make it look like the story is longer.

Edited by Red Haired Savage.5430
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54 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Gw2efficiency tells me I have 2886 weapon skins unlocked. Just how big is this room supposed to be?

Not saying that all skins should be exhibited at the same time.

Let's say 5 or 10 weapon stands and 5 armor stands would be fine. You can choose what skin you want to put there.

Or let the player choose completely -> give us craftable weapon and armor stands and each player can choose on their own how many they want to use, where (and how) they want to place them and what skins they want to exhibit on them.

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17 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Not saying that all skins should be exhibited at the same time.

Let's say 5 or 10 weapon stands and 5 armor stands would be fine. You can choose what skin you want to put there.

Or let the player choose completely -> give us craftable weapon and armor stands and each player can choose on their own how many they want to use, where (and how) they want to place them and what skins they want to exhibit on them.

This just sounds like the wardrobe and equipment template system with more steps?

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2 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

This just sounds like the wardrobe and equipment template system with more steps?

Yeah, I guess you (a) have to be into that stuff to understand and (b) have a need to show it off. Why one doesn't just wear those skins, dyes and weapons, I dunno.

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