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Why does fully charged Dragon Slash hit less than auto?

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In order for it to be balanced, it would have to feel incredibly unfair to many players because it would have one shot potential regardless of gear due to the necessary compensation for the tradeoffs. The spec is in the 4th stdev of investment into skills which would require 4th stdev damage, which no one has. Going too far to the extremes feels unfair in PvP games usually.

I think it would be fine just saying Bladesworn is not a spec meant for PvP/wvw, it’s a pve-first spec, just like spell is PvP/wvw first. But idk if it’s even good in one so 🤷‍♂️

imo, it needs a conceptual rework using the same skills but different implementation (I.e. enter dragon stance after dodge, no charging, etc.), because legitimately having it give a proper payoff in PvP/wvw would be kind of ridiculous. And very few people enjoy playing afaik, I think the skills are all quality, but the overall gameplay of the individual skills is bad. Re-apply the same stuff differently, and it could be very enjoyable and balanced.

Edited by oscuro.9720
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On 6/13/2024 at 5:12 PM, Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

Title. Why does a fully charged, 10 bullet Dragon Slash hit less than a plan auto attack?

by the time I’ve charged up the attack I could do a ton more damage than the single charged attack!

If it did damage comparative to the investment you had to make to cast it, it would oneshot everything and anyone.

You cant balance a PvP/WvW mode around that.

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It seems like a little small nerf would have done the job instead of gutting it all together. Warrior is caught up in someone's perception of what warrior is supposed to be in real life instead of being a fantasy depiction of a warrior. That ideology was used earlier in the game to nerf warrior, ex: comparing warrior to a human wearing thick plate armor in order to nerf our land speed. GW2 is supposed to allow any class to take on any role, well that don't apply to warrior, there's just too many that will complain and whine if warrior is given an ounce of love.

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22 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I think it would be fine just saying Bladesworn is not a spec meant for PvP/wvw, it’s a pve-first spec, just like spell is PvP/wvw first. But idk if it’s even good in one so 🤷‍♂️

I don't know about PvP but is Spellbreaker the go-to spec for WvW?  I feel like I saw more core War than SB in WvW and I definitely see Berserker more than either.

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15 hours ago, Zekent.3652 said:

I've done 6k critless Dragon Slash, but i had to use a bunch of dmg modifiers instead of sustain, and well... we all know how's Bladesworn without sustain.

Was this for WvW or pvp?  Mind sharing what you did, build, etc?

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3 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

I don't know about PvP but is Spellbreaker the go-to spec for WvW?  I feel like I saw more core War than SB in WvW and I definitely see Berserker more than either.

Maybe right now, but traditionally and in terms of its design, spell is a competitive-first spec. No reason blade couldn’t be a pve-first spec. 

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4 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

I don't know about PvP but is Spellbreaker the go-to spec for WvW?  I feel like I saw more core War than SB in WvW and I definitely see Berserker more than either.

For zerg comp, definitely berserker for dps. SPB isn't bad for support, and core is good for roaming

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Personally, I enjoy Bladesworn. I finally learned how to combo it with hammer or Rifle and I always have a blast zooming across the battle field and swapping to hammer to pin down the opponent to hit them with another 25% bullet DSlash.

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Bladesworn was just fine in wvw a year or two ago with the right build and was making a impact. Just go back and look at the threads about Bladesworn then compared to now. You'll find so many complaining about Bladesworn being a newb build and being carried by it's build, enhancements and Dragon slash. You know the same excuses they used 10+ years ago. The weird thing about it was as folks was saying Bladesworn mains was [skill-less, suffered from LTP issues and it's gameplay was not fun],they were steadily advocating for it's nerf nonstop.

Now that it's been gutted it's a total mystery as to why it's in the position it's in today. Just one of those things that makes you say ummm! Here's the problem through all the nerfs warriors have been able to adapt and develop new play styles. But these last couple of years have been brutal, every change attracted a new attack on warriors with some changes lasting only a week or so. Ex: When banners were made mobile there was pushback but some of us embraced the change and made it work. When it was seen that warriors had become mobile boon machines that ended within like a 2 week period and banner use dropped off. No ifs, ands or butts about it, it was changed.

Now ask yourself who's really ruining the game and turning it sour.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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