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List your issues with Warrior as a profession.


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52 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

I haven't found a quick nor alac build for spellbreaker. I was really hoping for alac. It's my understanding that in joining advanced instanced PvE groups, a DPS is expected to run either q or a. So it seems like any elite spec that can run DPS at all should have access to one of these. 

Spellbreaker does have CCs, but that's not usually a group role as I understand it, you would change out some utilities or weapons if CC is requested and you don't have it in your build. Or you know, swap to your mace/mace ranger.

Not really. It's generally considered polite to be willing to flex into other roles if the group needs it, but quickness and alacrity providers are only 40% of the group. Nobody sensible is going to object if you have the pure DPS build you like for when pure DPS is what the group wants from you, while having other builds, possibly on other characters altogether, for when the group needs something else. Pure DPS spellbreaker is perfectly viable.

It is a common opinion that alacrity should have gone to spellbreaker rather than bladesworn, though, partially because spellbreaker is less bad as a chassis for a support build, and partially because an interesting bladesworn playstyle was deleted to make room for alacrity.

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On 8/7/2024 at 11:21 PM, Kitty.4806 said:

None of the devs like warrior.

That's why warrior is meta in pvp/wvw/pve....the staff is literally an entire elite spec crammed inside a weapon, be glad to be a warrior and not elementalist with pistol

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On 8/9/2024 at 8:15 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

That's why warrior is meta in pvp/wvw/pve....the staff is literally an entire elite spec crammed inside a weapon, be glad to be a warrior and not elementalist with pistol

Staff had to contain all of warriors healing potential since they had almost none to begin with.

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More ideas:

  • Bladesworn trait Guns and Glory should have its duration extended to 6 seconds and also give 250 precision to make it easier to crit cap and make gunsabre mode have an easier time to crit.
    Crit capping as BSW is too difficult, this should ease the burden.
  • Your weapons sigils should affect Gunsabre mode.
    Losing the effect of two sigils while already having a hard time crit capping is real rough. This would help solve that issue.
  • Dragonscale Defender should give prot and two stacks of stability in both PvE, PvP and WvW.
    The fact that this does not give prot hampers dragon slash casts in PvE and the lack of stability kills the skill in PvP/WvW. Preferably it would give both and 2-3 stacks of stability for 4 seconds to alleviate the clunky cast delay of DS 2. You shouldnt have to rely on Martial Cadence in PvP to get more stability when you have a stability solution build into the elite spec.
    You are locking me in place to do the most telegraphed anime charge up attack in the game where point and click/AOE stuns exist. You do the math on that.
  • Revert the cast delay on DS 2.
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Return Warrior to the state it was in at the games launch 😛 

We'd gain a ton of dps but would for sure be more squishy as what they have done really is make us hit like a wet noodle so that we can slightly live longer 

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53 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Return Warrior to the state it was in at the games launch 😛 

We'd gain a ton of dps but would for sure be more squishy as what they have done really is make us hit like a wet noodle so that we can slightly live longer 

My brother in Balthazar, 3/4 of the mechanics warriors have are still stuck in the 2012 state of balance.

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I agree with most in the OP. IMO Kill Shot is by far the most embarrassing state of any skill mechanic in GW2 currently. I also agree that Brutal Shot is literally just a free dodge (a shittier version, that doesn't activate "on dodge" traits) in any non-PVE game modes.

I don't think fixing Bladesworn is as simple as movement during dragon trigger. People just don't like the class because the mechanic is overcomplicated. Especially in the context of Warrior, which is supposed to be simple, down to earth class. 

What i would do with Bladesworn is following:

1. Completely remove gunsaber, just let us have two weapon sets of our choice.

2. Remove dragon trigger mode and instead add 3 burst skills F1, F2 and F3 which will directly cast Dragon Slash Force (F1), Boost (F2) or Reach (F3). Pressing the button first time start charging the flow, pressing the same button second time will execute the burst. 

3. Have the 3 Bladesworn Grandmaster traits improve the 3 burst abilities along with focus on playstyle. Similar to how Willbender GM traits focus on each of the 3 virtues. Force GM trait would improve Force Burst and melee combat, Boost GM trait would improve Boost Burst and mobility, and Reach GM trait would improve Reach Burst and ranged combat.

The improvements to combat styles could be something like:

- Force (Melee): Increase damage to foes under 360 distance

- Boost (Mobility) Movement skills cleanse condition

- Reach (Ranged): Increase damage to foes above 600 range

Other than that, I would add fixing "Defiant Stance" healing skill. Tooltip says the skill has 1/4s cast time, but in practice, it has somewhere between 1 to 2 second cast time and often the UI just flashes the button but the skill doesn't cast at all.

Edited by SpaceMarine.1836
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Concern only PVE.

I) Weapons :

Greatsword : 

- Brutal Strike : Apply 2 stack of vulnerability

- Hundred Blade : Reflect projectile and daze

- Bladetrail : Immobilize if it hit the side of back of a target

- Rush : Now a leap finisher

- Arcing Slice : Execute mechanic is now a linear increase in damage from 100% to 0% (should be applied to all execute type skill)

Hammer : 

- Hammer Smash : Provide barrier

- Staggering Blow : Daze instead of knockback

- Backbreaker : Cd reduced to 20 second or Blast finisher added

Rifle :

- Rifle Butt : Changed to a ranged attack (with the same effect) and renamed

- Kill Shot : Knockdown added

II) Specializations :

Strength :

Peak Performance : Changed to also apply as long as your character is over 90% health in addition to using physical skills

Forceful Greatsword : 20% CD reduction added baseline to Greatsword and Spear, doubled bonus also apply to Longsword and Dagger

Great Fortitude : Remove Weakness on yourself when you hit an enemy with a 5 sec interval

Arms :

- Furious Burst : Tooltip update (still show 15 sec CD)

- Blademaster : Cooldown reduction baseline, renamed Weapon master giving different stats bonus and short duration boon depending on what weapon you use.

Example : Sword provide expertise and X sec fury on each skill used, Hammer provide power and X sec protection on each skill used.

- Burst Precision : Now last 3-4-6 seconds

- Dual Wielding : Need to be changed since it doesn't stack with quickness  or Berserk making it kinda useless 90% of the time compared to "Burst precision" and "Furious"

Defense :

- Merciless Hammer : include staff

- Hardened Armor : Cooldown reduced to 10 sec

Tactics :

- Marching Orders : Interval reduced to 8 sec

- Empowered : Also increase concentration

- Mending Power : Apply to all boons

- Phalanx Strength : Apply to all boons

Discipline :

- Destruction of the Empowered : Already a post on it made recently

- Axe Mastery : Renamed Adrenaline Mastery, Apply to all weapons, grant 5 adrenaline when finishing an AA melee chain, for Ranged weapon AA grant 2 adrenaline

Berserker :

- Savage Instinct : Tooltip update to indicate the increase in cooldown of Berserk 

- Last Blaze : Apply to all warrior skills for a 2 sec burning, Rage skills keep the 4 sec burning

- Dead or Alive : Also clean a condition when entering Berserk mode

- Bloody Roar : Resistance duration increase to 5 sec

Spellbreaker :

- No Escape : Apply Slow instead of immobilize

- Loss Aversion : Also apply to disable effect

- Revenge Counter : Resistance duration increase by 0,5 sec for each conditions that have been copied (max 5 for a total resistance duration of 4,5 sec)

Bladesworn :

Dragonscale Defense : Stability increase to 4 sec, cooldown reduced to 7 sec

Unshakable Mountain : Also provide Barrier on block

Fierce as Fire : Also activate when using skill with a cooldown equal or longer than 20 sec

Lush Forest Also activate when applying boon to at least 3 ally

Gun and Glory : Duration increase to 5 sec and maximum duration of 15 sec

Immortal Dragon : In addition to existing effect also cleanse condition when entering Dragon Trigger and when converting flow into charge with an interval of 2 sec (so at most it will clean 3 conditions)

Daring Dragon : Also provide Resistance for 3 seconds when entering Dragon Trigger only for the warrior

Also but it concern all professions : updating underwater utilities skill to be equivalent to their updated terrestrial counterpart (or updating their tooltips), example Banner of Tactics provide regen instead of resistance while underwater or as a ranger Spike Trap is 25 sec cooldown on ground while being 45 sec cooldown underwater.

i have little to say concerning utilities skill i think they've done a correct job to make them more viable (at least in PVE) except for

"Fear Me" the cooldown is way too long

"Flow stabilizer" should be 20 sec CD because compared to "Signet of Fury" it's bad.

"imminent threat" should be 25 sec CD and taunt should last 2 sec

"shattering blow" should either provide an Aegis or increase the block duration to 1 sec


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Here's most of mine (all pvp focused):

  • Might Makes Right still doesn't heal enough. (Still! After getting buffed twice in the previous few years). I'd make it 115 hp baseline.
  • Featherfoot Grace needs Resolution to compete with Shake it Off.
  • To the Limit needs a cd reduction to 20 seconds, and it's dumb aftercast needs to go away.
  • Sig of Rage needs pulse interval changed from 3 seconds to 2. I'd also grant 10 adrenaline upon activation as a bonus. This would help core warrior's especially.
  • Berzerker Stance needs to be a breakstun. This skill is still terrible even at 25 second cd.
  • Frenzy needs longer quickness duration. I'd make it 6 seconds as opposed to 4. Also increasing might to 12. This skill just feels lacking compared to the insane Quickness uptime of Aggressive Onslaught, and rarely ever gets taken.
  • Last Stand needs more Barrier and Vigor by a small amount. I'd make barrier 2250 and vigor 8 seconds instead of 6. This GM is massively overshadowed still by Cleansing Ire and Stalwart Strength.
  • Bladesworn needs reworks. In the meantime buffing the Dragon Slash damage would put it back in play. I'd buff the dmg by 7%. I'd also reduce the barrier by 100-200 to keep it in check.
  • Rifle 5 skill needs to Become "Reload" when not in enemy range. 
  • Rifle f1 skill needs to be 1 second instead of 1 1/4 seconds. Rifle is actually a good weapon it's just way too clunky to enjoy.
  • Rifle 4 skill needs to shoot and dodge roll at the same time.
  • Rifle 3 skill should be remade to "Shotgun Blast". Do cone aoe damage to foes in front of you (similar cone to Snap Pull). You can have it push enemies back or not if it's too strong. I'd personally love if it had some fire condi's in it to reflect the explosive power of the shot. Like 1 second burn duration.
  • Eviscerate and Flurry need damage buffs.
  • Banner of Tactics should be instant cast with no animation. Nerf the cd by 5-10 seconds.
  • Reduce cast time of the other normal Banners to 1/4 second. (Not the Elite Banner).
  • Heal Signet needs a passive and active buff. Increase passive heal and give the active Resolution.
  • Give Sig of Stamina a breakstun. Nerf the cd by 5 seconds.
  • Remove Sig of Fury's animation. It'll still be telegraphed.
  • Dolyak Signet heal increased to 3k (It's 2870 rn). This is still failing to compete with Balanced Stance.
  • Sig of Might cd buffed to 20 seconds from 25.
  • Make Duel Wielding also grant 25% longer Quickness duration. Increase attack speed to 25% from 20%.
  • Furious should grant 2 adrenaline instead of 1.
  • Wounding Precision needs a buff. Increase Expertise to 7% again. increase Cripple Duration by 33%.
  • Opportunist should grant 10 adrenaline not 5. Also applying imob. should apply 2 stacks of Torment for 2 seconds.
  • Signet Mastery should grant Signets their passives regardless of on cd or not.
  • Sundering Burst needs a buff. I'd make it give 2 unblockable attacks if a critical hit is landed.
  • Roaring Reveille should have it's Resistance increased by a lot. I'd make it 6 seconds.
  • Phalanx Strength needs a buff. Fury and Might granted to yourself also are given to nearby allies. Apply 1 second of protection for every 3 stacks of Might applied to allies.
  • Martial Cadence Quickness duration should be increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Whirling Axe should grant Superspeed.
  • Winds of Disenchantment should follow the player. Make the duration 6 seconds.
  • Imminent Threat cd should be 30 seconds. Radius should be 350.
  • Fear Me should have a cd of at least 35 seconds. I'd aim for 30.
  • Offhand dagger 5 should do more damage and grant slightly more barrier.
  • Sight beyond Sight should make the next 5 attacks critical hits. It should also grant 5 seconds of Resistance.
  • Break Enchantments should do 600 damage. (So usually 1200 due to this being pvp).
  • Sun and Moon should do 10% more damage to foes with 1 boon or less with mainhand dagger. 10% crit damage to heals on offhand dagger.
  • Revenge Counter should grant Resolution for 3 seconds.
  • Slow Counter also should apply 2 stacks of Torment for 2 1/2 seconds.
  • Dragonspike Mine should remove imob. by default. Increase the blast radius of the min and damage slightly. From 120 to 300 and from 266 to 700.
  • Electric Fence should follow you around. Foes that touch it get crippled, and crippled foes get immobed.
  • Flow Stabilizer should grant 4 seconds of Protection, as well as 4 seconds of Stability if used while charging Dragon Trigger.
  • Detonate Cartridges should launch 0 instead of 300.
  • Stomp should launch 0 instead of knockback. 
  • Peak Performance should let Physical skills ignore blind.
  • Restorative Strength should be 6 seconds of Resistance in pvp instead of 4.
  • Body Blow should also inflict 2 seconds of Cripple. The Weakness duration should go to 4 seconds. Weakness applied lasts 20% longer.
  • Arc Divider was more fun in it's previous version I'd say. I'd revert it to that older version.
  • Mace f1 should have a small leap.
  • Outrage should always grant 10 adrenaline baseline, even if not breaking stuns.
  • Wild blow needs slightly better range. 200 at least.
  • Blaze Breaker needs 3 charges instead of 2.
  • Last Blaze should be 2 stacks of Burning not 1.
  • Heat the Soul should give a condition damage bonus while wielding a torch. like 120 codi damage.
  • King of Fires should have a cd reduction of 3 seconds, from 15 to 12.
  • Kick should have another charge if it won't get reworked.
  • Throw Bolas should have another charge if it won't get reworked. Decreasing the pre cast would also help.
  • Final Thrust should have its range increased from 130 to 150.
  • Adrenaline Rush should grant 5 adrenaline not 3.
  • Mace 5 should have the tremor animation be faster slightly. It should grant some barrier to the user upon hitting a target. (more targets would be more barrier).
  • Greatsword 4 should have a pull on the return journey. Either that or the return journey of the GS does more damage.
  • 100B should have a range of 200 instead of 130 and have 5 targets instead of 3.
  • 100B should be 10% faster.
  • You should be able to slightly move while using the Spear's regular f1.
  • Core Warrior needs love. The burst cd's should go down by 2 seconds if playing core warrior only. This would be gamewide. This would let core warrior feel a bit more bursty with it's f1 skills due to the lack of any f2.
  • Shield Bashes range should be increased from 450 to 550.
  • Revert Daring Dragon to the old version in pvp/wvw only. Make it use all the attacks back to back without any delay on whatever enemy the player is targeting or whatever direction the player is facing. 
  • Immortal Dragon should be 12% healing not 8%.
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1. Strength has no trait for fury, discipline also not. They are the main power damage specs but no fury at all. Why? Instead, it is in the condi line...

2. Defense spec: trait Cull the weak: Increase the weakness duration in PvE.

3. Buff maces

4. Most physical skills have too low damage in PvE.

5. Most Meditation skills are complete trash in PvE.

Yeah thats about it for now.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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On 8/14/2024 at 6:33 PM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

My brother in Balthazar, 3/4 of the mechanics warriors have are still stuck in the 2012 state of balance.

Oh did they buff greatsword back up so that just auto attacking is not a dps increase over using its supposed to be skill that roots you? 

Does it not root you anymore? Does it actually do more damage then auto attack again because they unnerfed it? 

Have they let us dual wield great swords that doubles Greatsword damage which would still be less damage then most other classes? 

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20 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Oh did they buff greatsword back up so that just auto attacking is not a dps increase over using its supposed to be skill that roots you? 

Does it not root you anymore? Does it actually do more damage then auto attack again because they unnerfed it? 

Have they let us dual wield great swords that doubles Greatsword damage which would still be less damage then most other classes? 

  • Oh did they buff greatsword back up so that just auto attacking is not a dps increase over using its supposed to be skill that roots you? 

  • Does it not root you anymore? Does it actually do more damage then auto attack again because they unnerfed it? 

  • Have they let us dual wield great swords that doubles Greatsword damage which would still be less damage then most other classes? 

    Nope, but would be a hilarious sight.
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16 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Oh did they buff greatsword back up so that just auto attacking is not a dps increase over using its supposed to be skill that roots you? 

  • Does it not root you anymore? Does it actually do more damage then auto attack again because they unnerfed it? 

  • Have they let us dual wield great swords that doubles Greatsword damage which would still be less damage then most other classes? 

    Nope, but would be a hilarious sight.

I honestly just feel its kinda hilarious how I can have no idea how to play other classes and never die and kill things faster then my Warrior, which is a few days younger then the games release date that I play as hard as possible and as best I can that I have put all my effort into learning. 

Or just log over onto my Ranger or Engineer, fight the same targets and can close my eyes while pressing buttons at random. 

If they were gonna give us dps elite specs I was honestly hoping for something like that, a dual greatsword wielding Warrior, ya know something fun. I cannot believe that we got an elite spec that on release was just another way for us to root ourselves. 

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4 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

I honestly just feel its kinda hilarious how I can have no idea how to play other classes and never die and kill things faster then my Warrior, which is a few days younger then the games release date that I play as hard as possible and as best I can that I have put all my effort into learning. 

Or just log over onto my Ranger or Engineer, fight the same targets and can close my eyes while pressing buttons at random. 

If they were gonna give us dps elite specs I was honestly hoping for something like that, a dual greatsword wielding Warrior, ya know something fun. I cannot believe that we got an elite spec that on release was just another way for us to root ourselves. 

I dont even mind Bladesworn being a thing, its a really cool concept and the reptile part of my brain gives dopamine when i see 6 digits of damage.

What its become is just pitiful.

The entirety of warrior as a profession is just held together by duct tape and twine. We are in need of immediate need of bugfixes, QOL updates, Trait and skill replacements, weapon updates, general buffs to builds.

But first we need to put down SPB who is hogging all the power budged.

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Warrior really needs better choices for condi. It literally comes down to LB, S/S, and T and that's it.

If ANet reworked the below two traits we'd immediately have triple the options (4->13)

  • Bloodlust: Make it either A) 33% bleed on hit or B) 100% bleed on critical; gives Daggers, Axe (OH), Pistol, Greatsword, and Spear hybrid or condi potential due to number of hits-per-second (similar design to Guardian) despite those weapons being 100% power focused.
  • Body Blow: Give it a condi packet similar to Skullgrinder; gives Maces & Hammer condi potential due to access to CC

This would increase options for Condi-Berserker using multi-hit weapons (Daggers, Axes, Greatsword, Spear) as they benefit from easy access to Quickness to get off more hits, thereby generating additional Bleed.

This would flesh out options for or Hybrid-Spellbreakers providing great synergy with CC-heavy weapons (Maces, Hammer) as well as Longbow/Daggers providing CC and multi-hit attacks.

This would even make Condi-Bladesworn a possibility due to number of hits (Gunsaber AA, 2, 3, Pistol 5, Detonate Cartidges) as well as CC (Gunsaber 4, Pistol 4, Detonate Cartridges, Unyielding Dragon)--although I personally argue for Explosions to cause bleed or burning to really make that a reality.

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12 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

Warrior really needs better choices for condi. It literally comes down to LB, S/S, and T and that's it.

If ANet reworked the below two traits we'd immediately have triple the options (4->13)

  • Bloodlust: Make it either A) 33% bleed on hit or B) 100% bleed on critical; gives Daggers, Axe (OH), Pistol, Greatsword, and Spear hybrid or condi potential due to number of hits-per-second (similar design to Guardian) despite those weapons being 100% power focused.
  • Body Blow: Give it a condi packet similar to Skullgrinder; gives Maces & Hammer condi potential due to access to CC

This would increase options for Condi-Berserker using multi-hit weapons (Daggers, Axes, Greatsword, Spear) as they benefit from easy access to Quickness to get off more hits, thereby generating additional Bleed.

This would flesh out options for or Hybrid-Spellbreakers providing great synergy with CC-heavy weapons (Maces, Hammer) as well as Longbow/Daggers providing CC and multi-hit attacks.

This would even make Condi-Bladesworn a possibility due to number of hits (Gunsaber AA, 2, 3, Pistol 5, Detonate Cartidges) as well as CC (Gunsaber 4, Pistol 4, Detonate Cartridges, Unyielding Dragon)--although I personally argue for Explosions to cause bleed or burning to really make that a reality.

I want to add to this.

Bloodlust being 1s in PvP/WvW feels like crap. The 33% chance on crit, for one of the weakest conditions in the game, also feels weak. I can agree with a 100% chance on crit, but the duration should not exceed 3s in PvP/WvW, maybe even 2s for WvW given it's stat advantage.

I personally think Wounding Precision should apply torment when you apply bleeding, but if Bloodlust becomes 100% chance on crit then this would need to be a short duration, even down to 1s.

Independent of those changes I also strongly think that there should be explosion traits in a few traitlines, here are some condi focuses ones:

  • Body Blow: Drop an explosive cannister when you CC a target. Explosions apply bleed for 12s and weakness for 3s. (Dropping an explosive cannister just adds the explosion tag, along with any explosion trait effects)
  • Sundering Bursts: Drop an explosive cannister when you use a burst attack. Explosions apply 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10s, 10 stacks on a critical hit.
  • Burning Shells: Replaces a trait in Arms, maybe dual wielding, it could also replace Crack Shot in Discipline. Drop an explosive cannister when you use a movement skill (drops at the final movement location), dealing strike damage (1.0/0.5 scaling PvE/Comp). Explosions inflict 2/1 stacks of burning for 4s (PvE/Comp).

This gives several new ways of applying condi across several weapons. Taking Burning Shells and Body Blow lets every explosion apply burning, bleeding, and weakness. CC heavy weapons, Gunsaber, and Rifle all then have options as condi weapons.

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14 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Independent of those changes I also strongly think that there should be explosion traits in a few traitlines, here are some condi focuses ones:

  • Body Blow: Drop an explosive cannister when you CC a target. Explosions apply bleed for 12s and weakness for 3s. (Dropping an explosive cannister just adds the explosion tag, along with any explosion trait effects)
  • Sundering Bursts: Drop an explosive cannister when you use a burst attack. Explosions apply 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10s, 10 stacks on a critical hit.
  • Burning Shells: Replaces a trait in Arms, maybe dual wielding, it could also replace Crack Shot in Discipline. Drop an explosive cannister when you use a movement skill (drops at the final movement location), dealing strike damage (1.0/0.5 scaling PvE/Comp). Explosions inflict 2/1 stacks of burning for 4s (PvE/Comp).

Explosives never really existed anywhere for Warriors until Bladesworn, and now they've been cropping up with no traits, relics, or effects that capitalize on them.

I'd rather see ANet update Guns & Glory (Bladesworn) so Explosions cause burning and Dragon Slash causes a Dragon's Roar explosion based on number of charges expended.

Trades 16% Crit Damage from the Ferocity for extra damage packets, keeps Explosions focused in the Bladesworn Elite Spec where it all began, creates condi potential, and doesn't require reshuffling any traits or reworking the ammunition trait (which are second only to Spellbreaker skills in PvE in need of a massive rework).

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1 hour ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

Explosives never really existed anywhere for Warriors until Bladesworn, and now they've been cropping up with no traits, relics, or effects that capitalize on them.

I'd rather see ANet update Guns & Glory (Bladesworn) so Explosions cause burning and Dragon Slash causes a Dragon's Roar explosion based on number of charges expended.

Trades 16% Crit Damage from the Ferocity for extra damage packets, keeps Explosions focused in the Bladesworn Elite Spec where it all began, creates condi potential, and doesn't require reshuffling any traits or reworking the ammunition trait (which are second only to Spellbreaker skills in PvE in need of a massive rework).

I know where you are coming from, and if explosions stayed within Bladesworn and pistol, I'd agree wholeheartedly. But they are putting explosions in on core weapons, and on newly released weapons, so I feel it is fair to put explosion related traits into core traitlines.

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33 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I know where you are coming from, and if explosions stayed within Bladesworn and pistol, I'd agree wholeheartedly. But they are putting explosions in on core weapons, and on newly released weapons, so I feel it is fair to put explosion related traits into core traitlines.

That's fair, I think my whole hangup with it is just that changing a single trait for Warrior is enough to invigorate entire new builds and flesh out existing ones (Nov 2023: Heat the Soul, Opportunist| June 2024 Martial Cadence). It's hard not to feel frustrated when there's a lot of potential hiding behind a single change that would open up gameplay options across every mode, elite, and (almost) build.


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1 minute ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

That's fair, I think my whole hangup with it is just that changing a single trait for Warrior is enough to invigorate entire new builds and flesh out existing ones (Nov 2023: Heat the Soul, Opportunist| June 2024 Martial Cadence). It's hard not to feel frustrated when there's a lot of potential hiding behind a single change that would open up gameplay options across every mode, elite, and (almost) build.


Yeah, I get that. So much potential is being wasted by giving out those explosion tags, and then only have a single minor trait in BSW to leverage it.

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my main issue, for all of my openworld DPS builds i feel like i'm nerfing myself if i don't take Berserker. (but i hate the constant red glow)

it doesn't matter whether i'm running GS, Hammer, longbow, rifle or now Spear i feel pigeonholed into running zerker to get any kind of decent damage.

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1 hour ago, Liewec.2896 said:

my main issue, for all of my openworld DPS builds i feel like i'm nerfing myself if i don't take Berserker. (but i hate the constant red glow)

it doesn't matter whether i'm running GS, Hammer, longbow, rifle or now Spear i feel pigeonholed into running zerker to get any kind of decent damage.

Spell in open world can hit pretty hard. Try it out.

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