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[SA] are exploiting to glitch inside ebg blue keep

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look at title, there is no appropiate report button for players ingame so i hope someone relevant sees this post

the players involved were a warrior (berserker), thief (specter), revenant (vindicator) and a guardian (willbreaker)

bypassing all walls and even having access to the lord without any siege weapons, thief glitches inside and ports his mates in, all from guild [SA] and multiple times in a row, so its not just one guy messing around cause he found smth fun, its 100% intentional exploiting

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first: a message in the forums will accomplish nothing, especially with the lack of information required. 

second: we´ve had this in our guild very recently, where one of our mates also contacted support about similar issues/exploits. The response is simple: 
Without any clear information, there is nothing that can be done. They need AT LEAST the account-names of the people involved, as well as concrete evidence about what happened (in other words: video evidence, since that´s basically the only form of media you can provide that shows exactly what´s going on). 

Also, just to note: "all from the guild [SA]" doesn´t allow to find those players AT ALL. because guild-tags are NOT unique. We don´t even know which megaserver your are on. which team. when it happened. what players (accounts) were involved. And the most critical part: you provided ZERO evidence that this actually happened. 

I don´t doubt that what you said is true, but neither are the forums the right place, nor are you providing anything substantial that may lead to consequences for the exploits

Edited by Custodio.6134
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unfortunately i don't really have any other option

i can't identify the players in any way shape for form, the ingame bug report will not lead to proper punishment, it is still impossible to post screenshots in the forums without external help and you CANNOT report a specific player for exploiting

i have given all information that is possible and i hope that, at the very least, some people in that guild have some basic decency and kick these people out of their guild and report them themselves

i am very aware that it is near impossible that every single person in [SA] is participating in this, but i will absolutely call out cheaters by the name that they choose to display

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1 minute ago, LeiserTot.3648 said:

i can't identify the players in any way shape for form,

block the player(s), then check your block-list for the newly added accounts. You can also just empty your block-list beforehand and note down the players you had blocked before to get their account-names. So while it´s a bit more complicated, it IS possible to exactly identify the accounts involved. 



2 minutes ago, LeiserTot.3648 said:

it is still impossible to post screenshots in the forums without external help

this is irrelevant, because the forums are not the right place to report players. 

From the Forums Code of conduct ( https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/the-forums-code-of-conduct/ ): 


We prohibit posts or comments that fall into the following general categories:

Hacks, Cheats, Exploits, or Malicious Programs

  • promote the use of hacks, cheats, or exploits
  • link to sites that offer hacks, cheats, or exploits
  • expose forum members, directly or indirectly, to malicious viruses / programs
  • Note: Please report exploits, cheats, or hacks to ArenaNet via an e-mail to Exploits@Arena.Net. Do not post such information on the forums.


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if you have an NVIDA-GPU, it´s very easy to provide the evidence needed (dunno about other manufaturers though): 

NVIDIA GeForce Experience allows to automatically record a set amount of time constantly, and save it as a replay if necessary. this allows to provide any evidence needed, as long as you also show the account-names involved via the method i explained before

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1 minute ago, LeiserTot.3648 said:

okay got it i will try that, then since this post is not allowed do i delete it myself or will some admin do it later?

shouldn´t be necessary, since your post did not include anything that can actually be tracked back to a specific player. As i said before, your post is too vague to do anything, and at wors it will just get closed by a moderator

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17 minutes ago, Custodio.6134 said:

They need AT LEAST the account-names of the people involved, as well as concrete evidence about what happened (in other words: video evidence, since that´s basically the only form of media you can provide that shows exactly what´s going on).

Yet when you post names or link videos those get deleted because "witch hunt."

You have to email them which I don't know about you but to me it always felt like a placebo more than anything. I know this for a fact because I have cheaters I added to my friends and I keep seeing their insane records in SotO adventures, years since they've been reported.

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This guild is a wellknown abuser Guild. Never understood why they got not banned all together. Same with that other Guild with the letter H at the beginning. Looks like a bunch of disgusting online bullies & exploiters.

Edited by senftube.6081
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Just standard SA things.

Some people like to play a different game to everyone else. I don't know why, because inevitably they're playing alone.

Just leave them in the sandpit by themselves and enjoy your day.

Entities flip like pancakes these days, anyway. Nobody really cares.

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11 hours ago, Custodio.6134 said:

if you have an NVIDA-GPU, it´s very easy to provide the evidence needed (dunno about other manufaturers though): 

NVIDIA GeForce Experience allows to automatically record a set amount of time constantly, and save it as a replay if necessary. this allows to provide any evidence needed, as long as you also show the account-names involved via the method i explained before

Good info for catching cheaters and to add to that, AMD (Radeon) GPUs have the exact same feature through their standard Adrenalin driver package. So basically anyone with a GPU from the last 5 years can do that. And up to ~10 year old Nvidia GPUs. Or just having a hotkey to record live. 

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On 6/18/2024 at 2:41 PM, senftube.6081 said:

This guild is a wellknown abuser Guild. Never understood why they got not banned all together. Same with that other Guild with the letter H at the beginning. Looks like a bunch of disgusting online bullies & exploiters.

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to weigh in on this discussion. It's important to remember that you can't just ban an entire guild and all its members because of the actions of one or a few individuals. Each player deserves to be judged on their own actions, not by association alone.

If anyone has clear proof of exploitation or abusive behavior, it's crucial to provide that evidence. This could be screenshots, videos, or any other form of verifiable proof showing a player with the guild tag engaging in these actions. However, keep in mind that now that this thread is out there, any offending players are likely to be much more cautious, making it harder to gather such evidence.

Without concrete proof, ArenaNet (Anet) won't take action against the guild or its members. So before making accusations, let's ensure we have solid evidence to back them up. This will help maintain fairness and integrity in our community.


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42 minutes ago, Tailbreaker.1540 said:

If anyone has clear proof of exploitation or abusive behavior, it's crucial to provide that evidence. This could be screenshots, videos, or any other form of verifiable proof showing a player with the guild tag engaging in these actions. However, keep in mind that now that this thread is out there, any offending players are likely to be much more cautious, making it harder to gather such evidence.

Without concrete proof, ArenaNet (Anet) won't take action against the guild or its members. So before making accusations, let's ensure we have solid evidence to back them up. This will help maintain fairness and integrity in our community.

From my experience, I cannot see that Anet takes appropriate measures.  Not even with clear evidence. There are/were players from a certain server and a certain guild (another guild name that I will not mention here) who were correctly reported countless times by players on my server. Result: Apparently nothing. Because every time we played against this server again, the hackers were there again and even boasted that Anet was not doing anything about them.

And: There are lots of places in WvW, some of which have been known for years, where certain classes and/or mounts can bug in without using hacking tools. It would be easy for Anet to stop this by making slight changes to walls, gates, etc. But that doesn't happen either.

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It does seem that Anet could take a little time to study how these exploits work and put a fix or some type of monitoring in place.

Cheating is so disheartening for some players and it can have significant effects on a players enthusiasm towards the game. If it feels like their efforts are undermined by cheaters, people will stop putting in the effort and stop logging in.

It's kind of shocking that Anet has done so little to combat cheaters given how long the issues have persisteted and how often the complaint is made.

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3 hours ago, Tailbreaker.1540 said:

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to weigh in on this discussion. It's important to remember that you can't just ban an entire guild and all its members because of the actions of one or a few individuals. Each player deserves to be judged on their own actions, not by association alone.

If anyone has clear proof of exploitation or abusive behavior, it's crucial to provide that evidence. This could be screenshots, videos, or any other form of verifiable proof showing a player with the guild tag engaging in these actions. However, keep in mind that now that this thread is out there, any offending players are likely to be much more cautious, making it harder to gather such evidence.

Without concrete proof, ArenaNet (Anet) won't take action against the guild or its members. So before making accusations, let's ensure we have solid evidence to back them up. This will help maintain fairness and integrity in our community.


Bro there is enough evidence for perma bans already. I myself have enough vids clipped how they exploit into Tower with S/D Thief only for ganking peoples inside. And these two guilds are wellknown for beeing super toxic cu nts. No game and no community does need such peoples.

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1 hour ago, Stone.6751 said:

Cheating is so disheartening for some players and it can have significant effects on a players enthusiasm towards the game.

This is the main point I always make in discussions with my guild members about exploits and why we kick players who we catch engaging in that behavior.  It's fine to learn and know how to do them for academic purposes, just don't use them to gain an unfair advantage during standard play.  It is especially disheartening for players who are new to the game.

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It's also sadly an issue with these new sorts. If you can ID people on your server exploiting you can avoid their callouts that they were "hidden" inside. But that takes a bit of time to get used to seeing what they are doing. You can assume just that they were, but that just rewards a side that didn't actually spend time to sweep a structure after a take. I can't count how many times while on toons without ports or stealth was able to avoid a group after a take to just retake after the 5 min RI. We do need more invis walls for exploit spots, and have seen some get in place. 

Anet could use a process like the wiki for gold project, find an exploit, submit it, it gets fixed, you get paid. 

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Wow, [SA] used to be respected ganker/1vs1 guild, but if they are actually cheating, they have fallen very far.

Now they are like an adult bribing to participate and win elementary school sports event.

Edited by Riba.3271
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The argument that you shouldn't punish the whole guild is bad. Their guild members know exactly what they are doing and are probably still laughing together in Discord. So for me it is a complete ban for everyone of this toxic cockroaches. They only play the game for harrass other peoples and nothing more. Same with that QQ Guild on NA. It is super important that ArenaNet finally draws a line.

Edited by senftube.6081
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5 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

I respect 1vs1 duelists a lot.

Is that because you duel? I just leave them alone. But I couldn't ID them outside of seeing two people standing off and bowing to each other. 

5 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

But is there really such a thing as "respected gankers"?

Yes. There are some guilds that will make me work more when paired against and I can respect them for their endeavors. They know their roles, may be a pain in my backside but I can appreciate their impact and the focus on a goal. When players fall to them or get lured by them they get called gankers. Personally they are roamers and havocs filling roles in the game mode and even if they kill me I can look forward to being sorted with them and would consider them for an alliance in the future since they can impact more while using less. So yes I would say respected.

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(Perma) banning players for bug abuse/exploits is problematic, because where to draw the line? Bug abusing can happen unintentionally and without knowledge (unlike hacking, no mercy there!). Sure, bugging into structures in WvW doesn't happen accidentially, especially when done repeatedly, but it still begs the question whether it is actual exploiting or simply creative use of game mechanics with anets blessing, especially when considering how long these issues has been in the game with the devs knowing and nothing being done about it. And there are many many more bugs in the game, that are much harder to judge regarding intention from both dev side (bug or not?) and player side (accident or not?).

If anet suddenly starts banning players for stuff that wasn't sanctioned for years despite their knowledge, and that has a high chance of eventually affecting players that weren't intentionally doing anything bad, it creates an atmosphere of fear, and players might start worrying they could be the next innocent victim. Which is probably much worse than players occasionally getting upset about witnessing exploiters.

This doesn't mean players should be free to do whatever they want. Anything that could be unintentional behaviour should be reported - and then it's on the devs to decide whether it needs actual fixing (and then take appropriate action to get it fixed - and personally i do think bugging into structures falls into this category) or whether it is deemed ok.

Also 100% agreement with @Tailbreaker.1540's post - banning entire guilds "just like that" is a no go.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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