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1 minute ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Things to say in map chat to get them talking:

Pineapple on pizza is delicious.

Is a hotdog in a bun a sandwich or a taco?

Chicago deep dish pizza is the best pizza.


don't forget microwaving Tea

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26 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Things to say in map chat to get them talking:

Pineapple on pizza is delicious.

Is a hotdog in a bun a sandwich or a taco?

Chicago deep dish pizza is the best pizza.

Bonus: I said in map chat that pineapple is the best pizza topping and it evolved into a debate about whether pizza is a sandwich.

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21 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

don't forget microwaving Tea

I used to microwave water for the extremely rare occasions I had tea. My boyfriend was traumatized. 😂🤣😂One of the first things he did after we started dating was buy me an electric kettle.

19 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

You monster...

(See how his works?)

Some people just want to watch the world drown in tomato sauce. 😂

Just now, Danikat.8537 said:

Bonus: I said in map chat that pineapple is the best pizza topping and it evolved into a debate about whether pizza is a sandwich.

That's so beautiful. 😭Open faced sandwich!

(see how this works, OP???)

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2 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Pineapple on pizza is delicious.

Pineapple on pizza is indeed delicious… any who say otherwise either haven’t ever had it or just don’t like pineapple…

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Bonus: I said in map chat that pineapple is the best pizza topping and it evolved into a debate about whether pizza is a sandwich.

Sandwich, soup, salad, or ravioli 😂

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

Every time I go to Divinity’s Reach or Lions Arch there is always constant chatter going on… sometimes there’s even multiple conversations going on at once in map chat… chat is much less active everywhere else though…

I agree with this. There is normally some sort of conversations going on in Divinity's reach when I am hanging out in the area of the bank/Black Lion area.

Edited by KerryTT.4792
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

Every time I go to Divinity’s Reach or Lions Arch there is always constant chatter going on… sometimes there’s even multiple conversations going on at once in map chat… chat is much less active everywhere else though…

Did not mean to do this twice,  sorry 😞


Edited by KerryTT.4792
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Honestly, can't say as I have ever been in Queensdale or DR especially when there wasn't a huge amount of map chatter.  Like in DR, there always seems to be some set of people debating some silly thing or other, and then there are also the role players and fashionistas who line up by the bank doing their thing, etc. 

My guess it just depends what time you are getting online.  I mostly play evenings and/or prime times around reset, so there are always chatter boxes around no matter what map I am on.

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I don't know if people understand how the instance and therefore chat distribution works. GW2 does NOT have global/server chat, it has map chat as it's widest "range" (exception is WvW has team chat, which spans all players in WvW maps). And even then, map chat is limited to that instance of said map. Assume that in any given map you won't have more than 100-150 people in a PACKED instance of a map. 5 of those people will be engaging in chat, because everyone else is doing whatever they came in the map to do. It's not anti-social, its logical.

If you really wanna lounge around and talk to randoms, Lion's Arch is probably your best bet. And more than likely you'll have to spark up the conversation. Much like in real life, people aren't just yelling out statements in the open.

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While I'm standing in a city, I may seem not to talk but I'm currently talking 

- In guild chat

- In squad/party chat

- Whispers

- Discord

- Twitch chat

And often all of them at once. 

Why should I talk to a random person? 

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19 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Game is easy and a lot of stuff is solo-able. (And the content that requires groups has elitist content and more casual stuff but people use lfg tool to form groups - not talking a lot on chat.)

In the maps there can be chat about events and wanting/offering help. Cities ... I guess only LA (and DR and Hoelbraek if there is one of the seasonal festivals) with chat. But usually people should be busy doing other stuff. (Festival events during a festival. And in LA just standing at the bank or crafting station managing their inventories.) The occasional thing where people ask something game-related or someone starts an argument about something political ... can happen sometimes. (In beginner maps there also might be gameplay related questions from newbies.)

Other than that I personally do not really see much use for a chat. I rarely randomyl feel like talking about the weather or music. Actually WvW chat (while defending/scouting or waiting for something to happen) has had more casual chats not related to the combat going on there ... from what I remember. 😄 (Depends on the teams though.  Last time I played was when still server system with linking existed.)

I honestly don't see how content being easy and casually chatting are connected, someone asking for help with something is like, engaging in an actual conversation. Most squads I join for events don't have casual conversation until after the event is over or before it because during battle you don't exactly have the chance to type out a convo in chat. Take some tt groups I've been in, silence except for commander callouts during the fight but...interesting conversations in the wait before it starts.

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Posted (edited)

GW2 doesn't have a global chat channel, maybe that's why it can feel quiet. As a counterexample, LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) has a global chat channel, which means sometimes conversation (some call it bs) is nonstop and you just want them to es-t-ef-u LOL

Edited by serow.6524
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8 hours ago, serow.6524 said:

GW2 doesn't have a global chat channel, maybe that's why it can feel quiet. As a counterexample, LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) has a global chat channel, which means sometimes conversation (some call it bs) is nonstop and you just want them to es-t-ef-u LOL

Yeah, I hope they never implement a global chat channel

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Posted (edited)


1st, Welcome to the forum.

A lot has already been said about it but hmhmhm.... why not.


All though in many ways it feels a lot like a single player experience; the elements of enhanced social interactions are present in Guildwars 2.


Most players are dynamically interacting with each through open world events/encounters. Looking for Group content, etc. Simply the act of being in the presence of other players whether in a squad or randomly standing next to each other waiting for a world boss.... it becomes the focus point for a local social convention.

You can totally do conversation starters on your own in the map chat. If someone responds to it in a favorable manner?  Well... that really depends on who reads/preceives your message.

There can be various reasons why people don't use/respond to the map chat, some things that come to mind:

1)They are in a Guild and thus only tend to use/respond their own Guild Discord.(often its pretty much their "own bubble/clan", outside/foreign interference doesn't interest them/ has less value. This also eliminates the need waste time typing in map chat for social elements/small talk; they can directly talk in discord for answers )

2)People have their own idea's of the ideal/preferred  conversation partner.(indeed a lot people can have a biased mindset/ playing favorites) They will either not respond or in some cases point it out to you in map chat/whisper; sometimes kind/polite/informative, and sometimes toxic/condescending/judgemental.

3)Player don't wanna waste their precious time and go for min/max. (only respond/speak when really needed)

4)Own social circle; pretty similar to 1, but it often extends outside of an MMO; they have established a longstanding friendship together which also continues IRL  ; their opinions/words outweighs that of everything else outside of that including words/small talk from some random player.

5)Some people just don't like to talk at all, aka; i am here to play my videogame!


Personally i always turnoff any major form of map chat in mmo's simply because more often the conversations are only about RL stuff that breaks immersion, and the subject matter is usually unsavory.(dont need hear about metabuilds, or whining about afk-scrubs either, that's what forums are for) This is especially true of you played a lot of immersive single player rpg's in between mmo's

Example as we are fighting some meta boss. Player A: wow this guys sword is frickin huge! Player B: that's what she said.  *Noidea facepalms*

To add to this immersion; by default i enforced a perception of all other players simply being highly advanced NPC's; if some bogus speech cloud chat does comes through i will automatically think:

"Artificial intelligence in games has sure come a long way.... that NPC almost seems human with those remarks! wish those lines were a bit more in character though"

Role playing conversations on the other hand i can appreciate cause that's part of expanding on possible unique lore. (seen to little in openworld; as they have their own little ecosystem going on)

Besides, if people really wanna talk to you personally they can always whisper you or stand right in front of you saying: Hey! can i ask you something?

Forum are also another great way of social interaction o7


It is really about one's personal expectations of social interaction in an mmo; it varies for  everyone.

If the social element is extremely important for you; i recommend you to find a social(preferable open-minded) guild with the same interests/vibe as you; this is important otherwise connections cant be properly formed and awkward moments are bound to happen. It might take a lot of experimentation with joining/leaving until you finally find that one spot.

You can also choose to stay the traveling sword for hire/adventurer. Unbound by rules, free to do as you please; you will meet many people/have conversations regardless. o7


Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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