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What if sentries...

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What if sentries had a much arger radius for spotting and marking enemy players, something like 3x their current radius. Perhaps give them slightly more health or damage to compensate for their increased importance (they die in 1 second to DPS players as it is now).

The idea being to increase their effectiveness in alerting other teams to enemy movement on the map, and giving sentries an increased level of importance for roamers.

Squads wanting to go unnoticed could still go around or send in a couple of their own to capture the sentry, but it would make the effort to avoid being spotted a little more challenging. At the same time making sentries even more important for defenders to keep flipped.

Knowing where enemy squads are on a map helps defenders respond in time to defend objectives, and can help enemy squads find each other on maps so they can fight rather than running around trying to find one another.

I for one am all for less running around playing "where is the enemy". Yes, good scouting compensates here and good scouting is worth it's weight in gold, but some servers don't have the population to spread around to have proper scouts, and scouts would still have a role in scouting objectives and such so it wouldn't undermine the role of scouts.

I know suggestions like this don't ever really gain traction with Anet, but the more I thought about it the more I thought it sounded like it would be a win and posting it here gets it out of my head. 


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14 minutes ago, Stone.6751 said:

Squads wanting to go unnoticed could still go around or send in a couple of their own to capture the sentry, but it would make the effort to avoid being spotted a little more challenging. At the same time making sentries even more important for defenders to keep flipped.

Sentries aren't exactly challenging for a single player to take out. Squads would just send out a single player to cap the sentry and wait outside of range like they currently do.

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22 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Sentries aren't exactly challenging for a single player to take out. Squads would just send out a single player to cap the sentry and wait outside of range like they currently do.

He did state to give them increased health and damage as well.

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42 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Sentries aren't exactly challenging for a single player to take out. Squads would just send out a single player to cap the sentry and wait outside of range like they currently do.

I realize this. That's already what happens, only their spotting radius is so incredibly small it makes them even less effective. Why not make them more effective and help give them more purpose and value?

As it is now, squads sometimes send people ahead to eliminate scouts. That's fine and they still could, but they would have to keep their squad further away still, or go further around the sentry. It would also make the sentries going down more important for defenders to take note of, and more important for defending roamers to recap.

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4 hours ago, HazyDaisy.4107 said:

When the thieves start saying No one asked for this...

But seriously, this wouldn't punish winning teams and it wouldn't help the teams that are already losing.

Yeah, the sentry will spot the small group faster, who are going to be squished faster by the blob.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, HazyDaisy.4107 said:

When the thieves start saying No one asked for this...

But seriously, this wouldn't punish winning teams and it wouldn't help the teams that are already losing.

Fair, but the intention wasnt simply for balance so much as it was to help lessen the fog of war, which in turn would hopefully lessen the amount of running around trying to find squads to fight with.

And I'd challenge people downplaying this by asking, then what is the point of sentries at all? As it stands now they have a use, but it's just so minor. Why not boost their abilities a bit and actually make them useful for what they're supposed to do.

Edited by Stone.6751
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39 minutes ago, Stone.6751 said:

Why not boost their abilities a bit and actually make them useful for what they're supposed to do.

Because it would just add annoying PvE that interferes with roaming and finding enemies is already easy with some scouting and reading the map.

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I remember scouting without all these sentries and scout towers, it was fun as a roamers compared to nowadays at least, because especially as a thief, it was one role we could fulfill, apart from roaming and being in a focus party, in guild raids.

Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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2 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Because it would just add annoying PvE that interferes with roaming and finding enemies is already easy with some scouting and reading the map.

So sentries should be removed?

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What I want instead is for a Sentry to be placed in more strategic placements and be replaced by a unique Deadeye Guard. They're Sentries, they're Scouts. They shouldn't be some meathead sitting in the middle of the road and getting slapped. 

Here's what I want: 

- Sentries be changed to Deadeyes

- They do not stealth themselves, rather they fire Spotter's Shot once at a target, then follow up with normal Deadly Aims.

- They are for the most part, immobile due to Kneel and are located at more strategic locations (ontop of small rock outcrops and archways)

- Squishier, but due to the position shift, they serve better as Scouts overwatching a location

- Their "sight" range is now a large cone instead of a wide AoE area. They will automatically Reveal and open fire on enemies inside this large cone. This cone also acts as a Stealth denial zone similar to sneaking missions in PvE where it just strips your Stealth when you enter the cone AoE. 


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