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Considering there have been barely any power mesmers for like... 4 years now, probably? I find it kinda lame to complain about them showing up for a few months. Yeah, fighting especially virtuosos is pretty garbage, but let them see the light of day for a little. Fighting condi mesmers all this time was many times worse.

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Are you sure you were one shot by gs? Currently, Virtuoso can indeed get enough modifiers to pretty much 100 - 0 a lot of targets. I'm not gonna say they were using a macro, but I matched a bit against and with a duo of a Reaper and a Virt yesterday and the Virt was using such a oneshot build. The combo was for sure faster than my ping, but that's not much of an argument to call it's macro usage to be clear. Due to how fast the combo is though, I wouldn't be surprised if it's easily missed (just like old core mesmer GS was quite easy to miss and thus easy for the opponent to dodge, the best mesmers would bait it out). 

Of course we can call out any and every nuke build out there but this one is not the highest priority for sure, especially with the other contenders that can do that and have infinitely cycling passive defenses like Spb, Untamed and Vindi.

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You can't fix something which only works on at a skill level of "ups, I was drunk and afk".

Thanks for the call back to years ago, was worth a good chuckle.

FYI: linking to a thread from 2018! in some attempt to argue that a build from as far as back then (PoF relesed end of 2017, that thread was made 1 year into PoF just as a reminder) some how remains viable does not support your argument as much as you might assume. Not with the amount of power creep in the following years.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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  • 2 weeks later...

power virt can delete you.

no they do not insta die to condies.

no they are not some easy target.

yes they can move around the map pretty quickly.

the mesmer mafia will gaslight you into thinking you are bad when they use their broken builds.

no it is not a skill based build.

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28 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I do find it strange that virts now say they are glass. Maybe thats true, maybe its unconcious cope, or maybe the game is so crept, virt is indeed now risky?

Yeah it's not true. I run the full offensive traits (illusions instead of inspiration) and it still feels super tanky. I regularly get top healing because new ether feast is insane (heal 9k and cleanse 6 condis with even slightly intelligent usage) and relic of zakiros gets ridiculous value (perma fury for ~98% crit chance, superiority complex for 1.2x crit damage). Combine those with intelligent use of sword/shield set (4s block, good evade, big mobility, projectile destroy, stun, protection uptime) plus inherent virt/mesmer survivability (free blocks every ~5s, nearly 100% regen uptime, about 50% vigor/dodge uptime, 5s distort [x2 with signet of illusions], plenty of invis).

Sure, it gets wrecked 1v3+. But it SHOULD. Everything should. But I almost always win 1v1 and I'm not a really great player. I can almost always survive 1v2. It's absolutely not glass.

I main Mesmer. I have for a long time. But I can be real about it's state. Honestly I'm not sure if it's out of balance though. There's a lot of insanely strong stuff in the game these days.

Edited by Goosekilla.2796
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17 minutes ago, Goosekilla.2796 said:

Yeah it's not true. I run the full offensive traits (illusions instead of inspiration) and it still feels super tanky. I regularly get top healing because new ether feast is insane (heal 9k and cleanse 6 condis with even slightly intelligent usage) and relic of zakiros gets ridiculous value (perma fury for ~98% crit chance, superiority complex for 1.2x crit damage). Combine those with intelligent use of sword/shield set (4s block, good evade, big mobility, projectile destroy, stun, protection uptime) plus inherent virt/mesmer survivability (free blocks every ~5s, nearly 100% regen uptime, about 50% vigor/dodge uptime, 5s distort [x2 with signet of illusions], plenty of invis).

Sure, it gets wrecked 1v3+. But it SHOULD. Everything should. But I almost always win 1v1 and I'm not a really great player. I can almost always survive 1v2. It's absolutely not glass.

Well I wasn't sure given the build I play. I always find myself having to LOS/mitigate any virt for around 20 seconds, before even thinking about doing any real damage, yet they could kill me 2x times over in that duration if im not careful.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 8/2/2024 at 6:38 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

Considering there have been barely any power mesmers for like... 4 years now, probably? I find it kinda lame to complain about them showing up for a few months. Yeah, fighting especially virtuosos is pretty garbage, but let them see the light of day for a little. Fighting condi mesmers all this time was many times worse.

Fighting Condi anything these days feels like literally walking through a cesspool. It's honestly quite frustrating. 

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