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T3 and T4 materials and where to get them?

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TL:DR = Please do not offer to "farm gold" or "buy from trading post" I specifically want to know where I can get these as raw materials.

So with that out of the way. I wanted to craft few pieces of the Obsidian armor but have ran into a problem of actually running out of the supply of T3 - T4 materials, the claws and bones and so on, intermediate crafting materials as the wiki calls them. Now I could buy absolutely everything out of the trading post and it wouldn't even scratch my wallet, however this is not what I want to do and searching the internet just ends up on "farm gold and buy" as the answer. The few ways I know of are doing the map bonuses with/without the Pact Supply Network, doing events like Modniir Ulgoth that have alot of bag dropping enemies, doing the old dungeon runs like Caudecus's Manor or Sorrow's Embrace and buying the supply boxes with Tyrian Defense Seals. But I'm still not really getting those materials. As an example after buying a 100 Deldrimor supply boxes (because these are the most cost effective?) I got literally none of the T4 materials, absolutely zero, everything else yes. And opening champion bags with a low level character is not possible since I have no free character slots and even then I really don't need the leather or cloth or metals, I have hundreds of these already. I'm mostly interested on what events or mobs or whatevers are actually giving these materials in more than just 5-10 per day or as map bonus rewards as they are average 20 per week and not really keen on spending lots currency if I can avoid it. Which areas would have decent concentrations of the creatures that drop these or bags that contain them? I do own all of the game areas so it's just to find the location. The trading post is getting it's supply from somewhere

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It's getting supply from people in the maps that drop them (esp if lower level iirc) or champ bags, map rewards, laurels, fractals and so forth

There's no singular source for them which is why people recommend those who want them buy what they since it is by a quantum mile the fastest source. Otherwise, you need to play the mid level maps

For example dust will drop from ghosts and branded. Totems from grawl


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12 hours ago, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

I specifically want to know where I can get these as raw materials.

Buy them from the laurel vendor Jocasta in the pvp lobby. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jocasta (light and medium crafting bag, 1 laurel one. no limit afaik)

Laurels you get from the wizard's vault.

It may be more profitable to buy t2 and t3 and sell what you don't need to buy t4 you need since I think t4 mats are way cheaper than t3 or 2 (the lower the tier the higher the amount of mats you get out of those bags). Calcluting that may pay off depending the amount you need.

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Fight in Drizzlewood Coast (if you have access to it), you have the supply drops which improve the more areas you defend/recapture, and also the cache keepers at the end. Plus as you kill enemy, you progress quite a few achievments that drop rewards with lots of tradeskill materials in them.

Edited by Andy.5981
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14 hours ago, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

The trading post is getting it's supply from somewhere

There are people who will repeatedly reroll fresh characters just to farm the low level areas and black lion keys from the story.

It looks to me like you already have the answers, it's really just a case of scale.

Also you can get materials from Map Bonus Rewards too, just check what map is on what rotation before farming events there.


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Cheers for the responses, it is definitely about the scale, while I'm not in a rush I don't want to wait for months. And with limited amount of time divided to playing the game in story, few world bosses, wvw and so on, getting the materials just ends up on lower end of importance. I suppose I just need to find what creatures drop the items directly in the 35-60 range maps, where to find large enough of a pack and deal with them for the various gifts required since the bag method doesn't seem to work for me that well, RNGESUS be damned I'll most likely end up buying them. And the Drizzlewood really just drops what every other high end place does: high end materials. And the Icebrood Saga reward track from wvw has piled up to 50 or so of each material boxes. But only on leather, ore, wood and cloth.

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2 hours ago, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

I suppose I just need to find what creatures drop the items directly in the 35-60 range maps, where to find large enough of a pack and deal with them for the various gifts required since the bag method doesn't seem to work for me that well, RNGESUS be damned I'll most likely end up buying them.

That's probably the worst strategy to get them. Gw2 just doesn't go well with farming mobs for specific mat. You get a bunch of different stuff and trade for what you need.

There is also some misleading or plain wrong info in this thread, do your research first before believing everything: 

7 hours ago, Tinker.6924 said:

Equip volatile magic gathering tools which can be bought with karma, get a whole bunch of volatile magic, buy trophy shipments from volatile magic vendor. 

Volatile magic and trophy shipments don't give t3 and t4 mats. It's a good source for t6 and you also get plenty of t5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trophy_Shipment

7 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

It may be more profitable to buy t2 and t3 and sell what you don't need to buy t4 you need since I think t4 mats are way cheaper than t3 or 2 (the lower the tier the higher the amount of mats you get out of those bags). Calcluting that may pay off depending the amount you need.

T4 and t3 bags are the best profit/laurel. Very close call. https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/laurel

In the end my proposal (almost full legendary) is just don't sell stuff. Let it pile up in your mat storage. In the end gold is only a mean to get materials which is what you really need in the end. So why pay taxes if you don't need to. Laurels are definitely great for t3 and t4 mats. Best profit per laurel you can get in general. And you can get 10 per week laurels if you do the weekly chest in wizard vault and can buy extra 150 laurels per season. An average gain from material bag is 5 x 3 mats (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medium_Karmic_Crafting_Bag). So with 10 laurels from weeklies only you can get 150 mats per week and another big pile per season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So a bit of an update into this. As I was specifically searching for heavy bones and engraved totems, the grawl around Ogduk Waypoint in Timberline Falls proved the most efficient. Within one hour, before diminishing returns started to hit, I got around 35 heavy bones, 41 engraved totems and some 30+ large skulls and no other materials. Plenty for a single gift for legendaries. And this was suggested to me in a video about 11 years ago. Saying killing mobs for is the worst strategy to get them is just outright incorrect. You were correct in one thing atleast, do your research. I've gotten so much more in 1 hour of doing that than I've gotten from bags and stuff since the making of this thread. Buying them is certainly a way but trusting on bags only is not what I'm going to do when I can essentially get them for free. To me best bet are the 35-60 level range areas from this little experiment.

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I did some quick sums and going from your list you got about 12Gold of mats in an hour (based on TP sell prices). Doing a few of the more profitable bosses/events in that hour would net you far more gold and arguably be less of a grind. For example, I do one Dragonstorm every day, which takes 10-12 minutes and earns at least 6Gold (just counting the 2G, the 3 rares and the 6 memories of Aurene).

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I was responding to your last post:

3 hours ago, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

Saying killing mobs for is the worst strategy to get them is just outright incorrect.

It clearly is a bad strategy. If it's the one you want to follow, that's fine. You should play the game the way you want. But it doesn't make other assertions false.

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