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New match up system is BS.

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I'v been trying to play WvW with my IRL friend for 1,3 Months already, and it won't link us until another 22 days now.
He just got back to Gw2 and me not long before him.

We both can't play for multiple weeks for work sometimes, and were not in same guild since same server was enough.

We were first unmatched for a month, nothing we could do but wait until next matchup.. since we got back just after a new match up,  We linked my Casual Social Guild with His PvE Raiding guild for WvW,  But right before we were suppose to get linked both were away because of work.

During this time his raiding guild got disbanded and guild leader kicked everyone out.

So we'r back,  and Yeah,   We'r still not matched up since we had no guild set on WvW because guild disband while away.

So basically ANOTHER month to wait, so we can play WvW together, this is so DUMB.

He did a ticket, but there's no help moving servers anymore.

I hate this restructuring WvW thing,  makes me just want to quit Gw2 all together.

Not to mention the annoyance of having to be in the same guild or allied guild to play together,  I play WvW a lot, but never taking it serriously,  rank 2744 with mostly roaming,  I used to have so many people I consider friends I played with from the server,  but almost none were on the same guild,  most of them aren't in any real WvW guild,  mostly PvE that jump into WvW during some evenings.

Atleast make you able to change team once a week like you could with servers!  just limit rewards or something,  Why do you have to wait a MONTH to play with friends that easily can turn into 2 MONTHS with a guild disband or such.

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Simple answer if all you care about is playing WvW with your friend. You both find the same guild alliance, join it, and set it as WvW Guild. Or, alternatively, form your own 2 person guild so you two can always play together. And make sure you set it as your WvW Guild.  

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1 hour ago, Ramjam.4507 said:

He did a ticket, but there's no help moving servers anymore.

Thats interesting, can you ask him to put in another ticket? because I know of 2 guilds that moved the whole guild after team match up, which i consider an abuse of the system, but if they can do it for 100+ people why can't they do it for you?

Edited by Troubadour.6397
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4 hours ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Simple answer if all you care about is playing WvW with your friend. You both find the same guild alliance, join it, and set it as WvW Guild. Or, alternatively, form your own 2 person guild so you two can always play together. And make sure you set it as your WvW Guild.  

Thats what we did.

We started playing 2 days after teams were formed,  so that month we were unable to play together, We linked our guilds together, Alliance so we atleast could play together next month.

But during this time when we were away,  his guild disbanded and GL kicked everyone from his guild,  when we got back it was a new month with new teams and once again we'r not on same team AGAIN,  so it'll take 2 months until we can play together.

I want to be matched with my Social/Casual mostly PvE guild,  we do WvW runs once every 1-2 weeks atleast.
Meanwhile he was in his more hardcore raiding guild,  we linked the 2, but his guild disbanded.

I mean we'll be able to play next month,  but this whole system is not good if it can cause you to have to wait 2 months to play with friends.

Why should it even take 1 month!  you should be able to swap at any time like before,  you could swap server every week if you wanted,  it costed you some gems and you got less loot (no pips) for a week,  that seems fair to me,  make it so it you lose all pip income if you swap guild or something,  but having to wait 30 days is just meh.

I really miss the old servers, from other aspects too though, they were like sports team, you knew the people on the server,  there were Open commanders all the time that you got to know, I sometimes led wvw groups too,  I had tons of friends I won't get to play with ever again as they are all on different guilds and such,  and you can't link all guilds together, there are limits.

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1 hour ago, Ramjam.4507 said:

Thats what we did.

We started playing 2 days after teams were formed,  so that month we were unable to play together, We linked our guilds together, Alliance so we atleast could play together next month.

But during this time when we were away,  his guild disbanded and GL kicked everyone from his guild,  when we got back it was a new month with new teams and once again we'r not on same team AGAIN,  so it'll take 2 months until we can play together.

I want to be matched with my Social/Casual mostly PvE guild,  we do WvW runs once every 1-2 weeks atleast.
Meanwhile he was in his more hardcore raiding guild,  we linked the 2, but his guild disbanded.

I mean we'll be able to play next month,  but this whole system is not good if it can cause you to have to wait 2 months to play with friends.

Why should it even take 1 month!  you should be able to swap at any time like before,  you could swap server every week if you wanted,  it costed you some gems and you got less loot (no pips) for a week,  that seems fair to me,  make it so it you lose all pip income if you swap guild or something,  but having to wait 30 days is just meh.

I really miss the old servers, from other aspects too though, they were like sports team, you knew the people on the server,  there were Open commanders all the time that you got to know, I sometimes led wvw groups too,  I had tons of friends I won't get to play with ever again as they are all on different guilds and such,  and you can't link all guilds together, there are limits.

Like I said - you need to just make your 2 person guild then. Set it as your WvW guild, the two of you. If that is all that matters to you then you should both be on the same team on the next rematch. We have 400+ in our alliance guild and only 23 are not linked to us. If by chance you and your friend aren't on the same team you have about 7-10 days  to put in a ticket for a transfer to the same team.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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That was all very unfortunate. Like already mentioned: form a new guild the 2 of you and set it as wvw guild for the next time.


until then you can play pve and pvp with your buddy or take a break again up until next month.

it is not ideal i understand that.

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Your situation is unfortunate, but you're not looking at the big picture. Being able to switch teams/servers every week is exactly what was destroying the population balance. While the current system isn't perfect, it's a real attempt at solving population issues by limiting the need of server transfers. People always hate when the status quo is broken, but I think in time, when people find the niche they're comfortable in and groups they like playing, it wont' feel as bad as it does now.

On top of that, it's not Anet's fault that the guilds you fused got disbanded. Like many people here suggested, make a guild with the people you want to play, set it as your WvW guild and forget about it. Even if you're not online when the next shuffle happens, your WvW guild selection will remain (unless you manually change it).

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4 hours ago, Ramjam.4507 said:

Meanwhile he was in his more hardcore raiding guild,  we linked the 2, but his guild disbanded.

What do you mean "linked the two" ? Did you join his HC raiding guild, or did he join your casual pve guild ? Or did you make a third guild and invited every one in ?  Are you sure you are telling the whole story here ?


4 hours ago, Ramjam.4507 said:

you should be able to swap at any time like before, 

No you shouldn't necessarily be able to. Giving players the ability to change teams is litteraly throwing away any work that is done to balance team composition. And despite whatever is read on the forums this month the MU are more balanced than they were before the 14th, although not yet perfect.  

If wvw is a competitive mode, then you shouldn't be able to give players the ability to impact balance beyond their ability to organize and play the game, the same way I don'tsee you asking to be put in the other team in spvp because your friend is in it. If wvw is just gw2 with open pvp, then it does not matter and you should be able to change teams. 

And the answer is that wvw is a competitive mode. 

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7 hours ago, Troubadour.6397 said:

Thats interesting, can you ask him to put in another ticket? because I know of 2 guilds that moved the whole guild after team match u

Anet started to refuse moving tickets after the last relink. I know at least two people that couldn't play with us because they selected their guild Friday morning and the move ticket was refused, so they at least started investigating on the reason you were not placed with your guildmates when you submit a ticket. 

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4 hours ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

While the current system isn't perfect, it's a real attempt at solving population issues by limiting the need of server transfers.

There was no need for regular server transfers in the old system.  


4 hours ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

Being able to switch teams/servers every week is exactly what was destroying the population balance.

I agree. Anet could have easily prevented mass server transfers on the old system - switching to WR was not necessary for this.


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9 hours ago, latlat.4516 said:

And despite whatever is read on the forums this month the MU are more balanced than they were before the 14th, although not yet perfect.  

This is really reassuring. I am looking forward to the balance becoming almost perfect or even perfect with numbers and statistics. Then, when you find a purpose for me to participate in a team/server game, please let me know. I could still be here hopping in and out of GW2. Who knows, maybe I might discover PVE in the meantime.

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6 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

There was no need for regular server transfers in the old system.  


I agree. Anet could have easily prevented mass server transfers on the old system - switching to WR was not necessary for this.


There was a need for server transfer, obviously: people wanted to play WvW with their friends, and not the server they were in. Was this abused to bandwagon and to an extent manipulate matches? Sure. But that doesn't make the legitimate need disappear.

WR is the solution they came up with. You get to play with your friends in periods of 1 month, where you will be given agency once again to reaffirm that choice by staying or choosing another guild to represent and play with them. Then the system will do it's thing taking into account player choice, hence the lockout 2 days before each shuffle, and give everyone (in theory) a more balanced match up.

I don't know why everyone's hating on this WR situation so much. The old system was deeply flawed, people were locked out of playing with their friends because it messed with population balance. Hundreds of players were moving servers right after relinks, further disrupting population balance for 2 whole months, only for it to happen AGAIN after each relink. Do you guys NOT remember this? Cause it hasn't been long enough for rose tinted glasses to be in play fellas.

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12 minutes ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

There was a need for server transfer, obviously: people wanted to play WvW with their friends, and not the server they were in. Was this abused to bandwagon and to an extent manipulate matches? Sure. But that doesn't make the legitimate need disappear.

WR is the solution they came up with. You get to play with your friends in periods of 1 month, where you will be given agency once again to reaffirm that choice by staying or choosing another guild to represent and play with them. Then the system will do it's thing taking into account player choice, hence the lockout 2 days before each shuffle, and give everyone (in theory) a more balanced match up.

I don't know why everyone's hating on this WR situation so much. The old system was deeply flawed, people were locked out of playing with their friends because it messed with population balance. Hundreds of players were moving servers right after relinks, further disrupting population balance for 2 whole months, only for it to happen AGAIN after each relink. Do you guys NOT remember this? Cause it hasn't been long enough for rose tinted glasses to be in play fellas.

People were locked out of servers with their friends because one or the other didn't want to move down from their stacked servers. People also didn't have to think about changing guilds or creating throwaway alt guilds to link up for a month. 

There's still stacking and still lopsided matches, some log in times are even considerably worse than before WR, but at least I'm not seeing anyone pretend to care about our team or the match or our structures anymore.

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Just now, kash.9213 said:

People were locked out of servers with their friends because one or the other didn't want to move down from their stacked servers. People also didn't have to think about changing guilds or creating throwaway alt guilds to link up for a month. 

There's still stacking and still lopsided matches, some log in times are even considerably worse than before WR, but at least I'm not seeing anyone pretend to care about our team or the match or our structures anymore.

It wasn't "one or the other". People don't just have one friend. Are you gonna ask 5 people to move to your server that's empty because you can't get into theirs that's full? How about 10 people? 20? 50?

People "not having to think" is precisely the problem. Instead of celebrating the fact that players have been given agency to play with whoever they like, GUARANTEED,  any group of friends for a month... they complain. They don't LIKE to think, they don't like to be given a FREE, GUARANTEED choice on who they play with month after month. Because choice implies being responsible for that choice. It means putting a little effort so other people will also choose to play with you.

Stacking is now not a player issue, it's a system issue. One that they're likely working to resolve. The first WR shuffle was pretty bad I must admit, but this one is a LOT better already.

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29 minutes ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

There was a need for server transfer, obviously: people wanted to play WvW with their friends, and not the server they were in. Was this abused to bandwagon and to an extent manipulate matches? Sure. But that doesn't make the legitimate need disappear.

I wrote: "There was no need for regular server transfers".  

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Just now, Zok.4956 said:

I wrote: "There was no need for regular server transfers".  

You mean frequent then? For the most part you are correct. Now there's no need for it at all though, since you're not locked out indefinitely (as it happened with servers). You just have to wait 4 weeks tops and you can play with whichever of your 6 guilds you want. 

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5 minutes ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

It wasn't "one or the other". People don't just have one friend. Are you gonna ask 5 people to move to your server that's empty because you can't get into theirs that's full? How about 10 people? 20? 50?

Exactely. Someone is in a community guild that is almost full and therefore only accepts regular WvW players, but many of his friends only play WvW sporadically, which is why they are not in the community guild. So he can't play with both in WvW.

Simple set theory. The previous server communities were more branched and had the server as a common intersection. That has now disappeared and guilds cannot really replace it.

If WR is much better for you now: congratulations. But that doesn't mean that it is the same for all of your fellow players.

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10 hours ago, latlat.4516 said:

 And despite whatever is read on the forums this month the MU are more balanced than they were before the 14th, although not yet perfect.

Strange. At least the kills from https://kills.werdes.net/#/matches/archive/ show that between 2024.06.07 - 2024.06.14 the winning team had on average 56% more kills than the last team. In the current matchup that difference is 89%. Maybe you are talking about another year? 😄

Nice try, though.

Edited by Reztek.7805
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18 minutes ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

It wasn't "one or the other". People don't just have one friend. Are you gonna ask 5 people to move to your server that's empty because you can't get into theirs that's full? How about 10 people? 20? 50?

People "not having to think" is precisely the problem. Instead of celebrating the fact that players have been given agency to play with whoever they like, GUARANTEED,  any group of friends for a month... they complain. They don't LIKE to think, they don't like to be given a FREE, GUARANTEED choice on who they play with month after month. Because choice implies being responsible for that choice. It means putting a little effort so other people will also choose to play with you.

Stacking is now not a player issue, it's a system issue. One that they're likely working to resolve. The first WR shuffle was pretty bad I must admit, but this one is a LOT better already.

1. I definitely would expect a guild to try and keep a guild together and not have to buy gold to make sure everyone can keep up with whoever refuses to leave their stacked server.

2. "not having to think". Quote entirely to represent my point. Don't argue in bad faith. "didn't have to think about changing guilds or creating throwaway alt guilds to link up for a month". 

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1 hour ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

I don't know why everyone's hating on this WR situation so much. 

Servers felt like a large neighborhood. You grow to know many of your close neighbors, but not the ones farther away on the other side. Even so, the neighborhood gets a general vibe to it as what one homeowner does there will affect others to make it a better or worse place to live/own. Due to this there is more personal investment, or not, as people can move if they don't like their neighborhood. WR feels more like a trailer park, where the guilds are trailers/mobile homes, or groups of them in the case of multiple guilds together. This can be a positive thing as you can meet new people faster, but no matter what the park is up and moving as everyone will split up in a month and people will continuously make the choice of stay with trailer a, or join trailer b, or join c? Now trailer parks being a temporary home, nobody has to care about upkeep or investment into such a community and most won't, and a lot of behavior from players is likely to degrade due to this.


This is a bit too much of an analogy for this but is how many players feel about this swap.

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13 hours ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

Being able to switch teams/servers every week is exactly what was destroying the population balance.

Correction, a few guilds prancing around from server to server every other month, especially hours before a relink would happen, was destroying the population balance. Meanwhile the homebodies stayed on their servers for "years". So now instead we have a system that rewards the prancers for not having to pay gems anymore, and penalizes everyone else by randomly moving them around once a month instead. Who won with this system I wonder, the loyalist, or the selfish mercs.

They could have also dealt with this situation years ago by either putting transfer prices through the roof to massively limit the frequency it would happen, enforce transfer periods, or just outright stop transfers as they have it now. Or I dunno had the balls to go through with the first version of this system which would have been a much better medium for all players. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Hypothetically-Speaking-New-Worlds 

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1 hour ago, Reztek.7805 said:

Strange. At least the kills from https://kills.werdes.net/#/matches/archive/ show that between 2024.06.07 - 2024.06.14 the winning team had on average 56% more kills than the last team. In the current matchup that difference is 89%. Maybe you are talking about another year? 😄

Nice try, though.

Thanks for the link, hadn't seen this one, will be interesting to explore! Cheers!

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, latlat.4516 said:

What do you mean "linked the two" ? Did you join his HC raiding guild, or did he join your casual pve guild ? Or did you make a third guild and invited every one in ?  Are you sure you are telling the whole story here ?


No you shouldn't necessarily be able to. Giving players the ability to change teams is litteraly throwing away any work that is done to balance team composition. And despite whatever is read on the forums this month the MU are more balanced than they were before the 14th, although not yet perfect.  

If wvw is a competitive mode, then you shouldn't be able to give players the ability to impact balance beyond their ability to organize and play the game, the same way I don'tsee you asking to be put in the other team in spvp because your friend is in it. If wvw is just gw2 with open pvp, then it does not matter and you should be able to change teams. 

And the answer is that wvw is a competitive mode. 

I dunno, I'v never mannaged a guild,  the guild leader said they had done that?  

I just wanna play with my peeps from my Casual Guild,  doing PvE/WvW/Raids/Openworld, but also play with my IRL friend not in that guild.
Is there no way to do that? this whole restructuring is confusing, I read something about guild alliances, and Guild leader said they did that.

Don't really care about competative,   played WvW since game came out 2012,  been fun,  about 2789 rank from mostly roaming, some dueling, closest thing to open world pvp in Gw2,  not a fan of structured PVP at all,  just intensive all the time, maps are super small, and if you fool around you just annoy your teamates.

Edited by Ramjam.4507
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