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Bad enemy design - almost permanent boon corrupt AoEs

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I've played Thief exclusively in JW the new spear is very fun, but this AoE vomit has got to change I have very limited tools to deal with Condis as a result melee is borderline unplayable JW is a solid xpac but this aoe condi boon corrupt nonsense is absolutely terrible and really souring the xpac for me

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1 hour ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

You fight without boons, i.e. easy mode off, just fight harder.

Also known as noob mode but nice try attempting to make it sound virtuous.

Nerfing yourself by not using boons does not mean you fight harder it means you fight worse and it takes longer because you're weaker.

If that sounds good to you then super. Next time you have the flu make sure to sign up for as many endurance races as you can, you'll be competing harder. 👍

Anyway back to the post the spam is a lot and it definitely hinders melee characters more but I'm adjusting. I haven't seen all the new relics yet, I wonder if one exists that suits this

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14 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Also known as noob mode but nice try attempting to make it sound virtuous.

Nerfing yourself by not using boons does not mean you fight harder it means you fight worse and it takes longer because you're weaker.

At the first sight of adversity you can't even.

15 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

If that sounds good to you then super. Next time you have the flu make sure to sign up for as many endurance races as you can, you'll be competing harder. 👍

I've finish a marathon with a broken bone on my foot before 💪

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A new enemy arises in the world of Tyria. Using foul corrupting magic. Will the Commanders and Wayfinders rise up to the challange, invent strategies and new battle tactics to overcome the new threating adversity?... No, they'll go to the forums and ask Devs to change the adversity to match most of the previous 1,1,1, boring monsters. xd

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

invent strategies and new battle tactics to overcome the new threating adversity?

4 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

You fight without boons, i.e. easy mode off, just fight harder.

Sooo... just play without Boons? Is that what you guys are saying? THE core game mechanic of this game's combat? Also, maybe you just don't know this, but most classes generate boons on their own by using normal skills. Have fun playing reaper that generates quickness and might in shroud the whole time.

How else do you counter enemies that vomit eyesore boon corrupts EVERYWHERE the WHOLE TIME. Would be fine if it was one attack that happens sometimes but they do it constantly.

Easy mode, lmao

3 hours ago, yLoon.5289 said:

Adapt to it and stop ranting.

What do you propose? Play without boons? What else can someone do playing a class that uses melee weapons? If Anet wants people to not play melee classes, they should just delete melee weapons. Where is the fun in playing scrapper if you can't use hammer?

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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2 things,

1, while the new maps are freakin' gorgeous, is anyone else having trouble with the grass covering up non-purple smoke telegraphs and hazards? example


And 2, a way to dash through and cleanse the purple funk would be a nice mastery / function for the warclaw to have


In the meantime, people should be focusing down adds a lot more to mitigate the aoe spam.

Edited by Roda.7468
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To all the people saying 'git gud' let me remind you that this is open world.  This is where all the casuals who actually fund this game play.  If you need to be challenged you have Raid CMs, Fractal CMs, Strike CMs, WvW and PvP. 

Not everyone is here to git gud, not everyone is like you and it isn't your job or anet's job to make us elite gamers.  Some people just want to pop in and escape from their problems for a little white and feel stronger than they are in real life.  If you make OW too hard the casuals will leave and the game will wither and you won't have anyone to feel superior to. 

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6 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:

I figured it was intentionally overdone so that a later mastery could effectively nullify it.

That' s what i'm hoping; but i'm a glass half empty kind of guy so we're probably giving ANet too much credit for thinking ahead.

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A lot of this has a somewhat easy fix, and something that can be applied to the game as a whole. (Because the PoF permablind wasn't annoying, right?) 

Two parts: Internal cooldown and Telegraph the abilities first. 

Critters all across the game, from vanilla to now, have horrible conveyance. Attacks need to be unique, clear, and actually give players time to react. Right now, they don't, and the aoe boon-corrupt mess is just the latest red flag of it. 

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6 hours ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

Sooo... just play without Boons? Is that what you guys are saying?


Who knew the "I'm a glass cannon - I'm pure damage if you guys don't stack I'll die in a second because I don't know how to dodge and beyond doing *cof*macro*cof* my DPS rotation I have nothing else, also JPs suck please delete solid ocean fractal!" Guys would make a come back in Janthir Wilds.

7 hours ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

Easy mode, lmao

No more training wheels.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:


Most classes literally can't play without boons because a lot of attacks and traits (the good ones) trigger boon application... Yout get one random stack of stab from anyone and bam, feared again. Might? Oh, I hope you enjoy your 50% damage reduction. Your attacks in reaper shroud generate quickness and you can't prevent it except for playing something completely different? I hope you like slow.

6 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

"I'm a glass cannon - I'm pure damage if you guys don't stack I'll die in a second because I don't know how to dodge and beyond doing *cof*macro*cof* my DPS rotation I have nothing else, also JPs suck please delete solid ocean fractal!"

Wild accusation mate. Two dodges are kinda limiting when the mobs spew their kitten everywhere around them.

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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We all know that boons should be reworked and till it happen there will be issues in the game. Like some builds provide you nice uptime for certain boons and make game really easy and other builds not really.

Also in group play having different range for same boon provided skill is not good.

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20 minutes ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

Most classes literally can't play without boons

Challenge accepted, good thing I have all elite specs unlocked.

21 minutes ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

Might? Oh, I hope you enjoy your 50% damage reduction.

That's why we call it hard mode 💪

22 minutes ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

Your attacks in reaper shroud generate quickness and you can't prevent it except for playing something completely different? I hope you like slow.

No quickness is baseline, you'll live.

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1 minute ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

No quickness is baseline, you'll live.

You really don't understand the point, do you? If you have quickness, it gets instantly corrupted to slow. And you can't stop your quickness generation if you want to play reaper.

But I guess you got me with your trolling attempts.

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I love the new enemies. Please don't nerf them. Classes have the ability to play around the corruption if they tweak their builds/play-style.

I love the idea of enemies countering the boon spamming meta. It adds a new flavor to the game.

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1 minute ago, Zoid.2568 said:

You are just bad at the game. Get gud!

Tell me then: How do I counter the insane amount of boon corrupt AoEs on classes that have automatic boon generation? If ranged is the ONLY viable option, just delete melee already. The game taught people for years that they are good, and now your are royally kittened if some random gives you specific boons.

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Currently playing a full zerk catalyst with spear. Having mostly no problem except for soloing some champions, but beside that I'm chilling. Maybe melee is indeed harder, I'll have to test that on an alt. 

But currently I really don't think mobs need a nerf

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

Maybe melee is indeed harder, I'll have to test that on an alt. 

Melee is the whole point of this thread. I know that ranged is way easier because you have way more space to maneuver.

4 minutes ago, RyasmaRaven.6018 said:

just have a condi cleanse

How often do you want me to clear condis if I get new ones every second?

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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3 minutes ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

How often do you want me to clear condis if I get new ones every second?

Time to take a look at your build I guess. There are some professions out there with amazing condi cleanse and there are builds that wouldn't need the constant cleansing bc they don't throw out boons 24/7. On necro (reaper specifically) I've been challenged, yes, but it just feels more like two zergs colliding in WvW. I do acknowledge OW payers who don't play grouped WvW don't have that experience.

I guess my advice is to look at the builds out there and make relevant changes.

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