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Heart progress is ridiculously slow

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I feel like this is a common problem anet has with pretty much every expansion, where they introduce a new solution and then instead of just letting it be cool and good, they force a problem for it to solve. Those heart items would be awesome, if the hearts weren't criminally slow. I would love to just pop one into the vendor to finish it off or whatever to make it faster. Instead they feel borderline necessary because after giving a vendor two or three the heart still takes as long as most of the base map hearts do - except you're expected to do it for like two weeks straight for an achievement. Still better than the daily hearts every expansion has had prior though, those are the worst.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It does not. You go cook a few meals across the bridge and you are done in no time.

Where are you referring to in this post? I do this heart daily and I've never seen a cooking event.

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Janthir Syntri is an issue.
Heart tokens are almost impossible to come by and it has the worst events to do.
Events have a low pop rate so you often wait in between them.
South east has several "gather vegetables and meat" which is overly repetitive. I've only seen the Iboga one ONCE.
North east has several "kill elementals" which spawn very spread out which is annoying as you can't mow through them in pack.
South west has basically no event at all. I often only see a single one, the mistburned flora.

The more interesting events are all too far away from the hearts to count.

Edited by Kulvar.1239
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1 hour ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

The more interesting events are all too far away from the hearts to count.

And unlike Lowland Shore, where any event you do outside of the hearts’ range give you a token, Janthir Syntri gives you none for most events, like any of the White Mantle, Jade Construct or Bloodstone-related events...

Edited by PyaKura.4895
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27 minutes ago, PyaKura.4895 said:

And unlike Lowland Shore, where any event you do outside of the hearts’ range give you a token, Janthir Syntri gives you none for most events, like any of the White Mantle, Jade Construct or Bloodstone-related events...

It feels like Janthir Syntri will only be properly finished by 1st patch xD

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5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It does not. You go cook a few meals across the bridge and you are done in no time.

4 hours ago, difens.1326 said:

Where can you cook meals on the SECOND map ?

Oops, my bad completely! You are right, of course, that one is quite inconvenient.

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the whole map Janthir Syntri is not really much fun. The some events are quite cool. Unfortunately, but there are a lot of bugs and the loot doesn't feel valuable. The heart events simply take a very long time and you have to do the event again, which is quite boring. The worst is the heart in the west. Even the meta has no real meaningful loot.

Edited by Matthias.8621
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For the southeast heart I think it is easy to notice events when you have the corret setting in the options. Even when not in the exact event range (circle not showing). The small round icon in the UI will indicate the event. I think that setting is hard to find and not intuitive enough. Had it wrong at some point and took me some time to figure the correct setting out again.

Content guide needs to be set to "disable personal story". The other option including disabling events will disable them as well of course. Off turns the whole thing off. I had default first - thought when finishing the story (none active) it would still show events. (Or showing events + story at least when story is on.) It just does not work. Disable personal story is the only option that shows events that are even far away. (The closest one - which can be far away and then still gets shown. Staying at the south east camp should show the gathering events.)

Edit: If they think direct (and/or farmeable) hear tokens are too much they could limited them not just only to one per event per day per account. But also to "x in total per account per day". Or giving out some other currency. "Yellow hearty dust" maybe lol. Tooltip: "Combine - with double click - 50 of those into a renown heart token."

Edited by Luthan.5236
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For the southwest one I guess it would not hurt to look at the renown heart range. Yesterday there was a grub event that did not contribute to the heart. Another one was closer and contributed. Imo there is no danger of it conflicting with another heart (nothing else there at the south) ... could be extended a bit more to the west.

Edit: In Janthir Syntri the southwest one I meant.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I have similar thoughts to most people here, the first map is great. There's plenty to do to fill the hearts within the hearts area as well as plenty of events to gather the heart tokens.  The second map heart completion is painful, especially the first one.  It took 5 events to fill with a lot of waiting around between.   Lots of other players also waiting around.  

I have also tried running around to find more events within the heart area this didn't help. There are also no enemies or tasks in the area to contribute towards filling the heart. Making it worse is the lack of heart tokens dropped by events. Did multiple events all around the second map and only got 1 heart token, this included the meta.  

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Second map has nothing to go there again once you're through the story and have done the heart achievements and seen the events once.

Hearts are tedious, esp. the first and the western one. The north one is ok, quite some events count for it (even if half of the events are boring like the elemental events that feel all the same). And while I've like 80 heart token from the first map I've like 5 from the second. Not in lack of doing events.

The food collecting event for the start camp is bugged. The boars rarely drop meat. It drags the painfull progress.
The event with the dude and the flowers is too hard if one wants to do the achievements of him not dying or not falling below 90%. Do I need a half zerg organised for heal/prot dude and drag/pull flowers tasks for that?

There is no reason to do the meta more than once, is there? The rewards don't drop anything that makes me want to go again. Not even something as lame as 100x Tarir had. No boss counts toward any heart.

The mursaat traps give too like heart progress. Poop gives me more.

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Yeah this is definitely an issue, I hope it's not intended. 

I am trying to notice which events in Janthir Syntri don't have a heart token, even though they are outside of heart range - most of them don't actually. Easier to memorize which do 😄 So far I noticed food gathering event outside of heart range (across the river from first heart in SE) does give a token. I need to try more events, but some examples of those that did not give me a heart token are: NW the big itan boss event (Kill Titan Somethingor other), Kill Bloodstone elementals event just NE of the swamp heart (it's out of heart range, does not give a token).

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exactly. it easily takes at least 50 mins to do all 3 hearts without the help of tokens. (if we exclude the lightning jar event at kindle barrens which can be abused by spamming a rod which in then end finishes your heart in a few seconds)

Edited by LeoXander.2798
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1 minute ago, LeoXander.2798 said:

whats heart farm?

adventures was giving heart on every bronze completion, that was hotfix few days ago or smtg "fixing aventures" u could farm heart tokens every 30s by doing some speedy adventures for bronze over and over again, I still have like 70 heart tokens of second map. 


Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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1 hour ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

adventures was giving heart on every bronze completion, that was hotfix few days ago or smtg "fixing aventures" u could farm heart tokens every 30s by doing some speedy adventures for bronze over and over again, I still have like 70 heart tokens of second map. 


I sure wish I had known to do that.  I have a ton of Lowland Shore tokens, but I barely use them because there are plenty of events and activities available to complete the hearts within a reasonable time frame.  Then I go over to Janthir Syntri and the bar barely moves, there are hardly any events that contribute to completion and for the events that are available half of them are bugged and the rest are copy/paste trash.

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