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Feedback: it started well and then came the quit moment.

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I try to be constructive, because there was a lot of good things until I ran into the brickwall of misery:

It starts well with the letter from Firstborn Dagonet. That was a change. Unexpected. Got called Valiant and Commander. I liked that. Really, I did. The letter was also very nice. Dagonet's voice? Praiseworthy. 

But - they talk like this meeting of world leaders is the first ever. Have they forgotten the Summit in the Grove? tsstss. 

Queen Jennah's letter arrives and while it is also a nice letter, she also seems to suffer from dementia.

So I go LA. Meeting at the guild initiative. That is a change. But not a bad choice. The guard at the door warns ME about big names? WTH? Keep your mouth shut idiot. These big names are only around because I saved them. Multiple times. 

First dialogue of Anise%Malice: enjoyable

Braham dialogue is cute. He has grown up. Also a good jab at him with the 'he speaks' part. He deserves more of that. Ending was good. 

Dougal Keane! 

The other representatives. Mhm. Yes. Good. Hehe, the asuran are pissed.

Council Meeting and post dialogue: while I could have done without Issgarren and while I would have prefered to make it much more clear how BUSY we were ONCE AGAIN SAVING EVERYONES BEHIND. ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT CERTIFIED USELESS SACK ISSGARREN IS PULLED OUT - I am quite ok with all of it. Especially the asuran stuff. They are so hurt by Cantha. Loving it.

So we go to JW. Introduction, not much to say. Enjoyable. The Vista zoom was well done and the place is very very pretty.

The village. Love it. The Kodan look and talk properly bear-ish. Good! Good! But then the village council. That sent me straight to Uncanny Valley. They just sat their unmoving, starring ahead while talking. Stuff of nightmares.

The event scaling is horrendous. Almost all of them demand several players to complete - and the place is pretty empty. Not many players around. 

Having to do the heart to progress the story is BS. It was BS in the past. It got called out as the BS it is - and you still force us through the BS again. Not appreciated but not the quit moment - yet.

Scanning for Rifts around Moonbase.

That was the quit moment. The moment you murdered all enjoyment and all fun. Congratz. 

A) it is buggy? Scanning for rifts did not show any rift. Even with one active nearbv

B) Scanning for rifts did not show any rift. Even with one active nearby.

C) Scanning for rifts did not show any rift. Even with one active nearby.

D) Scanning for rifts did not show any rift. Even with one active nearby.

E) Scanning for rifts did not show any rift. Even with one active nearby.

F) oh? There is some senseless repetition above? Like... lets say rifts? What a surprise.

In all seriousness ANET:

rifts are stupid, boring garbage people did and do because you forced them to do it for legendary armor. I have legendary armor, so I could get away from them. Rifts were a horrendous misfeature in Soto. Something almost noone enjoys after the umpteenth time. People enjoy fractals, some even raids. Some masochists even like doing dungeons again and again. But rifts? I don't know anyone who ever was excited for a rift. And then you force them on us in JW. This.... I have no idea whose idea that was. But that person should not be asked for input in the future.

Many people told you, that we are sick of busywork during story. And what do you do? More busywork. People are sick of rifts. So... more rifts. Scaling is utterly broken when you are on low pop. maps - and I haven't seen anything else. 

JW could have been great. But you ruined it. With forced rifts. With horrendous event scaling. I was playing for several hours yesterday having genuine fun. And you killed it. 

Also ele spear? It sucks. I do more and better with scepter+dagger.  Sad. So sad. But that was not the quit moment. No, non-soloable forced upon me rifts. That was it. I will no go and have some sleep. Maybe I can force myself through this mess later. But all the budding excitement from 24h ago is gone. Buried by rifts. 

Edited by VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.
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no idea why your post got down voted, the Rift issue needs to be sorted.  But then again so did mine when i said about it on another thread. Not very helpful considering it blocks the way to content that was sold to me. 



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and this is what it looks like when 1 speed bump makes a player go totally mental and into a negative spiral.

1. Yes, the fact that scanning for rifts is bugged, and some of the rifts are bugged, is not great. It will get sorted but ideally should NOT have happened on launch, especially when it is a feature needed to progress the story.

Yet many players found solutions to this issue.

2. Event scaling is fine. There is a wide variety of events ranging from solo able to needing 2-3 players. There are a ton of players around, it just depends on which map instance you are on. This is not new, this has always been the case. Any veteran player should be aware of this. Obviously this is compounded by players being over proportionately in instances currently.

22 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

no idea why your post got down voted, the Rift issue needs to be sorted.  But then again so did mine when i said about it on another thread. Not very helpful considering it blocks the way to content that was sold to me.

Due to the dramatic hyperbole. To demonstrate, here is 2 ways to make the developers aware of a similar issue:

A. OMG, this game sucks. This bug prevented me from progressing and now I have lost all my will to live. You suck developers. Get your kitten together. I am never buying something again. BAD GAME. Waaah.


B. Hey, this element XYZ is bugged. Please, it needs immediate fixing since it is crucial to progressing the games story arch. Been having fun so far otherwise. Thanks.


To all the players that are having a good time, then freak out over 1-2 bugs, maybe go touch some grass. Take a short break, make some tee, maybe give the bugs 2-3 days to get fixed if this is such an existential issue to you.

EDIT: and to repeat, yes the rift issue is not good and needs resolving. I stumbled and had to deal with it myself, just as every one else I know. Most of us chuckled it off, spent some time doing something else on the new maps, and eventually moved on story wise.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I think it's ok to be annoyed when you get a bug, hon. Then again most of the time we have new content, there are problems and issues, so thanks for the tip but i have already decided to let the dust settle and come back in a few days. 


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42 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

no idea why your post got down voted, the Rift issue needs to be sorted.  But then again so did mine when i said about it on another thread. Not very helpful considering it blocks the way to content that was sold to me. 



Just do t2 or t3 rifts, they are not bugged. 

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Just now, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

Also - I played for hours yesterday and some more today - and I see more players in Caledon, Kessex or on an outnumbered wvw bl than on the JW map. 

That’s weird, Lowland Shore is full with people right now. 

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4 minutes ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Because he rambled on and on about rifts. Half of his post could have been cut down to one or two sentences.

was a good read too. shame.

BTW smiley trolls it comes up at the top who you are. FYI.

Edited by Dami.5046
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24 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

It is not just that the rifts are bugged. That they are once again forced upon us is really really annoying.

Also - I played for hours yesterday and some more today - and I see more players in Caledon, Kessex or on an outnumbered wvw bl than on the JW map. 

Thing is JW maps have a lot of players, so more maps that are completely full. So if you end up in a 'leftover' map it may be quite low in population. Maps in other places you're more likely to end up in the 'current one and only' map instance that gathers all people there together.

You can try map instance hopping if there's any lfg groups.

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1 hour ago, Dami.5046 said:

no idea why your post got down voted, the Rift issue needs to be sorted.  But then again so did mine when i said about it on another thread. Not very helpful considering it blocks the way to content that was sold to me. 



I don't think he got down voted. There's just people showing their lack of understanding, which is what it means to be confused. People may claim otherwise, but that is what the use of that emoji attests to. This forum has many perpetually confused people on it. A sad reflection of today's world. I bet this post will cause a lot of confusion in the denser among us as well.

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4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

B. Hey, this element XYZ is bugged. Please, it needs immediate fixing since it is crucial to progressing the games story arch. Been having fun so far otherwise. Thanks.

This is the go to means of bug reporting but there are times where the bug sits for so long that it will be swept under the rug.
This is the case with a bug report I made and still to this day want fixed dealing with Griffon mounts using the Rising Spirits mastery.
Run into enough bugs that sit around and I can see someone losing their cool.

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5 hours ago, Dami.5046 said:

no idea why your post got down voted, the Rift issue needs to be sorted.  But then again so did mine when i said about it on another thread. Not very helpful considering it blocks the way to content that was sold to me. 

Cause of pve fanbois. New content, its the most amazing thing and blah blah.

Anyway the broken rift search is just one of several bugs, its kinda sad to have to search on the internet, repeatedly, just to find that I've ran into yet another bug. More and more I get the private wow server feeling when playing new content in gw2, with the difference being, ofc, the price tag. And I've barely interacted with the content.

I've not quit, but my plan to make one story step (or w/e the name was) per day got changed quickly to, I dont have patience for more than 30 min of this a day.

I'm sure they'll fix the bugs, eventually. I both want to be done with the new crap asap (I have time now, in a month, who knows), and at the same time I want to wait for the bug fixes. Paying to work as a tester is not my thing.


Edited by Hotride.2187
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those leaving please let me have your stuff.

Yah I'm a PVE fanboi. Been one since 9 years ago. I've my share of WvW in UO and Dark Age of Camelot.

New expac is very nice after that fluff SOTO. 

"Cause of pve fanbois. New content, its the most amazing thing and blah blah."


Edited by Smurfiness.3714
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Okay its bugged. That happens and will be fixed. A minor annoyance now. 

And its 4 rifts that take like 10 min each? I dont mind. No need for me to rush the content. Lots of stuff to do in between them 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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53 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

Okay its bugged. That happens and will be fixed. A minor annoyance now. 

And its 4 rifts that take like 10 min each? I dont mind. No need for me to rush the content. Lots of stuff to do in between them 

The bigger issue is their previous claim that the SotO taught them anything, followed now by clear demonstration that they haven't actually understood all that much from what people tried to tell them.

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The bigger issue is their previous claim that the SotO taught them anything, followed now by clear demonstration that they haven't actually understood all that much from what people tried to tell them.


As far as whining and complaints go, the launch has been rather smooth (with some bugs and hickups).

The general vibe I've had so far was: players are having a ton of fun and really enjoying the new content.

Seems to me any dissatisfaction so far is pretty isolated to a specific crowd of players, some of which might be well advised to take a break from the game.🤷‍♂️

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Rifts are bad content and the T1 rift bug is annoying but this is a ridiculous overreaction. Somehow I joined a squad, did a couple T3 rifts, and moved on without ragequitting and typing out an extremely emotional forum post. It's just not that big of a deal.

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I just did this story step after the bug fix.

Two rifts.

It required two rifts.

Over in ~five minutes, travel time between rifts included.


... [ahem] Now, granted, I don't know if there are more rifts later on - I wouldn't be surprised - but if that and a minor frustrating bug (that got fixed within a day) was all it took to get you to quit... LOL.

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