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So what happens to Rifle now?


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People are happy with Warrior Spear, generally speaking, and people are happy with Spears in general...

Where does this leave Warrior Rifle, though? It's already considered terri-bad by pretty much everyone, save for one person who memed with it in PvP/WvW, and even then, it's only used for Gun Flame. With Spears out in the wild, I cannot imagine the level of obsolescence that the rifle is dealing with right now.

We're talking about a weapon that has been giving a rework, and still no one uses it. What am I supposed to do with this thing, even? Will there be a plan to bring it to a level that's viable? What would even be the point of it if there is no plan to do so?

I like Rifle, I certainly prefer it over a pointed stick, even if for the sake of fashion, but c'mon...

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6 hours ago, Guy.9207 said:

People are happy with Warrior Spear, generally speaking, and people are happy with Spears in general...

Where does this leave Warrior Rifle, though? 

In the trash where it’s always been.

Spear just replaces it on every level.

Suppose it remains as the F2P ranged power “option” of choice.

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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

In the trash where it’s always been.

Spear just replaces it on every level.

Suppose it remains as the F2P ranged power “option” of choice.

What do you mean "F2P"? I bought the three previous expansions, I should not be listed as F2P.

So if I'm fighting a guy using spear and I'm using a rifle, the other guy would have the upperhand just because he payed money to buy something that I did not?

Then why are we keep advertising this game has fair PvP then?

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34 minutes ago, MemeLord.1096 said:

What do you mean "F2P"? I bought the three previous expansions, I should not be listed as F2P.

So if I'm fighting a guy using spear and I'm using a rifle, the other guy would have the upperhand just because he payed money to buy something that I did not?

Then why are we keep advertising this game has fair PvP then?

You can bring that argument for anything unlocked through expansions that works in pvp. "This guy has the advantage cause he bought the expansion with the better pvp elite spec". There's plenty of weapons to choose from if you don't have spear, nobody forces you to use rifle.

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9 hours ago, Guy.9207 said:

People are happy with Warrior Spear, generally speaking, and people are happy with Spears in general...

Where does this leave Warrior Rifle, though? It's already considered terri-bad by pretty much everyone, save for one person who memed with it in PvP/WvW, and even then, it's only used for Gun Flame. With Spears out in the wild, I cannot imagine the level of obsolescence that the rifle is dealing with right now.

We're talking about a weapon that has been giving a rework, and still no one uses it. What am I supposed to do with this thing, even? Will there be a plan to bring it to a level that's viable? What would even be the point of it if there is no plan to do so?

I like Rifle, I certainly prefer it over a pointed stick, even if for the sake of fashion, but c'mon...

there are no priorities in order of weapon balance, or fixes  its 2k24 isn't this obvious?  ---it's just whatever they feel they want to "fix" or "improve" on some random given day.    what's wrong with warrior rifle?  have you looked at blade sworn gun saber lately? it defeats the entire spec.

Edited by cjttruelife.9172
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The only thing for Rifle would be either shortening much of it's cast time or increasing the range of it's skill further.
Maybe both together to make it the power ranged option again... If it even was.

I like the whole idea of warrior Rifle, but it feels outdated since 2012.

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I have developed a method for figuring out anets next move as far as these things go. I will share it with you, so that you can also become somewhat of a psychic.

Base game weapon or trait? It will be made as non viable as possible so they can sell expansions.
Does it add build diversity but not sell expansions? Nerf, baby, nerf, nerf, nerf. They need space in their brains for (poorly) balancing the new things they are selling in expansions.
Does it have an important role in WvW? WvW doesn't sell enough expansions.. so make random changes so that they can say they made changes here.

Now, you too can see the future.

Edited by Lyralia.2945
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14 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

I main rifle. Enough with the support talk. They already gave you guys staff. Look what they did to daring dragon trying to appease this weird obsession with support warrior. Let's just not ruin anything else.

FWIW, if there were a Power/Expertise|Precision/Ferocity stat set, Rifle would shine really, really well. It would be more of an offensive support in the competitive modes with those stats though.

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16 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

I main rifle. Enough with the support talk. They already gave you guys staff.

Rifle needs to stay a power option, a high power option at that.

Why it needs at least 2 of the following buffs:

- Damage Buff.
- Range Buff.
- Cast Buff.

It either hits faster and further, faster and harder or further and harder. 
As it stays is not truly an option over spear nor over long bow, let alone compete with greatsword and axes.

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6 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Rifle needs to stay a power option, a high power option at that.

Why it needs at least 2 of the following buffs:

- Damage Buff.
- Range Buff.
- Cast Buff.

It either hits faster and further, faster and harder or further and harder. 
As it stays is not truly an option over spear nor over long bow, let alone compete with greatsword and axes.

Very true. They either need to continue the theme of "rifleman" that they were going for in the beginning or turn it into a straight up AK47 with both semi-automatic and automatic features. They stole our Kill Shot sniper identity and gave it to deadeye. Fine. So, give us a real combat rifle then.

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9 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Rifle needs to stay a power option, a high power option at that.

Why it needs at least 2 of the following buffs:

- Damage Buff.
- Range Buff.
- Cast Buff.

It either hits faster and further, faster and harder or further and harder. 
As it stays is not truly an option over spear nor over long bow, let alone compete with greatsword and axes.

-More effective
-More consistent
-Feels better to use

Id take speed and damage over range, but as long as it gets anything im honestly happier.

Would be quite interesting to run Spear/Rifle for a full power ranged build.

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If they halved the cast times on AA, Volley, made Explosive Shell a circular AoE, and then made Brutal Shot's followup attack much shorter or fire during the evade then the weapon would play much better. Of course, unroot Kill Shot and give it an extra modifier against low HP targets. 

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32 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If they halved the cast times on AA, Volley, made Explosive Shell a circular AoE, and then made Brutal Shot's followup attack much shorter or fire during the evade then the weapon would play much better. Of course, unroot Kill Shot and give it an extra modifier against low HP targets. 

The actual dream. :classic_love:

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They could basically just copy-paste spear skills over to Rifle. Most of them fulfill the same role anyways.

Then rework spear into a role we actually need filled.

Either a one-hander ranged weapon. Power or condi works. Ideally hybrid. 

Or a two-handed melee condi weapon.


Not sure if a one-hander is realistic though, given there are no other weapons in the game that can be used as either a one or two hander.

Edited by Arewn.2368
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i still kinda prefer rifle, when spear 4 and burst are on cooldown spear just feels less fun.

granted when you can hit an enemy with spear 4 and berserker burst you get a mountain of damage,

but when those two skill are on cooldown rifle just feels better.

atleast thats just my opinion 😉

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2 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i still kinda prefer rifle, when spear 4 and burst are on cooldown spear just feels less fun.

granted when you can hit an enemy with spear 4 and berserker burst you get a mountain of damage,

but when those two skill are on cooldown rifle just feels better.

atleast thats just my opinion 😉

Why not both? 😉

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Since the spear is the long-range weapon now, they should change the rifle into a ranged weapon meant to approach the enemy. Make it work more like the way assault rifles work in mass effect: running and gunning.

  • Replace [Brutal Shot] with [Shootdodge], a skill that lets you dodge in any direction, not just backward, and fire during the dodge Max Payne style, not at the end of the dodge. In exchange for the added functionality and mobility, make it cause crippled instead of immobilize. The skill could also give swiftness if you dodge attacks.
  • Change [Rifle Butt] to cause Stun or Knockdown instead of Knockback, making it into a skill you use to keep the enemy in place as you switch to a melee weapon after approaching the enemy.
  • Replace [Volley] with [Burst Fire], a skill with no cooldown and X ammo that works like an alternate autoattack, firing 3 bullets in rapid succession, and that causes Vulnerable. It would have a new way to reload ammo: unlike other ammo skills, it would not recover charges over time, and it would not have a 'reload' flip skill, instead, all charges would be recovered on their own at the same time every Y seconds, whether they are used or not. But in exchange, it fires 3 bullets instead of 5, and the bullets have a wider spread than Fierce Shot, making it less useful than Fierce Shot at long distances, but deadlier the closer you are to the enemy.
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