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Janthir Wildly Overtuned

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I think a lot of this content is actually really overtuned. While I like a good challenge, what I don't like is baseline content demanding near pixel perfect precision to win encounters. The biggest offenders right now I feel are the Janthir Sintri meta, a number of bosses in Lowland Shore, and several Adventures for gold rank timing. I was hoping you would have learned some lessons regarding the Into the Spider's lair encounter and corrected accordingly.

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Where exactly is this pixel perfect precision required? Haven't noticed it myself.

Seen plenty of successful metas since the phase bug was fixed.

Reaching gold in adventures can be a bit of a challenge, but I'd say that's intended? Silver is often a big step easier. So if you want gold you have to work for it. Still doesn't require pixel perfection, but there are some tricks you can use to make it easier on you. Any mount tracks get a bit easier with the warclaw mastery maxed out (20% endurance regeneration) or using the mount jade bot chip if you own EoD (up to 30% more endurance regen) so you can dash more often. If it's the Salmon run, there's some decent guides on youtube if you're struggling - can also be made easier by pre-stacking swiftness, eating endurance food and/or using relic of speed.

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some of the adventures are way too tight for gold.

and the meta can be dicey outside organised squads.

Not sure what you mean by lowland shore bosses though.

Of the two (meta/adventures) the adventures is certainly the most egregious. People will get used to the meta.

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10 minutes ago, Cameirus.8407 said:

some of the adventures are way too tight for gold.

and the meta can be dicey outside organised squads.

Not sure what you mean by lowland shore bosses though.

Of the two (meta/adventures) the adventures is certainly the most egregious. People will get used to the meta.

He's referring to the bunch of champ events that go undone because due to the rewards nobody besides the initial release zerg bothers with champ mob events, and they can't be solo'd/duo'd either by most.

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I'm referring to some of the champ events like Champion Rot Rider or whatever it's called, where the theme of the fight seems to be "If you're melee we don't like you." I'm fine with fights that do boon corrupt, it at least convinced me to change up my build in open world, so there's that. Still feels like it's a little excessive even with the adjustments I've made.

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7 hours ago, CrimsonRipper.5087 said:

I'm referring to some of the champ events like Champion Rot Rider or whatever it's called, where the theme of the fight seems to be "If you're melee we don't like you." I'm fine with fights that do boon corrupt, it at least convinced me to change up my build in open world, so there's that. Still feels like it's a little excessive even with the adjustments I've made.

Yeah, they can be rather annoying as melee. Though if lack of people is a problem, just call out in map chat that you need help with a champ. If you're in a unpopulated map, perhaps check LFG - there's often event groups, switching instance to them may get you a more lively map. Or make your own LFG asking for help with champ events. May take some patience, but people are often happy to help others in this game. Also if you realize a fight is tougher as melee, you can always use some ranged weapon or build instead. Anyone has that option (maybe not on every elite spec, but at least every class has some functional range build). And anyone is free to stay melee if they want the bigger challenge for those fights.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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I think there is some truth in the initial complaint, but ANet has some time for fine tuning.
e.g. there is one "purple vomit Titan Champ" that is far stronger than the rest of the "regional champs" that needs some tuning down.
e.g. Salmon Run (from the shore upstream) is very buggy with the canons and should get its "gold" time set from 2:30 to 2:40, so it can be completed without pre-speeding, food and stats with boon uptime (which is currently recommended)
e.g. some pre-quests have their NPC die very quickly (e.g. the bear that leads to the Valravn Knight), so I see that fail a lot (because we still have the tendency to start & tap events and not do them properly)
We are only one week in. It is PvE, where ANet usually does some fixes, so not all hope is lost for issues with events.

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We're less than a week in and I've already finished all the story & map cheeves from the first half of the release, not sure anything needs fixing . . ?

That one salmon race is the only one that was a little wonky, and that was only bc the conditions aren't really well explained. My gold run was ten seconds faster than my second fastest run, and I really have no idea why. My successful run was with half the boon duration I'd used on some previous runs. Does that make a difference? No idea. My successful run used endurance food. Does that make a difference? No idea. Is there some particular area of the race where I gained time? Can't watch previous runs to compare, so no idea ; p

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I feel the titans are too strong in respawn to quickly as most of the event done to often. The upper left corner of Janthir Syntri is a pain and too heavy. There ist nothing and no player to fight the Elite titans there is you just wanted to collect some nodes your need for the new system.

Havn't they told in Janthir Wilds will be no META all ? Ok its not a pain as on Soto you got spammend by NPCs all the time and you can explore the maps. Some events like the needed warclaw spear run should have been turned in adventures instead of an additions race nearby. So at least the players could do their needed archivment for the mastery point. We did we need to have two salmon races? Isn't one enough ?

The next event telling please use your skiff for racing, but you can hire a skimmer and do the race with. Thats anything a bit strange.

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Titans are totally out of balance, they are too many, a lot of them have CCs and have too much health, you are normally surround by them very easily and can be locked in a CC chain. This combination for any melee is a nightmare itself, but even for a ranged player it became too much, specially when they seem to aggro you for very far away.

The Meta are not so bad as the Into Spider Web, but still overturned and a little boring, too much health again, I participate of a couple of Metas, some succeed and some failed, even with 50-60 people it failed, they designed is done based on a lot of try hard players again.

The adventures is just ridiculous, they are too tight, even the few people that can get gold they get it close to the time and you need to count to have luck in the middle too. I luckily got gold in most, but hardly have fun doing it, differently than other adventures. The devs are forgetting that a game is to have fun and is not to be a second work where I need to spend 3 hours practicing to get 1 second better. And for anyone that wants super mega challenge, not stopping you to spend weeks practicing to try to get the smallest time possible.

I think Anet didn't test the map and events with a proper QA, it seems that they test through automation in some ideal scenario ... if they have tested.

Edited by DragonKnight.5738
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Hah, got 15.080 sec with the Janthir Sintri Warclaw run. You need 15.000 sec for gold. 

Once i finish more masteries and maybe like Chyro said, with the jade bot upgrade i should be able to do it. 

Not everything should be easily done the first time. 

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10 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

so it can be completed without pre-speeding, food and stats with boon uptime (which is currently recommended)

When I heard the salmon run is affected by gear, food and pre-buffs I laughed then shook my head in disappointed for two minutes.

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I played it once, got bronze because I lost a lot of time before realizing there were cannons. Haven't done it again, it feels terrible with the waterline issues and jumps not doing what I want much of the time. Not my idea of a good time.

Races in general seem to have checkpoints that are far less forgiving than any previous ones. Going through the side of the bubbles like I tend to do doesn't work here. I had to get used to that, but most of them are pretty easy to get gold for.

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1 hour ago, calva.2914 said:

I will say I definitely noticed an open world difficulty increase. Kinda like how I felt going into HoT. I have enjoyed it though, I actually have to pay attention. 

I'm probably one of the most casual players you'll ever meet and I didn't find JW to be anything like HoT level difficulty on release.

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I've been able to get Gold fairly easily on all of the adventures except for the Salmon Run that requires you to swim upstream (the downstream one is easy enough). The timing on that is a bit tight.

And I somewhat agree on the champion events. When the initial zerg of new release players dies down and everyone goes back to doing their old stuff, these events will go unfinished unless they're tuned down (because the rewards definitely aren't worth the effort).

Edited by Zeph.5927
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12 hours ago, bunnyrabbitbackstraps.4956 said:

There have been posts in here and elsewhere with people who basically say because they paid for the game everything in it should be freely available to them immediately. Make of that what you will.

All I make of it are that people are entitled lol

You pay for access to the game and it's pretty straightforward 

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The upstream salmon run is extremely buggy; alot of times i can go though the bubble and it won't count; the cannons either shoot you straight up into the air or not far enough and you end up below the bank where you were supposed to land; skill 2 a lot of the times either doesn't do anything or you end up just jumping up to the surface but don't actually breech it.

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There is no meta, the Titans are not. There is no event chain leading up to them, there's no preparation, and the map doesn't shut down after them. They are a recurring event like everything else.

I agree that the adventures are a bit all over the place in difficulty. I've made gold first time in one, in some others I still haven't even made bronze and no desire to retry. Still, I'm only one last mastery point away from maxing what we currently have. I just hope the next chapters have enough mastery points to stand on their own, because as it is now, there are quite a few mastery points that I'll never make.

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On 8/26/2024 at 1:12 PM, Mic.1897 said:

Do people actually want challenges in games for the best reward or do they want to afk for loot

For the most part, neither. Most of them just want to have fun that lies in absolutely massive middle space you so casually excluded. Extreme challenge chasers always were a small minority. Same with AFKers.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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We have been discussing this in another thread and I will repeat my thoughts here. I agree they could slightly tune down purple AoE damage because the average player probably has no idea about condition cleansing. There is however, no reason what so ever to make the world bosses in Syntri easier. Try actively playing game for a change instead of AFK auto-attacking and expecting to get everything you want. The entitlement in some of these threads in unreal.

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