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After looking at every poster minus the alts, 100% of the Spellbreaker post complaints are coming from ranger mains, and all posted in less than 10 days

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  • Last Crab.6054 changed the title to After looking at every poster minus the alts, 100% of the Spellbreaker post complaints are coming from ranger mains, and all posted in less than 10 days

Funny thing is, even rangers easiest build is still noticably harder than anything warrior has to offer. I know, I know.. smashing more buttons does not make a spec harder. I'll go sit in my corner, and wonder why nobody is playing mace untamed post-nerf, despite it still being the most oppresive spec ive ever dueled against, outside of spear SPB. Its as if a spec has to be both broken, and easy to play, before it becomes a real problem.

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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Funny thing is, even rangers easiest build is still noticably harder than anything warrior has to offer. I know, I know.. smashing more buttons does not make a spec harder. I'll go sit in my corner, and wonder why nobody is playing mace untamed post-nerf, despite it still being the most oppresive spec ive ever dueled against, outside of spear SPB. Its as if a spec has to be both broken, and easy to play, before it becomes a real problem.

Hela came(mcu)

Edited by arazoth.7290
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See Mr Crab has kind of a point here, he is wrong about the Ranger main allegations, but most of the complaints come from roamer ganker mains that don't have the slightest idea about sidenoding and have gotten little bit too used to everything folding after a simple gank. Yeah , yeah the sustain on Spb is kinda overtuned, but no one actually played sidenodes before that most  of my games defaulted to 4 roamers and me trying to fill to pick up the slack. 

Also the warrior mains complain cause they got tired from the spb mirror and dream about power berserker returning, its been only offline only since 2017 with some pop ups here and there for a month or so. 

I kinda hope whatever takes spb place it would be kitten , like a bunker that can also kill people in 1v2 .

I think the better choice is to buff like 2 or 3 other professions to have sidenode builds, like idk weaver , maybe herald and maybe back to ye oldy scrapper, but I'm sure roamer mains would be screeching about that too.

Just to point out I play only power Reaper these days and I have heavy bias against roamers  cause most of them leave me hanging.

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1 hour ago, Vancho.8750 said:

See Mr Crab has kind of a point here, he is wrong about the Ranger main allegations, but most of the complaints come from roamer ganker mains that don't have the slightest idea about sidenoding and have gotten little bit too used to everything folding after a simple gank. Yeah , yeah the sustain on Spb is kinda overtuned, but no one actually played sidenodes before that most  of my games defaulted to 4 roamers and me trying to fill to pick up the slack. 

Also the warrior mains complain cause they got tired from the spb mirror and dream about power berserker returning, its been only offline only since 2017 with some pop ups here and there for a month or so. 

I kinda hope whatever takes spb place it would be kitten , like a bunker that can also kill people in 1v2 .

I think the better choice is to buff like 2 or 3 other professions to have sidenode builds, like idk weaver , maybe herald and maybe back to ye oldy scrapper, but I'm sure roamer mains would be screeching about that too.

Just to point out I play only power Reaper these days and I have heavy bias against roamers  cause most of them leave me hanging.

You realise the irony of this post? The reason you see more roamers than duelists is becuase if you don't want to play warrior, most other duelists can't beat it, yet the average warrior, even when not owning the point, still considers a stale mate as good fornication, they are easily pleased. Also, gaurd+necro in conjunction, in various itterations, have had a stable manopoly over group fighting specs, becuase all of their specs were designed to be played by monkeys doing tricks for peanuts.. "look Anet, me drop aoe on floor ooh oh oh"... "oh oh... look Anet, me give aeg when afk oh oo ooh".. "plxx anet gief us win, ooh oh oh".

Edited by Flowki.7194
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14 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

You realise the irony of this post? The reason you see more roamers than duelists is becuase if you don't want to play warrior, most other duelists can't beat it, yet the average warrior still considers a stale mate as good fornication (they are easily pleased). Also, gaurd+necro in conjunction, in various itterations, have had a stable manopoly over group fighting specs, becuase all of their specs were designed to be played by monkeys doing tricks for peanuts.. "look me drop aoe on the floor ooh oh oh" "oh oh... look me give aeg while afk oh oo ooh"

I don't see any irony in Mr Crabs post he is just calling out noobs that are defaulting to some build.  I don't think you have played the game for long enough but the whole point of the sidenoder, its expected that it will be a stalemate since if you lose the 1v1 the other guy is just better and its expected for the roamer to work with the sidenoder to break the stalemate. I don't get the whole hoopla about Spellbreaker like its little bit ovetunned like always at the start of the expansion and like always it will disappear in 3 months. 
People just default to roamers for some reason and never change to make a full team, that is annoying I also want to play SLB sometimes but tough luck I get the peanut gallery and have to fill cause it will be a kitten show. 

Necro gets to be THE TEAMFIGHTER cause the main mechanic makes its so, its most fair teamfight mechanic its scales from fighting and it can be manipulated by the opponents , the other attempts of Anet for teamfighter got removed cause people couldn't handle the damage of power Berserker or went too much in the I can do everything builds like Catalyst, so necro it is, thief is the default roamer cause it can do only just that same applies to warrior it can just sidenode and if they are not top dog they get benched, guardian is not as much staple you can exchange it with Tempest on the supports spot.

Also I don't want to play this and that doesn't work if you want to win or hope someone else will carry you, well you can bandwagon on the OP train since it is so EASY to play, but most  suck at it and get farmed, that is why play mostly necro these days, the poor noobs thing its easy and the build will carry them and I have one less guy to worry about.    

To me most of the roamers  are ooo aah aah to me, like the sidenoder/teamfighter/support has to to do the set up, survive while doing it and hope that the roamer will at the right place at the right time, probably the easiest job in the game you just have to use the gray matter up there and look at the map.  

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17 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

I don't see any irony in Mr Crabs post he is just calling out noobs that are defaulting to some build.  I don't think you have played the game for long enough but the whole point of the sidenoder, its expected that it will be a stalemate since if you lose the 1v1 the other guy is just better and its expected for the roamer to work with the sidenoder to break the stalemate. I don't get the whole hoopla about Spellbreaker like its little bit ovetunned like always at the start of the expansion and like always it will disappear in 3 months. 
People just default to roamers for some reason and never change to make a full team, that is annoying I also want to play SLB sometimes but tough luck I get the peanut gallery and have to fill cause it will be a kitten show. 

Necro gets to be THE TEAMFIGHTER cause the main mechanic makes its so, its most fair teamfight mechanic its scales from fighting and it can be manipulated by the opponents , the other attempts of Anet for teamfighter got removed cause people couldn't handle the damage of power Berserker or went too much in the I can do everything builds like Catalyst, so necro it is, thief is the default roamer cause it can do only just that same applies to warrior it can just sidenode and if they are not top dog they get benched, guardian is not as much staple you can exchange it with Tempest on the supports spot.

Also I don't want to play this and that doesn't work if you want to win or hope someone else will carry you, well you can bandwagon on the OP train since it is so EASY to play, but most  suck at it and get farmed, that is why play mostly necro these days, the poor noobs thing its easy and the build will carry them and I have one less guy to worry about.    

To me most of the roamers  are ooo aah aah to me, like the sidenoder/teamfighter/support has to to do the set up, survive while doing it and hope that the roamer will at the right place at the right time, probably the easiest job in the game you just have to use the gray matter up there and look at the map.  


A stalemate due to skilled back and forth counter plays from two high skill floor specs is one thing. A stalemate becuase the guy picked an unpunishable brick wall easy to play warrior spec (or druid) is another. Those specs have to make so many elementary level mistakes to be punished, that they are essentially a trump card pick vs many other duelist specs, point ownership decided before the game even started, coz the guy picked the warrior/druid card. Once again, stalemate due to equally matched high skill floor play is the only acceptable stalemate, becuase it is very fragile to a mistake on either side. Mace untamed is an exception there, it has a far higher skill floor than druid/spb/Czerker, but it is bloated, so at higher skill level it can recover from mistakes with daze/cc/decent stab access/high condi cleanse. I would much rather fight mace untamed on sides than druid/warrior.. becuase the chance of the untamed being carried by the bloat is far less likely, the skill floor is high enough that he isn't over it.. compared to druid/warrior.


I told you why people default to roamers, you just didn't accept it. You also overlooked the fact that all these SPBs could be playing a harder duelist, but they don't.. and we all know why.


There are different risks involved with a well balanced roamer, if it gets pinned, it dies fast, thats why they tend to have more mobility. Some roamers are crept in mobility or stealth which is an issue, as it lowers the risk, and limits the fundemental downside of high punishment if locked down, becuase you then can't lock it down. On the ohter hand, yes, there are group fight/duelist specs that are more tanky, but have less mobility as an inherent downside. That makes those specs more risky in not positioning for +1 or in losing battle situations to get out. The problem with some group fight specs is they have way too much sustain which stops them being punished as easily as they should be for bad deul/group fight play. Then there is the single outlier SPB, crept in mobility, crept in sustain, and crept in damage relative to the affirmentioned, while not being rocket science to play. The creep of warrior has been going on for ages now, allienating and making most other duelist specs irrelivant to play, and now SPB is creeping on roam/group fight specs. But aparently more people should play duelists SPB? Hilarious.


As I kept saying, the game will be nothing but gaurds, necros and warriors.. the common denomintor being monkey level base mechanics.





Edited by Flowki.7194
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20 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Also the warrior mains complain cause they got tired from the spb mirror and dream about power berserker returning, its been only offline only since 2017 with some pop ups here and there for a month or so. 

As someone that thinks warrior fights should be fun for both parties and not "who can godmode better" rp, I'm still waving that flag. Too bad it gets ignored when its easy to beat and dogpiled when it becomes visible at all. 

Anet cant speak my language though, they haven't played enough fighting games to understand what I want perfectly yet. Credit where credit is due for the spear design updates though.

optimism is up because of that, but the last minute nerf to wild throw as is tradition has me grumpy 😣

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:


A stalemate due to skilled back and forth counter plays from two high skill floor specs is one thing. A stalemate becuase the guy picked an unpunishable brick wall easy to play warrior spec (or druid) is another. Those specs have to make so many elementary level mistakes to be punished, that they are essentially a trump card pick vs many other duelist specs, point ownership decided before the game even started, coz the guy picked the warrior/druid card. Once again, stalemate due to equally matched high skill floor play is the only acceptable stalemate, becuase it is very fragile to a mistake on either side. Mace untamed is an exception there, it has a far higher skill floor than druid/spb/Czerker, but it is bloated, so at higher skill level it can recover from mistakes with daze/cc/decent stab access/high condi cleanse. I would much rather fight mace untamed on sides than druid/warrior.. becuase the chance of the untamed being carried by the bloat is far less likely, the skill floor is high enough that he isn't over it.. compared to druid/warrior.


I told you why people default to roamers, you just didn't accept it. You also overlooked the fact that all these SPBs could be playing a harder duelist, but they don't.. and we all know why.


There are different risks involved with a well balanced roamer, if it gets pinned, it dies fast, thats why they tend to have more mobility. Some roamers are crept in mobility or stealth which is an issue, as it lowers the risk, and limits the fundemental downside of high punishment if locked down, becuase you then can't lock it down. On the ohter hand, yes, there are group fight/duelist specs that are more tanky, but have less mobility as an inherent downside. That makes those specs more risky in not positioning for +1 or in losing battle situations to get out. The problem with some group fight specs is they have way too much sustain which stops them being punished as easily as they should be for bad deul/group fight play. Then there is the single outlier SPB, crept in mobility, crept in sustain, and crept in damage relative to the affirmentioned, while not being rocket science to play. The creep of warrior has been going on for ages now, allienating and making most other duelist specs irrelivant to play, and now SPB is creeping on roam/group fight specs. But aparently more people should play duelists SPB? Hilarious.


As I kept saying, the game will be nothing but gaurds, necros and warriors.. the common denomintor being monkey level base mechanics.





And to me the roaming builds are the monkey level mechanics since they go 1v4 vs bunkers and lose , so lets agree to disagree. 

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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

As someone that thinks warrior fights should be fun for both parties and not "who can godmode better" rp, I'm still waving that flag. Too bad it gets ignored when its easy to beat and dogpiled when it becomes visible at all. 

Anet cant speak my language though, they haven't played enough fighting games to understand what I want perfectly yet. Credit where credit is due for the spear design updates though.

optimism is up because of that, but the last minute nerf to wild throw as is tradition has me grumpy 😣

I'm still grumpy about the spiny spins on Ark divider, I get they don't want it in PVP, but did they really have to remove it from PVE (and I get it was something to do with PVE benchmark rotations that could have been fixed by just bumping the damage). I like spear but its still not the same as popping off with two ark dividers back to back.
Also once upon a time Anet had a designer that played fighting games so he made Berserker , all the traits are named after fighting game stuff. But after some time people bitched and moaned why someone with basally a iron paddle beat them up on their xxxWizzardAsssasinPaladinxxx  supreme build , so now we can only play hit and run builds, well until a brawly build pops up and gets deleted in a month.

So I'm here waiting for a meta where will be duking it out like in fighting games instead of pirate shipping, but It won't happen cause the game is mostly pulled to mechanicaly for PVE and on the PVP side WvW and conquest is so far from both that the mechanics don't translate that well. 
I kinda hope the new PVP mode fixes that kitten, maybe it will be WvW conquer the castle thing , wait that was stronghold, why didn't the just copy paste WvW siege without the boring down time instead of whatever stronghold is.


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