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A New PvP Mode is Coming to Guild Wars 2--We Need Your Help Developing It!

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it's like a perma midfight, except it's hard to see where the mid is. and people keep saying things from other maps to confuse you. you got all 3 points, what where? i thought there was only mid. then 1 team wins and you're so confused you have to check to see who won.

there's possibly potential there with some work, personally i'd have got it a bit further along in the polish before letting us at it.

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4 matches played, some initial thoughts:

1) I really like how fast-paced the matches are (due to short respawn timers) and clear objective
2) I really like how short matches are (big win)
3) Unfortunately, matches can be as one-sided as they are in conquest. Being the only person on your team contesting the point is brutal.
4) The poor state of balance / the meta right now is only exacerbated in the non-stop fighting that occurs in this mode. There are some seriously busted things some builds can do (speaking as a plat conquest player).

More constructive thoughts to come later.

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2 minutes ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

it's like a perma midfight, except it's hard to see where the mid is. and people keep saying things from other maps to confuse you. you got all 3 points, what where? i thought there was only mid. then 1 team wins and you're so confused you have to check to see who won.

there's possibly potential there with some work, personally i'd have got it a bit further along in the polish before letting us at it.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meditation_on_Tranquility this comes out in a certain time, if the enemy point is close to winning, this can change everything.  

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  Did play one match; honestly I find out its too complex: I killed two, I didn't die, I think that we were in a tie or even winning and suddenly the enemi team had 500 points and the match was over...   

   I think that 3 v 3 is better, but I known that if has the same rewards as Conquest Conquest will fade. My tier list is 3 v 3 > Conquest > 2 v 2 > Push. I don't think I would play it again...

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5 minutes ago, jeferson.5679 said:

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meditation_on_Tranquility this comes out in a certain time, if the enemy point is close to winning, this can change everything.  

Thanks, but what does that mean for push do we know? does it just leap back/forward a chunk?

They should have at least put some new audio prompts in to make things clearer, even if it's just Denise in the post room recorded on his phone

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4 minutes ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

Thanks, but what does that mean for push do we know? does it just leap back/forward a chunk?

They should have at least put some new audio prompts in to make things clearer, even if it's just Denise in the post room recorded on his phone

They made a very bad job reusing the assets from other modes so much. What the Eternal buff that spawns mid does in push is to prevent your enemies from contributing to moving the point. Therefore if they are bunkering you can just stand on the point regardless and the point will move in your favor. It's enough time to move all the way to a flag so really powerful and important to dislocate a couple of people to it.

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Just reading these comments.. the mode sounds quite complicated for what is suppose to be new player friendly. This is basically push the cart, so keep it simple, don't over complicate it with "get or block this buff now and you win/lose" type choices.


If games are one sides, which seems likely they will be, then up it to 8v8 or 10v10, which can help with nuking bunker builds/supports to shift momentum. Also the MMR should be capped to silver - gold - plat. If this mode is suppose to be about new players, then lock it to silver, and lock it to gold. Plats will simply have to tolerate waiting longer, this mode isn't about them.


It may also be helpful to explain the roles of bunker - DPS - Support, and make some reccomendations on the optimal levels of each role. This may then encourage some players to swap specs, and maybe even class before the game starts.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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2 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Just reading these comments.. the mode sounds quite complicated for what is suppose to be new player friendly. This is basically push the cart, so keep it simple, don't over complicate it with "get or block this buff now and you win/lose" type choices.


If games are one sides, which seems likely they will be, then up it to 8v8 or 10v10, which can help with nuking bunker builds/supports to shift momentum. Also the MMR should be capped to silver - gold - plat. If this mode is suppose to be about new players, then lock it to silver, and lock it to gold. Plats will simply have to tolerate waiting longer, this mode isn't about them.

With duos being available I kinda agree with the sentiment though maybe wouldn't block players outright from playing it (Anet does need the data too I suppose from all players they can). Also the buffs are indeed very strong but really the most important thing is the mode overly exacerbates the balance issues. You know from the comp already what will happen 

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6 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

With duos being available I kinda agree with the sentiment though maybe wouldn't block players outright from playing it (Anet does need the data too I suppose from all players they can). Also the buffs are indeed very strong but really the most important thing is the mode overly exacerbates the balance issues. You know from the comp already what will happen 

Yes ofc, but locking to elo will fix most of that issue. A lot of new players are likely to play w/e they find fun, or just copy/paste a meta build. In either case, they don't have the skill to be vsing players a full elo higher than them. Or plainly put, a P2 duo could go on condi mech, and still trash a team of low golds.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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After playing a few games, I have some initial ideas.

  1. Cap is both too fast and too slow. There is no opportunity to play around the sides of the lane without loosing a lot of ground(fast), but it is also hard to get any progress before respawns come back in(slow). Some kind of acceleration to make the node slow at first, then fast when no contesting happens for a while might work. Or checkpoints that stop progress until a barrier is destroyed or captured might also enable playing around the sides of a fight.
  2. The capture lockout buff could spawn more often or be longer, either one helps close out games. Having it spawn in the corner of the lane closest to the cart's current position could also be good to enable pushing through a teamfight in either direction rather than more of a winning team bonus that it is usually going to be.
  3. More geometery in the "Jungle" - the non lane space - to enable kiting around rather then haveing a clear shot everywhere.
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Played 5 games, here’s my report.

note: i have the ascension (a year after it came out), but haven’t really played pvp since because it was so draining to play.

i love this game mode. It’s fast, chaotic, and not set within the first 30 seconds of the match.

The “losing” side gets more advantage the closer the “winning” team gets, which i find to be a huge advantage over deathmatch. There’s still a chance to make a come, and some times it happens.

Three games ended in a tie decided by possession, two were one was a slam dunk, and the other two were games.

it never felt like leaving the respawn location was going to be pointless. Because deaths don’t count towards score, it doesn’t matter as much that im not the best player and just feeding kills. 

one moving point makes the combat interesting in. A way that fixed point doesn’t. Traps and things can be put down sure but you still have to move.

i rate it as the most fun ive had in pvp

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As expected... uninspired, lazy game design that is in no way fun to play for more than a few matches.  The whole thing can be summed up as teamfights with extra steps... extra steps that contribute to your team losing should you try them.  New players will get farmed repeatedly in this and almost certainly end up  with a worse impression of PvP then Conquest gives.   A complete waste of your time and resources, which would be better spent on proper GvG ranked arenas,  a matchmaking algorithm that makes sense (after more than a decade) given the current player base, PvP-centric rewards besides colored titles that people actually want and can reasonably attain, new Conquest maps and an actually creative, fun game mode that can compliment Conquest without boring your players to death (see any of the thousand + suggestions you've been given throughout the years in the PvP forums and elsewhere).   What you have here is the death knell of this game mode, which isn't surprising if you look at how it's been handled for so long.

Edited by Mazinger.1084
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After placements I realized people utterly failed to understand the point of the Requiem buff. I won a game that was a total loss just now by grabbing the buff twice with no opposition and running the point through dozens of AoE fields using all of my blocks, then team snowballed from picking up people who got separated in the mess of the point heading back from almost our base. Even veterans insist to ignore it. So Anet has done maybe a really bad job with choosing assets for the beta as nothing is really well telegraphed.

And even then, both secondary mechanics are still quite too weak to make a real difference in lopsided games (then at least matches end up quickly). Finally, was it really necessary to have a title for top 250? Not sure this is the right incentive if the idea is to test the game mode, knowing what happens in Conquest. If population dwindles during the week, we'll start seeing the same usual patterns in matchmaking.

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This mode has all the same problems as conquest has. AFKers, leavers, ppl are not doing the objectives, one-sided matches, endless CC spam with no meaningful counterplay.
The majority of the experience is a visually cluttered fight at the mid.

The advantage over conquests is that it's much shorter (5-6 mins usually, or less) and the simple mechanic is less annoying when ppl don't do it.

Last time I played pvp was in March, I got totally bored of it. This new mode wouldn't hold my attention on the long run either.

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I really like it so far, it's really fast paced PvP action without having to think too much about anything else other than combat. The terrain could use some variation so that each time we enter a new location the dynamic changes a bit more (like it's already the case when passing through the campment doors)

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