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Nerfing Warrior before the REAL monsters emerge.


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I would like to preface this First time poster.🤠   # Rant on 😂

Why does Warrior Spear, have 4 Attacks That are highly Telegraphed. Including four Pass or Fail Skillshot mechanics and it gets gutted.   Wait wait wait! Before you attack me 😅 I do agree. Spearmarshal's Support Should Also include Pass or Fail mechanic BUT! it should have all it's pre-nerf damage back.  As of Right now we have post-nerf 5 Pass or Fail Skillshot mechanics WOOOT FUN! 💔 Arent you warrior mains having fun yet ?

Simple fix it's 
Full Counter that's causeing most of the issues We warrior mains can't have fun with or with out this skill existing With out it we are not even a class worth playing over any other classes in the game Frankly Speaking we might get rolled over again and again.

Warrior just can't have nice things, because the PvP Community have a skill issue.   <----

They don't Run any defensiveUtilities, Instead They want to play the, I want to play the gimmicky one shot builds huuurrrr durrrrr 😠 if i can't 1 tap you off the face of the game this game is kitten.

But it's ok yall.  😄 
ArenaNet Won't Touch.

Necromancer : Aoe Shout instant Cast "Suffer!" , "You Are All Weaklings!" Nothing Can Save You!" <- they did CD nerf it but still used. Unblockable attacks who would skip it ?

  • OH did i mention. Oppressive Collapse with "nothing can save you" UNBLOCKABLE  900 Range- Slight Aoe, KNOCKDOWN! ? Then they open you up to a combo  full of condi's to face no ? of course not everyone pretentds this stuff is fair. skill issue oh no that's all we have blahblahblah.

Did i forget the Fear Build ?  oh yes the Fear Build. It's hidden under the radar for very Niche Sureeeely interactive gameplay.  Spectral Ring , Off-hand Sword Devouring Visage, Staff Reaper's Mark, Pick Either Death Shroud Doom or Harbinger Vital Draw into Voracious Arc  It's a Power Dps Spec.  You could say Just have stability, But i counter with my statement above Hurrr durrrrr 1 shot build if it won't 1 shot i'm not running  any defensive utility the "gw2 player" base Dmg numbers only gooooo up ! 🙃


Guardian : Not going to lie I'm going to get lazy with it for the rest of the post 😛  wayyyyy to long.

  • TLDR : Willbender - Instant  CAST Crashing Courage Teleport into Whirling Light  PLus Dashs you love dashs :3. you don't have you blocks/or rolls ready you are in for a fun time.  And if they have a hammer Yeah.  you just got skilled on 14k crits. 😂
  • Dragonhunter - Aoe Traps here that do 10k, just by walking in :"). Bow go pew pew 8+k  True Shot on a YOU  guessed it 4 SEC's yup you heared it right 4 sec Cooldown. What a life  uwu HighRange Dps with Agies spam. good look hitting one of these bad boy's .   With a  special free prize of  Hunter's Ward AOE CC NICE !  I am haveing so much fun 💖 Lets not Talk about the love of their lives Shield of Courage into Renewed Focus to get a free  you can't hit me UNO CARD :D! Twice in a row WOWOWOWWO WHAT A DEAL! 😄    DRagonHunter with hammer is good gameplay get good. uwu


Mesmer : Try bullying out a sword-Shield with Rife Mesmer out of point or catch them slipping in Teamfights. Trick question you won't and can't 16 sec invade frames you heard that right, once that's done rifle pew pew pew heal heal heal , Shield block again and sword invade into F5 invade  aagain and again and again and again and again.  And you know what ? They have enough dps and dazes to kick you on your but if you are not a bunker aswell in side node or the teamfight. Fun times fun times.

Theif  , Ewwwww.  Nerf axe and sword/dagger   especially rifle  thanks that is all. Smile 🙂  Envade into attack 3-4 k dps each hit into  the ultimate game of Hide and Seek .


Engineer- Scrapper  grenade build is kind of toxic permanent super speed with a duo/ they always have a duo support keeping them topped up. is not fun. You Chase them to your doom. 


Mechanist- Idk why i don't see people play The condi variant of it , Your robot is the main Condi dps source , you are the extra condi dps with pistol/ shield. You give the robot time to 1v1 the Other player by it's self.   yes this is a true class pet that can literally play for it's self and win fights  😂



OHHHHH BTW wanna see the next "Monster plz nerf " in line ?  Go Over to the wiki, Look at renger spear. tell me what you see  A Tab targeted skills. most of it haveing 2.0 and one of them haveing a 4.0 Dmg ratio with  Panther's Prowl  l10 CD- 2 ammunition charges that makes you go invisible for 3 sec's each time then allows the activation stealth attack skills   :

  • LIKE Predator's Ambush Good luck yall.  1.467Dmg ( With a 4.0 RATIO ) TAB TARGETED no  skill shot pass or fail mechanics
  • WHAT ABOUT Owl's Flight Throw your SPEAR!!!!!  ( 1,192 DMG with 3.25 RATIO ) no  skill shot pass or fail mechanics
    ALLLLLL OF THAT WHILE Stealth then maybe getting  
    ¾  ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾  Chance of seeing it when he pops out to Either get you butt  munched  or to get to another day.


YOU GET AN OP SPEAR AND CLASS YOU GET OP SPEAR AND FUN CLASSES, EVERYONE GETs imaginative Classes but warrior gets dog  poo poo feelsbadman because of the sin of spellbreaker lol😂

I say as a preventative HIT ALL Skill 4button  - 5 ButtonSpear Skills in all the classes !   oh wait..... you guys are not going to say anything. or  complain  becauses that's your MAIN ON THE LINE. And you want that sweet sweet  SECRET SiLENT op class ALLLLLLLL to yourself.  Put your Clown Nose on PVP community That's why i hate and enjoy the thought of this game not ever becoming an esport. 💖🤠💖


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Ok? Trolling with this long rant about how anet nerfed war spear which btw was toxic when you instantly killed people with it on 1 skill.  It had to be nerfed, maybe not this bad but enough to not instantly down people.  Welcome to mmo life 1 day your top next day your not.  Stats will show next balance patch and most likely be increased if it is indeed garbage now.  What does not help is you spamming this post on multiple locations.  Yes I know it sucks when your main is gutted but welcome to life.  Either adapt or change until its fixed.

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4 minutes ago, Mike.7983 said:

Ok? Trolling with this long rant about how anet nerfed war spear which btw was toxic when you instantly killed people with it on 1 skill.  It had to be nerfed, maybe not this bad but enough to not instantly down people.  Welcome to mmo life 1 day your top next day your not.  Stats will show next balance patch and most likely be increased if it is indeed garbage now.  What does not help is you spamming this post on multiple locations.  Yes I know it sucks when your main is gutted but welcome to life.  Either adapt or change until its fixed.

Someone is mad that warrior players are better and they had to cry for daddy anet to nerf.

Edited by GamerToad.9248
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I agree that's just how video games work one day big dmg. the other days you have a fly swatter.  But if you read my post. you would see class biases from a balance standpoint. 
I would like to preferences this a top 50 solo q enjoyer every season owo

Edited by BadxDog.1584
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1 minute ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

I would like to preferences this a top 50 solo q enjoyer every season owo

This would imply your used to seeing class balance, but this post ranting comes out as a extremely new player response complaining about a wep change.

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17 minutes ago, BadxDog.1584 said:

I would like to preface this First time poster.🤠   # Rant on 😂

Why does Warrior Spear, have 4 Attacks That are highly Telegraphed. Including four Pass or Fail Skillshot mechanics and it gets gutted.   Wait wait wait! Before you attack me 😅 I do agree. Spearmarshal's Support Should Also include Pass or Fail mechanic BUT! it should have all it's pre-nerf damage back.  As of Right now we have post-nerf 5 Pass or Fail Skillshot mechanics WOOOT FUN! 💔 Arent you warrior mains having fun yet ?

Simple fix it's 
Full Counter that's causeing most of the issues We warrior mains can't have fun with or with out this skill existing With out it we are not even a class worth playing over any other classes in the game Frankly Speaking we might get rolled over again and again.

Warrior just can't have nice things, because the PvP Community have a skill issue.   <----

They don't Run any defensiveUtilities, Instead They want to play the, I want to play the gimmicky one shot builds huuurrrr durrrrr 😠 if i can't 1 tap you off the face of the game this game is kitten.

But it's ok yall.  😄 
ArenaNet Won't Touch.

Necromancer : Aoe Shout instant Cast "Suffer!" , "You Are All Weaklings!" Nothing Can Save You!" <- they did CD nerf it but still used. Unblockable attacks who would skip it ?

  • OH did i mention. Oppressive Collapse with "nothing can save you" UNBLOCKABLE  900 Range- Slight Aoe, KNOCKDOWN! ? Then they open you up to a combo  full of condi's to face no ? of course not everyone pretentds this stuff is fair. skill issue oh no that's all we have blahblahblah.

Did i forget the Fear Build ?  oh yes the Fear Build. It's hidden under the radar for very Niche Sureeeely interactive gameplay.  Spectral Ring , Off-hand Sword Devouring Visage, Staff Reaper's Mark, Pick Either Death Shroud Doom or Harbinger Vital Draw into Voracious Arc  It's a Power Dps Spec.  You could say Just have stability, But i counter with my statement above Hurrr durrrrr 1 shot build if it won't 1 shot i'm not running  any defensive utility the "gw2 player" base Dmg numbers only gooooo up ! 🙃


Guardian : Not going to lie I'm going to get lazy with it for the rest of the post 😛  wayyyyy to long.

  • TLDR : Willbender - Instant  CAST Crashing Courage Teleport into Whirling Light  PLus Dashs you love dashs :3. you don't have you blocks/or rolls ready you are in for a fun time.  And if they have a hammer Yeah.  you just got skilled on 14k crits. 😂
  • Dragonhunter - Aoe Traps here that do 10k, just by walking in :"). Bow go pew pew 8+k  True Shot on a YOU  guessed it 4 SEC's yup you heared it right 4 sec Cooldown. What a life  uwu HighRange Dps with Agies spam. good look hitting one of these bad boy's .   With a  special free prize of  Hunter's Ward AOE CC NICE !  I am haveing so much fun 💖 Lets not Talk about the love of their lives Shield of Courage into Renewed Focus to get a free  you can't hit me UNO CARD :D! Twice in a row WOWOWOWWO WHAT A DEAL! 😄    DRagonHunter with hammer is good gameplay get good. uwu


Mesmer : Try bullying out a sword-Shield with Rife Mesmer out of point or catch them slipping in Teamfights. Trick question you won't and can't 16 sec invade frames you heard that right, once that's done rifle pew pew pew heal heal heal , Shield block again and sword invade into F5 invade  aagain and again and again and again and again.  And you know what ? They have enough dps and dazes to kick you on your but if you are not a bunker aswell in side node or the teamfight. Fun times fun times.

Theif  , Ewwwww.  Nerf axe and sword/dagger   especially rifle  thanks that is all. Smile 🙂  Envade into attack 3-4 k dps each hit into  the ultimate game of Hide and Seek .


Engineer- Scrapper  grenade build is kind of toxic permanent super speed with a duo/ they always have a duo support keeping them topped up. is not fun. You Chase them to your doom. 


Mechanist- Idk why i don't see people play The condi variant of it , Your robot is the main Condi dps source , you are the extra condi dps with pistol/ shield. You give the robot time to 1v1 the Other player by it's self.   yes this is a true class pet that can literally play for it's self and win fights  😂



OHHHHH BTW wanna see the next "Monster plz nerf " in line ?  Go Over to the wiki, Look at renger spear. tell me what you see  A Tab targeted skills. most of it haveing 2.0 and one of them haveing a 4.0 Dmg ratio with  Panther's Prowl  l10 CD- 2 ammunition charges that makes you go invisible for 3 sec's each time then allows the activation stealth attack skills   :

  • LIKE Predator's Ambush Good luck yall.  1.467Dmg ( With a 4.0 RATIO ) TAB TARGETED no  skill shot pass or fail mechanics
  • WHAT ABOUT Owl's Flight Throw your SPEAR!!!!!  ( 1,192 DMG with 3.25 RATIO ) no  skill shot pass or fail mechanics
    ALLLLLL OF THAT WHILE Stealth then maybe getting  
    ¾  ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾  Chance of seeing it when he pops out to Either get you butt  munched  or to get to another day.


YOU GET AN OP SPEAR AND CLASS YOU GET OP SPEAR AND FUN CLASSES, EVERYONE GETs imaginative Classes but warrior gets dog  poo poo feelsbadman because of the sin of spellbreaker lol😂

I say as a preventative HIT ALL Skill 4button  - 5 ButtonSpear Skills in all the classes !   oh wait..... you guys are not going to say anything. or  complain  becauses that's your MAIN ON THE LINE. And you want that sweet sweet  SECRET SiLENT op class ALLLLLLLL to yourself.  Put your Clown Nose on PVP community That's why i hate and enjoy the thought of this game not ever becoming an esport. 💖🤠💖



Permission to copy pasta?

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 Any fake Warrior apologist, in the comments yet ? Saying oh man, as a "warrior" main we need the nerfs.   😂  

Or Hit me with the Classic, "  Imagine a gamer with chubby cheeks saying -  Bro that class  Warrior is wayyyy to busted   4 Attacks That are highly Telegraphed. Including four Pass or Fail Skillshot mechanics i can't react to that i don't even know where my mouse and keyboard is at bro.  In fact I'm playing with my monitor off and one hand in my pants looking up men of culture type things"   😂  THAT FOR REAL BE THE PVP  community :3


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3 hours ago, Mike.7983 said:

Ok? Trolling with this long rant about how anet nerfed war spear which btw was toxic when you instantly killed people with it on 1 skill.  It had to be nerfed, maybe not this bad but enough to not instantly down people.  Welcome to mmo life 1 day your top next day your not.  Stats will show next balance patch and most likely be increased if it is indeed garbage now.  What does not help is you spamming this post on multiple locations.  Yes I know it sucks when your main is gutted but welcome to life.  Either adapt or change until its fixed.

You have 2-3 dodges depending on which spec you play, use them. If you get stunned use a stunbreak and dodge. It wasn't more op than other damage skills. Some classes have invulnerable, blocks etc, you can use them too. People don't understand that it is Spellbreaker that is op.

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3 hours ago, Mike.7983 said:

Ok? Trolling with this long rant about how anet nerfed war spear which btw was toxic when you instantly killed people with it on 1 skill.  It had to be nerfed, maybe not this bad but enough to not instantly down people.  Welcome to mmo life 1 day your top next day your not.  Stats will show next balance patch and most likely be increased if it is indeed garbage now.  What does not help is you spamming this post on multiple locations.  Yes I know it sucks when your main is gutted but welcome to life.  Either adapt or change until its fixed.

Well, luckily this is a video game where you can balance things more objectively and fairly compared to real life and yet... the balance is total kitten (talking about WvW), where you have things that are as op if not even more (overall, not just damage) than spear on warrior, but people are used to this so it is acceptable. Hypocritical and pathetic.

I understand damage nerfs on spear but the utility changes were completely unnecessary. And worst thing is that they did these unnecessary changes because of Defense Spellbreaker in PvP, when the solution was obviously to change Spellbreaker itself (together with adjusting Harrier's Toss damage and Spearmarshal's damage).

Harrier's Toss damage in WvW was adjusted imo fairly but for some unkitteningknown reason, they didn't nerf it in PvP...

Spearmarshal's was not nerfed fairly. They should have started with 20% damage nerf instead of 37.5% and not change the way it triggers. If it turned out to be still too powerful, they could nerf the damage more later on. Now it is insanely easy to avoid (it can be blinded, blocked, evaded, invulnerabilitied, out-of-ranged, obstructed). From overpowered to very unreliable and this sucks.

Anet showed they are clueless and visionless, they don't mind nerfing weapons that impac every build that uses these weapons beacuse of 1-2 outlier builds, instead of focusing on those specific builds.

You probably don't care about my opinion but I just wanted to say it to cope with spear nerfs 😞

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13 hours ago, cryorion.9532 said:

Now it is insanely easy to avoid (it can be blinded, blocked, evaded, invulnerabilitied, out-of-ranged, obstructed). From overpowered to very unreliable

💔 It breaks my poor little warrior heart. rip skill 4 rip skill 5.

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1 minute ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Egirl """streamer"""-tier emoji usage

 develop some brain cells and read for a change to much video gaming i see 😘 

You have provided very good constructive and intelligent discussion Good on you cheers.

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37 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Egirl """streamer"""-tier emoji usage

"Haha girl dinner"

*Anet circa 2024 .01 seconds before immolating all the warrior mains,  after being summoned from the fog by pleas to smite spear by people who can't determine the source of their frustrations*

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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20 hours ago, Mike.7983 said:

Ok? Trolling with this long rant about how anet nerfed war spear which btw was toxic when you instantly killed people with it on 1 skill.  It had to be nerfed, maybe not this bad but enough to not instantly down people.  Welcome to mmo life 1 day your top next day your not.  Stats will show next balance patch and most likely be increased if it is indeed garbage now.  What does not help is you spamming this post on multiple locations.  Yes I know it sucks when your main is gutted but welcome to life.  Either adapt or change until its fixed.

I Hope, you bring the same enegry when the time comes when your class gets targeted nerfed 😂.



Warrior Spear :  4 Attacks That are highly Telegraphed. Including four Pass or Fail Skillshot mechanics and it gets gutted.  "Quoteing my post above."
IS The Warrior Spear busted ? or is it that you trip over your on shoes and got hit and say what the kitten it must be busted. 🤭


While alllllll OTHER spear Classes are aLLLLLLLLLLLL TAB TARGETING SKILLS.  For real yall are clowns hahahaah 😂


Guardian. RevenantEngineerRangerThiefElementalistMesmer ,Necromancer

  • Blinds
  • invulnerability frames
  • invulnerability frames on skill usage
  • (can pick up items that can block from the ground. (Elementalist and stall harder then warrior can )
  • Agies block
  • Dashes
  • instant teleportation
  • Heals on skills / Autos
  • Dazes tons and tons Worse then warrior Spellbreaker
  • Aoe Daze
  • Aoe Fear
  • Aoe Boon rip
  • Aoe stability
  • Aoe Dmg 
  • Aoe Blinds
  • Aoe Knockdown
  • Aoe Buffs Buffs you get a buff i get a buff we all get Buffs

Warrior GETS :

  • DPS
  • Block
  • Heal - That can be interrupted or if in Defiant stance just stop autoing  you goddly player you. but they nerfed it to :")
  • Knockdown
  • Knockback
  • Might buff ,
  • Sometimes Rare Aoe Dps Input.
  • 1SEC Daze ONLY WOW. only on Spellbreaker
  • Rare stability if we opt-into it useing our  only three utility skills we can have on
  •  Dash ! on Staff (ONE Short leap, ONE 600 Range dash that they nerfed)  and Greatsword  (Skill 5)OH WOW GREAT  Mobility😂


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53 minutes ago, Extacy.6192 said:

Are we talking PvE or PvP/WvW. Because it seems like you are confused about the dmg and coefficient numbers.

Or it is a troll post.

Most of the nerfs only affected either sPvP or WvW so it's probably not a PvE thread.

Nonetheless, it's true that instead of a well needed targeted nerf, warrior got a poorly thought all around nerfs. 1 e-spec was problematic out of 3, yet all 3 got nerfed (and core warrior didn't get any more viable in the process). They didn't even touched what was problematic on the problematic e-spec.

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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On 9/13/2024 at 8:06 AM, Dadnir.5038 said:

Most of the nerfs only affected either sPvP or WvW so it's probably not a PvE thread.

Nonetheless, it's true that instead of a well needed targeted nerf, warrior got a poorly thought all around nerfs. 1 e-spec was problematic out of 3, yet all 3 got nerfed (and core warrior didn't get any more viable in the process). They didn't even touched what was problematic on the problematic e-spec.

Evade on f1 + no projectile (f1, 2, 4) + cast behind/about face (f1, 2, 3, 4) + aoe + very high dmg.

Dmg got a nerf now... we will see. Next october balance patch will buff the spec again...

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2 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

I will miss big zerg fight where I instantly died from Spearmarshal support without even seeing which warrior responsible for it in the crowd.

So huge red cross above and big orange circle under your feet is not enough + "instantly died"? Get good bro. If you got destroyed by old spearmarshal, I wonder what would happen if greatsword mirage or willbender unleashed their burst on you. But that is ok because community of this game certainly doesn't lack double standard hypocrites.

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