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Not sure how to advance forward

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I have purchased all expansion packs, I have now leveled 4 characters to level 80

Nerco, Hunter, Warrior and Guardian.  Nerco and Hunter I have completed the "personal story" and ready for Season 1;

All have completed core map 100%

Guardian and Warrior are having issues with story, keep dying and not able to advance.

All 4 characters I have now in DPS Exotic gear with them sharing an Ascended Bow/Greatsword

My issue is I can not unlock the story modes of the other exp packs as they are too hard to complete, I keep dying and not able to complete Season 1 or personal story on some

I have completed most Jumping puzzles I can, the ones left are hard for me

I can not advance in Mastery as I need more points, they are all from achievement grinds that end up with a hard jumping puzzle or something 


I know I am not the best player, but this is listed as a "casual player game" and I find it very hard to do anything outside the core map

any advice or help on how I can still play and get into other content and not have to replay the core game again with a new character?

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The first thing you should probably do is figure out which elite spec you want for your class and determine a good build for it.  Note that expansion hero point challenges grant 10 points each, so you can fully unlock an elite spec with just 25 HPs completed in any expansion map.  For the classes you have available, I recommend either the Reaper spec for Necromancer or the Untamed spec for Ranger.  These are both capable of very good damage and survivability in full DPS gear.  Here's an example video clip of an LS1 boss on Untamed and there's a full build link in the comments.

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you might also like to browse some build library sites and see if you want to make any changes (perhaps to traits, if you want to keep the same gear, but you also might like to swap out some individual pieces for something with more sustain). Look for "core" builds until you have settled on an elite spec to try. You don't need to copy the builds exactly, but probably start from one for the content you're playing (sounds like open world).

I recommend Guild Jenn. 

But there are other libraries like Hardstuck (for elite goals) and Metabattle

Secondly, you don't necessarily have to do the story on all characters. LW S1-2 you can walk onto the map from other maps, an event might be needed but that's all. After that you can do the story with one character and then, depending on the DLC, just start the story and walk onto subsequent maps, use map currency to buy portal scrolls with your story character that all characters can use, or more rarely, buy a gem store item that allows access to specific other maps.

examples (may contain spoilers):

Verdant Brink - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 

Bloodstone Fen - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

Season 3 Portal Tome - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

Arborstone - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


Remember that you can brink up the wiki for any topic by typing something like "/wiki Retribution" directly into the chat box. And there may be youtube guildes for the jumping puzzles, or you could try a pathing module for Blish if you get in a pinch. (In the old days we used to be able to wait for that JP to be the daily, then there would be so many people there you could learn the path by watching others. if you got in a pinch there would be a mesmer portal. So I think Blish is a fair workaround for not having that anymore.)

You might also like to join a guild. 

see also: Prototype Position Rewinder - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 

Edited by willow.8209
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Remember this is a multiplayer game, you don't have to do anything alone, including the story, all story instances can be done with up to 5 players. If you're having trouble you can ask your guild for help (and if you're not in a guild you can join one).

But also pure-DPS is what's called a glass cannon build - it hits like a cannon but shatters like glass if you get hit. It can be very effective if you've either got other people with you to support and heal you or you're good enough that you can prevent or mitigate incoming damage with dodges, condition clears and other active defenses. If you're alone and not 100% confident in your ability to time everything perfectly it's better to use something that gives a mix of offense and defense (which is either vitality - for more health, or toughness - for more armour).

Finally bear in mind there will be points in the story, especially from Season 1 onwards, where you can't simply hack at an enemy with whatever skills you want to use (even if something online has said it's a good rotation). You'll have encountered some of this in the personal story - like the Mouth of Zhaitan where you had to throw rocks at it when it was inhaling to make it vulnerable before you could attack it directly. There's others like that and some enemies which are more vulnerable to specific kinds of attacks or need a strategy to beat them. So if you can't seem to damage a specific boss that might be why - check what the NPCs are telling you and see if there's anything else you can try.

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Just make sure you actually have stats in your gear, you wouldn't be the first person walking around with their gear without selecting any stats.

After that you need to start studying your character skills, I'm betting you're just button mashing (classic) and while that can get you through most content, you're doing a fraction of your potential damage, with Exotic/Ascended gear at Season 1 content you're suppose to be one shoting trash mobs, or at least close to it, you get there by being clever with your button presses, not to mention being fast with them, GW2 is a fast paced game with quick fights and short cooldowns when compared to other MMOs.

Lastly make sure you master dodging and I do mean master it, don't just go to the dodge tutorial and get 1 out of 20 tries then immediately call that done and proceed.

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"DPS exotic gear" is a bit vague. But let's assume you mean a full set of berserker gear, than that's just one piece of your build. Your traits, weapons, sigils, runes and relic choices are the rest. And even if all fits together it's no guarantee to get along easily, because you should understand your build and the combat system (especially how to avoid stuff while dishing out dmg). Now sprinkle in some experience about what enemy does what and you will have little to no problems at all.

The best help you could get would be some experienced mentor (like a guild mate or sth.) ingame having a look at your build and observing you fighting, giving you feedback and tips. If that's not an option, you might want to share your complete build (see above) so you can get some tips from the community.

Edited by Nash.2681
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Try to focus on one character first. Warrior has high hitpoints and heavy armor - so it is supposed to be able to stay alive longer even though it is melee. Guardian with lower hitpoints uses defensive skills. Have not played them that much though. (I only really played engineer and mesmer a lot.)

Necro has the shrouds and can also use minions. And the ranger (I think that is what you meant with "hunter") has the pet. I'd suggest trying a bit more with the ranger first. Try also to go for a mixed gear with toughness/vitality + power (I think the soldier stats have that) ... swapping more for pure berserker later slowly as you get better.

In PvE it is possible (while in PvP the enemies can just still focus you hard) to max power and omit defensive stats - you should use dodges, heal skills - staying ranged ... and using defensive skills ... a mix of all of that. That needs you to play the class a bit more. Orr already can be a bit harder in the core game with core class and if you are still at bad gear.

S1 ... not so sure about that. But in the HoT open world maps you might get trouble. These are considered hard/annoying. The story should be possible though (I only remember some Stavemaster enemy in a hylek village in HoT at one story step ... that can be annoying if melee attacking him). I played everything in release order. It is possible.

If you want you can unlock later elite specs earlier - to get better builds. Try to play a lot with one main char though - so you can get good at it. Especially for unlocking the mastery mand doing most achievements. Other characters later can quickly be pushed through the story and to focus on content you want to play with them. (Or just also slowly going for completing everything on them.) You also will have better options to gear the other characters. If you have played a lot (and maybe earned a bit gold) with one main character.

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- Dont wear DPS heavy gear without survival stuff

- Check your traits and make sure they work together

- Use the right weapons. ie dont use weapons with condition skills if you dont have condition based stats

- S1 has a lot of instances which are for public groups - Tower of Nightmares, Battle for LA etc. Are you sure you arent trying to solo group stuff? The story instances arent a big jump from core

- Make sure you are using all your defences. Dodge, blocks etc


I'm a casual skilled player. Couldn't tell you what most skills do. I can whizz around most open world content without problems, so I assure it's all entirely doable for lower skilled players

Edited by Randulf.7614
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I've reached the same point, it's a party! My ranger just got his tuchus handed to him by the two champions in Molten Furnace, there's definitely a perceptible ramp-up in difficulty over the personal story and world map.

I'm triaging my gear - relic slot, what, never got one of those -  but I was wondering if I would be missing anything, or out of order, in terms of storyline if I went off to start Heart of Thorns long enough to finish unlocking my elite spec tree before continuing season 1?

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22 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

- Dont wear DPS heavy gear without survival stuff

- Check your traits and make sure they work together

- Use the right weapons. ie dont use weapons with condition skills if you dont have condition based stats

- S1 has a lot of instances which are for public groups - Tower of Nightmares, Battle for LA etc. Are you sure you arent trying to solo group stuff? The story instances arent a big jump from core

- Make sure you are using all your defences. Dodge, blocks etc


I'm a casual skilled player. Couldn't tell you what most skills do. I can whizz around most open world content without problems, so I assure it's all entirely doable for lower skilled players

I'd place some caveats on the first point.

You can wear survival gear with condition damage builds (e.g. celestial, trailblazer) without giving up too much damage, so it's probably a good idea to do so as a new player struggling with the combat.  However, you shouldn't do so with power builds.  The available sustain options for power stats really only offer vitality.  Anything else sacrifices far too much damage.  But vitality is a weak sustain stat.  It isn't going to change the outcome in most cases.  If your health is on an overall downward trend then it's only a matter of time until you're downed and in that case you're better off finishing the fight faster by not giving up damage in exchange for vitality anyway.  Every class has better sustain options available via traits and utilities than vitality offers.  I'd always recommend that route over stacking sustain gear on a power build.

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6 minutes ago, Exarch.4602 said:

I've reached the same point, it's a party! My ranger just got his tuchus handed to him by the two champions in Molten Furnace, there's definitely a perceptible ramp-up in difficulty over the personal story and world map.

I'm triaging my gear - relic slot, what, never got one of those -  but I was wondering if I would be missing anything, or out of order, in terms of storyline if I went off to start Heart of Thorns long enough to finish unlocking my elite spec tree before continuing season 1?

See my post above (includes a link to video of that boss with a build link for a great Untamed build).  I highly recommend doing this.  PoF/HoT/EoD all have plenty of 10-point hero challenges that will allow you to unlock an elite spec quickly.  This should make life a lot easier.  Also, specific to ranger, take a look at the Carnivore trait in Wilderness Survival.  3.3k heal on every CC from you OR your pet.  This should make survival easy in almost any situation.

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20 minutes ago, Exarch.4602 said:

I've reached the same point, it's a party! My ranger just got his tuchus handed to him by the two champions in Molten Furnace, there's definitely a perceptible ramp-up in difficulty over the personal story and world map.

I'm triaging my gear - relic slot, what, never got one of those -  but I was wondering if I would be missing anything, or out of order, in terms of storyline if I went off to start Heart of Thorns long enough to finish unlocking my elite spec tree before continuing season 1?

Heart of Thorns is probably the biggest difficulty jump in the game. It varies up and down from there, but core/LS1 to HoT can feel significant.

WHat you might want to do, is go to Silverwastes first (East of Brisban). Whilst that is part of LS2 (so you may get spoilers), it's a free to play map and the mobs will give you a better idea what to expect from HoT. Do bear in mind though that HoT was harder back in the day before power creep and elite specs made it easier, so it's perfectly viable to go there now. You will however entirely miss the lead in story from season 1 and 2 (all the story is continuous)

Season 1 wasn't playable for most of the game's lifetime since it was temporary content. Most people played it later and went straight to LS2 and HoT

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17 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

All have completed core map 100%


Can I hire you?

17 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

Guardian and Warrior are having issues with story, keep dying and not able to advance.

Where are you stuck in personal story?

I played warrior with greatsword and rifle for the personal story. Equipment was marauder (or a marauder/berserker mix). Rifle is a ranged weapon and nice for near end of the story... when you fight the dude that has a mouth as belly and tries to suck you in. Warrior is also nice to play without spec.

Core guard I played with condition equipment (e.g. rune of balthazar) and mainly on fire damage (torch is important). Warrior was easier though.

You don't need to finish a story to start the next season or expansion.

Why do you want to play the third, fourth char through story anyway? Why not continue with the seasons and expansions in chronological order? 

18 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

I can not advance in Mastery as I need more points, they are all from achievement grinds that end up with a hard jumping puzzle or something 

I guess you mean core/tyrian mastery points.

Done triple trouble? It has like 4 mastery points.

There's a group of commanders that does it regularly - https://www.google.com/search?q=triple+trouble+wurm+discord

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What is a DPS gear you mentioned.

Keep in mind that DPS builds (if you  followed a guide) that are  meant for group content like raids do not work well in solo open world. Many rely on other group members to survive.

My advice. Pick one character you like. Play that and try to understand it, what skills and traits do. Necro is the most newb friendly if you want suggestion.

Learn to dodge. Do not double tap to dodge, that option should not exists its very bad. Bind a separate key to dodge and use it.

Understand the difference between power/strike dmg  and condition dmg and what stats influence which and which weapons should be picked for which. Your weapon and stats and traits should  be aligned otherwise you wont do much.

You can choose your utility skills. I wpuld recommend you pick some defense there. I would have at least one condition cleanse and one stun break skill and learnn to use tthem. Mobility can be also enhanced through them

Use runes and sigils. Big stat boost.


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4 hours ago, Exarch.4602 said:

I was wondering if I would be missing anything, or out of order, in terms of storyline if I went off to start Heart of Thorns long enough to finish unlocking my elite spec tree before continuing season 1?

yes, but that doesn't mean you can't do that. A lot of people skip around to get some useful stuffs especially on first go-through. You can always re-play the story in order on the same character (level 80 stories so LW1 on can be re-played on the same toon: after finishing all of a given DLC you can even skip around on a new toon) or a new character (like you've been doing for 1-80) . Some however do play everything in order although the story is getting longer and longer.

Keep in mind that lw S1 was unplayable for many years (it was first written during the era the devs thought the entire playbase was going to play through the content as a cohort so it was not designed to be available at a later time), there's an NPC iirc in Lion's Arch that will fill you in. So a lot of people have skipped s1.

Any order choice is valid, whether you want to stay in order in the story or skip around or go back and forth. It's a personal decision. 

Edited by willow.8209
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Hi Friend. There is a lot of good advice and builds and gear. I'd like to focus on some fundamentals. 

How many attempts do you put in on a story/instance until you give up? I ask because learning new enemies attack patterns can help. With the new expansion that came out even I had to relearn how to look at enemy's attacks. They'll have patterns or big skills to avoid (not always by dodging). Learning where to stand and when is important. Actually, that leads me into my second point...

Keep moving. Most attacks from enemies are avoidable just by stepping left slightly. If you strafe around an enemy, you'll take a lot less damage. Most of your skills do not require you to be standing still to cast either (with a few exceptions). Learn what those exceptions are. Then move as much as you can to avoid even the most basic sword swings from an enemy. 

Crowd Control (abbreviated as CC) is also key to any encounter. Check out your skills, see which knock back, stun, fear, ect. your enemies. While bigger boss monsters are immune to these sometimes, most will have a Defiance Bar (break bar). These bars when Blue is able to take damage from your CC abilities. Once broken they stun the boss, interrupt casts and even cause them to take extra damage. The game lacks a proper training on this until the later expansion, but this will help you kill even elite and champion monsters without much trouble.\

Some tips for following a build guide. First Low Intensity Builds (marked as Li) exist. These will be strong builds with fewer button presses. Alot of builds can actually be simplified into an LI format at the cost of damage usually. Still, it's a good idea to think about the basics of the build, your most important skills and start there when learning instead of trying to do a full 100 button rotation. Start small build up. Second, the popular runes/sigils can be expensive for newer players. It's okay to find a similar one that may be cheaper but fill a similar role. The one thing you don't want to do is not have a rune or sigil equipped because you are going to wait until you save up for the "right" one. These are powerful effects and even unoptimized can make a huge difference. 

As for Mastery Points, I struggled with Core when I first came back to the game as well. However, there are a lot of easy-to-get ones in Fractals! Yes, group content, I know it sounds scary but do it! Teir 1 fractals, the basic difficulty, is all about learning the dungeons for the most part. Higher tiers will add mechanics and effects to the dungeons. Tier 1 has 25 dungeons though. That's a lot of potential mastery points. You can easily do the first 19 without needed any special gear or resistances. Just go on the LFG and say that you are new. People will join you, some who are new some who are just bored, and you can blast these down easily. Even if you die there are a lot of check points!  Fractals also can make some good money even on low tiers and bonus, right now there is a Fractal Rush even that gives out extra rewards, so it's a great time to get in there and get some loot!

Hope this helps. Don't give up! Keep trying and learning, you'll get them down. And like others said it's a social game, bring a friend, join a guild, ask for help. People will join you. It's a very friendly community. Have fun.

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5 hours ago, Exarch.4602 said:

I've reached the same point, it's a party! My ranger just got his tuchus handed to him by the two champions in Molten Furnace, there's definitely a perceptible ramp-up in difficulty over the personal story and world map.

I'm triaging my gear - relic slot, what, never got one of those -  but I was wondering if I would be missing anything, or out of order, in terms of storyline if I went off to start Heart of Thorns long enough to finish unlocking my elite spec tree before continuing season 1?

Just saw this. My above post may help you but to answer your question: You'd lose some story connections between season 1, season 2 and HoT. However, getting that first map open and opening up your elite spec will be quite useful. The hero point challenge in HoT are more group oriented (3ish people depending on experience). So don't be afraid to ask for help killing the champions. They do however give 10 points each! People also run "hero point trains" were they use mesmer portals to help keep new players from getting lost in the vast jungle landscape! Can be fun to join one of those, even if you fall behind, they are good about letting people get the points done.

Btw on Relics, you would have been sent 3 chests in the mail of relics at 80. Check your character, use the search button in your inventory if needed. They are a new item from the Secrets expansion and will definitely help you on your journey.

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In other to unlock things I need to complete story mode, but need elite spec, and for that need more Hero Points, and in order to get Hero Points I need to be stronger? Some say to get Cele gear others say to stay with DPS gear and learn to play better.  I tried LFG today and sat there for 3 hours not one reply, I tried to join groups, but I am not geared right or have DPS high enough etc so was dropped.   I have tried Guilds, but they only run certain events once maybe twice a week, So I have to wait for them to do what I am needing or run what they are doing if they have room.  In down time I am back to just waiting since seems everything now needs a group and not solo, but advised it all can be solo, I just need to get better.  feel like I am running in circles and getting nowhere fast.  I guess since I am no good, I'll drop from game and try something else... maybe Animal Crossing is easy enough for me.


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22 minutes ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

I guess since I am no good, I'll drop from game and try something else... maybe Animal Crossing is easy enough for me.

You need a better attitude than that, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start putting in the work, there's endless resources to get better at GW2, get on it, and remember, it pays to be a winner.

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I mean your right, I should have a better attitude, but after getting 3 characters to level 80, and hitting a brick wall and not being able to move forward with the game

I mean this week alone I have tried to complete Season 1 story and failed at least 17 times, even with youtube telling step by step what and where to do/go, same with jumping Puzzles

and If i can not complete story mode to unlock the rest of the game and the game only gets harder and harder, but your the same, same level, same gear,  then I am not making progress

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1 hour ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

In other to unlock things I need to complete story mode, but need elite spec, and for that need more Hero Points, and in order to get Hero Points I need to be stronger? Some say to get Cele gear others say to stay with DPS gear and learn to play better.  I tried LFG today and sat there for 3 hours not one reply, I tried to join groups, but I am not geared right or have DPS high enough etc so was dropped.   I have tried Guilds, but they only run certain events once maybe twice a week, So I have to wait for them to do what I am needing or run what they are doing if they have room.  In down time I am back to just waiting since seems everything now needs a group and not solo, but advised it all can be solo, I just need to get better.  feel like I am running in circles and getting nowhere fast.  I guess since I am no good, I'll drop from game and try something else... maybe Animal Crossing is easy enough for me.


The entire story and open world can be completed with Soldiers (power, vitality, toughness) gear and core classes. Elites and different gear just make it quicker

Lets start with the basics because you are getting some incredibly mixed (and occasionally rubbish) advice which isn't helping

Where are you stuck on LS1 and are you EU or NA?

Edited by Randulf.7614
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3 hours ago, RavensSorrow.6128 said:

Btw on Relics, you would have been sent 3 chests in the mail of relics at 80. Check your character, use the search button in your inventory if needed. They are a new item from the Secrets expansion and will definitely help you on your journey.

I followed up on this, looks like it only applied to characters that were 60+ when the Secrets expansion launched, which mine weren't. But thanks for the tip!

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