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October 8 Balance Update Preview


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1) Can we finally get all armor stats in the Vault ascended armor chests when you nerf Celestial? Celestial is the only gear choice in those chests that was useful in PvE and WvW.
2) Willbender is still untouched while you completely destroy Necro Spear?
3) Still no counterplay to boonball meta?

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1 hour ago, babak.3654 said:

We are gradually losing a lot of the unique features of professions, and while that may well make balancing easier it makes for a less diverse and interesting game overall.


I think we are getting somewhere with this. This is what it breaks down to. 
If this is not true, necro deserves something in return for the screw up they did with transfusion, and it's not the buff they did to axe. 

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ArenaNet needs to implement a better system of gathering and integrating feedback. There should be a more organized system other than 50+ pages of posts with no developer involvement. How do they even organize or integrate the feedback? They should have feedback sections for more widespread philosophy as well as more nuanced ways of providing specific feedback on specific abilities. This would allow them to integrate this feedback from a bottom up approach. But yeah we need to address the overall philosophy of their balance decisions not just the nuanced ability changes. The celestial change for example is a big one, why was it done? How does it connect with their overall goals? Is their philosophy a good one? Is there direction/goal a good one? Their feedback system is not very organized or clear.

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10 hours ago, Udaya.7936 said:

Power Reaper has always been a notoriously tanky DPS build, so it's only natural to make the healing on Soul Eater less effective there. I'd argue it shouldn't even have shroud healing in PvE given the sheer number of self-healing options Reaper already has outside of shroud, i.e., Dagger 2, Sword 1/3/4, and now Spear 2. If you want more durability in shroud, you can always take Rise! or Spectral Armor. I'm not even sure how Blighter's Boon is supposed to compete with Reaper's Ferocity if you can already heal in shroud with the meta DPS traits.

In the past, necromancers took Signets of Suffering with Signet of Vampirism/Undeath to camp shroud while healing over time, but that's since been removed now that signets can't be used passively in shroud. I wonder why shroud healing is being brought back now if the balance team ruled it out in the past.

On the other hand, I agree with you on Transfusion. If it's a problem in competitive game modes, they may as well remove it there, but taking it out of PvE is pretty harsh. The res pull is the defining trait of an otherwise mediocre healer. No stability, no reflects, a single block, very few boons, and heavily reliant on barrier due to the lack of healing skills. Like many others have asked, is there any reason to use Heal Scourge over Heal Chrono/Druid now?

But why in PVE ONLY is the heal on it weaker? It should be weaker in vs modes no? like I am not saying it should have more than they are giving it in pve, but why ONLY in pve is the output weaker? that is what I don't understand.  like I would think it'd be weaker in vs modes, than in pve, say you hit 5 players with something like soul spiral and hit like 20-25k~ on each of them that's like 4k hp back on a marauder stat necro that has 27k hp, not counting any other damaging skills like wells which you can pre cast before entering shroud like the elite shout into the fear on shroud three that makes them sitting ducks. to me it is odd to let it be higher in wvw/pvp over pve. In pve you can basically survive solo against champs and legendary mobs by playing raid reaper with dagger, focus greatsword and a couple very minor trait changes. I just don't understand why they are letting this exist in vs modes.

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  • Transfusion: This trait no longer teleports downed allies to the user. This trait no longer increases the cooldown of Garish Pillar in WvW.

Since we already have skill splits for PvE and other competitive game modes, why don't we keep Necro's Transfusion's teleport intact for PvE, and just remove it from competitive game mode, if not just WvW?

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2 minutes ago, babak.3654 said:

They're largely opinions, so it does matter.

No, they're not.

Fact 1: Anet doesn't split core functionality of traits inbetween game modes. Look for yourself.

Fact 2: Transfusion teleportation shouldn't exist in WvW. It's not fun to play against, it rewards bad gameplay, and it is difficult to balance it in its current state. It has even lead to transfusion reapers being a thing. That's how ridiculous it is.

Fact 3: heal scourge doesn't "need" teleport on transfusion to exist in PvE.

Edited by Lazze.9870
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5 minutes ago, Sneppard.7864 said:

Since we already have skill splits for PvE and other competitive game modes, why don't we keep Necro's Transfusion's teleport intact for PvE, and just remove it from competitive game mode, if not just WvW?

We don't have splits for the functionality of traits. We have splits for coefficients and in some cases what type of boon a trait provides (mostly related to quickness and alac traits).

Edited by Lazze.9870
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4 minutes ago, Lazze.9870 said:

No, they're not.

Fact 1: Anet doesn't split core functionality of traits inbetween game modes. Look for yourself.

Fact 2: Transfusion teleportation shouldn't exist in WvW. It's not fun to play against, it rewards bad gameplay, and it is difficult to balance it in its current state.

Fact 3: heal scourge doesn't "need" teleport on transfusion to exist in PvE.

Yeah, you don't know the difference between facts and opinions.

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Transfusion in pve is part of the necromancer class fantasy, which keeps being watered down to nothing (looking at the boon corruption). Without transfusion it would lose it niche compared to other healers. This change will absolutely remove my joy and that of many others in many parts of the game that I honestly feel like taking a long break from it. Please do not remove transfusion from pve, it is clear that it is an extremely unpopular decision.

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14 hours ago, Joie.6084 said:

Transfusion: This trait no longer teleports downed allies to the user. This trait no longer increases the cooldown of Garish Pillar in WvW.

Yes, lets kill the uniqnes of all the classes, make them all bland. Mewhile buff sky hi Guardians and act as Wildbenders are not a problem on WvW or PvP.

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Tell us you don't know the game without telling us you don't know the game. This is a pretty good way to do so.

I'm not happy to see these changes go through, removing unique effects from classes should be the last thing you do. The entire list of changes needs a sanity check, and maybe talk with players that actually spend time in game and play the classes?

I'm happy to give constructive feedback if desired, but a forum post does unfortunately doesn't leave for much room for discussion and reasoning.

Keep the classes unique, it's one of the things that makes gw2 stand out from other mmo's!

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14 hours ago, Joie.6084 said:

Utility Goggles: This skill now applies protection in addition to its previous effects.

Maybe this skill will see some use if you add the ammo system to it. Otherwise I don't see why anyone would use this except for the toolbelt skill. There are so many better skills with stun breaks available.

14 hours ago, Joie.6084 said:

Energy Amplifier: This trait now grants power in addition to its previous effects.

With this addition, every core engi trait line, except alchemy, will have a way to increase power/strike damage, but only firearems has something for condition damage.
How about granting additional condition damage as well as power with this trait in order to empower condi engi a little in competitive modes?

Also, please rework turrets and the Experimental Turrets trait. Apart from "afk" farming, these skills are almost useless.

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12 hours ago, torbal.3614 said:

Didn't try ToF CM. I'm not interested in content that require exactly a single team composition to beat. Maybe it will open some spot for other specs to play taht. As I said previously, Signet of Undeath is still an option. Also I couldn't care less about WvW.

You have 0 idea of what you are talking about, less than 0 even. Scourge is taken for the portals and barrier so the spot wont change for anther spec. Also it doesnt have a free utility slot. Even if it did the pools kill too fast to be able to use signet. And if you dont care why comment at all?

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I have 4901 hours in game over 9 years.  This week is my 9th birthday on my oldest toon - an Ele.

I main Guardian, which has 3/4 of my gameplay.  Before that it was Ranger.  I always liked playing as a "good guy" and didn't really like all the nasty Necro stuff.  A personal bias, I know.  All that is to say, I am not a Necro main.  Still, I love the unique class identity that each class has.  I like that there are Mesmers, Thiefs, and Necros in game - to name a few.

I'll never forget the first time a Scourge pulled me when I was down.  I was solo roaming in Dry Top and started to fight a Champion.  There were maybe two or three of us there, and when I went down - boom I was pulled to safety and revived by a Scourge.  I instantly got it - he's a Necromancer.  It felt so powerful, and so uniquely cool.  It was just one of those moments in game, that made me really fall in love with the game. 

All this time later, 800 levels in WvW, tons of instanced PvE, and thousands of matches in PvP and I have never felt like Transfusion was a problem.  Scourge gives too much barrier, that's true, but teleport on Transfusion is literally the most iconic thing about Necro in game.

I seriously would like whoever proposed this change to Transfusion, and whoever approved it, both off the balance team - and I am not joking.  This is exactly the sort of homogenizing change that rips out the soul of the game, just to balance stats.  You may as well get rid of portals for Mesmer, or Stealth for thief.  This is the sort of change that may appear "small," but speaks volumes about the mindset of the people approving the change.

Honestly, WTF?

Edit:  And if you are part of that balance team reading this, please don't get defensive and double down.  When even Guardian mains are bothered enough to take the time to passionately write about a Necro change that destroys the essence of a spec (and the soul of the game), you know there's a problem.  Instead, reconsider, and simply redeem yourselves.  Thank you.

Edited by Titan.7853
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The main issue with Scourge and Necromancer in general is that it can't fullfil its role anymore and that was boon corruption on a large scale. So they "fixed" it by making it a heal/support class - with the current changes it slowly loses that role too.

Giving necromancer (and mesmer) boon corruption (and boon strip) back would be a huge step forward for WvW with it's terrible boon and power creep.

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Transfusion teleporting allies is (or was, I guess) something that made Support Necro unique and super fun to play. Completely taking it away instead of trying something like giving a debuff to a player that has been recently transfused that makes it so they can't be teleported again for like 2 minutes first seems like a overly drastic move 😞

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15 hours ago, Joie.6084 said:

but, assuming everything goes well, it's something that we may use going forward to tune other attribute combinations in WvW specifically.

Please don't.  Changing gear stat numbers will completely derail a lot of builds.  Just look at how the removal of concentration and expertise from celestial is affecting those builds.  Now imagine Berserker stats, but for some reason the odd choice to reduce precision because you guys thought people were doing critical hits to often.  Now that's less damage for that gear stat, meanwhile healing stats would probably get unnoticed  and would be able to out heal power dps.  So then healing stats would then get reduced to make up for it in compensation and we are back to square 1, when leaving the 2 alone would have had the same result.

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