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The Launch Trailer comes out tomorrow! What do you expect?


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@pho.9412 said:I might buy PoF if the trailer is good. I pre-order HoT but I played it for only a few hours and never touch the game since then. I have high hope for PoF because I love GW2. I want to play it, but HoT was such a disappointment...

Sorry, but how wouldn't you be disappointed if you only played few hours? I guess you've never tried any raid, complete epic meta events, unlock masteries.

But well, I think it depends on personal experience, but don't say something is bad if you spent as you wrote "few hours".

If HoT is bad, WoW is the heck awful game, and it totally isn't.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@pho.9412 said:I might buy PoF if the trailer is good. I pre-order HoT but I played it for only a few hours and never touch the game since then. I have high hope for PoF because I love GW2. I want to play it, but HoT was such a disappointment...

Sorry, but how wouldn't you be disappointed if you only played few hours? I guess you've never tried any raid, complete epic meta events, unlock masteries.

But well, I think it depends on personal experience, but don't say something is bad if you spent as you wrote "few hours".

If HoT is bad, WoW is the heck awful game, and it totally isn't.

a few hours yes, I remembered playing around 10-16 hours(a few hours) which was over a course of 2 weeks. That's enough time for me to determine if I was interested in continuing the game or not. I think it is a fair judgement for that amount of time. I did do some meta events, got some mastery. I have come back to check my birthday gifts once, to see if there was anything that would interest me. I did 1 raid at that period, and it did not pull me in. So yes, I am skeptical about PoF.

I still don't get what you are trying to say to me with your comment. I'm saying I hope PoF will rekindle my love for GW2.

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@Fenom.9457 said:


@Fenom.9457 said:

@WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:looking to see if or not if they tell us all something new we missed or they not said yet . as well as to see if the rest maybe even will be better than what we seen so far. other wise not much really but do hope the trailer Is good . and not in game play footage . that will make it very disappointing for me to see in game play footage for a trailer

that's probably what it is but cinematic would be amazing too

yes I agree and that is what I have the bad feeling it will be as well too :/ it is a shame they stopped doing cinematic them I really enjoyed the most and would replay them to take every thing in :) B) :3 . but now the in game footage stuff no thanks on that one :/

That HoT trailer when Rytlock brings down a wyvern...

I had not noticed that when it was done . at the time I think I was more interested in other things about hot and looking for them instead .

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@Arden.7480 said:Aurene is flying towards Balthazar! Yaay!

At 1:01/1:02 in the trailer.

Are you sure that's our baby? There was a lot of haze in that shot. I'm having trouble focusing my eyes onto any clearly identifying features.One part of me wants to see Aurene in this story. The other part wants to keep her safely distant from Balthazar's sword.

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@Arden.7480 said:Aurene is flying towards Balthazar! Yaay!

At 1:01/1:02 in the trailer.

Whatever that was, it looked nothing like Aurene. Even at that distance, it is the wrong size and colour for a baby crystal dragon. I'm not yet convinced Aurene will play any part in this story. Just after that scene shows Balth swinging his hammer at a large leathery beast - so I assume Balth fights some sort of Dragon and it is the one flying at him

@Purgatori.3645 said:It has me so excited I was running around the house like a fan girl :)

Seriously though .... I want to know what that big thing was that was stomping around crushing things LOL Was it Big K? Cause that would be awesome!

Way too small to be Kralk. Whatever it was looked smaller than Tequatl, let alone be anywhere near the size of what is one of the largest of the Elder Dragons

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