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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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On 5/15/2024 at 11:39 PM, Zera.9435 said:

A 'screenshot studio' mode.

Be able to have your character do a variety of heroic, silly, sexy, creative poses and facial expressions. Also customize lighting, camera angles, zoom, focus, FOV, and maybe add screen border effects.

This really would be a great feature to view and pose our characters

I think I saw another suggestion of using the Jade bots for this, which would make in-game sense, and give them an extra purpose. 

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Posted (edited)

1. Griffon: Can we get a "Greater Phoenix" skin for our Griffons? It's basically the Ranger's Phoenix pet converted into the Griffon mount. When the Molten Phoenix Skin first got implemented I was positive the non-Molten version of the skin will come out soon but it looks like the idea never crossed the devs mind; hence the suggestion.


2. Rolling Beetle: A Cluckatrice-like (from FF12) skin for the Rolling Beetle please! The Rolling Beetle needs more out-of-the-box skins and so far we only have the Tremor Armadillo and Synergetics Gyrocyle for that.


[The following mounts are very scarce when it comes to creative forms (at least in my opinion).. How about something feathery, too, for a change?]

3. Warclaw: a Chimera (lion/goat/eagle/snake hybrid) skin for a winged--tho flightless--Warclaw.


4. Jackal: a Mythical Deer or Wolf with elegant feathers.


5. Siege Turtle:  a Mythical Turtle with a head of a Bird and a gilded carapace that forms ornamental wings (like that of the Resplendent Avialan's saddle but grander) and has a feathery tail.

Edited by ROCKheir.4517
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Dunno if this has been suggested before but an option to "Salvage Identified Gears only" would be super helpful.


Another suggestion:

Since the Legendary Obsidian Armor sets are PVE-leggies, I think it's only proper that those who own SoTO should be rewarded by some random SoTO Map Currencies whenever they're doing regular events and map Metas outside of Horn of Maguuma. A low chance for it to drop in regular Openworld events and Fractals and a moderate chance for it to drop in doing Metas in Tyria, Heart of Maguuma, Elona, and Cantha shouldn't be a bad idea. Openworld contents (other than rifts) outside of Horn of Maguuma should count towards progress with the Openworld Leggy. The Convergence, too, should reward players with a random SoTO Map currency.

Edited by ROCKheir.4517
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Existing workflow:
I just placed 192 individual orders for 250 mithril ore

Desired workflow:
Place 1 buy order for 48,000 mithril ore

Reason this request matters:
Research notes require a lot of crafting. Crafting requires lots of common and fine materials. If you need 15,000 research notes for a single set of legendary armor (let alone three), then you need many, many stacks of crafting materials.

Thanks for reading!

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Regarding ergonomic concerns, could you please add an option to disable mouse smoothing and acceleration when using the Action Camera? This feature can be quite annoying and inconvenient.

Additionally, could you consider adding a shadow to the chat text to improve readability?

Thank you.

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Posted (edited)

I recognize I'm in the minority of players as I have all 18 Envoy legendary armor pieces crafted plus Coalescence, but once those items are crafted, there is literally no use for Legendary Insights going forward.  After you hit 900, all further ones are useless.

Could raid vendors get a new entry that works to spend them?  I'd even take something like 10 LI for a Heavy Crafting Bag, something to make it clear that it's purely there to exist as a sink and not the primary purpose of the currency.  Or maybe Mystic Coins, or something along those lines?

Edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180
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I would like to be able to rebind or suppress the default keybind "Ctrl + left click" for call target.

Background: To my unterstanding, this keybind is always active. It is NOT the keybind you can setup in the settings. Since I like to use Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 etc. instead of F1, F2 etc., it often happens in more hectic fights that I call target accidentally. And with the amount of non-sensical called targets I experience in the game, I assume I'm not the only one.

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Further quality of life details which affect me regularly:

  • The counters for the mechanics of some of the new weapons (e.g. ranger mace, axe thief) are hard to read during combat. It would be nice to have a much larger visual indicator of how many stacks you currently have.
  • Improvement to confusing or interfering allied visual effects, e.g.:
    • Untamed ambush skills and pet attacks  are visually very instrusive and make enemy mechanics hard to see.
    • Specter shroud has an effect which looks like a damage area to avoid. This is very confusing!
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1. Add fixed infusion priorities for Polysaturating Infusions so people can combine them with others without having to reequip them or use 2 of the same with different stats just to refresh it on weapon swap

2. Let necromancer gather resources in shroud so they can benefit from quickness... they can already open chests.

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Fun Tonic Ideas and Ideas for Plushie Versions for More Than Just Mounts:

I think it would be fun to either make a tonic or a bobblehead or an outfit for players which would turn them into plushie versions of themselves. I also think maybe if it is like bobblehead factory, it would be fun to use in things like Dragonstorm, with plush Jorms and the plush Primordus too. If it worked like bobblehead you could only see the plushie versions if you use it, for those who dislike the plushies disrupting their immersion in the game. Idk if anything like this would even be possible, but it would be fun, imo.

Having minis of all the dragons in plushie form and regular form too would be great. Additionally, a line of plushie weapons would be fun too, modeled in a new way or perhaps plushie versions (skinwise) of Legendary weapons. Frivolous suggestions, I know, but I think it would be fun. For those that often say I'd rather they focus on other stuff, I do agree with you that there are better things they could use with their time, but just wanted to share the idea anyway. I think it would especially be fun as an April Fools thing.

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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,

First time publishing here and English is not my first language, sorry for the potential language mistakes!
I've been playing casually for the past few years and I've started playing more these past few months. Looking back, I would have liked a bit more of UI polish to help me get on board with the game's content.
Here is my personal take on a wishlist of quality of life improvements and also some ideas regarding UI (sorry if any of those has already been submitted/discussed):

My requests regarding quality of life improvements:

  • Add "Sell" option to all merchants/vendors. I do not know what is the thinking behind this choice, but having to look for the right merchant in an area to sell junk is really frustrating (WvW maps in particular, but I remember seeing this in open world zones too).
  • Probably already requested by others: Make jade bot cores account wide.
  • Probably already requested by others: Grant the possibility to convert extra hero points into Notarized Scroll of Jade Heroics so that we can use them on alts.
  • Character creation: give the possibility to choose a voice. I know they are linked to race, but it could give us the opportunity to further customize our characters.

My requests/ideas regarding UI additions/changes:

  • Hero interface changes:
    • Add a new interface dedicated to legendaries.
      I feel like Legendaries are one of the major end-game activities in the game and it kind of surprised me how difficult it is to get started with those (which one is from which expansion, where to start, what are the effects?). I know you can find all you need on the wiki or on Youtube, and I am not asking for a full guide in the interface, but rather having at least a list, skin previews, even lore bits and links redirecting to the matching achievements... I think this would be really helpful for new players and even further engage them with legendaries.
    • Add a new interface listing and previewing emotes.
      The game has so many emotes, even ones you can unlock with achievements. This new interface could help players track the emotes they have unlocked, and also check out the commands to use the emotes. I think Mail carriers could be merged with Novelties to make room for emotes if necessary.
  • Add a search bar in wallet interface. When looking for a particular currency, I find the filter quite useless to be honest. 
  • Replace map bonus rewards with track rewards and create a dedicated interface to manage Open World activities.
    It took me months to understand the map bonus rewards feature and I really think it could use a revamp to be clearer and really useful.
    The new dedicated UI could list the map completion status of each map / the timing of world bosses or metas, as well as track rewards for each map, links to successes per map to make it easier to navigate in the achievements... a lot is possible!

Have a great day everybody 🙂

Edited by shiryun.4089
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It has been suggested many times and many years already, but I've become very desperate to suggest it again.

Can we please have an offline/invisible mode can go truly offline? As of right now, you can easily check if someone on your list is in-game or not, even if they've used an offline mode. 

(warning: long rant ahead)
Sometimes I feel like doing things alone and quietly myself after 2 hours of long instance content with friends, may be I just want an uninterrupted session to organize my account, or I could have just being semi-afk to do chores whilst camping on a map to wait for a particular event to spawn (for achievement/leggy quest, etc..); therefore I would tell a little white lie about being busy and appear offline, only to have someone who doesn't know boundary that would invite me to their party for a little chat (good in-game friends, we hang out a lot, but it seems to be overbearing now as I've started to use offline mode to focus on doing map completion), I was startled and livid!!!!!!!!! They did that because can see me which map I'm on while being offline, It's utterly annoying that the offline mode is completely pointless. Since the offline mode is useless, I'd just stay online and use my last drop of social credit to type out rejection anyway, although this could have been avoided if the offline mode is functioning as it should be.

I like to hang out with my friends, but I do want to have a me-time sometimes. Enough is enough, I'm begging you to fix the offline mode, please!!!!!!!!!
(end of rant)

Edited by Blueberry.8095
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On 5/17/2024 at 6:42 PM, Gazrul.3086 said:

I'd personally really like legendary infusions that would add +9 Agony Resistance and +5 Stat that you could customise. 

If legendary, those Infusions should have the option to choose between +9 AR and +1%Dmg, depending on whether it's a PvE or a WvW build.

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Here's my list:

Legendary Breathers - Let me get rid of the last ascended piece of equipment on my 14 toons.

Expandable Bank Storage and Inventory for stacks up to 2,500, same as Material Storage.

Hot-key inventory slot. Whatever you put in this slot shows up to the right of the change mounts/change novelties button at the bottom of the screen. For WvW seige, potions, etc.

Add guild hall nodes the same as nodes in the home instance. Level up the guild hall to add them.

A tome to put all of the portal tomes in one place/slot with different tabs for each season or type.

Food stays with your build. If I have a condi build on tab 1 and a dps build on tab 2, let whatever food & enhancement I take stay with that tab. Time countdown stops when I'm not on that tab.

Labels on bank tabs so we can keep track of what goes where.

Thank you.

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Having gone through the personal story again in 2024, the final story instance is even more lifeless, unchallenging, and anticlimactic than I originally gave it credit for. Please bring back the Arah dungeon story mode as an option for completing the personal story in a manner befitting its scope and purpose. Of course it's also an additional path option, as all other dungeons have, that players may want to play outside of the personal story. The autopilot story instance is basically just one long cutscene and like all story instances none of it produces rewards except upon completion. It is an unrewarding time sink for people who don't need to sit through it just to find out what happens to Zhaitan. We would like to close out the story on an alt but not by sitting through a long, unskippable, trivialized, and lootless glorified cinematic. Think of restoring the real finale as a parallel to the LWS1 restoration, or to the changes made for the NPE and ultracasual players that went too far and needlessly took away actual game content that was later re-added. You can give players the cutscene option for casual players to finish their personal story without removing the dungeon mode.

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Fishing party buff needs to be more persistent. Losing it simply for momentarily walking away from the skiff or being forced to change maps is penalizing for no reason. At a minimum the timer should be extended to a reasonable amount, like 1 minute, so that players can at least change bodies of water in the same map to access different fishing holes. Perhaps it could be made to decay gradually where you lose 1 stack every 5s that you are away from the skiff.

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Can we get a secondary Interact button for environment-related(chests, merchants, bank) things and another for player-related (spells, portals, reviving people)? Maybe even a third interact for stuff like Box-o-Fun/Aviator box. It's long overdue.

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I am not sure if it has been mentioned before, but: a better character selection option.

  • Being able to sort alphabetically
  • Being able to sort by class
  • Being able to sort by race
  • Being able to drag & drop your desired selection and it not changing to the one you last logged in at

It's quite annoying to try and see which character is where depending on who you last played. Sometimes in between it doesn't even properly update. It'd be really nice if they would allow players to make their own selection, as well as last log-in, class, race and alphabetical so that everyone has an easier time filtering through their characters.

If people have bank characters, they don't want them to be at the front of the bunch every time.



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PvP: I think we all agree on that it's finally time to give some love to PvP - add some new arenas, rewards, tournaments etc.

Guilds: Increase the maximum guild level and capacity, add some new passive skills, new gathering nodes and things like this. Make the guild missions actually worth doing. Make something like guild instance or dungeon that you can run with your guild every week for some cool rewards, AP's and so on.

Coalessence: After 5 years it's time to give an alternative way of obtaing it, being tied to raids it's not a good cup of tea. 

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Love the chair, it's really cool, and already had fun lining them up with other players to make a bigger council. One small suggestion: please let us use auto-cast on one of the emotes. One of my favorite things about the pigeon feeding bench or the noodle stand is you can just continuously do the action forever by turning on auto-cast. Being able to auto-cast the talk emote would make this chair just about perfect.

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