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Genuine question for the Warrior community on this forum.


Leave the profession or leave the game?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you rather leave the profession for another or would you leave the game entirely instead?

    • Leave the profession for another, please share which one you'd move to.
    • Leave the game.

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I've stopped playing for some months now, as other games actually allow for the fantasy and fun of Warrior classes.

Its so weird for a class that's been in MMOs for decades, and is one of the first things people point to, besides mages and rogues, as a figure of this genre, getting absolutely shafted in the development sense for this game.

Like, this class has three different costs when it comes to using their Profession Mechanic, for one skill. Where instead of its effect activating on simple activation of the Burst Skill, it has to connect and hit an enemy, including doing basic functionality like healing your allies. And most of the Warrior's traits are also tied to being activated, on hit. Plus, there's the cooldown too.

So, its a combination using the Profession's resource gauge, Adrenaline, as a cost to use a Burst Skill, then the effects of the skill, other than damage, requires on hit contact to activate, then the cooldown afterwards.

Meanwhile, other professions can just use their resource to activate their skills, with no "on-hit" requirements for the secondary effects. With warrior, its even worse when in a support role, because you have to be closer to their enemies, than you are with your allies, to heal your allies...

It's maddening design. 

Edited by Smoothpine.1895
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Defiant stance WAS the only way to stay engaged with a full melee class in all of the ground vomit.  Now you just die during the cast time, especially if slowed.  .5 cast time would have been plenty of a nerf or lower the duration 1 sec.  Of all the nerfs this one was by far the worst.

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On 10/11/2024 at 4:12 AM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

If warriors current state isnt improved and no improvements were to come in the near future, would you rather leave the profession for another or would you leave the game entirely instead?

Why would you leave the game when there are many other classes you could play as until your favored one gets reworked or updated? I understand the underlying passion for Warrior but threatening to leave the game may not do anything. In my personal experience Warrior isn't one of the better classes, but it's not one that I am personally passionate about - even if I was, I wouldn't leave the game for bad patches. Start constructive conversations about the issues and it just might get addressed.

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2 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Why would you leave the game when there are many other classes you could play as until your favored one gets reworked or updated? I understand the underlying passion for Warrior but threatening to leave the game may not do anything. In my personal experience Warrior isn't one of the better classes, but it's not one that I am personally passionate about - even if I was, I wouldn't leave the game for bad patches. Start constructive conversations about the issues and it just might get addressed.

There were people who did exactly that, switched over to other professions, then came back to Warrior and noticed how none of its skill and trait design or bugs haven't changed since the game's launch. Also, any fun additions during their time away from Warrior, like Arc Divider's 3 spin animation or spear as of recently, were either taken out of the game or nerfed heavily.

Warrior mains have tried, and I mean really, really tried to be civil in their critiques of the profession's state in the game, and they go unheard; Especially, over the change of Arc Divider. That would frustrate anyone wanting their profession to break out of its limited 2012 gameplay design, and wants it modernized like the other professions. Players shouldn't have to be forced into another profession, because one got the short end of the stick, and is beaten with it.     

At this point, what choice is there to make their voices heard other than voting with their wallet? I admit, that's what I'm doing right now. I haven't brought any expansions past Path of Fire, because of how lackluster the Bladesworn is, especially right now after 2 years of it being in the game. 

Edited by Smoothpine.1895
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2 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Why would you leave the game when there are many other classes you could play as until your favored one gets reworked or updated? I understand the underlying passion for Warrior but threatening to leave the game may not do anything. In my personal experience Warrior isn't one of the better classes, but it's not one that I am personally passionate about - even if I was, I wouldn't leave the game for bad patches.

This poll was simply me being curious, it wasn’t a threat to leave.

I just have a very peculiar feeling that I’m not alone in wanting to leave rather then build a new main from scratch.

2 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Start constructive conversations about the issues and it just might get addressed.

In my signature you’ll find a link to 5+ pages of change, QOL, buffs suggestions that cover major pain points of the profession. In that thread you’ll also find links to similar threads with 8+ pages of suggestions.

Warrior mains have been trying for a constructive conversation for the last 4-5 years, we have had a steady stream of radio silence.

Don’t get me wrong, Anet has done some things that have been great for warrior, like unrooting flurry, giving zerker back core burst, the defence trait line rework, etc…

But for every thing that goes well for Warrior, it seems like 3-4 things go wrong.

GS #5, Rush, took 11 years to get a fix for its infamous tracking issues. A lil’ late but very welcome.

It took one month for to essentially gut Warrior spear after its release. 25 bucks down the drain if you only wanted spear.

Its pretty clear to see the pattern of behaviour when it comes to Warrior profession “balance”.

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Make the voters publicly visible (next time, I guess?), so it's clear people who vote for "leaving the game" -or even the class- aren't just trying to be melodramatic as it often is on this forum 😉 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Make the voters publicly visible (next time, I guess?), so it's clear people who vote for "leaving the game" -or even the class- aren't just trying to be melodramatic as it often is on this forum 😉 

I voted for leaving the game. I would rather leave the game than play other profession. I despise playing something else when I don't want to and because there are some incompetent clowns in the balancing team. I would rather complain and be miserable than reroll to overpowered fotm and pretend that everything is fine. Ironically, there was overpowered fotm warrior build that got nerfed... which is fine, but unfortunately the nerfs were so mistargeted that many other builds that didn't deserve nerfs got caught in the crossfire.

Luckily, warrior is not dead yet, but that doesn't change the very questionable balancing approach towards this profession.

Edited by cryorion.9532
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16 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Make the voters publicly visible (next time, I guess?), so it's clear people who vote for "leaving the game" -or even the class- aren't just trying to be melodramatic as it often is on this forum 😉 

Anonymity allows people to actually speak their mind without fear of reprisal, you'll get a much more honest response... usually.

Also, how dare you call us melodramatic. We are full time dramatic on this part of the forum! 

14 hours ago, cryorion.9532 said:

Ironically, there was overpowered fotm warrior build that got nerfed... which is fine, but unfortunately the nerfs were so mistargeted that many other builds that didn't deserve nerfs got caught in the crossfire.

Every. Single. TIME.

18 hours ago, Smoothpine.1895 said:

At this point, what choice is there to make their voices heard other than voting with their wallet? I admit, that's what I'm doing right now. I haven't brought any expansions past Path of Fire, because of how lackluster the Bladesworn is, especially right now after 2 years of it being in the game. 

BSW has been on life support since mid 2023. Even before that most traits didn't interact correctly with BSW.

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I moved from being a guardian main many years ago to a warrior main because the gameplay is much more satisfying, and improves your mechanical ability as player imo. I voted for "Leave the Profession" even though I don't ever intend to leave it, I already play every other class on a whim. 

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I left my warrior for a ranger long ago. With rev I left my ranger for rev.

Revenant (herald or renegade) is most fun to me atm. Almost like warrior was at the beginning. (Ranger was always ok'ish)

Every now and then I go back to warrior but most of the time I'm just faced with its annoying flaws. Sours my mood.

I wish I'd like guard (but I cannot warm up to it, no matter what spec).

Rev > warrior > engi

If there's no fun for me from one of those above anymore then I'd quit. The other classes are a nice change for in between, but wouldn't keep me in the game.

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(I voted leave) I did leave. I don't play GW2 alone anymore. Only if someone asks, or I see an old guildmate hop on Voice Chat. Gunfire Games, makers of Remnant II, actually listen to customer feedback. They even have a Discord channel for suggestions of which got implemented into the game. I hear Warframe has incredible developers as well. If I ever feel like playing GW2 again I'll just go play Warframe. If developers don't value passionate customer feedback then I won't be there anymore. 

As for the "Start constructive conversations about the issues and it just might get addressed.". You can look back all 11+ years of feedback to see that the warrior forums is the same group of 10-15 people re-threading the same topics/issues over and over and over on whatever website they're on. Even Non-Anet forums are the same threads. Constructive conversations aren't our jobs either. We give feedback, even if it's difficult to decipher, and it's Anet's job to convert that feedback into game changes that make the players happy. This last patch had 36 (Like/Thanks)s and 197 (Laughs/Confused/Sad)s. Around 18% positive ratio as of writing this. That's not every patch that Anet drops, and I'm not claiming everything patch they do is bad. Anet just loves to spin their wheels on bloat, numbers, or things that no one asked for. Aside from warrior gripes, I would have bought the latest expansion if it: updated core systems (like non-ascended level 1-400 crafting), fixed decade old bugs, gave the core maps a face lift, gave an option to skip cutscenes, added guild missions, added dungeons, added a tutorial that progresses with new players, changed new characters to start with a pickable trait line already maxed, so you aren't stuck with the slowest combat GW2 has to offer, (Insert thing here that you've wanted Anet to improve/fix for as long as you've been playing), etc. 

Now, back to crushing people with the Guts Greatsword Gunfire Games added to Remnant II and kicking everything to death. Have a good one all o/ For the hardstuck warriors in here it's always nice to see y'all again 🙂 Lord have mercy on us.

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I voted to stay, but move to another class, but that's not exactly my answer.
I still play my warrior, as despite it not being as effective as other professions and requiring more work to get decent results out of, it still feels better than any other profession in the game.
Thanks to excellent animations and sound effects, Warrior's the only profession that actually feels like it connects.

I don't know if you saw my jokey-not-jokey post about it recently, but I honestly believe this is the overarching cause:


It's the age-old story:

People who only play squishies act shocked and surprised when they get squashed by professions designed to be squishy squashers.
Squishy squashers then get nerfed so hard that they have to become significantly better squishy squashers in order to squash squishies.
So when squishy squashers finally catch a break and get a new toy that in the hands of squishies would merely be "adequate", they once again start squashing squishies hard.
Thus the cycle of squishy squashers being aggressively nerfed due to the influence of whiny squishies continues.

I've been playing a lot of Mesmer, Elementalist and Necro recently, as well as a fair amount of Guardian, Ranger and Thief.
And those professions, while not equal to eachother by any means (Mesmer and Thief are in almost as bad a state as Warrior), they all spew out multiple boons & conditions with minimal effort, where Warrior has to put maximum effort into maintaining a full stack of might, let alone any other boon or condition.

Seriously, while I know that GW2 was an attempt to move away from "The Holy Trinity", initially, it still retained the idea that if a heavy profession got up in the grill of a light one, the light profession would get annihilated, and rightly so.
The contemporary game is so far away from that idea, it's ridiculous, yet Warrior still plays as though those are the rules everyone else is playing by.

My key advice to the devs is this:
If light professions are complaining that Warriors are OP in melee, that means that Warrior is properly balanced.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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Honestly, I think there's another core design issue that gets brushed aside and no-one takes seriously:

Guardian has no place in the game.

It sounds like a provocative statement, but in a very real sense, Guardian is GW2's version of Monk (it even shares its skill names with Monk), just with heavy armour and access to excellent melee weapons.
That's an abomination of an idea if you're trying to make a balanced, multiplayer game; casters should have weaknesses. You may argue that Guardian's low health pool is the trade-off, but in the contemporary game, that's pretty much become irrelevant.
But Paladin-style classes have always proven ridiculously difficult to balance, no matter what game you are playing, be it videogame or even tabletop.

But of course, the first game also didn't divide its professions into Light, Medium or Heavy.
If I were translating the GW1 professions to GW2, I would have kept Monk as a light profession, and made Necromancer the other heavy. In addition, rather than bringing in Revenant as the third heavy profession, I would have made it either Paragon or Dervish.
Guardian wouldn't exist.

Actually, in  all honesty, I probably wouldn't have divided the professions into Light/Medium/Heavy full stop, as that restricts systems flexibility. But I can understand from a programming and art budget perspective that imposing weights helped save cash.

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27 minutes ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Honestly, I think there's another core design issue that gets brushed aside and no-one takes seriously:

Guardian has no place in the game.

It sounds like a provocative statement, but in a very real sense, Guardian is GW2's version of Monk (it even shares its skill names with Monk), just with heavy armour and access to excellent melee weapons.
That's an abomination of an idea if you're trying to make a balanced, multiplayer game; casters should have weaknesses. You may argue that Guardian's low health pool is the trade-off, but in the contemporary game, that's pretty much become irrelevant.
But Paladin-style classes have always proven ridiculously difficult to balance, no matter what game you are playing, be it videogame or even tabletop.

But of course, the first game also didn't divide its professions into Light, Medium or Heavy.
If I were translating the GW1 professions to GW2, I would have kept Monk as a light profession, and made Necromancer the other heavy. In addition, rather than bringing in Revenant as the third heavy profession, I would have made it either Paragon or Dervish.
Guardian wouldn't exist.

Actually, in  all honesty, I probably wouldn't have divided the professions into Light/Medium/Heavy full stop, as that restricts systems flexibility. But I can understand from a programming and art budget perspective that imposing weights helped save cash.

Necro in GW1 had some good armor. If you were going to make it a non light armor profession then upgrading it to Medium would make more sense than Heavy.

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